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Read the powerful, viral note this dad wrote to his makeup artist son’s bully.

This is YouTuber and makeup guru Manny Gutierrez.

Photo by Rich Polk/Getty Images for People.

He’s taking the beauty world by storm, one tweet at a time.

Maybelline just recruited Gutierrez to be the face of its new mascara campaign — the very first time the role has ever been given to a man.

From a promotional standpoint, the move was a smart one. Gutierrez has amassed millions of social media fans who follow him for his expert makeup advice and hilarious online presence.

But with all the extra fanfare lately, Gutierrez, who is openly gay, has attracted some unwanted attention too.

On Jan. 6, 2017, conservative blogger Matt Walsh tweeted out a photo of Gutierrez, writing, “Dads, this is why you need to be there to raise your sons.”

Dads, this is why you need to be there to raise your

Needless to say, Walsh’s tweet — which racked up nearly 5,000 favorites and over 1,600 retweets — encapsulates a whole lot of bigotry and ignorance in less than 140 characters.

Walsh’s rhetoric wasn’t just harmful, though, it was factually incorrect too.

Gutierrez’s dad, “Manny Sr.,” has been there for the social media star.

In fact, he’s been one of Gutierrez’s biggest supporters.

After Walsh’s example of fragile masculinity went viral, Manny Sr. — who works for his son and is “so proud” of him — decided to throw in his two cents. He wrote a message addressed to Walsh and asked Gutierrez to share it on his social media accounts:

My dad is a fucken SAVAGE, I can’t with him

“Not only am I proud of what [my son] has accomplished, but I’m more proud of the person he has become,” Manny Sr. wrote.

“I know the words you speak are from lack of knowing anybody from the LGBT community,” he wrote. “If you did, you would soon realize they are some of the most real and kind hearted individuals that walk this planet of ours.”

Fortunately, Manny’s tweet with his dad’s message has spread much further than Walsh’s original hateful comment, garnering more than 12,000 retweets and nearly 60,000 favorites.

Gutierrez’s dad’s love for his son reflects a broader shift in parents who are accepting and supportive of their LGBTQ children.

While the popularity of same-sex marriage doesn’t necessarily indicate progress on all queer issues, it does serve as a general barometer to gauge Americans’ evolving attitudes on LGBTQ rights. And in that sense, we’ve come a long way.

Not only has national approval of marriage equality trended upward in recent years — surpassing 60% in 2016 — but, more specifically, parents of a certain generation are coming around to the idea too: A 2016 WedInsights study found that 60% of married same-sex couples reported having emotional support from their parents — up from 46% in 2013.

There are many more Manny Sr.’s out there.

In response to the letter, fans applauded Gutierrez’s dad.

Whether it was through an abundance of exclamation points…

…attempts to recruit Gutierrez’s dad for public office…

Can we have your dad for president?!

…or sending him a simple message of love via hug.

Fans loved Manny Sr.’s message of inclusion. And that message, of course, wasn’t lost on Gutierrez either.

“He’s the best,” Gutierrez wrote in response to one fan. “[I’m] so lucky to have him.”

This article was originally published on 1.18.17

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The secret but definitive reason dark towels might be ‘superior’ to white towels

Those soft, fluffy white hotel towels might seem irresistible—so irresistible that we slip a couple into our suitcase from time to time. But when it comes to getting the most bang for your buck, darker hues might be the way to go.

At this point, you might be expecting the more obvious reason: stains. White towels certainly show signs of dirt easier than their colorful counterparts. Everyone knows that.

But actually, according to a quick and informative video posted by product researcher “The Shopping Expert,” dark towels are also “technically superior” for another reason.

As the Shopping Expert explains, towels are manufactured with softeners and a silicone finish before hitting the shelves at stores to make them “feel fluffier and lusher.”

This coating might make you more compelled to make a purchase, but it also affects the towel’s only job—drying you off—since it reduces the towel’s absorbency. This is also why it is recommended to avoid using fabric softeners on towels or any fabric meant to absorb liquid.

Darker and bolder colored towels, however, are less affected by these softeners due to their dye, and therefore what you feel in the store is much closer to what you’re going to feel after a few washes.

However, that might not be enough to make dark towels truly superior, at least according to other sources.

Some argue that white towels are neutral enough to withstand any changes in bathroom color scheme, and aren’t going to lose their luster due to fading.

Others point out that white might be the more hygienic choice if bleach is used to wash them, plus it’s hard to go too long without washing white towels, because, again, the dirt is easy to spot.

Others still swear that textured towels are the way to go, noting that they instantly add some pizazz and show less wear over time.

In the end, we might not be able to unanimously get on board with team dark towels. Seems to be more of a personal preference situation. But we can all agree that when it comes to actually getting dry when you hop out of the shower, rough beats soft, hands down.

And one viewer quipped, “the closer to sandpaper the better!”

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‘Assume that I can’ ad shows people with Down syndrome taking control of their lives

There can be nothing more frustrating than someone assuming that you don’t know how to do something. Oftentimes this occurs for reasons like your gender or age. Someone may assume a petite woman wouldn’t know how to fix a car or can’t lift something heavy, while someone else may believe that a child can’t read a book above their grade level.

These small assumptions not only put people in a box unintentionally, but it can also be sexism, ageism and ableism when it happens to people who are physically or developmentally delayed. An ad put together by CoorDown for World Down Syndrome Day on March 21, tackles the assumptions placed on people with Down syndrome.

People that have Down syndrome are often treated much younger than what they are, even if developmentally they’re closer to their numerical age. They even face these misconceptions when it comes to seeking medical treatment, with doctors treating them like children. That’s why the CoorDown ad is so powerful. It challenges those misconceptions and inherent biases.

Starring in the commercial is Madison Tevlin, an actor with Down syndrome that stars in the comedy Champions with Woody Harrelson. The ad starts out with Tevlin sitting at a bar as her voiceover says, “hey bartender, you assume that I cannot drink a margarita. So you don’t serve me a margarita,” as the bartender slides her a colorful soda pop with a straw. ‘So I don’t drink a margarita. Your assumption becomes reality.”

Tevlin goes through different scenarios that point out assumptions being made about her capabilities. Parents who don’t think their child with Down syndrome can move out. Teachers who think they can’t learn more complicated pieces of literature, with the main point of the commercial being to stop limiting the realities of people who have Down syndrome by making assumptions. People under the video applauded CoorDown for the reminder that people of differing abilities can do all sorts of things if given the chance and appropriate support.

“Nailed it! Let’s get beyond thinking it’s great that people with developmental disabilities are “invited to the table” and support a paradigm where they are the host of that table,” one person writes.

“What a fantastic message! We all need to listen to it. Don’t overlook their potential. They will surprise you,” someone else says.

“Bravo! Excellent message and the delivery is amazing! I don’t have Down syndrome but I am Autistic, so I have been exposed to so many parents who hold their children back with low expectations,” another shares.

One teacher wants to show the commercial to her class but there’s an F bomb at the end, so she will have to wait for the censored version. Overall the reaction was nothing but positive and you can watch the incredible ad below.

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How do you fold a fitted sheet? It’s actually not as hard as you think.

With younger generations ditching top sheets, it may seem like the basic household task of putting sheets away in the linen closet or drawer should be getting easier. But the top sheet was never the problem when it comes to folding and storing. It’s that cursed fitted sheet with this wonky elastic corners and bulbous, amorphous shape that gets people’s goat, every time.

If only it were a simple as this:

However, if you know what you’re doing, it’s not actually as hard to neatly fold a fitted sheet as people think. There are just a couple of principles to keep in mind.

First, it’s much, much easier to fold a fitted sheet with a flat surface. You can try to do it in the air, but you’re just going to frustrate yourself.

Second, the goal of folding the fitted sheet is to keep the ugly on the inside. You’re never going to get the perfectly flat, neat square you get with a folded flat sheet, but you can get pretty close by remembering that the bumpy elastic parts won’t matter if they’re folded up inside the straight parts of the sheet.

Now let’s get to it.

Step 1: Lay the sheet out as best you can on the bed. Tuck your hands into the corners of one short end of the sheet, then tuck those corners inside the corners of the other end. This is the part that gives people the most trouble, but once you see what it looks like, it’s pretty clear.

It takes this woman about 5 seconds to do that part (but it takes a bit of practice to get that quick). Watch:

Step 2: You now have a fitted sheet that’s essentially folded in half, but ugly. Now you want to make a somewhat uniform shape out of it, by pulling those elastic corners in so that the top is evenly rounded. (Basically, make it look like an old-timey wagon carriage.)

Step 3: Pull the bottom of the sheet taut so you have a straight fold, then fold it the width you want the folded sheet to be (about a foot, generally). Do that fold twice.

Step 4: Here’s the “ugly on the inside” part. Now fold the round top down twice, putting the second fold over the first two folds you made. (This part does not need to look super neat because, again, the ugly is going to be hidden on the inside.) Flatten it out with your hands. Now you have a nice, long, somewhat flat burrito with ugly ends.

Step 5: Fold in from both ends (ugly on the inside, always). If you want to tuck one end into the other like she does in the video, great, but that’s not even necessary. You can just double fold from each end and call it good.

Voila! Neatly folded fitted sheet. It may look hard and may not end up this neat on your first try, but keep going. Once you get the hang of it, it gets faster and easier.

If that method just doesn’t work for you, here’s another to try from Linen House. It looks a lot more complicated at the beginning, but once you see what she’s doing, it’s clearer. She’s essentially folding it in half and then half again, keeping the corners tucked into one another going the same direction. (You could also do that part on a bed, which might be easier than trying to do it in the air. Everyone has their preference.)

One caveat: Some sheet material is harder to fold than others. Basic cotton or poly blend? Super doable. Silk sheets are slippery, but often fold down very flat. Flannel sheets stick to themselves a bit, but are still amenable to the folding. Jersey sheets, though? Far more challenging. They have no clear shape and get more misshapen with every wash. You might be justified in giving up and wadding those ones however they will go.

What’s even the point of folding fitted sheets in the first place? Well, they fit far better in a cupboard or drawer when folded than they do when wadded, for one, so if space is important to you, that’s one reason. It’s also just far more aesthetically pleasing. Once you get the hang of it, it takes like 30 seconds, which is totally worth it.

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Dad writes heartbreaking message after the death of his son

A dad from Portland, Oregon, has taken to LinkedIn to write an emotional plea to parents after he learned that his son had died during a conference call at work. J.R. Storment, of Portland, Oregon, encouraged parents to spend less time at work and more time with their kids after his son’s death.

In an open letter on LinkedIn, which has so far garnered over 26,000 likes and 2,700 comments, Storment explains that his son, Wiley, passed away during his sleep as a result of complications from his mild epilepsy. He then goes on to blast himself for not spending enough time with his son, and encourages other parents to take more time off work.

Widowed father with his family

Storment starts by explaining that the day his son passed away started like any other:

“Eight years ago, during the same month, I had twin boys and co-founded Cloudability. About three months ago Cloudability was acquired. About three weeks ago we lost one of our boys.”

“When I got the call I was sitting in a conference room with 12 people at our Portland office talking about PTO policies. Minutes earlier, I had admitted to the group that in the last 8 years I’d not taken more than a contiguous week off.”

That’s when Storment received a call from his distraught wife.

“My wife and I have an agreement that when one of us calls, the other answers. So when the phone rang I stood up and walked to the conference room door immediately.”

“I was still walking through the door when I answered with ‘Hey, what’s up?'”

“Her reply was icy and immediate: ‘J.R., Wiley is dead.'”

“‘What?’ I responded incredulously.”

“‘Wiley has died.’ she reiterated.”

“‘What?! No.’ I yelled out, ‘No!'”

“‘I’m so sorry, I have to call 911.'”

Storment goes on to explain the chaos that happened next.

“That was the entire conversation. The next thing I know I’m sprinting out the front door of the office with my car keys in hand, running ferociously across the street and muttering ‘oh F**k. oh F**k. oh F**k.’ Half way down the block I realize I don’t have the opener to my parking garage. Running back into the lobby, I all but shout “Someone drive me! Somebody drive me!” Thankfully, a helpful colleague did.”

Storment made it home, but not yet knowing the cause of death, police were treating the house as a possible crime scene. The heartbroken father was unable to see his son for two and a half hours.

“When the medical examiner finally finished his work, we were allowed in the room. An eerie calm came over me. I laid down next to him in the bed that he loved, held his hand and kept repeating, ‘What happened, buddy? What happened?'”

“We stayed next to him for maybe 30 minutes and stroked his hair before they returned with a gurney to take him away. I walked him out, holding his hand and his forehead through the body bag as he was wheeled down our driveway. Then all the cars drove away. The last one to leave was the black minivan with Wiley in it.”

Storment goes on to explain his son’s dreams and aspirations, and the difficulty he had signing his son’s death certificate.

“Wiley was obsessed with starting a business. One day it was a smoothie stand, the next it would be a gallery, then a VR headset company, then a ‘coder’, then a spaceship building company. In each of these scenarios he was the boss. His brother (and sometimes us) were invited to work for—not with— him and were each assigned jobs. In the gallery scenario, Wiley informed Oliver that he would be manning the cash register.”

“Around 5 years old, Wiley decided he was going to get married as an adult. By 6 he had identified the girl, holding her hand at recess on the first day of kindergarten. Over the next two years as we moved from Portland to London to Hawaii, he kept in touch with her by handwritten letter. Not long before we moved back to Portland, the two agreed (by letter) to marry. She beat him to the punch and asked him. He accepted. Happily, he got to see her twice after we moved back to Portland in June.”

“One of the countless difficult moments of this month was signing his death certificate. Seeing his name written on the top of it was hard. However, two fields further down the form crushed me. The first said: ‘Occupation: Never worked’ and the next: ‘Marital Status: Never married.’ He wanted so badly to do both of those things. I feel both fortunate and guilty to have had success in each.”

Storment then criticises himself for spending too much time at work. And while it sounds that Wiley got to live an amazing life, Storment only wishes he could have done more with him.

“Over the last three weeks I have come up with an endless stream of things I regret. They tend to fall into two categories: things I wish I had done differently and things I’m sad not to see him do. My wife is constantly reminding me of all the things he did do: Wiley went to 10 countries, drove a car on a farm road in Hawaii, hiked in Greece, snorkeled in Fiji, wore a suit to a fantastic British prep school every day for two years, got rescued from a shark on a jet ski, kissed multiple girls, got good enough at chess to beat me twice in a row, wrote short stories and drew comics obsessively.”

Storment hadn’t checked on the boys the morning of the tragedy because he had to get up early for meetings, a decision he seems to regret.

“Around 5:40am, the next morning I woke up for a series of back to back meetings. I did a Peloton ride, took an analyst call from my home office, one with a colleague on the drive to work, then the rest at the office. None seem that important now. I left that morning without saying goodbye or checking on the boys.”

Storment has a simple message for parents:

“Many have asked what they can do to help. Hug your kids. Don’t work too late. A lot of the things you are likely spending your time on you’ll regret once you no longer have the time. I’m guessing you have 1:1 meetings on the books with a lot of people you work with. Do you have them regularly scheduled with your kids? If there’s any lesson to take away from this, it’s to remind others (and myself) not to miss out on the things that matter.”

“The big question is how to return to work in a way that won’t leave me again with the regrets I have now. To be honest, I’ve considered not going back. But I believe in the words of Kahlil Gibran who said, ‘Work is love made visible.’ To me, that line is a testament to how much we gain, grow and offer through the work we do. But that work needs to have a balance that I have rarely lived. It’s a balance that lets us offer our gifts to the world but not at the cost of self and family.”

“While I sat writing this post, my living son, Oliver, came in to ask for screen time. Instead of saying the usual ‘no’, I stopped writing and asked if I could play with him. He was happily surprised by my answer and we connected in a way I would have formerly missed out on. Small things matter. One silver lining from this tragedy is the improving relationship I have with him.”

“Our family has gone from having two units of two (the parents and the twins) to now being a triangle of three. That’s a big adjustment for a family that has always been four. Oliver’s brilliant reply when we discussed the shape of our new family: ‘But Papa, the triangle is the strongest shape.’ By some sad and beautiful irony, Oliver has met three sets of 8-year-old twins in our new neighborhood since Wiley passed.”

“I’ve learned to stop waiting to do the things the kids ask for. When we sold the business I gave each of the boys a $100 dollar bill. They decided to pool their money to buy a tent for camping. But we didn’t make it happen before Wiley died. Another regret. So, after the first round of family visits after his death, I took Jessica and Oliver to REI to get gear and we left town quickly to camp near Mt. St. Helens.”

“Somehow, we got to the wilderness without enough cash to cover the campground fee and had a slight panic. Jessica then realized that Wiley’s $100 bill was still in his seat pocket. He got to spend his money on camping after all. Collectively, the family said a big, ‘Thanks, buddy’ out-loud to him. It was one of many bittersweet moments we will experience for the rest of our lives. Each happy time brings with it the sadness that he doesn’t get to experience it.”

“One of Wiley’s happy times was listening to music and dancing. Damn, could that kid dance. He loved the Oregon Country Fair and the year before we left for London, we listened to a band there play a version of ‘Enjoy yourself (It’s later than you think)‘. The words stuck with me that day three years ago and painfully so now:”

“You work and work for years and years, you’re always on the go

You never take a minute off, too busy makin’ dough

Someday, you say, you’ll have your fun, when you’re a millionaire

Imagine all the fun you’ll have in your old rockin’ chair

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think

Enjoy yourself, while you’re still in the pink

The years go by, as quickly as a wink

Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think”

This article originally appeared on 07.10.21

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Watch this 13-year-old dancer blow away the professional choreographer who danced with her

Humans may not always recognize greatness right away, but sometimes it’s so clear it simply can’t be denied.

You don’t have to be a dancer yourself to see when someone’s got moves, and a viral video from choreographer Phil Wright spotlights a kid who’s got moves. Like, wow.

Mariandrea Villegas may be tiny, but she packs a mighty amount of energy, skill, coordination and x-factor into her dancing. Oh and joy. Did I mention joy?

Villegas, 13, danced alongside choreographer Phil Wright at The Dance Awards and holy moly. She snatched the stage right out from under him.

“I think I got smoked,” he wrote when he shared the video on his Instagram page. “I need to stop dancing with these kids. 😂 They’re low-key superheroes.”

If Villegas is any evidence, he’s right. Watch:

Upworthy shared the video on Instagram as well, and people loved it.

“When you find your passion at a young age, it’s a beautiful thing to see,” wrote one commenter.

“And all with a smile on her face,” wrote another.

“This kid is an absolute star 🙌” shared another, echoing the sentiment of the copious fire emojis in the comments.

Keep on dancing with joy and passion, Mariandrea! We can’t wait to see more from you. (You can follow her on Instagram if you want to see what she’s done up to now. It’s impressive.)

This article originally appeared on 2.20.23

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‘Couple’ was asked what they love about each other. Turns out they’re siblings with a beautiful bond.

“Love” is one of the most powerful words in the English language, yet it’s also one of the most broadly defined. We use the word “love” for so many things that are neither the same nor equal—our families, our friends, our romantic partners, our hobbies—even our favorite foods.

When we think of a “love story,” we almost exclusively imagine a tale of romance, but that’s not the only kind of love story there is. Sometimes the strongest, most meaningful loves of our lives aren’t romantic at all.

David Shane creates videos in which he approaches couples in public and asks them to share three things they love about each other, resulting in some major #couplegoals moments. But one “couple” he approached had a surprising answer to that question, one that moved both them and the people watching the video afterward to tears.

Blane approached a man and woman sitting on a bench at a mall and asked his signature question—”Excuse me, could you give me three things you love about each other?” The woman responded, “Well, this is my brother,” and proceeded to share that she loved that they were related and that they care about each other—typical family stuff. But as she started elaborating, the beautiful bond they share became more and more apparent.

This is one you just have to watch:

People were understandably moved seeing this brother and sister express their love for one another through serious life challenges.

“This is what love looks like. 🥹 What a truly beautiful sibling relationship, 😭🫶🏽” wrote one commenter.

“I gotta stop watching these right after I do my makeup,” wrote another.

“Gosh, I love questions like this that remind us to SEE two people sitting in a mall as the true, precious humans they are,” shared another. “We walk past people every day, all day long and never get to know their story. There must be so many stories we miss. This is the beauty of social media. I wish both of these sweet souls the very best. So glad they have each other.”

Many of us have people with whom we share a deep connection but may not always share our feelings freely. This video is a good reminder to let our loved ones know what they mean to us and to treasure all the love stories in our lives, whether romantic, platonic or familial.

This article originally appeared on 9.29.23

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Why Does Beyoncé’s Alternate ‘Cowboy Carter’ Cover Say ‘Beyincé?’

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Beyoncé is less than ten days away from releasing her new country-inspired album titled Cowboy Carter. After revealing the cover art of it yesterday, she has now released an alternate version. Unlike the original where she rocks a sash reading the album’s name, the one in this new photo says “act ii / Beyincé” on it.

Although it might be a blink-and-you-miss-it detail, internet users have been wondering why she changed it to an “i” instead of the “o” in her name.

Here’s why it says that.

Why Does Beyoncé’s Alternate Cowboy Carter Cover Say ‘Beyincé?’

For those who might not have known, Beyoncé was named after her mother Tina Knowles-Lawson‘s real last name.

“A lot of people don’t know that Beyoncé is my last name. It’s my maiden name,” Tina previously told People Magazine. “My name was Celestine Beyoncé, which at that time was not a cool thing to have that weird name. I wanted my name to be Linda Smith because those were the cool names.”

However, Tina’s mother and siblings spelled their last name with an “i” to make it Beyincé because there was an error with the birth certificates. When Beyoncé’s grandmother (aka Tina’s mom) tried to correct Tina’s, she was told she should just be lucky because Black people didn’t previously receive certificates.

“It’s interesting — and it shows you the times — because we asked my mother when I was grown. I was like, ‘Why is my brother’s name spelled B-E-Y-I-N-C-E? You know, it’s all these different spellings,’” Tina added. “And my mom’s reply to me was like, ‘That’s what they put on your birth certificate.’ ”

Check out Beyoncé’s alternate Cowboy Carter cover referencing this below.

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Dana Carvey Apologized To Sharon Stone For Starring With Her In A ‘So Offensive’ Sketch On ‘SNL’

Back in 1992, Sharon Stone hosted Saturday Night Live and starred in an infamous sketch where a group of airline workers repeatedly trick her into removing articles of clothing. Dana Carvey is real sorry about that.

During the latest episode of Carvey and David Spade’s podcast, Fly on the Wall, the former SNL alums invited Stone on as a guest and quickly got to work apologizing for the shady sketch, which also featured Carvey playing an Indian man. So there were layers here.

“I want to apologize publicly for the security check sketch where I played an Indian man and we’re convincing Sharon, her character, or whatever, to take her clothes off to go through the security thing,” Carvey said via The Daily Beast, which prompted Spade to call the whole thing, “So offensive.”

While Stone appreciated the apology, she actually didn’t mind the sketch:

“It’s so 1992, you know, it’s from another era,” Carvey continued. Stone said she actually didn’t mind “being the butt of the joke.”

“I know the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony,” she said, “And I think that we were all committing misdemeanors” back then “because we didn’t think there was something wrong then. We didn’t have this sense. That was funny to me, I didn’t care.”

The actress later admitted that she “blacked out” for half of the episode, but she definitely remembered the airport sketch.

“I usually wake up when people start asking me to take my clothes off,” Stone quipped to the two comedians.

(Via The Daily Beast)

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Who Is Opening For Megan Thee Stallion On The ‘Hot Girl Summer Tour?’

megan thee stallion 2023
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At long last Megan Thee Stallion is hitting the road this summer. The Hot Girl Coach had the internet shook last week when she announced the Hot Girl Summer Tour, and shared that she will be performing in various cities across the world. Today (March 20), Meg revealed the dates and venues where she will be performing this summer. And of course, with a tour this hotly anticipated, we’ve gotta have equally fabulous openers. Joining Meg on select dates of the Hot Girl Summer Tour is another firecracker of a rapper.

Who is opening for Megan Thee Stallion on the Hot Girl Summer Tour?

Meg will be joined by none other than GloRilla. Glo, who hails from Memphis, has already built an impressive catalog of hit, including her breakthrough single, “FNF (Let’s Go),” the Cardi B-assisted “Tomorrow 2,” and of course, her latest hit “Yeah Glo!,” which is poised to be a hit for the summertime.

Glo will be joining Meg on all of the dates, except for the shows in Napa, CA; Boston, MA; Manchester, TN; Washington DC; and Europe.

You can see the list of dates and venues below.

Megan Thee Stallion 2024 Tour Dates: Hot Girl Summer Tour

05/14 — Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center^
05/17 — Chicago, IL @ United Center^
05/18 — Detroit, MI @ Little Caesars Arena^
05/21 — New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden^
05/22 — Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center^
05/24 — Napa, CA @ BottleRock Napa Valley Festival*
05/26 — Boston, MA @ Boston Calling Festival*
05/28 — Baltimore, MD @ CFG Bank Arena^
05/30 — Memphis, TN @ FedEx Forum^
06/01 — Atlanta, GA @ State Farm Arena^
06/04 — Raleigh, NC @ PNC Arena^
06/06 — Hollywood, FL @ Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino^
06/08 — Tampa, FL @ Amalie Arena^
06/10 — New Orleans, LA @ Smoothie King Center^
06/11 — Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center^
06/13 — Austin, TX @ Moody Center^
06/14 — Houston, TX @ Toyota Center^
06/16 — Manchester, TN @ Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival
06/17 — Denver, CO @ Ball Arena^
06/19 — Phoenix, AZ @ Footprint Center^
06/21 — Los Angeles, CA @ Arena^
06/22 — Las Vegas, NV @ MGM Grand Garden Arena^
07/04 — Glasgow, UK @ OVO Hydro
07/05 — Manchester, UK @ Co-op Live
07/07 — Paris, FR @ Zenith
07/10 — Amsterdam, NL @ Ziggo Dome
07/11 — Cologne, DE @ Lanxess Arena
07/14 — Dublin, IE @ 3Arena
07/16 — Birmingham, UK @ Utilita Arena
07/17 — London, UK @ The O2
07/27 — Washington DC @ Broccoli City Festival

^ with GloRilla

Megan Thee Stallion is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.