Barbie has many powerful messages, but let’s not forget about one that’s almost as important as America Ferrera’s big speech: It’s important to remember that Ryan Gosling is one handsome goofball. In a lot of movies he’s cast as deathly serious, and he’s very good when he’s deathly serious. But he lets loose on-screen so infrequently — The Nice Guys, his previous comedy, was released in 2016 — that the general public can forget that he’s one of the funniest people on the planet. If people still need a reminder, he’ll be hosting SNL again soon.
Kristen Wiig
RayeAPRIL 13
Ryan Gosling
Chris Stapleton pic.twitter.com/Q6tuf39UFE— Saturday Night Live – SNL (@nbcsnl) March 13, 2024
Though the sketch comedy show already has Ramy Youssef and Travis Scott lined up for March 30, they decided to announce the hosts/musical guests for the following two weeks. On April 6 they’re bringing back one of their finest alums, Kristen Wiig, who will appear alongside Raye. Gosling is scheduled for April 13, sharing the night with Chris Stapleton.
Gosling has hosted SNL twice, in 2015 and 2017. It was actually his fine work — including failing to hold it in during one of Kate McKinnon’s alien abductee sketches — that inspired Greta Gerwig to cast him as Barbie’s endearingly dim Ken.
As for Wiig, since leaving the show in 2012, she’s returned as host four times, including one of those “At Home” episodes in 2020, during which she let her freak flag fly by doing a sketch in which she played Brenda Fricker’s pigeon lady from Home Alone 2.
To recap: Wiig’s episode with Raye will happen on April 6 while Gosling’s episode with Chris Stapleton will occur on April 13.
(Via The Hollywood Reporter)