Jerry Seinfeld is currently in the middle of his “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings while promoting Unfrosted” tour after briefly stopping by Saturday Night Live last weekend as “Man Who Did Too Much Press.” But he’s aware of it.
But now he is trying to take back some of the stuff he said while he was trying to get you to see his pop-tart movie. On this week’s episode of the Fly On The Wall podcast with David Spade and Dana Carvey, Seinfeld joked that his buddy Howard Stern doesn’t really have “comedy chops.”
While the trio were discussing comedy podcasts He said, “Howard Stern intvented this, right? We’re better than him now,” Seinfeld continued, before adding. “Howard is interesting. Howard is a great interviewer, but comedy chops, I mean, can we speak candidly?” When the hosts agreed, he continued, “Yeah, they’re all great but let’s face it, he’s been outflanked by some very, and yourselves, I mean absolutely, this show, comedy podcast? This is the best one on the air,” Seinfeld added. “Because you guys play nice together, it’s smooth, you’re not jumping on each other, which is annoying to listen to,” he confessed.
While Stern has yet to respond to Seinfeld comments, the comedian wanted to get ahead of the curve and already apologized for the comments. “I really feel bad for what I said about my friend Howard Stern in a conversation with David Spade and Dana Carvey, talking about the glut of comedy podcasts,” he told TMZ, the leading outlet for apologies. “I meant to say he must feel surrounded but I said ‘outflanked’ which sounded terrible and insulting. And of course, none of these little shows are any threat to his giant show. Anyway, it was bad and I’m sorry, Howie. I still love you. Please forgive me.”
Stern has not responded, but he does love to talk so who knows.
Maybe this week on Saturday Night Live we can look forward to Seinfeld returning as “Man Who Should Stop Going On Podcasts.”