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A Viral Facebook Post Claimed Netflix Is Making ‘Mindhunter’ Season 3 — Is It Real?


In the latest installment of our “Facebook? More Like Fakenews” series, there’s a viral post going around claiming that Netflix is making Mindhunter season 3. “MINDHUNTER SEASON 3!!!” it reads. “This October, delve deeper into the dark corridors of the human mind with Season 3 of Netflix’s Mindhunter. Join the original cast as they venture further into the chilling psyches of notorious serial killers, unraveling mysteries more enthralling than ever. Brace yourself for an electrifying journey as Mindhunter returns, more gripping and intense — guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.”

The post has over 8,000 shares and 14,000 comments, and every one of those people should know: it’s fake. The “source” comes from YODA BBY ABY, the same trolls behind the Breaking Bad movie that doesn’t exist. There’s even a disclaimer that reads, “For entertainment purposes only. Not real. But it should be… David Fincher!! People clearly want this. Make it happen, Cap’N!”

Mindhunter was a good show, and it could — and maybe should! — have continued for more seasons. But, as executive producer David “Da Finchman” Fincher explained, not enough people watched it.

“Listen, for the viewership that it had, it was an expensive show,” he told Vulture in 2020. “We talked about ‘Finish Mank and then see how you feel,’ but I honestly don’t think we’re going to be able to do it for less than I did season 2… You have to be realistic about dollars have to equal eyeballs.”

So, quit asking him about it — and quit falling for fake Facebook posts.

(Via Snopes)