Dogs are naturally driven by a sense of purpose and a need for belonging, which are all part of their instinctual pack behavior. When a dog has a job to do, it taps into its needs for structure, purpose, and the feeling of contributing to its pack, which in a domestic setting translates to its human family.
But let’s be honest: In a traditional domestic setting, dogs have fewer chores they can do as they would on a farm or as part of a rescue unit. A doggy mom in Vancouver Island, Canada had fun with her dog’s purposeful uselessness by sharing the 5 “chores” her pitbull-Lab mix does around the house.
The mom says Rhubarb has chores because “we didn’t raise a freeloader.”
No freeloaders on my watch 🙅🏻♀️
@rhubarbthedoggo No freeloaders on my watch 🙅🏻♀️ #pittiesoftiktok #dogtiktokers #dogsoftiktok #pitbulllove #pibblelove #pibbles #pibblemixesoftiktok #pitbullmix #dogfluencers #doggotiktoker #dogmomsoftiktok #dogmomlife #dogmoms #dogtiktokviral #dogmomma #prettypitty #prettypittie #prettypitties #dogrelatable #relatabledogmom #relatabledog
Here are 5 “chores” that Rhubarb has mastered.
1. Makes sure the laundry doesn’t get cold
Translation: Sits on top of the clean laundry, ready to be folded.
2. Unlicensed therapist
Translation: Gives us kisses when we’re tired or feeling down.
3. Supervise repairs
Translation: She gets in the way when you’re in a compromised, uncomfortable position with a wrench in your hand.
4. Alerts us when there’s an intruder
Translation: Stands at the window and barks furiously at the mailman.
5. Keeps mum’s spot warm
Translation: Lays in her spot on her favorite chair in the living room.
The video inspired some funny responses in the comments.
“He’s carrying that household on his back. Give him a raise,” Tatiana, Esq. wrote. “Obviously the most valuable member of the household,” DJTrainor51 added.