Devotees of both The Sandman and Neil Gaiman will soon receive a nice placeholder while the series proper continues filming a second season of The Endless siblings’ adventures. Think of this new show — Dead Boy Detectives — in terms of being an appetizer while bringing part of The Sandman‘s fourth graphic novel volume to life onscreen. This new show’s characters, who hail from a British boarding school in a ghost-oriented journey, have something to do with the ongoing feud between Dream/Morpheus (Tom Sturridge) and Lucifer (Gwendoline Christie).
In print form, this story proved to be such a popular originating arc that Gaiman actually spun them off in a further comic book adventure for the Vertigo imprint.
How Many Episodes Are In ‘Dead Boy Detectives’ Season 1?
The spin off series releases with eight episodes at once on April 25.
What else? The lead characters, Edwin Payne and Charles Rowland, are ghosts who take on the paranormal mysteries that human investigators can’t seem to solve. Co-creator Steve Steve Yockey has likened the show to the Hardy Boys on acid, so there’s that aspect to look forward to as well. We do not know if the show will get any The Sandman crossover action, but fingers are crossed on that note. From the show’s description:
Meet Edwin Payne and Charles Rowland, ‘the brains’ and ‘the brawn’ behind the Dead Boy Detectives agency. Teenagers born decades apart who find each other only in death, Edwin and Charles are best friends and ghosts… who solve mysteries. They will do anything to stick together – including escaping evil witches, Hell and Death herself. With the help of a clairvoyant named Crystal (Nelson) and her friend Niko (Kitamura), they are able to crack some of the mortal realm’s most mystifying paranormal cases.
Netflix’s Dead Boy Detectives streams on April 25.