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Parents share their kids’ hilarious reactions to learning about how sex works

One of the greatest parenting milestones is the day you get to explain to your children the basics of sex. Sometimes that day arrives because a kid bluntly asks how babies are made, sometimes parents bring it up so their kids to hear it from them before they hear it from other people, and sometimes it’s a result of an unexpected encounter (like a kid walking in on their parents doing the deed).

However you arrive at it, that initial conversation is always interesting. No matter how prepared you think you are, some awkward hilarity is inevitable as you navigate those new waters. Sex is pretty simple on the one hand, but quite complicated on the other, and figuring what details to share at what stage is a tricky balancing act.

Some kids are open and curious and ask a million questions. Some kids are quiet and reserved and process it all in their own sweet time. But the first reaction of most pre-pubescent kids when they first hear about the mechanics of sex, even if you introduce it in a sex-positive way, is something along the lines of “What?? Are you serious? EW.” And when they connect the dots that their parents had sex in order for them to be alive, the reaction gets even funnier.

A thread on Twitter illustrates how true this is as parents share their children’s reactions to hearing about the birds and the bees.

A thread on Twitter illustrates how true this is as parents share their children’s reactions to hearing about the birds and the bees.

Clearly, Megan has three kids. Logic.

Some kids let questions slip out before thinking about whether they really want to know the answer. Once you know it, you can’t unknow it. Sorry, kiddo.

@meganmuircoyle On a summer walk my 1 boy(9) was asking ? about sex & I explained everything. My husband was away f…— arlene geerlinks (@arlene geerlinks) 1612372163.0

Parents have to be prepared for awkward questions, but sometimes you really can’t predict what a kid might want to know. Kids aren’t exactly known for having boundaries, and that’s doubly true for a topic that’s totally new for them.

Most of us don’t like to imagine our parents having sex, so this is one area where kids who are adopted have somewhat of an advantage (until they learn that procreation isn’t the only reason people have sex).

“@meganmuircoyle My kids are adopted, and I once heard, “Well, at least you guys didn’t have to do THAT!””

“@meganmuircoyle My kid learned about it in the backseat at Target in a spur of the moment conversation. We got home and she goes up to her Dad, “YOU STUCK YOUR PENIS IN MOM’S VAGINA TWICE!!!””

It’s not just the questions, but the declarations that come along with kids learning about sex that can take parents by surprise.

“@meganmuircoyle @bames_jrolin My nephew was about 7 when he got this info. At the next big holiday dinner he spontaneously stood up on his chair, flexed his biceps and loudly announced, “I am strong and healthy and full of sperm!””

It’s always entertaining to see a kid’s understanding move from innocence to reality.

@meganmuircoyle when he got older I told him about the cervix, contractions, labour etc and he was like “oh. okay.…— L. (@L.) 1612384726.0

And even more entertaining when you realize that you were the one who inadvertently introduced your kid to a sexual concept you may not have been prepared to discuss.

“@fitz_lorie @meganmuircoyle @JoJoFromJerz I asked my mom the same question around the same age. She wanted to know where I had heard such a word from. Ummm from you and my aunt talking the other day. 😂😂😂😂 She never asked that question again! It’s important to know I was raised Southern Baptist! 😂”

And then there are the unintentional misunderstandings that occur when kids don’t get quite enough information.

Perhaps the funniest part about talking about sex with kids is how actually kind of weird the physical act really is when you think about it. Of course it seems absurd to children who haven’t sexually developed yet.

In fact, some kids find it so weird, they literally don’t believe it.

Like, what the heck with this design? And they don’t even know at this point about the nitty-gritty details that you only really know once you’ve done it.

As funny as these stories are, the fact that parents are having open and honest conversations with their kids about sex is seriously awesome. Some people do their kids a disservice by being too creeped out to talk about it, or maybe worrying they’ll give too much info, so they don’t talk about it.

Whatever your moral perspectives on the topic, sex is part of life. It’s basic health and biology. It’s a human reality that everyone learns about one way or another, and it’s generally better for kids to learn about sex from their parents than from their peers, who might give wrong information. Starting early by answering kids’ questions matter-of-factly, giving age-appropriate details (which admittedly can be hard to discern), and bringing up the topic occasionally if your kids don’t can help kids ease into a healthy understanding of sex.

While the basic mechanics conversation is indeed a parenting milestone, the best parent-child conversations about sex are ongoing and ever-expanding. Making consent and boundaries part of the conversation is vital as well. Some uncomfortable moments may be inevitable, but keep the line of communication wide open will go a long way toward helping kids prepare for what’s to come.

This article originally appeared on 02.04.21

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‘Act like you’re my mom’: 10-year-old cleverly escapes a woman who was following him home

A quick-thinking 10-year-old boy escaped a woman trying to lure him by pretending that a local store clerk was his mother. ABC 6 reports that Sammy Green was walking home from school in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, on Friday, November 11, when a strange woman started following him.

The woman “started walking with him and asking him where his family was, asking where his dad was,” Sam Green, the boy’s father, told ABC6. The boy didn’t know the woman but she insisted that she knew his family.

She tried to lure him into going with her by promising she’d buy him “anything he wanted” at Wawa, a local convenience store that sells shakes, sandwiches and other treats.

“She was like, ‘I’m going to Wawa, are you going there? What are you getting from Wawa? Where’s your family at?'” Sammy told CBS.

“She said she probably knew me and was going to Wawa and that he was supposed to go with her and he could get anything he wanted,” Sam Green said.

In an attempt to flee the suspicious woman, Sammy walked into Dani Bee Funky, an unconventional gift shop, where he went straight to 17-year-old Hannah who was working the register. “He was like, ‘Pretend like you’re my mom,'” Hannah told CBS, “and I was just like, ‘all right go to the back.’ He didn’t want to leave my side.”

Security footage shows that Hannah then calmly walked up to the store’s front door and locked it, preventing the woman from coming inside. After she was locked out, the woman walked away. “I was still shaking when I was in here,” Sammy said.

The security camera footage is hard for Sammy’s dad to watch. “When we were watching that video, I cried every time I saw it,” said Green.

The shop’s owner has nothing but praise for Hannah’s calm way of handling the dangerous situation. “I am very proud of her. Hannah is a 17-year-old young lady. She did everything correctly,” Small said.

This story is a great reminder for parents to talk to their kids about what to do if they are approached by a suspicious person. The first thing they should know is that it’s OK to say “No!” as loudly as possible to a suspicious person. They should then scream, “Help! This is not my mom or my dad!” to alert the adults around them and then run. If they are grabbed by the person they should bite, punch and kick as hard as they can until they can get free.

Sammy’s dad is proud that his son remembered what he told him to do when confronted by a suspicious stranger. “Think of every scenario and make sure that children know and also practice it,” he reminded parents. “Practice your situations and scenarios just like fire drills.”

For the time being, Sammy is going to have a family friend walk him to and from school. The Pottstown Police have spoken with the woman and she is now getting help for mental health issues.

This article originally appeared on 11.17.22

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The ‘Last Gen X playground’ has been found, and people can’t contain their nostalgia

It seems like so many iterations of unfettered joy from our childhood haven’t made it to the modern age, and playgrounds are no exception.

Gone are the days of metal slides that scorched the derriere in the summertime, seesaws that doubled as human catapults and the notorious merry-go-rounds that separated the weak from the strong. Good old fashioned character building—safety be damned!

As it turns out, a few of these old relics are still standing. And footage of kids playing at one of these bygone parks is filling adults—particularly Gen Xers—with sweet nostalgia.

Dubbing it the “Last Gen X Playground” by Ronda Schofield filmed a video of the local haunt in all its rusted glory.

As the iconic 80s song “Maniac” plays in the background, we first see some kiddos swinging on a very odd contraption that sports a generic clown face.

Then the camera pans out to reveal a metal slide weighted down by a concrete cinder block (classic), dilapidated rocking horse swings, and a spinning seesaw that’s certainly seen better days.

But you know what? The kids today seem to like it just fine.

@over40_slbmom Last GenX Playground!❤️ #genx #genxtiktokers #over50 #bestgenerationever #genxkid ♬ Maniac (Flashdance Version) (Re-Recorded / Remastered) – Michael Sembello

While plenty of these staples have been replaced by safer alternatives, viewers on TikTok couldn’t help but reminisce about their childhood favorites.

“The lunch ladies at my elementary school would give us waxed paper so we would slide faster down the slide,” one person recalled.

The horse swings were my favorite,” add another. “Impossible when you get bigger, no knee room!”

One even quipped “Metal slides on a hot summer day… getting blinded and burnt at the same time.” Ah yes, a simpler time.

As people shared their recess war stories, it became all the more clear why many of these fixtures are no longer around.

“Broke my leg on the spinning thing and got stitches in my chin from the teeter totter,” one person joked.

Still, folks definitely felt their childhood come alive again after Schofield’s clip. Many felt it should be restored and kept a historic landmark of sorts.

The pre-internet days might have been a little rough around the edges, but there was an undeniable rugged charm about it all. In many ways, it was easier for kids to just be kids, allowing for social interaction, reckless abandon and learning that a few knee scrapes doesn’t signal the end of the world.

Those days might be behind us—and probably for the better, ultimately—but it’s still nice to hop back in from time to time.

Now, where’s the vintage mall with cheesy glamor shots, vinyl shops, video game arcades and RadioShacks?

This article originally appeared on 9.21.23

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Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Announce The New Album ‘Wild God’ (Their 18th!) And Share Its Triumphant Title Track

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds has announced their new album, Wild God. Ahead of the album, which will mark the band’s 18th, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds shared its title track.

The folkloric, poetic track features Cave ascending to the height of his power as he touches on the band’s past, while propelling themselves forward.

“I hope the album has the effect on listeners that it’s had on me,” said Cave in a statement. “It bursts out of the speaker, and I get swept up with it. It’s a complicated record, but it’s also deeply and joyously infectious. There is never a master plan when we make a record. The records rather reflect back the emotional state of the writers and musicians who played them. Listening to this, I don’t know, it seems we’re happy.”

Cave began writing this album on New Year’s Day of 2023. With sessions at Miraval Studios in Provence, France and Soundtree Studios in London, England, the Bad Seeds gave the album a magical, triumphant touch, with additional help from from Colin Greenwood (bass) and Luis Almau (nylon string guitar and acoustic guitar).

You can listen to “Wild God” above and find the Wild God cover art and tracklist below.

Nick Cave’s Wild God Album Cover Artwork

Wild God cover art
Play It Again Sam

Nick Cave’s Wild God Tracklist

1. “Song Of The Lake”
2. “Wild God”
3. “Frogs”
4. “Joy”
5. “Final Rescue Attempt”
6. “Conversion”
7. “Cinnamon Horses”
8. “Long Dark Night”
9. “O Wow O Wow (How Wonderful She Is)”
10. “As The Waters Cover The Sea”

Wild God is out 8/30 via Play It Again Sam. Find more information here.

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FX’s ‘Shōgun’ Refrained From Emphasizing John Blackthorne’s (Cough) Endowment, But The Size Of Those Ratings Is No Joke

Shogun John Blackthorne Cosmo Jarvis

The 1600s feudal Japan war story in Shōgun has sat upon countless bookshelves since its 1975 release by author James Clavell as part of his Asian Saga. That type of built-in audience, coupled with word of mouth that this series could be the next big thing, has yielded incredible ratings. Variety now reports that the first six days after the series’ debut episodes resulted in 9 million views on streaming “with a view defined as total stream time divided by runtime.” That’s even higher than The Bear‘s results, so FX is doing pretty darn well lately at nailing must-see shows.

So, king-sized views and large ratings are afoot. Is anything else… big? Ahead of the FX historical epic’s release, Decider’s Meghan O’Keefe did her due diligence after noting that the show opted to exclude the “problematically huge penis” of Blackthorne, who delivered eye-popping views for the ladies in Clavell’s book. As funny as this sounds, the reality is that the detail’s insertion in a 1970s book could be construed as racial stereotyping against Asian men, even though Blackthorne’s dong does turn into a running joke. As well, the book includes a passage where the sight of this unit makes an elderly woman comment upon how she can die happy now.

As mentioned above, Decider’s O’Keefe knew the most important question to ask about the budding samurai and Shōgun:

“Don’t look at me to answer the question!” Shōgun co-creator and co-showrunner Justin Marks said, laughing, after Decider posed the question during an in-depth interview about the entire season at Winter 2024 TCA.

Marks did, however, end up answering the inquiry:

“[A]s writers, I think we are always in search of new cliches to create and to find new cliches, you kind of have to turn the page from old cliches. And I think some of those cliches are unfortunate… It wasn’t that we were like clutching pearls, like, ‘Oh my gosh! We can’t do that!’ It was more just a question of I think we can find new humor and be funnier in ways.”

A question remains however: since Blackthorne was based upon historical figure William Adams, was the joke rooted in reality? Inquiring minds, etc.

(Via Decider & Variety)

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Why Are Artists Pulling Out Of SXSW 2024?

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The annual SXSW festival is set to run from March 8 to March 16 this year. However, many of the musical acts are dropping out of the lineup due to the festival’s sponsors, including the US Army.

Why Are Artists Pulling Out Of SXSW 2024?

“Collins Aerospace, a subsidiary of RTX Corporation (formerly Raytheon),” is also on the lineup, according to the Austin Chronicle. Raytheon manufactured weapons for the military — which many artists feel should not have a place at an arts-and-culture festival.

Squirrel Flower (Ella O’Connor Williams) was supposed to perform at several showcases during the fest’s run. “I have decided to pull out of my official SXSW showcases in protest of SXSW’s ties to the defense industry and in support of the Palestinian people,” she shared in a statement.

“There are many ways SXSW is harmful to working musicians, but I am pulling out specifically because of the fact that SXSW is platforming defense contractors including Raytheon subsidiaries as well as the US Army, a main sponsor of the festival,” Williams added.

And she is not alone. Eliza McLamb and Okay Shalom are among some of the other performers who have voiced the fact that they will be leaving SXSW 2024.

“I have pulled out of my official SXSW showcase after learning that the US Army is a major sponsor of the event,” McLamb said. “I will never put my name on or perform my labor for an event in service of the US war machine, and especially not now as they continue to fuel the ongoing violence against Palestinians. Blood money has no place in music.”

With just a few days to go until the festival is set to start, other acts will likely be announcing they will no longer be performing before then.

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The ‘Late Night With The Devil’ Trailer Includes A ‘Brilliant’ Endorsement From Stephen King

Stephen King isn’t impressed by any ol’ horror movie. It need to be “brilliant” to get his attention. The trailer for Late Night with the Devil, which stars David Dastmalchian (The Suicide Squad, Oppenheimer) as the host of a fictional late-night talk show who unleashes evil during a special Halloween episode, includes an endorsement from King. The author called it “absolutely brilliant. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Your results may vary, as they say, but I urge you to watch it when you can.” Director Kevin Smith is also a fan, raving, “I love it. It’s Rosemary’s Baby meets Network.”

You can watch the trailer above. Here’s the official plot synopsis:

October 31, 1977. Johnny Carson rival Jack Delroy hosts a syndicated late night talk show ‘Night Owls’ that has long been a trusted companion to insomniacs around the country. A year after the tragic death of Jack’s wife, ratings have plummeted. Desperate to turn his fortunes around, Jack plans a Halloween special like no other, unaware that he is about to unleash evil into the living rooms of America.

Late Night with the Devil, which is directed by Colin Cairnes and Cameron Cairnes and also stars Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Ingrid Torelli, Fayssal Bazzi, and Rhys Auteri, hits theaters on March 22, followed by a streaming debut on Shudder on April 19.

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Travis Kelce Tearfully Explained Why Jason’s Retirement Hit Him So Hard

travis jason kelce

On Monday afternoon, Jason Kelce held a press conference in Philadelphia to announce he was officially retiring from the NFL. The longtime Eagles center and near-Hall of Fame lock gave an emotional speech, breaking down in tears before he even got going, as the weight of calling it a career hit him in full.

In that speech, he shouted out teammates and coaches, but it was when he talked about his family that he again got tripped up by the emotion of the moment. That feeling was reciprocated by his brother Travis when the two recorded their latest episode of the New Heights show, back home in Cleveland after they were honored with a bobblehead at the Cavs game against Boston on Tuesday night. As Travis explained, the two never discussed Jason’s retirement decision much because Travis wanted to avoid selfishly pushing his brother to return for another year, tearfully explaining to his brother just what Jason’s career meant to him.

Travis noted that having Jason a step ahead of him in football always gave him something of a floatation device to reach for when he needed advice or someone who could understand what he was going through. Now, that’s gone and he noted it feels a bit empty, but that he’s also happy for Jason. It’s an incredibly vulnerable moment between the brothers and one that’s valuable to show to the public. It’s two of the best to ever play their respective positions, who happen to be brothers, showing their emotions and love of both the game and each other on camera. That, as much as the inside stories and funny moments, has been the best part of their podcast, and this time being in the same room only further showed that brotherly love and connection they have.

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Thousands of concertgoers in Poland randomly decided to sing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and it was flawless

The music of Queen has a profound visceral effect on everyone. Few pieces of art can cause complete strangers to put aside their differences and come together in song, but by golly, “Bohemian Rhapsody” is one of them. It would be cheesy if it weren’t so absolutely beautiful.

This pertains even to non-English-speaking countries, it appears. Recently, thousands of Harry Styles concertgoers in Warsaw, Poland, began cheering as those iconic beginning piano notes penetrated the air.

It wasn’t long before the entire stadium was singing along to that beloved tune and acing every single lyric. As one person commented on YouTube, even though most people in Warsaw don’t speak English, “they sing Queen.”

The passionate impromptu performance serves as a reminder of how special both Queen and the late Freddie Mercury remain today.

“No other band will ever come close to Queen. They were lightning in a bottle and Freddie was a whale in a teardrop. Once people keep singing his words, FM will live on forever,” another YouTube viewer wrote.

Indeed, seeing an entire stadium come alive with “Bohemian Rhapsody,” you can’t help but feel Mercury’s soul return to the mortal plane, as if we’ve all been transported back to that historic Live Aid concert in 1985 when he had the entirety of Wembley Stadium wrapped around his finger for 21 glorious minutes.

Watch below, and try not to sing along. Scratch that—sing your heart out.

This article originally appeared on 7.14.23

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How To Buy Kid Cudi’s ‘Insano World Tour’ Tickets

kid cudi
Getty Image

This June, Kid Cudi will hit the road for his Insano World Tour, bringing his ninth studio album live to fans across the US, Canada, UK, and Europe. The tour will be supported by openers Earthgang, Jaden, and Pusha T. If you’re looking for how to get tickets for Kid Cudi’s Insano World Tour, read on.

There will be a number of presales and early access periods for tickets. If you have an American Express card, you can purchase tickets early from Tuesday, March 12th at 10am to Thursday, March 14th 10pm local time. Otherwise, you can register for the artist presale now; the presale begins on Tuesday, March 12th at 10am local in North America and Wednesday, March 13th 10am local time in United Kingdom and Europe. The general sale starts on Friday, March 15th at 10am local time. You can get more info for at See below for the full schedule of tour dates.

Kid Cudi’s Insano World Tour Dates

06/28/2024 — Austin, TX @ Moody Center +^
06/30/2024 — Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center +^
07/03/2024 — Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena +*
07/05/2024 — Sunrise, FL @ Amerant Bank Arena +*
07/06/2024 — Tampa, FL @ Amalie Arena +*
07/09/2024 — Duluth, GA @ Gas South Arena +*
07/11/2024 — Raleigh, NC @ PNC Arena +*
07/13/2024 — Washington, DC @ Capital One Arena +*
07/14/2024 — Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center +*
07/17/2024 — Newark, NJ @ Prudential Center +^
07/19/2024 — Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena +^
07/20/2024 — Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre +^
07/23/2024 — New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden +^
07/24/2024 — Boston, MA @ TD Garden +^
07/27/2024 — Detroit, MI @ Little Caesars Arena +*
07/28/2024 — Rosemont, IL @ Allstate Arena +*
07/31/2024 — Cleveland, OH @ Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse +*#!
08/02/2024 — Cincinnati, OH @ Heritage Bank Center +*#!
08/04/2024 — Kansas City, MO @ T-Mobile Center +*
08/07/2024 — Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center +*
08/09/2024 — St. Louis, MO @ Enterprise Center +*
08/11/2024 — Denver, CO @ Ball Arena +*
08/14/2024 — Phoenix, AZ @ Footprint Center +*
08/16/2024 — San Diego, CA @ Pechanga Arena +*
08/17/2024 — Las Vegas, NV @ MGM Grand Garden Arena +*
08/20/2024 — San Francisco, CA @ Chase Center +*
08/22/2024 — Portland, OR @ Moda Center +*
08/24/2024 — Vancouver, BC @ Rogers Arena +*
08/25/2024 — Seattle, WA @ Climate Pledge Arena +*
08/28/2024 — Sacramento, CA @ Golden 1 Center +^
08/30/2024 — Los Angeles, CA @ Arena +^

Europe And UK:

02/25/2025 — Oslo, Norway @ Spektrum +
02/27/2025 — Hamburg, Germany @ Barclays Arena +
02/28/2025 — Berlin, Germany @ Uber Arena +
03/02/2025 — Oberhausen, Germany @ Rudolf Weber-ARENA +
03/03/2025 — Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Ziggo Dome +
03/05/2025 — Milan, Italy @ Forum Milano +
03/08/2025 — Paris, France @ Accor Arena +
03/09/2025 — Brussels, Belgium @ ING Arena +
03/12/2025 — Dublin, Ireland @ 3Arena +
03/14/2025 — Birmingham, UK @ Resorts World Arena +
03/15/2025 — Manchester, UK @ Co-op Live +
03/18/2025 — London, UK @ The O2 +

^ Jaden
# Chelsea Pastel
! Siena Bella