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Stephen Colbert Gave A Whole New Meaning To Donald Trump’s ‘MAGA’ Slogan

On Monday, Donald “Hitler Did A Lot of Good Things” Trump shared a video on Truth Social referring to a “unified Reich” if he’s re-elected president. Reuters reports that the 30-second clip put on a positive spin on what the country would look like if he defeats Joe Biden in the November election, “featuring hypothetical newspaper headlines about a booming economy and a crackdown on immigration at the southern border. At two points in the video, text below a larger headline reads: ‘INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED… DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH.’ The text is somewhat blurred, making it difficult to make out at first glance.”

The video has since been deleted, but the fallout continues. President Biden said this is “not the first time Trump has gone down this road,” and that the “threat Trump poses is greater the second time around than it was the first.”

Meanwhile, Stephen Colbert went so far as to give a brand new meaning to MAGA. During Tuesday’s episode of The Late Show, the host joked, “That’s not a dog whistle. It’s a whistle made of dog. Evidently, MAGA now stands for Make America Germany Around 1938.”

You can watch The Late Show monologue above.