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The Ladies Of Boygenius Were Each Featured As ‘Jeopardy’ Categories, Including ‘The Tallest One’

boygenius 2024
Getty Image

Supergroup Boygenius has had an incredible past 12 months. From releasing their full-length debut album, performing at Coachella and SXSW, and pulling in several Grammy nominations, Boygenius has proven to be inescapable. Now, Boygenius — which is comprised of artists Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker, and Lucy Dacus — can add another feat to their collective resume.

Today (March 7), Boygenius and its members’ names were categories on the iconic game show, Jeopardy. The latter four of six categories were labeled “Boy Genius,” “Bridgers,” “Baker,” and “The Tallest One.” Though there was no direct allusion to Dacus’ name, Dacus is the tallest of the group.

Dacus herself was actually an answer for the “Tallest One” category in a prompt presented to actor Ike Barinholtz.

Boygenius is currently on hiatus, but at the end of last year, the ladies spoke with Variety about their dynamic and how their musical chemistry has proven rewarding throughout the group’s journey.

“This collaboration is as important to each of us, if not more important, than our solo work,” she says. “And I bet a lot of supergroups are, even internally, thinking of it as a side project or a momentary thing.”

You can see clips from the Jeopardy episode above.

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Luka Doncic Celebrated Drawing A Foul By Throwing His Arms In The Air And Saying ‘I Got A Call!’

luka doncic

Luka Doncic doesn’t exactly have the most friendly relationship with the referees. While basically every NBA player goes back-and-forth with the refs whenever they step onto the floor, few guys complain as frequently as Doncic, who seemingly thinks that he draws a foul every time he’s on offense. Jason Kidd has complained about this to the media on multiple occasions, and even Doncic has admitted he has to stop doing that.

Having said that, old habits die hard, and a guy as competitive as Doncic is always going to think that he should get every call. And during Thursday night’s game between the Dallas Mavericks and the Miami Heat, Doncic actually got one, which led to one of the funniest moments of the season so far. He drew a foul while going up for a shot after backing down Terry Rozier, and to celebrate, he threw his arms to the heavens and very sarcastically said “I got a call! Yeaaaaaaaaaah!”

The sheer nihilism in his voice as he says “yeah” is nothing short of hilarious — you can tell that this is a man who has been desperate to get this exact call for a while but hasn’t. As such, all of us here at Dime would like to say congratulations to Luka Doncic.

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Ariana Grande Cleverly Lists Off Tracks From her New Album In A Cheeky ‘SNL’ Promo

Ariana Grande is celebrating her seventh studio album, Eternal Sunshine. The album drops tomorrow (March 8), and the “Yes, And?” hitmaker will be celebrating her new project all weekend long. This Saturday, Grande will appear on Saturday Night Live as this week’s musical guest. Ahead of her appearance, NBC has shared a promo for the episode featuring herself, SNL cast member Chloe Fineman, and this week’s host, Dune: Part II actor Josh Brolin.

In the promo, Grande finds a clever way to list off track names from her new album.

“This is going to be such a fun show,” says Fineman.

Brolin adds, “I know, music, sketches, ‘Weekend Update,’ some videos.”

“Yes, and?” asks Grande.

“Cold open and monologue?” replies Brolin.

“Yes, oh, and we can’t be friends,” says Grande.

Confused, Brolin asks, “What? Why not?”

Grande explains, “Imperfect for you.”

Having caught almost immediately, Fineman explains to Brolin, “Ariana is just listing track titles from her new album.”

After learning this, Brolin tells Grande that this is “Kind of a genius marketing strategy.”

To which, Grande simply replies, “Bye.”

You can see this week’s SNL promo above.

SNL airs Saturday nights on NBC at 11:30 p.m. EST, and are available to stream on Peacock.

Eternal Sunshine is out 3/8 via Republic. Find more information here.

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In a thermostat war? The ideal room temperature for work is warmer than you might think.

For a species that evolved in a wide range of climates and conditions and had little ability to choose the temperature around us until recently, humans are awfully persnickety about our thermostat settings. Some of us are so sensitive to temperature fluctuations we can tell if someone has raised or lowered it by a degree or two—a reality that set the stage for many a workplace thermostat war.

If you think 68 degrees is the optimal room temperature in the office and start sweating at your desk when it hits 72, you’re not alone. And if 68 degrees has you putting on your parka and begging the office manager for a nice, balmy 77, you’re also not alone.

Obviously, there’s a huge range of preferences, but is there an optimal room temperature for work productivity? And if so, what is it?

According to a study at University of Southern California, the answer to that question depends on whether you’re a man or a woman.

“It’s been documented that women like warmer indoor temperatures than men, but the idea until now has been that it’s a matter of personal preference,” study author and associate professor of finance and business economics Tommy Chang said. “What we found is it’s not just whether you feel comfortable or not, but that your performance on things that matter — in math and verbal dimensions, and how hard you try — is affected by temperature.”

In the study, women performed best when temperatures were between 70 and 80 degrees, while men’s productivity increased as the temperature went down. However, men were not as negatively impacted by warmer temperatures as women were at cooler temperatures, which led Chang to pinpoint a number that seems ideal.

“I’m cringing a little bit to say this,” Chang told the Los Angeles Times. “75 degrees to me is boiling. That’s hot. I’m very warm at 75. But in a gender-balanced office environment, our results suggest that something like 75 degrees might be the optimal temperature to have for optimal productivity.”

Of course, there are men who run cold and women who run hot, but a clear difference in gender preference and performance overall was observed in the 543 people involved in the study, which tested productivity at temperatures ranging from about 61 degrees Fahrenheit to about 91 degrees Fahrenheit. This was especially apparent on verbal and math tasks.

“One of the most surprising things we learned is this isn’t about the extremes of temperature,” Chang said. “It’s not like we’re getting to freezing or boiling hot. Even if you go from 60 to 75 degrees, which is a relatively normal temperature range, you still see a meaningful variation in performance.”

For many of us, 60 and 75 do feel like extreme temperatures, but that’s neither here nor there. If all else fails, take a poll to see what people’s temperature preferences are and find the median to come the closest to making everyone happy. But considering the entirety of a workplace, assuming an even number of men and women, the thermostat should be set somewhere around 75 if you want people to have the greatest productivity overall.

But maybe provide a desk fan for the under-70-degrees folks, because 75 will likely feel like the surface of the sun for them.

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How one goat herder started humanity’s centuries-long coffee craze

Had a cup of coffee today? If yes, you are part of the world’s 4.83 billion coffee drinkers. That’s approximately 60% of our entire adult population.

Coffee is virtually everywhere, in various different forms. A dark roast americano at the press of a button at home. Fancy lattes at the nearest coffee shop, of which there are two more across the street. The cheap, diluted stuff from the gas station. The possibilities are endless.

Coffee is so commonplace now that it’s almost hard to fathom a time before it…a time when people had to either take a nap or surrender to being tired all day (those were the real dark times).

But just like every modern day convenience, coffee has an origin story. And a pretty interesting one at that.

As a video from Ted-Ed explains, coffee is said to have been discovered by a goat herder.

So sayeth the Ethiopian legend: A goat herder named Kaldi noticed that when members of his flock began to eat the berries off of a certain tree, they’d get bursts of energy. When Kaldi decided to try the berries himself, he too got a jolt.

Considering Ethiopia is where most agree that coffee originated, why not go with their legend? Coffee was being foraged here by the 1400s, but instead of roasting the beans, the leaves would be brewed just like tea. Or the berries would be combined with butter and salt for a quick energy snack. (I’ll stick to my chocolate covered espresso beans, thank you very much.)

Eventually the berries would be made into an “energizing elixir” and traded along the route to the Middle East. By the 1450s, coffee was already popular in Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Yemen and Persia.

By this time, coffee was also used for ritual worship in Yemen, which brought about the new brewing methods of roasting and grinding the beans. Dark roast lovers…you can thank the Ottoman Empire.

There was even a period in the 1500s when authorities tried to ban coffee, for fear that it was too much of an intoxicating drug (which, scientifically speaking, isn’t too inaccurate). But eventually that concern was ruled out, and coffee houses began popping up all over the map, spreading to Istanbul, Damascus, and beyond.

Not only more coffee shops, but coffee bean farms. And this is where we got certain names for coffee drinks, like Mocha and Java.

By the 1650s, at the dawn of the Enlightenment Period, coffee shops were opened in Europe. This had an especially powerful effect on London culture, as tavern-going was replaced by attending coffee houses, dubbed “penny universities.” For just one penny (the price of a cup of coffee), customers could not only get a burst of energy, but exposure to new ideas from academics, artists, and intellectuals.

Of course, new ways of thinking didn’t really sit well with King Charles II at the time. Fearing that it might become a threat to his throne, he attempted to “close coffee-houses altogether,” an order which he went back on two days before it would go into effect, as Brian Cowan writes in “The Social Life of Coffee: The Emergence of the British Coffeehouse.”

By 1906, when the world’s first commercial espresso machine and industrial roasting machine were introduced, we began getting our first coffee brands, which would slowly make their way into many homes around the globe. Only a few short years later, coffee breaks were introduced to a majority of workplaces. And here we are today, in a land where PSLs (pumpkin spice lattes, for the uninitiated) are an expected annual delight and you can take your cup of joe with a zillion different kinds of alternative milks. What a time to be alive.

Luckily, the ways of creating and consuming coffee continue to evolve in ways that are more ethical and sustainable. It’s no secret that, historically, slave labor was used to harvest the product, and Indigenous peoples have been displaced to secure more growing land. Today, there are certification efforts being made to right those wrongs, including livable wages and incorporating different farming techniques like agroforestry. There’s certainly more progress to be made here, but progress is being made nonetheless.

There you have it, folks. Next time you’re enjoying a nice cuppa joe, savor all the history that goes into every single sip.

Watch the full video below:

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Meals on Wheels launches new initiative in effort to keep seniors and pets together

Pets make amazing companions. They not only keep you company but it’s been proven that they are great emotional support. Many senior citizens take comfort in having a furry friend around when they’re living alone or caregiving for an ailing partner.

But having a pet can become a financial burden that not all elderly people can afford. Instead of doing the unimaginable, giving up their pet, some elderly people will go without eating to make sure their pets have food. Many senior citizens are on a fixed income, causing them to make difficult financial decisions including forgoing important medications and feeding their pets.

Programs like Meals on Wheels make sure that elderly individuals are eating at least one hot meal a day, and it’s free of charge. Meals on Wheels is a national program that reduces elderly hunger while also helping to provide elderly people living alone with human contact.

Recently, Meals on Wheels in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, started including an addition to their program–pet food. Elder Services of Berkshire County, which has been providing meals for seniors, teamed up with Berkshire Humane Society and Berkshire Family & Individual Resources (BFAIR) to start a pet assistance program for meal recipients according to

The Berkshire County Meals on Wheels program will deliver pet food once a month to elderly program members who cannot get to the store. Since many of the people that receive meals from the food program are on a fixed income, it’s also a probability that some of the members cannot afford pet food even if they could get to the store.

Elder Services Community Services Director Kayla Brown-Wood tells iBerkshire, “I think most people would feed their pets before they feed themselves. So, this helps minimize that from happening. It’s just a really great collaboration and the idea is to be able to help those people that might not have the means to come here and visit the emergency pet food bank at Berkshire Humane Society. So, it’s just another way to help bridge that gap and that need in the community.”

meals on wheels; pet food delivery; meals on wheels and pets; elderly care and pets; pet and elderly care

The national Meals on Wheels organization also helps elderly people keep their pets in the home by partnering with PetSmart Charities. The partnership has “helped more than 25,000 Meals on Wheels clients remain at home and together with their beloved companions,” according to the Meals on Wheels website.

They don’t stop with helping to provide meals for humans and their pets. Meals on Wheels helps support local programs that provide pet food, grooming services as well as veterinary services to the animals of elderly people who may not be able to afford it otherwise.

Meals on Wheels says, “97% of clients receiving pet assistance say that Meals on Wheels has made it possible for them to keep their loving companion, according to our research with partner PetSmart Charities.”

The partnership between Meals on Wheels and PetSmart Charities ensures that the pets of seniors have the things they need, like cat litter, nail trims, free boarding and even transportation to the veterinarian. Pets become part of your family, and with seniors that are homebound, their Meals on Wheels delivery person and their pet may be the only interaction they receive. It’s amazing to see that this essential program is not forgetting about the animal companions living with the seniors they serve.

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Yaya Bey Is The Reigning Monarch Of The Dancefloor In Her New ‘Sir Princess Bad B*tch’ Video

Yaya Bey defies everything — from gender norms, to genre, to expectations. Today (March 7), the genderqueer artist dropped her new single, “Sir Princess Bad B*tch,” which is a principled celebration of who she is.

The song opens with her preceding what sounds like a performance in a ballroom. She seems to be certain that the mayor is going to show up to the ball, but make no mistake — she doesn’t give a single f*ck. Over a groovy house-inspired beat, Bey reiterates that she wouldn’t trade the love she has for herself for anything else.

“No other thing but the thing I am / No other thing but the thing I can / Do from the heart ‘cause I know I am / That f*ckin’ girl just ‘cause I am,” she raps on the chorus.

The accompanying music video features Bey taking charge of the dancefloor in lavish fashions, leading a group of other norm-defying individuals into a dance revolution.

The song and video arrive just shortly before Bey is set to perform three SXSW shows next week in Austin, TX.

In the meantime, you can see the video for “Sir Princess Bad B*tch” above.

Ten Fold is out 5/10 via Big Dada. Find more information here.

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Cheeky cow interrupts a couple’s serene wedding by dramatically mooing at the perfect time

There’s always that one wedding guest, isn’t there?

For Amy and Harry, their problematic wedding guest wasn’t even technically invited…or human.

As seen in a hilarious now-viral video posted to Instagram by Something Borrowed Films, Amy and Harry’s wedding photographer, the bride and groom stand before the officiant, surrounded by loved ones and the picturesque green fields of their outdoor ceremony venue.

All seems straight out of a fairytale as the officiant begins to ask if anyone has any objections to the partnership. When out of nowhere, a loud “MOOOOOOOOOOO” rings through the air.

Laughter ensues as the officiant tries again if there are any objections, which begets another moo from the “local” cow visible in the video’s background. Understandably, nobody could really keep it together at that point.

“This cow definitely has a sense of comedic timing 😂,” Borrowed Films wrote in the caption of the post.

The clip has racked up over 12 million views and 830,000 likes so far, and gotten some jokes in the comments that were just as funny as the incident itself.

“That has to be an ancestor trying to send a message,”

“You need to hear me out, they said ‘speak cow.’”

“The cow literally spoke at the point the officiant was asking ‘does any person here object?’ When they were done laughing the cow spoke a second time as the officiant asked who may object. That was a sign and they ignored it.”

“A few years later during a fight- “I knew I shouldn’t have married you!!!! I should have listened to that cow!!!” 😂😂😂😂”

“Cow didn’t care about them getting married… they lied to her and said it was a vegan wedding but she saw beef on the menu 😂😂”

Watch below:

All bovine antics aside, Borrowed Films assured everyone that it did not ruin Amy and Harry’s big day. In a follow-up video, we can see how the happy couple’s ceremony was “amazing from start to finish.”

But still, we have the local cow to thank for truly giving them an unforgettable moo-ment.

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Blogger makes 3 tiny changes for Lent and his life got 20% better

A Japanese concept known as kaizen is based on making small, continuous improvements daily that eventually result in tremendous growth. The basic idea is that tiny changes can amount to big ones over time.

It’s an interesting concept to put into practice because it’s a lot less overwhelming to make small changes each day than trying to move mountains overnight. Plus, it’s probably easier to stay disciplined.

Blogger David Cain, creator of Raptitude, made three small changes in his life and says they’ve improved his overall sense of well-being by 20%. He admits that it only took about 2% more effort to get results that were 10 times greater.

He started his tiny change routine during Lent, the Christian period of fasting and reflection before Easter. During Lent, Christians are asked to give up something as a form of self-discipline and spiritual reflection, echoing Jesus’ 40-day fast in the desert.

“On a whim, I decided to commit to three small changes for the remainder of Lent, not because I’m religious, but because I like the idea of temporarily renouncing things,” Cain joked.

The three tiny changes he implemented for Lent were deleting Twitter and Reddit from his phone, drinking more water and getting to bed 15 to 20 minutes earlier.

“I kept the changes small because small is easy, and might still be worthwhile. First, I renounced the scrolling of Twitter and Reddit, because I kind of got into that again over the winter. I just took five minutes to block them on my phone, and I don’t miss them,” Cain wrote.

“I also started drinking more water again,” he continued. “I’m not sure when I got away from actively drinking water, but now that I’m doing it again, I feel more energetic. Lastly, I stopped pushing my bedtime past my old bedtime by 15 or 20 minutes.”

Cain’s experiment wasn’t about becoming a new person or reaching perfection; he just wanted to make a few small changes. He assumed the changes wouldn’t have a huge impact because they were so easy. Boy, was he wrong.

“How I’ve felt since reminds me of how I felt when I was a bit younger,” he wrote. “I’m sharper, more patient, more inclined to do things. The body moves more easily, the mind finds words more easily, intentions form more easily. It’s not quite an amazing change, but it really is significant.”

Cain’s story should inspire all of us who would like to improve our lives but don’t know where to start. If you don’t have a problem with hydration, scrolling through Twitter, or getting to bed on time, he has a list of over 25 more small changes you can make as well.

As the great Taoist sage Lao Tzu famously said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

“It’s not much of a gamble—to test whether life would get immediately better after quitting some small thing you know is bad for you, or committing to some small thing you know is good for you,” he wrote. “Give it even a week of really doing it, and see.”

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Who Is Clay’s Dad From ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 6? What We Know About Trevor Gravesande

'Love Is Blind' 612 Trevor Gravesande

(WARNING: Spoilers for the most recent Love Is Blind episode will be found below.)

Clay is the talk of the town after the Love Is Blind season six. It’s mostly because he opted to not say “I do” to AD during their wedding. “I just don’t think it’s responsible for me to say I do at this point when I still need work,” he said to AD who was shocked by his response. “I still need to get to the point where I’m 100 percent in.” Afterward, AD deemed their relationship as over, but whether that is still the case remains to be seen.

Another reason that Clay is the talk of the town came moments before his wedding. After hearing about him for a few episodes in season six, Love Is Blind viewers were finally introduced to Clay’s father Trevor Gravesande who made quite the impression during his few moments on TV.

Who Is Clay’s Dad From Love Is Blind Season 6? What We Know About Trevor Gravesande

We first meet Trevor Gravesande when he arrives at Clay’s dressing room before the wedding. For reasons unbeknownst to most viewers, Trevor dives into a story of Clay’s early days in track & field. “When I took you out running the first time, I beat you,” he said. “Then, one day, you beat me so bad. You were way before me. I couldn’t believe it.” Trevor then veered a highlight reel of achievements, noting that he nearly reached the Olympics after being an All-American athlete in high school and college. Lastly, he added that he “came as close as the Millrose Games,” but a hamstring injury hindered his promising track career.

The issue here is proof of Trevor’s success as a track star is practically impossible to find, something that both Distractify and We Got This Covered have also noted. Evidence of his participation in the Milrose Games is nonexistent as is his almost-inclusion in the Olympics. So, from the looks of it, it seems like Trevor took advantage of a room full of cameras to boost himself. That, or his name during his track days was not Trevor Gravesande.

As if all that wasn’t enough, Trevor was left to eat his own words and remain in silence after a conversation with his ex-wife and Clay’s mother Rita towards the end of the season six finale. During this scene, Rita and Trevor spoke about how their marriage and Trevor’s cheating within it affected Clay’s view of marriage. Trevor tries to add some charm to the conversation by telling Rita that Clay will soon meet a woman like her. Unfortunately, Trevor’s charm falls flat as Rita replies, “Yeah, you met me but you weren’t good to me.”


‘Love Is Blind’ season 6, episode 12 is now available to stream on Netflix.