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Shaq Celebrated Bol Bol’s Big Half By Eating Cereal With Hot Tea Instead Of Milk

shaq cereal

The Boston Celtics played host to the Phoenix Suns on Thursday night in the first game of TNT’s doubleheader, and the first half was an absolute delight (once they got the lights turned on for good) as the two teams showed off some incredible shot-making, with Boston taking a 65-60 lead into halftime.

The stars for both teams factored heavily into the mix in the first half, but the Suns got a somewhat surprising lift off the bench from Bol Bol, who was a perfect 4-for-4 from the field with a pair of threes as he chipped in 10 points off the bench to help Phoenix’s cause.

Bol’s biggest fan is Shaquille O’Neal, as the Hall of Famer drew the ire of his colleagues earlier this year when he compared Bol to Victor Wembanyama. Bol’s impressive first half meant Shaq wanted to take a victory lap on TNT’s halftime show, so he scrounged up what he could from the office and brought it on set to celebrate Bol’s performance to the dismay of the rest of the desk.

Shaq poured a box of Apple Jacks and a box of Corn Pops into a bowl and then poured hot tea out of his tumbler over it because he couldn’t find any milk, before happily scarfing it down yelling “BOL BOL BABY!”

In classic TNT fashion, Kenny and Ernie both poke holes in Shaq’s prop usage by noting he really should’ve just brought two bowls out, before being grossed out by him housing cereal with hot tea — with Shaq insisting it wasn’t that bad. I appreciate Shaq’s commitment to the bit, but I’m not sure Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, and hot tea is a combination anyone should be consuming all at once.