“Is my kid the only one who does this?” Parents find themselves pondering this question all the time. No matter how great your children are, they will sometimes do things that make you wonder how you ever thought you had the patience and energy to be a parent.
The good news is, the resounding answer is “no”—your child is most certainly not alone in whatever inexplicable thing they are doing, whether it’s throwing a tantrum over their cup being the wrong color (even though it’s the one they specifically asked for) or somehow scaling to the top of the refrigerator in the 0.3 seconds you took your eyes off them.
In fact, parents across the animal kingdom have to deal with similar behavior challenges from their offspring. Though human parenting is obviously more complex, seeing that kids are kids no matter the species can be comforting for parents who have reached their wit’s end.
How familiar are these parenting woes?
When you have to carry your toddler to where you need them to be, only to have them run away immediately
Her blank stare into the distance at the end is all too relatable. As one commenter wrote, “That’s the look of let me calm down before the ‘I brought you in this world and I can take you out’ comes into play. 😂😂”
When you’re trying to pull your toddler away from something that’s completely captured their curiosity
from MadeMeSmile
Mama’s like, “Come on, sweetie…nope, this way…you need to leave these nice people alone now…time to go…I know you really like it, but we have to go now…hey, I have a snack…how about some ice cream?”
When your baby is just barely walking and you want to help them, but you also know they have to slip and fall sometimes to learn
Sweet little muffin.
When it’s time to leave the playground and your kiddo 100% does not want to
100% familiar.
When you’re trying to take a nap with your child and they won’t stop fidgeting
@abc7newsbayarea A fidgety polar bear cub was seen attempting to nestle atop its mother at a park near Churchill, Manitoba. Video shows the small cub constantly shifting in an attempt to find the perfect resting position along the back of its sleepy mother. #polarbear #polarbears #bear #bears #cub #polarbearcub #mommabear #snow #animal #animals #churchill #manitoba #news #fyp #foryoupage #abc7news
“Just lie still and go to sleeeeeeep.”
When the teen starts getting too big for their britches and thinks they can do whatever
The look that said, “When you start paying the mortgage, you can sit wherever you want.”
When your kid hates the bath but they desperately need one
Some kids love the bath and some kids hate it. This is as true for pandas as it is for humans, apparently.
When your kid won’t stop using you as a climbing apparatus
@gorilla.garden Praha Zoo. Funny interaction between Nuru the gorilla boy and his dad Richardovi. Original footage of the video screen is from Facebook author Martina Šmelová.Thank you for sharing interesting stories about Praha Zoo and hope more viewers will follow them.#gorilla #silverback #fpy #foryou #silverbackgorilla #gorillas #babygorilla #animals #zoo
Seriously, kid. I am not a jungle gym.
When Dad says no, so the kid goes running to Mom
@us.gem Humans alike 🥺 #gorrila #zoo #pov #jackieinteresting #cute #animals #foryou
If not for a yes, at least for some sympathy.
When Mom is touched out and at the end of her rope
@frolic.the.meadow #zoo #funnyanimals #babygorilla #Kayembe #mamalife #momlife #mommalife
You’re a loving, affectionate mother 99% of the time, but then you hit the “If one more person touches me one more time today” breaking point.
When the whining and complaining is relentless
@tednewy Cute baby Emperor Penguins complaining to their mom “I’m so hungry!!” #emperorpenguin #babypenguin #cutepenguin #penguinlovers #ocean #birdlife #birdvideography #birdwatching #nature #birdwildlife #birdnature #wildlife #birdoftiktok #birdslove #birdlover #birdlovers #birds #bird #duniaburung #pencintaburung #burung #antartica
Pretty sure this is the penguin equivalent of, “Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama…”
When the kiddo’s throwing a non-stop tantrum and you just needs a break
@animal_world140 #fyp #nature #wildlife #interesting #babyanimals #koala
Sometimes you’re able to help a tantruming child work through their feelings, and sometimes you need to step away before you lose your mind. It’s called balance.
Parenting is full of joys as well as challenges, and it’s nice to know we’re not alone in either. What’s interesting is how calm and patient most of these parents are in the faces of their kids’ shenanigans. Perhaps there’s a lesson there for all of us, regardless of species.