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A Michigan Man With A Suspended License Left A Judge In Absolute Shock By Attending A Zoom Court Call While Driving

Zoom calls seemingly took over the workplace world beginning in 2020, and that trend is still alive and well and many sectors. Not for Billie Eilish, of course, but the practice does seem to save time for the legal system, although a certain Cat Lawyer of 2021 infamy would beg to differ.

A virtual court appearance also didn’t work out so well this month for a defendant who incriminated himself while appearing on camera after being charged for driving on a suspended license. For whatever reason, defendant Corey Harris decided that it was a fantastic idea to Zoom while illegally operating a vehicle, and District Court Judge Cedric Simpson (in Ann Arbor, Michigan) was shocked, but you could also tell that the dude has seen some stuff, and this simply happened to be a tech-filled spin on other defendants kicking themselves in the face. Also, the defendant actually looked more shocked than the judge after realizing what he brought upon himself.

The above ABC affiliate video (via Complex) shows exactly how surprised that Harris was once Simpson asked what the hell he was doing: “Okay, so maybe I don’t understand something. This is a driving while license suspended, and he was just driving.” In response, Harris’ mouth flew open, which surely let the world know that he would have preferred that a sinkhole open up in that parking lot right away and end the whole charade.

Busted. Bond revoked.

(Via Complex)