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Does ‘3 Body Problem’ Have Any Sex Scenes?

3 body problem

My favorite description of Game of Thrones came from one of the show’s guest stars. In 2016, Ian McShane, who appeared in a season six of the HBO series, said, “I was accused [by viewers] of giving the plot away, but I just think get a f*cking life. It’s only t*ts and dragons.” (Ian McShane is the best.)

No one will be able to dismiss Netflix‘s 3 Body Problem, the new show from Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss (and The Terror‘s Alexander Woo), as “only t*ts and dragons.” For one thing, there are no dragons — there’s also basically no sex scenes, at least compared to Thrones.

“We’ve always joked about this show, even though it’s not Game of Thrones, there’s not that many sex scenes in it,” director Derek Tsang told Business Insider. “But another thing about this show is that you’ve never seen so many naked Asians in one show.” He’s referring to one scene from episode two (keeping things spoiler free), but otherwise, there’s nothing like Jon Snow and Ygritte’s cave tryst.

Even the finger-waggers at Common Sense Media don’t have much to complain about: “Characters date and talk about love; brief kissing scenes.” The Parent Watch pointed out one scene where “a character is in her sports bra with the guy who likes her,” but that’s about it.

3 Body Problem is available to stream on Netflix.

(Via Business Insider)

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With Vive Latino, Amazon Music Is Helping To Bring Global Festivals To Your Home

Vive Latino
Lulu Urdapilleta

The last several years have made the act of livesteaming essential, especially as global events caused more and more people to trade IRL experiences for the comfort and safety of their homes. But for many, this is a welcomed innovation in the live music space that gives access to those who might not normally be able to witness many events. Whether it is physical conditions, mental health, financial obstacles, or just proximity, livestreaming allows more people to participate in live music than ever before, truly meeting the audience on their own terms.

Among those leading the charge in this space is Amazon Music, who last weekend made their first endeavor into Mexico as the exclusive partner of Vive Latino. Vive Latino is one of Mexico’s premiere music festivals, differentiating itself with its emphasis on home-grown talent, rock bands, and international touring forces. It’s a partnership that goes beyond reaching fans already immersed in Latin culture, especially as Latin music has become mainstream pop culture over the last several years. It has never made more sense than to bring artists like Maná and Belanova to living rooms around the world and should signal the beginning of similar global reaches from streaming giants.

On the ground in Mexico City, the livestreaming infrastructure stretches to both the festival grounds and backstage. A compound next to the Amazon Music stage played host to artist interviews and exclusive content that punctuated the broadcast. While the viewers tune in to relatively seamless steams of performances and interviews, backstage, it can often be a surprise to see which artists pop in to chat after their set, with hosts Pame Voguel, Gerudito, Nicole Horts, Leos, Maria Letona, and Miguel Solis all ready for whoever and whatever comes their way.

One of the coolest aspects of the streaming endeavor, and one that I hadn’t witnessed before, was through the partnership with JBL, where attendees could be loaned out headphones and tune into other stages for the livestream. If you were enjoying the VIP cabanas and didn’t want to give up your spot to catch Future Islands on the other side of Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, the livestream provided an accommodating middle ground, giving an attendee access to stages without having to move an inch. It was the first time that I’d considered livestreaming being not just for those who couldn’t attend Vive Latino, but also a resource for those on the grounds.

Of course, Amazon Music isn’t the only major player in this space. YouTube has made Coachella home viewing an annual event, where now nearly any music fan can have a take on today’s hottest artists without having to navigate the literal heat of the Coachella Valley. Lollapalooza recently partnered with Hulu to give their festival a home presence. And one can only imagine that other streamers will find their way into the same game, with events that pair well with their audience.

On Amazon Music’s side, they’ve already made serious headway into the space, with broadcasts including Vibra Urbana in Miami USA, Primavera Sound in Barcelona and Madrid, Dreamville Festival in Raleigh, and Coachella’s country cousin, Stagecoach Festival. And the move into Latin America is a significant one, as artists from the region have become some of the most recognizable not only in the US but around the world. And with a number of ways to meet fans where they are — the Amazon Music channel on Twitch, Prime Video, or on the Amazon Music app — livestreaming a music festival has never been more intuitive.

Will livestreaming take a bite into the IRL experience of going to festivals and concerts? That feels hard to imagine, especially as you witness the massive audiences that turned up for artists like Fito Páez and Hobres G on the festival’s biggest stage. Anecdotally, Coachella has never had a problem with attendance despite years of livestreaming, with this year’s slower sales coming more from a talent standpoint than accessibility. Nothing really compares to seeing your favorite artists in person, surrounded by similar-minded fans, singing along as loud as possible. But livestreaming isn’t trying to recreate that. It provides additional access points for people who need them. It’s allowing fans a taste of an event that they might try to actually visit the next year. It’s using the capabilities of massive tech companies in innovative ways so that music spreads as far and wide as possible.

Uproxx was hosted for this story by Amazon Music and Vive Latino. They did not review or approve this story. You can learn more about the Uproxx Press Trip policy here.

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A dad’s hilarious letter to school asks them to explain why they’re living in 1968

Earlier in the week, Stephen Callaghan’s daughter Ruby came home from school. When he asked her how her day was, her answer made him raise an eyebrow.

Ruby, who’s in the sixth grade at her school in Australia, told her dad that the boys would soon be taken on a field trip to Bunnings (a hardware chain in the area) to learn about construction.

The girls, on the other hand? While the boys were out learning, they would be sent to the library to have their hair and makeup done.

Ruby’s reply made Callaghan do a double take. What year was it, again?

Callaghan decided to write a letter to the school sharing his disappointment — but his wasn’t your typical “outraged parent” letter.

“Dear Principal,” he began. “I must draw your attention to a serious incident which occurred yesterday at your school where my daughter is a Year 6 student.”

“When Ruby left for school yesterday it was 2017,” Callaghan continued. “But when she returned home in the afternoon she was from 1968.”

The letter goes on to suggest that perhaps the school is harboring secret time-travel technology or perhaps has fallen victim to a rift in the “space-time continuum,” keeping his daughter in an era where women were relegated to domestic life by default.

“I look forward to this being rectified and my daughter and other girls at the school being returned to this millennium where school activities are not sharply divided along gender lines,” he concluded.

Dear Principal

I must draw your attention to a serious incident which occurred yesterday at your school where my daughter Ruby is a Year 6 student.

When Ruby left for school yesterday it was 2017 but when she returned home in the afternoon she was from 1968.

I know this to be the case as Ruby informed me that the “girls” in Year 6 would be attending the school library to get their hair and make-up done on Monday afternoon while the “boys” are going to Bunnings.

Are you able to search the school buildings for a rip in the space-time continuum? Perhaps there is a faulty Flux Capacitor hidden away in the girls toilet block.

I look forward to this being rectified and my daughter and other girls at the school being returned to this millennium where school activities are not sharply divided along gender lines.

Yours respectfully
Stephen Callaghan

When Callaghan posted the letter to Twitter, it quickly went viral and inspired hundreds of supportive responses.

Though most people who saw his response to the school’s egregiously outdated activities applauded him, not everyone was on board.

One commenter wrote, “Sometimes it is just ok for girls to do girl things.”

But Callaghan was ready for that. “Never said it wasn’t,” he replied. “But you’ve missed the point. Why ‘girl things’ or ‘boy things’… Why not just ‘things anyone can do?'”

He later commented that he didn’t think the school’s plan was malicious, but noted the incident was a powerful example of “everyday sexism” at work.

Callaghan says the school hasn’t responded to his letter. (Yes, he really sent it.) At least, not directly to him.

Some media outlets have reported that the school claims students are free to opt in and out of the different activities. But, as Callaghan says, gendering activities like this in the first place sends the completely wrong message.

In response to the outpouring of support, Callaghan again took to Twitter.

“At 12 years of age my daughter is starting to notice there are plenty of people prepared to tell her what she can and can’t do based solely on the fact she is female,” he wrote.

“She would like this to change. So would I.”

This article originally appeared on 12.08.17.

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People are sharing all the random things they ‘haven’t thought about since grade school’

Everyone’s childhood is different. But there are common objects, sights, sounds, smells, and memories from elementary school that most Gen Xers and Millenials share.

Personally, when i think back to being in elementary school in the ’80s, I remember the taste of the chocolate ship cookie we got on Fridays (with the pizza). The humiliation of getting nailed in the back during nation ball. And the grumbling, grinding sound that happened when you slipped a disk into the drive on an Apple IIe computer.

Nowadays, in a world where most kids would have no idea how to even turn on an Apple IIe or have never felt the sting of a rubber nation ball hitting them square between the shoulders, I get a bittersweet feeling when I think back to my elementary school days.

Mel Madara stirred the nostalgia pot on Twitter this week when she posted a series of photos of things she remembers from elementary school that anyone from 50 to 25 probably recollect, too.

via Daniel Bagel / Flickr

She started up with a series of objects and experiences you may have forgotten that were a daily part of elementary school life.

She inspired countless followers to share the things they remember from elementary school in the ’80s and ’90s.

Heads-up 7-up!

Can you remember the anxiety as someone walked slowly though the room and you hoped and prayed they touched your thumb?

That clock you can wind up from behind.

Do you remember dying on Oregon trail repeatedly?

Four square!

Was that a state-mandated fitness exam or a test for scoliosis?

M.A.S.H.! Did you wind up in a mansion, apartment, shack or a house? What kind of job did you get? Who did you marry? What kind of car do you drive?

Before Michelle Obama it was acceptable to feed a kid a taquito filled with pizza.

Tether ball was fun until one of those rock hard balls hit you in the face.

The stool that helped you grab that Judy Blume book just out of reach. It aw also a rgeat place to sit and read if the tables were filled up or you just wanted some privacy.

Is the VCR bolted down? Check! TV strapped in? Check. It’s time for a rainy day movie.

… or if you’re older, you got “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” or some other Disney nature film on 16mm film in the school cafeteria.

My skin is peeling off!

This brutal contraption isn’t a Medieval torture device but a way to sarpen your pencil.

Finally, if more of us listened to this guy, the country would be in a much better place.

This article originally appeared on 03.05.20

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A couple in their 50s live permanently on a cruise ship because it’s cheaper than a mortgage

Imagine retiring early and spending the rest of your life on a cruise ship visiting exotic locations, meeting interesting people and eating delectable food. It sounds fantastic, but surely it’s a billionaire’s fantasy, right?

Not according to Angelyn Burk, 53, and her husband Richard. They’re living their best life hopping from ship to ship for around $100 a night, depending on the cruise. “Cruise costs vary quite a bit, our goal is to average about $100 per night, for the couple, or less across and entire calendar year,” Richard told Upworthy.

The Burks have called cruise ships their home since May 2021 and have no plans to go back to their lives as landlubbers. Angelyn took her first cruise in 1992 and it changed her goals in life forever.

“Our original plan was to stay in different countries for a month at a time and eventually retire to cruise ships as we got older,” Angelyn told 7 News. But a few years back, Angelyn crunched the numbers and realized they could start much sooner than expected.

“We love to travel and we were searching for a way to continuously travel in our retirement that made financial sense,” she said. They looked into deals they could find through loyalty memberships and then factored in the potential sale price of their home and realized their dream was totally affordable.

The rough math makes sense. If the couple hits their goal of spending $100 per night to live on a cruise ship, that’s $36,500 a year. Currently, the average price of a home in Tukwila, Washington—where the couple has a house—is about $607,000. Let’s say you moved there today, put down 20% and financed the rest, the mortgage would cost you around $44,000 a year.

Plus, on a cruise ship, the couple doesn’t have to pay for groceries.

The Burks are able to live their dream because they’ve spent a lifetime being responsible. “We have been frugal all our lives to save and invest in order to achieve our goal,” she says. “We are not into materialistic things but experiences.”

Angelyn says that cruising takes the stress out of travel. “It is leisurely travel without the complications of booking hotels, restaurants, and transportation while staying within our budget,” she told 7 News. The couple travels lightly with just two suitcases between them and if they need anything, they just buy it on the ship or in the next port.

The one thing to consider before embarking on a never-ending cruise is COVID-19. The coronavirus is easily spread in close quarters and a cruise ship that recently docked in Seattle had 100 people on board who tested positive for the virus. The CDC recommends that people get vaccinated before going on a cruise and that immunocompromised people should consult with their physicians before traveling.

Richard told Upworthy that he believes COVID-19 safety is still very important and has had both his shots and a booster. “I would suggest wearing a mask at all times when out in public no matter whether on a ship, in a movie theater, at a restaurant or even meeting with friends inside or outside,” he said.

After leaving their jobs and the mainland behind, the Burks completed a 21-day cruise via the Panama canal. They look forward to a 50-day cruise around the Adriatic Sea, taking in the sights of Europe, as well as a 51-day cruise from Seattle to Sydney, Australia.

The Burks’ favorite destinations, no matter how they get there, are Italy, Canada, Iceland and the Bahamas, but their ultimate favorite is Singapore.

Looking to give it all up and go on a permanent vacation just like the Burks? Angelyn has some advice for those wanting to get started.

This article was updated on May 17, 2022, after a conversation with Richard Burk.

The hosts of our podcast, “Upworthy Weekly” had a pretty funny take on the story.

This article originally appeared on 05.11.22

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Wayne Brady proves he’s still the King of musical improv on ‘Jimmy Fallon’

Any fan of “Whose Line Is It Anyway” is well aware of Wayne Brady’s next level musical improv skills. He’s done it a million times, and yet each new on-the-spot performance seems as magical as the last.

In fact, it was this particular set of skills that landed Brady his breakout gig in the first place, which he recently explained on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”…just before going into a completely freestyle rap routine using random objects.

And since it’s Wayne Brady, he of course did not miss a beat.

While appearing on the late night show to talk about his new role as The Wizard of Oz in a revival of “The Wiz” on Broadway, Brady told Fallon that he had no expectations of making it past the first round of “Whose Line” auditions. But then everything “flipped” when he was asked to improvise a song.

Committing to the age-old improv philosophy of “yes, and,” Brady agreed to give it a go. “At the end of the day I had a job. It was ridiculous.”

At the time, Brady was working two jobs. One as a Power Rangers performer for kid’s parties, and the other as a singing Beetlejuice for Universal Studios. Even after getting hired by “Whose Line,” Birthday kept the job at Universal. That is, until he was recognized by some front row audience members, and the rest is history.

Brady’s story then prompted Fallon to say, “You are so good at improv and freestyling…It’s unbelievable what you do. You’re so talented. I thought it would be fun for the audience if you did a little freestyling maybe about ‘The Wiz’ tonight.”

He then added, “but I know you like a little pressure. So what I have here is random things, and if I show the object can you add them into your freestyle?”

Wayne accepted the challenge, calling it “easy money.”

With The Roots backing him with a beat, Brady seamlessly incorporated a slice of pizza, Beyoncé’s “Cowboy Carter” album, a Polaroid camera and a guitar into his rap…all before ending it with a Playbill for The Wiz.

Watch below. Brady truly is the musical improv master.

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Golden Retriever with peak good boy energy can’t stop snuggling with strangers on a train

If there’s any dog breed that encapsulates “good doggo” energy, it’s the Golden Retriever. Friendly, gentle, good-natured and oh-so-affectionate, Goldens have come by their reputation honestly. Even “I’m not a dog person” people tend to find themselves taken by Golden Retrievers, and a post on TikTok demonstrates why.

The video shared by @hugoandursula is captioned “my dog getting cuddles from strangers on the train,” and that’s exactly what it shows in the most adorable montage ever.

In clip after clip, the sweet pup snuggles into unsuspecting train passengers, winning hearts and evoking “awwwws” left and right. (If you’re on the fence about getting a dog, be careful watching this video because it will catapult you right over the edge.)


Melts my heart 🥰🥰🥰🥰 #goldenretriever

The video has been shared multiple times since it was first posted in January of 2023, and every time, people can’t get enough of it. In March of 2024, it was posted in the r/mademesmile subreddit, and people poured all the Golden Retriever love into the comments.

“Golden’s love attention.. our Daisy would politely walk around the benches at softball and stop for anyone who expressed an interest in petting her. She was never rude, just wanted to meet new people and show some love while getting some.” – michaeldpj

“They are the most ‘hi i’m in the room look at me i’m here’ dogs i’ve ever met.” – botjstn

“I would ride in trains much more often if I was guaranteed to see an adorably squashed doggy nose in front of me. It’s delightful.” – Designer-Command1417

“The look on the woman’s face when the dog snuggles up her is worth a billion dollars!” – Ok-Sale-8105

Reddit users were also thrilled when a “Schnoodle” appeared in the comments. A Schnoodle on social media is a cheesily heartwarming poem from u/schnoodledoodledo, written from the point-of-view of an animal, and the Schnoodle for our Golden train-riding friend here is perfectly fitting.

Look at me – the Traveler! i get to come along

being with my human is the place that i belong ;@)

am friendly with the passengers, n try n spread the JoY!

(they’re frens i haven’t met yet,

n they tell me i’m Good Boy)

so i will find an empty seat, n sit with them awhile

i get aLot of scritches, n i leave them with a smile

am tired from the journey, but i know i did my part

to leave a golden memory

inside their human heart

“FRESHEST SCHNOODLE!!” wrote one commenter, followed by “OMG a schnoodle!! I haven’t seen one in over a year. I thought they had disappeared! This has made my day!” and “Starting the day with a fresh schnoodle for brunch is highly recommended!!!”

For an extended version of one of these good doggo love fests, check out another video from @hugoandursula:


Hux making more friends..🥺💕

Again, so much love in the comments.

“Are you telling me a stranger got on the train and received all this love for free?!?!” – kirstygu

“I don’t care where that train is going I’m buying a ticket 🥺” – Angharad

“Did he cry before parting ways? I would be bawling” – Melanin. Queen

“I’ve never been more jealous of a person before in my life.” – Carrie Thompson

One thing’s for certain—if the train system wants to encourage more riders, all they need to do is get a Golden Retriever to welcome their passengers. They’d fill up those seats in no time.

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Mom calls out teacher who gave her son a ‘zero’ grade for not providing class with supplies

The debate as to whether or not parents should supply classroom supplies is not new. But as prices continue to rise, parents are growing more baffled as to how they can be expected by teachers to provide all the various glue sticks, colored pencils, rulers and other various items the incoming students might need.

What’s even more perplexing, however, is penalizing the children of parents who won’t (or can’t) provide them.

This was the case for Shanitta Nicole, who discovered her son received a zero grade in his new school for not bringing school supplies for the entire classroom.

Nicole was especially surprised by this reaction since she had already gone through the effort of making sure her son had every supply he needed from the school’s list, which was slightly different than the one they previously had.

And yet, the 7th grade teacher informed her son that he was still expected to provide for the classroom, not just himself. And, thus, a zero grade, for failing the assignment, so to speak.

Even though Nicole thought the rule was “weird,” she went out and bought the bulk items, which included tissues, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, pencils, Expo markers, and red pens.

And yet, the next week—her son still has a zero. Concerned, Nicole emailed her son’s teacher.

“I’m like, ‘hey…my student has a 83 in the class and everything else in the class is 100s and 98s and he still has a zero for something called ‘classroom supplies.’” she said in a video.

“‘We bought the supplies anyways, but I don’t feel like it’s the parents’ responsibility to supply your classroom. And I definitely don’t think it’s appropriate to assign a grade to students based off of whether or not they’ve supplied your class with supplies. That doesn’t make any sense.’”

@shanittanicole Am I doing too much? #fyp #school ♬ original sound – Shanitta Nicolee 💖

And while Nicole’s email did get the teacher to reconcile the grade, there was no mention to her other concern regarding the responsibility for parents to provide the entire class with supplies.

“So, I emailed the principal because I just, I might be extra, but I just want to see what’s going on. Why do I have to buy supplies for the classroom?” the frustrated mom concluded.

Nicole’s video quickly went viral on TikTok, and several weighed in to agree that the teacher’s actions were misguided.

“That is so unfair!! Especially for the kids whose parents CANT afford groceries let alone classroom supplies,” one user wrote.

Another added, “You are not wrong. It is 100% ok for [the teacher] to ask for supplies, but mandate it for a grade? Absolutely not.”

And this point is truly what Nicole took umbrage with, as she noted several times in the comments. It has less to do with being asked to help and more to do with her son’s grade depending on it.

In a follow-up video, Nicole shared that the school principal did end up reaching out, notifying her that while, yes, teachers are allowed to ask for donations, it should never be mandated.

@shanittanicole Replying to @yafavv._.dancer😍😘💞😍😍💞 Graded Supplies Update #fyp #school ♬ original sound – Shanitta Nicolee 💖

“What the teacher was trying to accomplish, but it definitely wasn’t appropriate,” the principal told Nicole.

While the teacher might have not handled this situation in the best way, it goes without saying that this is a larger systemic issue—one that isn’t exactly fair to parents, teachers and students alike.

Most public school teachers spend a significant amount of their own money on classroom supplies, to an average of $673 per year, according to a recent survey of more than 1,100 educators by the Association of American Educators (AAE). That number only goes up for teachers in high poverty schools.

At the same time, according to a 2022 survey with, the typical parent also spends nearly $600 on school supplies. Plus things like clothes, backpacks, haircuts etc.

In the grand scheme of things, there’s no use placing full responsibility or blame onto teachers or parents. Because either way, students get caught in the crossfire. This is clearly a universal burden that needs attention.

This article originally appeared on 10.5.23

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Dad discovers his child has pinworms and now the entire internet is rethinking parenting

If you’re a parent you’re likely in one of two categories: parents who have never heard of pinworms or parents who shuttered at the headline. Parents are not really given any sort of warning for all of the eyebrow raising situations that occur in childhood and one dad has found out that there was a lot left out of that non-existent parenting handbook.

Justin, a dad that runs the TikTok page drumbeatlane took to social media to tell the world of the current nightmare fuel parenting situation he was experiencing. He’s also doing parents on social media a solid by giving them a heads up on the disturbing secret plaguing the parenting world–pinworms.

The viral video starts out with no trigger warning before he says though clenched teeth, “my son has worms in his anus.” Yeah, you read that right. It’s a thing. A slightly terrifying but totally normal thing.

“No one tells you about this stuff when you’re thinking about being a parent but apparently it’s like super normal for a child to just have worms in his booty hole,” Justin says.

Dr. Cerissa Key, a pediatrician, chimed in on Justin’s disturbing revelation and assured him and every parent watching that pinworms are a common thing that happens in young children. But she also dropped some info that other’s including Justin may not have been ready to hear.

“Justin, sir. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But if your son has worms in his booty hole, sir, politely and respectfully, you also have worms in your booty hole,” Key reveals.

Key goes on to explain that kids are “disgusting” and don’t wash their hands well so pinworms spread easily if a child at school or daycare has them. She advises that parents stock up on the chalky banana flavored medication that clears them up and to wash everything on hot while being sure to vacuum your floors well.


Parenting truly is just one surprise after another. But the biggest surprise to me every time something crazy happens is that it is usually super common, just no one talks about it. So I’m warning you. Your child might get worms in their anus. #justinkellough #dadsoftiktok #parentsoftiktok #momsoftiktok #parentingadvice #parenting @Justin

People in the comment section of both videos were horrified that this was an actual thing while others commiserated with the stressed dad.

“I have no kids and now I’m paranoid I have pinworms with no symptoms,” one person writes.

“I’ve raised 4 kids and never had this happen. Tomorrow this will be my entry on my gratitude journal,” a mom confesses.

“Do I have kids? No…Do I even work around kids? Also no…do I still have the urge to take this medicine just in case anyways? 100000%,” someone says.


#stitch with @Justin Allllll about pinworms! It your kid has them, YOU have them. 😩 #pinworms #pinworm #pediatrician #momlife #itchybottom #itchyvulva #pinwormssuck #parenting

Not everyone was stressed, some were thankful for the information. “Thank you! We haven’t experienced pinworms yet, but super informative and helps to make parenting normalized,” another commenter writes.

Key suggests that if your child has pinworms that the entire family should take a dose of the medication two weeks apart to make sure any left over newly hatched eggs are also killed. While you may not have been warned about pinworms, no one ever said parenting would be glamorous. It just seems people weren’t prepared for how unglamorous it could get.

This article originally appeared on 12.23.23

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Anne Hathaway Praised Christopher Nolan For Being Her ‘Angel’ During The Very Silly ‘Hathahate’ Era

anne hathaway
Getty Image

It’s a common theme in Hollywood: women tend to be torn down by a bunch of obsessive internet users who have nothing else to do with their time. We’ve seen it with just about every famous woman out there, and even though Anne Hathaway is acting royalty, she was not immune to the scorching hate in the 2010s.

Hathaway became a common internet punchline about a decade ago right after she became a household name. Sure, she had earned herself an Oscar and pulled off an impressive heist with Rihanna, but Hathaway was subjected to what became dubbed “Hathahate.” Her role in the panned live-action Alice in Wonderland surely didn’t help either.

But the hate was all based on nothing. Hathaway recently explained how all of the backlash affected her budding career. “A lot of people wouldn’t give me roles, because they were so concerned about how toxic my identity had become online,” she told Vanity Fair.

Of course, she still acted in a number of successful films after her Oscar win, but there was one director who took a bigger chance on her. “I had an angel in Christopher Nolan, who did not care about that and gave me one of the most beautiful roles I’ve had in one of the best films that I’ve been a part of,” she said, referring to Interstellar (not her catsuit-wearing stint in The Dark Knight Rises).

She continued, “I don’t know if he knew that he was backing me at the time, but it had that effect. And my career did not lose momentum the way it could have if he hadn’t backed me,” she explained. This is not the first time someone has credited Nolan for taking a chance on them.

Hathaway reflected on how the ordeal shaped her. “Humiliation is such a rough thing to go through. The key is to not let it close you down. You have to stay bold, and it can be hard because you’re like, ‘If I stay safe, if I hug the middle, if I don’t draw too much attention to myself, it won’t hurt.’ But if you want to do that, don’t be an actor.”

Luckily, Hathaway has been picking up some solid projects over the years, including her role as Woman Tearing Up The Dance Floor and the upcoming movie inspired by One Direction Fanfic. If that doesn’t show confidence in her career, what does?

(Via EW)