Sometimes we’re not in the mood to be touched, and the same goes for our pets. While cats are notorious for snubbing humans who dare to touch them without explicit affirmative consent for exactly 3.5 pets, dogs are different. Dogs like to get head scratches, butt pats and for some reason slapped on the ribs somewhat aggressively. I don’t know why dog owners do the last one but I’ve seen it enough to think it’s a thing that dogs enjoy.
The point is dogs generally want you to pet them as often as humanly possible and until it feels like your arms are going to fall off. They try to climb up on your lap because being as close to your cornea as their snouts will allow is comforting to them. But apparently, dogs also get into moods where they don’t want to be touched by their humans.
Weird, right? A chocolate lab on TikTok is simply not in the mood for pets and his reaction to his owner attempting to pet him has commenters in stitches.
The dog, Colby, looks as if he’s trying to relax when you see his mom’s hand reach out to pet him. He doesn’t break eye contact with his human, Morgyn Seigfried, as he gently pushes her hand away with his back foot. She tries several times, and each time Colby has the same response.
“Let’s not make this more embarrassing than it has to be,” one commenter wrote.
“He said pet me…WITH YOUR EYES,” another person said.
While some were imagining what the dog was saying internally, others just found it hilarious, especially because he uses his hind leg to reject the affection.
“Such a boss move to use the back leg and not the front paw,” someone wrote, complete with a crying laughing emoji.
“The fact that he used his rear leg makes the exchange even better,” another commenter said.
Colby is clearly over Seigfried’s need to touch him, as you can see for yourself below:
@morgynseigfried looking me dead in the eye too 🥲 #dogsoftiktok #dogs #dogvideos #labsoftiktok #chocolatelab #labrador #dogsoftiktokviral #doglover #doglovers
This article originally appeared on 5.5.23