Is it possible that the greatest frozen food in all of existence is the Eggo Waffle? It’s convenient, delicious, more indulgent than a piece of toast, comes in various flavors, and is simultaneously crispy and chewy. I’m going to assume you’ve had an Eggo before but unless you’re a hardcore fan you probably stick to a single flavor — the flavor you grew up eating. If you lived in an Eggo Blueberry household, you probably only buy Blueberry in your adult life. And that’s fine, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it right?
But you have to have at least wondered: what do those other flavors taste like? We’re right there with you. So to demystify the entire Eggo line we’re ranking all the most popular Eggo products from least to most delicious. Hopefully, you’ll leave this article with some new waffle flavors to try next time you head to the freezer aisle.
For this review, I toasted each flavor of waffle and tasted a few bites. Obviously, adding butter (and syrup) is going to result in a better waffle, but I felt like the butter might obscure the flavor a bit, so I ate each waffle completely dry.
For the pancakes, I prepared them via a microwave or oven (per box instructions) and, well I’m just going to come out and say it — I don’t love them. Microwaving bread always results in a weird gummy texture, and turning on an oven for a pancake seems like overkill. If you’re going to go through all that trouble, why not just warm up a pan and make some pancakes from scratch or a box?
My advice — toast the pancakes. But if you for some reason need to make a lot of pancakes in a short amount of time, the oven is a viable option and while I don’t find the texture of those pre-made frozen pancakes to be as delicious as fresh pancakes, they get the job done. Sorta.
The Ranking:
17. Pancake/ Pancake Minis — Chocolate Chip

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
I’m going to go ahead and lump the full-size and mini versions of this particular Eggo product together because they taste identical. Here is what I like about these: you don’t need butter. Simply warm them up, and eat, the minis are small enough that you don’t even need a fork or knife.
Eggo goes heavy on the chocolate here, which dominates the entire pancake. It’s a bit like a super soft chocolate chip cookie.
So why are they ranking at the very bottom? Well, making pre-made pancakes work is an uphill battle. And unlike a toaster waffle, reheating these doesn’t give the food an interesting textural component. Unfortunately, that holds this product back, leaving it well behind the rest of the line of Eggo products.
The Bottom Line:
These get the job done, but they’re my least favorite Eggo products.
16. Buttermilk Pancakes

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
I think the texture of the full-sized pancakes is a bit better than the minis. There is more bread here to chew, making this pancake a lot more enjoyable. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have chocolate chips in it — so you’re going to need butter and syrup here.
The Bottom Line:
Chewy and surprisingly close to a freshly made pancake.
15. Grab & Go Vanilla Bean

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
The whole draw of the Grab & Go Eggo products is that you can simply, well, grab these individually wrapped waffles and, you know, go. No toasting required, simply thaw it out, unwrap it, and eat it. Yay?
I’m not sure anyone needs this product, I suppose it’s the most convenient way to eat a waffle but, how long is your toaster taking that you can’t toast a waffle? Throw that thing in the toaster, go put on some socks and shoes, grab the waffle from the toaster, and head out the door. It’s simple.
Anyway, concept aside, I don’t love the Grab & Go line flavorwise either. This waffle was a bit too chewy and I found the Vanilla Bean flavor to be just a bit too sweet. I suppose it had to be that way though, considering Eggo assumes you don’t have time to add luxuries like butter or syrup.
The Bottom Line:
Completely skippable. If you don’t have the time in your life to toast a waffle, the convenience of this might appeal to you, but eating this just made me wish I was eating… almost any other Eggo waffle product.
14. Pancake — Blueberry

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
Considering how consistently low I ranked the pancake products, this one surprised me. Maybe I’ve been beaten into submission here, but I enjoy this pancake. It’s sweet, rich, chewy, and doesn’t need butter or syrup to be enjoyable.
I still think the waffles are better, but this might be worth a pick-up if you love blueberry pancakes but don’t want to go through the trouble of making them.
The Bottom Line:
The best Eggo pancake flavor.
13. French Toast Sticks — Original

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
A little bland. These French Toast Sticks desperately need some sort of dip to make a truly delicious snack. I like the crispy texture, but without butter, syrup, or some sort of frosting, these just taste too neutral.
The Bottom Line:
Desperately needs a sweet component. I have a lot more to say about the Cinnamon flavor French Toast Sticks coming up soon.
12. Grab & Go — Buttery Maple

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
It’s a step up from the Vanilla Bean because it tastes a bit like it was brushed with syrup, which is a natural pairing companion with the waffle.
The Bottom Line:
Good in a pinch, but I’d still rather have a freshly toasted waffle.
11. French Toast Sticks — Cinnamon

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
As a big French toast fan, I fully expected to hate these. How was Eggo going to capture the culinary excellence of a chewy, cinnamon-heavy, buttery, and sweet slice of French toast? Well, they didn’t.
Eggo’s French Toast Sticks don’t replicate the experience of eating French toast at all, instead what you get here is a crispy cinnamon-infused treat that tastes like a cross between a toaster waffle and a cinnamon roll. For what it is, I really like it.
The Bottom Line:
The key to enjoying these is… don’t compare them to French toast. If you can manage that, what you’ll find here is an addicting treat that doesn’t need butter, syrup, or anything else to make it enjoyable.
10. Thick & Fluffy Original (With Madagascar Vanilla)

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
This is great, it takes Eggo’s familiar texture and buttery flavor, beefs it up, and adds a subtle kiss of vanilla on the backend. What makes this waffle really work is how it balances the typical crunchy texture of a well-toasted Eggo with a bit more chew.
The Bottom Line:
Vastly superior to the original waffle texture-wise, but it leans a bit sweeter than the OG and I think that holds it back from being better.
9. Chocolatey Chip Banana

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
I was fully expecting little pieces of banana in the waffle but that’s not what you get here. As far as I can tell, it’s some sort of powdered banana flavoring and it permeates the entire waffle. Every bite has a banana aftertaste. I love the combination of banana and chocolate but found this waffle to be a bit too overwhelming.
The Bottom Line:
If you want a banana with your waffle, I strongly suggest cutting up a fresh one. This one is a bit too banana-forward for me.
8. Chocolatey Chip

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
Surprisingly heavy on the chocolate, each bite provides a good ratio of waffle-to-chocolate. It’s very sweet, and because of that, I think this waffle is a little less versatile than the other flavored Eggos. Rather than being a simple snack, it wants to be a dessert because it tastes amazing with a scoop of ice cream or some cinnamon sugar sprinkled all over it.
The Bottom Line:
If you have a sweet tooth, this waffle will satisfy, but if you’re looking for a simple breakfast, this might lean a bit too sweet and dessert-like.
7. Thick & Fluffy — Cinnamon and Brown Sugar

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
It’s a slight step up from the Madagascar Vanilla flavor because you can actually taste the added flavor here. The flavor leans much heavier on the brown sugar than the cinnamon, but there is a slight spice to it that your tastebuds will perceive on the aftertaste.
The Bottom Line:
Thick, fluffy, sweet, with a hint of cinnamon. What more could you ask for?
6. Homestyle

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
The fact that Homestyle, an essentially flavorless flavor, has ranked this high should put into perspective just how good the base Eggo experience is. Homestyle is all about texture, it’s crunchy and slightly chewy with a slight butteriness.
I don’t suggest eating Homestyle sans butter, you should definitely butter this thing up, heavily, but the fact that it’s not completely unpalatable with nothing on it speaks to how enjoyable a warm and toasty Eggo really is.
The Bottom Line:
It’s a classic, and while it’s not my favorite, I’d never turn down a freshly toasted Homestyle Eggo.
5. Buttermilk Waffles

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
In the opening to this piece, I mentioned that your go-to Eggo flavor is likely what you grew up with, and for me, that’s Buttermilk. This is the flavor that comes to mind when you say the word “Eggo,” it’s the default for me, and I love it.
How is it different than the Homestyle version? I honestly couldn’t tell you. I’ve had these waffles side by side and they taste… about the same. I’d like to tell you the Buttermilk was chewier or has a more delicate flavor, but I got to be real with you, I’m not tasting any difference here.
I’m ranking Buttermilk above Homestyle because that’s the one I grew up with. That’s all.
The Bottom Line:
You’re either a Buttermilk or Homestyle person. Consider me Buttermilk.
4. Strawberry

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
I was a bit worried the tart flavor of strawberry was going to clash with the subtle buttery flavor of the waffle, but that wasn’t the case here. This flavor is surprisingly refreshing in a way I never thought a toaster waffle could be.
There definitely is some tart here, but it’s incredibly nuanced and doesn’t overwhelm the base flavor in an off-putting way.
The Bottom Line:
Bright and surprisingly refreshing.
3. Blueberry

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
A nice balance between savory buttery notes and blueberry sweetness. I’m not sure how Eggo has managed to find blueberries this small but it keeps the berry sweetness from ever being too overwhelming.
While you’re chewing through this waffle you’ll mostly get the neutral mildly buttery flavor of the waffle with the occasional burst of rich blueberry goodness.
The Bottom Line:
If you fear that the blueberry will be too overwhelming, it’s not, it’s surprisingly balanced and much more palatable/less intense than a blueberry pancake. If the strawberry was bright and refreshing, I’d call this blueberry is dark and rich.
2. Eggo Minis — Berry Blast

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
I didn’t expect one of the gimmicky lines of product to rank this highly, but I love this! It’s the only Eggo product that mixes blueberry and strawberry into one super waffle. It’s sweeter than both the stock Strawberry and Blueberry flavors, I think that’s because there is a higher amount of berries loaded in here. At least that’s how it seemed to me, as every bite I got a wonderful mix of rich and tart berry flavors.
The Bottom Line:
Can’t decide between Strawberry and Blueberry? This waffle is for you! I desperately want Eggo to make a Thick & Fluffy version of this flavor combination. If the waffle was just a bit thicker, this would take the top spot.
1. Thick & Fluffy — Blueberry

Thoughts & Tasting Notes:
Here it is, the greatest Eggo Waffle flavor and product. Everything I said about the OG Blueberry waffle applies here: the waffle has a buttery savoriness with the occasional burst of dark berry sweetness, only here the texture is improved. It has a lot more chew than the OG form factor, but still provides crunch from a toasted outer.
That chewy and crunchy ratio is very similar to a fresh Belgian waffle. My favorite way to eat this one is by ditching the butter and syrup and instead dropping a scoop of French vanilla ice cream on top. It’s a quick way to take a simple snack and elevate it to a satisfying and decadent dessert.
The Bottom Line:
The greatest waffle in the entire Eggo line. You need a box of these in your freezer at all times.