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Single dad receives letter from late wife and immediately gets a DNA test

Ten months after a man’s wife passed away, he finally got the courage to read a letter she left him, which contained a devastating admission. The 4-year-old son they had together may not be his.

“My ‘darling’ wife passed away 10 months ago,” the man wrote on Reddit’s Off My Chest forum. “She wrote a letter for me before she died, but I couldn’t bring myself to read it until now. She told me how sorry she was that she didn’t have the guts to tell me this to my face when she was alive.”

In the letter, the wife revealed that there was a “good chance” that the son he thought was his wasn’t his biological child. A few weeks before their wedding day, the wife got drunk at her bachelorette party and had a one-night stand with another man. Soon after that night, she became pregnant but was unsure who the father was.

The man was torn whether or not to have the paternity test done. The child had only one parent in this world, and he would have to take care of him regardless. He also thought it was cowardly that his former wife would wait until she was no longer around to share the truth with him.

dads, dna test, paternity test

“So she thought she’d rather drop this bomb on my life when I could no longer confront her about it,” the man wrote. “Now that my son would only have one parent looking out for him, and she’d have no idea how I would even react. Maybe I should not have got the paternity test done. Maybe it might be better to live in ignorance. But I just had to know.”

The man took the paternity test and learned he wasn’t the child’s biological father.

“I’m devastated. This doesn’t change how I feel about my son,” he wrote. “He’s my whole world and he’s innocent. But boy, does it hurt. There’s so much going on in my head right now. I haven’t stopped crying. Thank god my son is at my parents’ place for the day. I’d hate for him to see me like this.”

Facing a pain nearly too much for him to bear, the only outlet he had at the moment was reaching out to Reddit to find some solace. “I just needed to let this all out. Don’t have it in me to tell anyone in my life about this right now,” he wrote.

The commenters send him hundreds of messages of support to get him through the shock of first learning the truth about his family.

dna test, paterneity test, sad dad

The most popular message was straightforward and honest. “All your feelings are valid, a lot of people will react with some kind of toxic positivity to things like these. Your feelings are valid. Each and everyone,” femunndsmarka wrote.

Another commenter added that someday, his son will appreciate how he stepped up and did what was right in a very trying circumstance. “He is going to find out the truth one day. Imagine how much more he will love you knowing you didn’t leave him, even though he wasn’t yours,” ImNotGoodatThis6969.

Another commenter provided valuable insight from the son’s perspective.

“As an adopted child, I just want to thank you on behalf of your son. I deeply believe it changes nothing, family is not about blood, its about who you love, want to have by your side, and care for the most. Sending hugs, strength and gratitude,” Mariuuq wrote.

The father at the heart of this story is understandably devastated because his life was upended almost overnight. But the hope in the story is that his trials also taught him a powerful truth—his love for his son goes much deeper than blood.

This article originally appeared on 9.28.23

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The heartwarming ‘canary in the coal mine’ historical detail most of us didn’t know

These days the phrase “canary in the coal mine” is used to refer to any early warning sign of trouble or danger, but it’s based in the real history of canaries being used in coal mining. Miners would carry the songbirds into the mine with them as a makeshift carbon monoxide alarm, as the bird’s small body would be impacted by the odorless gas first, giving miners time to evacuate before it built to deadly levels.

Many if not most of us probably assume the canaries used for this purpose gave up their lives to save the coal miners. As it turns out, that was not always the case.

In fact, the man who created the canary in the coal mine system went out of his way to make sure the birds could do their job safely.

After a deadly explosion in a Welsh mine in 1896, Scottish physiologist and leading expert of respiration John Haldane was asked to investigate to find the cause. He concluded that a buildup of carbon monoxide was to blame and suggested using birds or mice—animals that would be impacted by the gas far quicker than humans—to serve as sentinel species inside the mine. Because they are more sensitive to the toxins, they’d get sick (or die) before the gas reached levels that would harm or kill humans.

Canaries were determined to be ideal for this purpose because they use an immense amount of oxygen in addition to being small and portable. Their breathing habits allow toxins in the air to circulate through their bodies more quickly, giving a very early warning for carbon monoxide gas.

But rather than carry the canary into the mine in a normal birdcage as a potential sacrifice for the greater good, Haldane created a specialized cage that would allow them to live.

The “canary resuscitator” cage held the bird in a clear enclosure with a circular door that was kept open to allow air to enter through a grill that the bird from escaping. As soon as the bird showed signs of gas poisoning—swaying on its perch or collapsing—the door would be closed and a valve connected to a small oxygen tank on top of the cage would be opened. The bird would then get fresh air and the effects of the toxic gas would be reversed.

canary cage used in coal mines

Lewis Pollard, who served as an assistant curator at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester, U.K., shared that the canary resuscitator was his favorite out of the museums more than 20,000 objects in 2018. “While I don’t advocate the use of animals in testing dangerous conditions, I am pleased that Haldane spared a thought for the canaries themselves and worked to make their job as non-lethal as possible,” he wrote. “My impression from hearing about canaries in coal mines was that they were expected to die to warn people, so when I came across this object it was a huge relief.”

There were “less thoughtful” cages used as well, Pollard added, but Haldane wasn’t the only person wanting to prevent the birds’ demise.

“I’ve even read that many miners cared deeply for their canary companions, and some disliked the advent of electronic sensors in the mid-1980s because it meant they would lose this companionship,” wrote Pollard.

Clearly, it’s better not to use animals to check for poisons when there are other options, but when the canary in the coal mine was the most viable way to prevent tragic mining accidents, it’s nice to know it was done as ethically as possible.

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Unemployed guy has some laughs explaining why finding a job is so frustrating these days

There’s a strange thing happening in the U.S. economy these days. Unemployment has been at its lowest in decades, and layoffs remain modest. However, people who are looking for work are having a hard time getting hired and it’s frustrating to send resume after resume and never hear anything back. What gives?

Business Insider says that despite a strong economy, employers are cautious about hiring more employees until they’re sure inflation is under control and that the Federal Reserve will eventually lower interest rates.

“It feels like the job market is in a bit of a holding pattern,” Daniel Zhao, a lead economist at Glassdoor, recently told Business Insider.

YouTuber Levi Flemming had fun with the frustrations many people experience while job hunting these days in a new video called “The Typical Job Search Experience. Painful.” In the video, Levi has to go through the daunting task of filling out applications on countless websites and then when he finally gets an interview, he has to go through the gauntlet of middle management interviews, only to be rejected.

The typical job search experience. Painful.

Like many job seekers, Levi began his journey on LinkedIn. “We need to make a LinkedIn profile, by the way. It’s like Facebook but more professional,” he says in the video with nearly 2,000 views. Soon, he was off to the races and mindlessly filled out job applications on Indeed, Workday, Monster, Glassdoor—the list goes on and on.

Why does the auto-populate never work on these sites?

“Got to create my 800th Workday account and I need to upload my resume,” he continued. “Drag and drop successfully uploaded, and the auto-populate didn’t do anything, so now we have to … manually enter the dates do you have at least 5 years of experience.”

And there are all the strange questions:

Do you have experience with C++?

Have you ever been terminated from a job before?

Have you ever stolen from your employer?

Have you ever committed terrorist acts against the United States?

Finally, Levi lands an interview that quickly turns into what feels like a speaking tour of the entire company.

“Hey, look these guys are actually going to give me an interview. Go through the first interview with the hiring manager,” Levi said. “Second interview with the boss’s boss. Third interview with the senior boss. Have to do this take-home written assessment that takes me 4 days to do—got myself a fourth interview with the junior director. A fifth interview with the senior director and now we’re waiting just waiting, waiting, waiting. Yey look, they finally emailed me back…”

And it’s a rejection letter—time to start all over again.

The video resonated with a lot of folks in the comments.

“Man! This is spot on. So much of my personal data floating around in company website job portals!” Jackbits6377 wrote. “Looking for work right now and the amount of tests I had to do for a f’ing customer support position was ridiculous. I just closed the application, lol,” NowayConway added.

“Painful to watch, yet so damn true…” Pastilance wrote.

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Golden Retriever’s unbridled excitement over new dog bed is too sweet not to watch

Dogs of every breed are able to show such excitement over the littlest thing, but Golden Retrievers are just a bit extra. Be it with their favorite toys, snacks, or in this case, their dog beds.

One proud goldie named Winston is winning hearts online, thanks to his adorable reaction to a dog bed upgrade. Which is honestly understandable…the bed is more of a mini couch. Who wouldn’t be excited?

Winston’s mom, Ashley Jance, not only manages to capture the wholesome moment, but provide the perfect narration.

“This is my old bed… and THIS is my new bed!” Jance says as, indeed, we see Winson jump on one bed then bounds to the other, as though he were a kid on Christmas showing off his new toys.

And just like a kid, Winston doesn’t love the idea of sharing, as indicated by the playful growls when Dad tries to sit on his new plush throne.

“He’s like, ‘get up!’” Jance says through giggles.

Down in the comments, viewers seemed to catch Winston’s enthusiasm.

“I love this for you Winston!” one person exclaimed.

Another added, “that is the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time.”


im very proud and excited

♬ original sound – Winston The Golden

Of course, not all dogs might take to dog beds as happily as Winston did. A survey by the American Pet Products Association found that 62% of small dogs, 41% of medium-sized dogs and 32% of large dogs sleep with their owners.

But even for pups who don’t take to their own bed immediately, there are certain steps that can be taken to make the bed feel a bit more appealing. Mostly it takes establishing routine and safety along with some patience as a pet owner.

Or..maybe pet owners could just show their furry friends this video of Winston…because boy is his energy contagious.

By the way, if you’re interested in getting a dog bed just like Winston’s, they’re available on Amazon.

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How abortion ban exceptions muddy ethical care for pregnant patients

When the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022, experts warned that there would be medical consequences. Politicians have made abortion a black-and-white issue when it’s a vast ocean of gray, and doctors are now stuck in dilemma after dilemma in states like Tennessee, which enacted some of the strictest abortion laws in the nation in the wake of Dobbs.

In Tennessee, it is now a Class C felony to perform an abortion. Exceptions are made for rape and incest, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, and if “the abortion was necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman.”

But as OB-GYN Sarah Osmundson explained on Radio Atlantic, that last exception is “very gray.” Working as a maternal-fetal specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Osmundson serves on the abortion committee that decides whether a doctor has the green light to perform an abortion to save a mother’s life or bodily function. In an interview with Hanna Rosin, Dr. Osmundson shared how making those calls can feel like an impossible task as providers walk the line between ethical care and the threat of legal action.

Osmundson explained that it’s unclear what the exceptions to the law even mean because there’s no predictable line for when a patient will cross over into imminent death or permanent injury. “It is a continuum of risk,” she said. “Where is the cut point that we have to decide some aspect of risk is too high?”

Some cases are cut-and-dried, she said, but others present a conundrum for those who are tasked with assessing whether the risk to a mother’s life or health is high enough to warrant an abortion. There are no clear thresholds, especially since risk assessment isn’t an exact science.

She offered an example of a patient who has diabetes combined with an autoimmune condition, but they’re both currently well managed, on top of kidney disease.

“You know, these are the kind of cases where we’re really trying to guess at: What is their risk of death or serious morbidity?” she said. “And even when I see these patients in the office, like, I can’t sit down with them and say, Your risk is X percent. I don’t have data to drive that individual case. Maybe their risk of serious problems in pregnancy is like 5 percent.”

Osmundson pointed out that some patients choose not to screen for chromosomal abnormalities with an amniocentesis because there’s a 0.1% risk of complication and they decide it’s not worth the risk. “So we don’t do certain things because of very low risk. How am I to say that a risk of 5 percent is too low of a risk?” she asked.

Dr. Lisa Harris, an OB-GYN and professor at the University of Michigan, posed a similar questions to NPR shortly after the Dobbs decision was announced.

“How imminent must death be?” Harris asked. “There are many conditions that people have that when they become pregnant, they’re OK in early pregnancy, but as pregnancy progresses, it puts enormous stress on all of the body’s organ systems – the heart, the lungs, the kidneys. So they may be fine right now – there’s no life-threatening emergency now – but three or four or five months from now, they may have life-threatening consequences.”

Osmundson gave a specific example along those lines that posed a problem for some doctors on her committee. A woman was 14 weeks pregnant with a fetus that had no skull, which meant it had no chance of survival but an increased risk of excessive amniotic fluid, which could threaten the mother’s life. Osmundson thought the case warranted an abortion, but others on the committee wouldn’t commit, with one saying they weren’t “brave enough.”

The doctors were concerned about the way the decision would be scrutinized and the potential legal consequences if someone brought the case to court. Dr. Louise King, an OB-GYN at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, had warned of this scenario when Roe v. Wade was overturned.

“Laws will exist that ask [physicians] to deprioritize the person in front of them and to act in a way that is medically harmful,” King told NPR. “And the penalty for not doing so will be loss of license, money loss, potentially even criminal sanctions.”

The reality Osmundson described in the Radio Atlantic interview demonstrates how prescient that warning truly was.

“I feel like I’m making a decision thinking about: How would our attorney general interpret this? How would the optics appear? And it makes me feel really uncomfortable, as a physician, that I’m considering care for the optics, rather than for what is right and best for the patient,” she said.

Legal abortion ban exceptions like “to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or to prevent serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman” may sound straightforward to the average person, in the reality of medicine, it’s not. Doctors aren’t magicians or oracles, they don’t have a crystal ball that tells them if a patient is going to live or die or be irreparably harmed—they make their best guesses based on their deep well of knowledge and experience, which lawyers and politicians deciding on legal boundaries don’t have. Abortion restrictions and exceptions like Tennessee’s force doctors to think as lawyers and lawyers to think as doctors when they don’t have the training for it, all while people’s lives hang in the balance.

The ambiguity in risk thresholds also makes these legal questions impossible to navigate. As Osmundson pointed out, a 5% risk is actually quite high, especially when it’s your own life on the line. That’s a hard enough choice for a person to make for themselves, much less a choice we should expect a doctor to make for someone based on political decisions and legal judgments made by people with no experience in the intricacies of medicine.

The challenges are even causing some doctors to leave states where they feel they can’t care for patients properly. Kylie Cooper, MD was a maternal-fetal specialist who moved from Idaho to Minnesota in the wake of the Dobbs decision.

“My husband and I would talk about this every day. It was consuming us,” she told the AAMC. “What if I lost my license? What would happen to our kids if I went to jail? What about my guilt if I didn’t help a sick patient to my fullest ability? It was a nightmare. I didn’t feel I could remain a health care provider in a place where I couldn’t help a patient sitting right in front of me. It was unbearable.”

And for many, it doesn’t seem to be a matter of making the law clearer. There are simply too many factors on an individual patient basis for more clarity in the law to even be possible, much less helpful, while also preserving a doctor’s ethical standards of care.

So what’s the answer?

The simplest answer is medical privacy—the protection that was provided by Roe. v. Wade—which was argued for and passed by the majority of Republican-nominated Supreme Court Justices, by the way—for doctors and patients together to decide on healthcare decisions without government interference. We were warned by doctors of what would happen when abortion laws were left fully up to each state, and now we’re seeing those consequences play out in state after state.

After going through various challenging scenarios, Osmundson summed up the crux of the issue with two questions that every person ought to consider: “Do you want your cancer doctor to be considering the opinion of an attorney general when they’re making recommendations about your cancer care? Why would you want those kind of external things involved in your care during pregnancy?”

Listen to Dr. Osmundson’s enlightening Radio Atlantic interview here.

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TikToker Harry Daniels Tracked Down Dua Lipa To Sing An Innocently Awkward And Self-Deprecating Cover Of ‘Houdini’

Dua Lipa The BRIT Awards 2024
Getty Image

There are Taylor Swift’s private jet tracking skills and covert CIA-like investigative skills. The latter has become TikToker Harry Daniels’ frightening calling card. Somehow, Daniels manages to track down his favorite public figures. Today (March 17), in his latest video, Daniels pops up on Dua Lipa.

As the singer and her team are exiting what appears to be an office building, Daniels lurks in the waiting area, waiting for his moment. After confirming it was, in fact, Dua, Daniels rushes into action. “Dua, can I sing for you,” asks Daniels, to which she obliges.

He then performs an innocently awkward and self-deprecating cover of Dua’s single, “Houdini,” off her forthcoming album Radical Optimism. After belting out a few lines from the song, Daniels turns to Dua to get her stamp of approval. “I love it,” she said.

But that wasn’t enough encouragement. “That was so bad,” he said. “That must be that radical optimism you’re talking about.”



♬ original sound – harry daniels

While Daniels’ followers echoed Dua’s positive remarks, most focused on how he found Dua in the first place, view their comments below.

Harry Daniels Dua Lipa TikTok comment 03172024
Harry Daniels Dua Lipa TikTok comment 03172024
Harry Daniels Dua Lipa TikTok comment 03172024
Harry Daniels Dua Lipa TikTok comment 03172024

Apparently, Dua isn’t the only one inspired by the life of famed magician Harry Houdini.

Radical Optimism is out 5/3 via Warner Records UK. Find more information here.

Dua Lipa is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

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The Madonna Fan In A Wheelchair Defends The Singer’s Insensitive Comment During Their Viral Exchange At ‘The Celebration Tour’

Madonna The Celebration Tour London 2023
Getty Image

The Celebration Tour was supposed to be Madonna’s victory lap following her unexpected medical scare. But instead of basking in the love of her fans around the world, the “Vogue” singer has pissed off quite a few folks. Those folks include the estate of Luther Vandross, a lawsuit-filing pair of concertgoers, and disability advocacy groups.

On March 9, a clip of Madonna demanding that a fan rise went viral after the attendee informed her that they were in a wheelchair. Users online immediately called about the singer for being insensitive and even making the request. But, now the supposed fan from the exchange has come forward to defend Madonna.

During an interview with TMZ, Vanessa Gorman revealed that she wasn’t offended by Madonna’s remarks despite being paraplegic. In fact, Gorman says she was more star-stuck than anything else. While attending the show’s stop at Vancouver’s Rogers Arena (previously assumed to be at Los Angeles’ Kia Forum), Gorman believed Madonna could identify her bright pink wheelchair, but that wasn’t the case.

After telling Madonna why she couldn’t stand, the musician immediately apologized. Gorman dubs Madonna’s actions as a simple mistake. “Some people are in wheelchairs and can stand,” she said. “[Madonna] had no idea I was paralyzed.”

Although Gorman wasn’t offended by Madonna’s onstage flub, users online have refused to be as forgiving. View their responses below.

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Trump Thinks Jimmy Kimmel Is ‘Even Dumber’ Than He Thought For Reading His Attack Post Live At The Oscars

Donald Trump Jimmy Kimmel
Getty Image

Last week the 96th Academy Awards had everything: male near-nudity, a Field of Dreams rant, a dog. It also had a brief appearance by someone who wasn’t exactly welcome: Donald Trump. The former president didn’t appear in the flesh, but his words did appear near the end, when host Jimmy Kimmel read aloud his negative pan of the show as it was still in progress. Well, sir, Trump didn’t like that.

Per Mediaite, Trump did a Fox News sit-down Sunday, where he again claimed the 2020 election was “rigged” and said it’s unclear how Alexei Navalny died. He also fielded a softball question about his anti-Kimmel rant, which unwittingly wound up on the show itself.

“Every night he hits me, I guess,” Trump explained. “His ratings are terrible. He’s not a talented guy. I hear he hits me all the time, so I figured I’d hit him because I thought he was a lousy host.”

What he wasn’t expecting was for Kimmel to read the whole thing aloud on live television. After all, it wasn’t exactly flattering.

“I said, ‘this guy’s even dumber than I thought,’” said Trump. “The thing went viral. It’s been all over the world now, and all he had to do is keep his mouth shut.”

Of course, Trump’s takes aren’t exactly respected in Hollywood, and the crowd surely got that the joke was on him, not on Kimmel.

In his Truth Social post, Trump went off on Kimmel’s emcee bona fides. “Has there EVER been a WORSE HOST than Jimmy Kimmel at The Oscars,” he wrote. “His opening was that of a less than average person trying too hard to be something which he is not, and never can be. Get rid of Kimmel.”

After reading the post to howls, Kimmel quipped, “Isn’t it past your jail time?”

Trump had a busy one this weekend. Not only did he chat with Fox News in person, but he also held a rally in which he vowed that if he wasn’t re-elected, the American auto industry would suffer a “bloodbath” — a choice of words that didn’t exactly allay fears of potential political violence from the Jan. 6 guy.

(Via Mediaite)

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Kevin Harlan Lost His Mind Over Confetti Dropping Mid-Game In The A-10 Title Game

A10 Confetti

One of the best things about this time of year in the sports calendar is watching college basketball players celebrate a conference or national title. The visuals are always stunning, as players mob one another when the final whistle blows. There are hugs, there’s tears of joy, all sorts of things that really hammer home how special this moment is for a young athlete.

Usually confetti is an important part of the visuals here, as the folks in all of these buildings make sure they have confetti ready to go for when a game comes to an end. That’s the case at the Barclays Center for the A-10 Tournament, and on Sunday, VCU and Duquesne are going head-to-head for an automatic berth in the NCAA Tournament. We know that there’s confetti ready to go because someone made a mistake during the second half and accidentally dropped some.

This will not come as a surprise to anyone who has heard him when something silly happens during a game he’s calling, but the best part of this video is Kevin Harlan, who decided to really turn the dial up to 11 for this one.

“We can’t see our notes!” he said. “The players can’t work on this court! CONFETTI IS EVERYWHERE! SOMEBODY HIT THE WRONG BUTTON!”

The crowd also seemed to love this, presumably because this happening is extremely funny.

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Yale Beat Brown At The Buzzer After Erasing A 6-Point Deficit In 25 Seconds

yale brown ivy league title game

The Yale Bulldogs are headed to the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament after a wild finish to the Ivy League Championship Game against Brown on Sunday afternoon. The Bears, despite a 13-18 overall record, caught fire in the Ivy Tournament and looked like they would take the conference’s automatic bid to the Dance as they took a 60-54 lead with 27 seconds to play on a pair of free throw by Keno Lilly Jr.

However, free throws would become a problem for Brown down the stretch, as they only made one of their four attempts in the final 21 seconds of the game, allowing Yale to chip away at their lead with some clutch buckets. Still, Brown led 61-60 in the closing seconds and just needed a stop to send themselves to the NCAA Tournament, but Matt Knowling had other ideas. Knowling hit a little push shot at the buzzer off an assist from Bez Mbeng to send the Bulldogs dancing.

This really is what conference tournament week is all about, as there’s just nothing quite like it. The stakes, especially in these smaller conference tournaments, are incredibly clear as a win sends you to the NCAA Tournament and a loss ends your season. For Brown, it was almost a Cinderella run through the Ivy League, but ultimately the 2-seed Yale was able to reel them in and give themselves a chance next week to keep their season alive.