Graduation season has befallen upon American parents and caregivers. There are many country songs that croon on about how children grow up so fast that you’ll miss it if you take your eyes off of them for just a second. The month of May starts the flow of tears down proud parents’ cheeks as they watch the little person they raised have their named called for their very last high school moment.
It’s a feeling that is bitter-sweet and cannot be easily wrapped up in words to show the complexity of emotions both parents and graduates are experiencing. Mr. Tausch, principal of Louisville High School enlisted the help of the class of 2036 to honor how quickly the transition from kindergarten to high school graduate happens.
The video is beyond adorable featuring seven kindergarteners jumping “into” the camera only to come out on the other side in caps and gowns as high school seniors.
The short video is set to Elvis Presley’s “Burning Love” and boy is it hitting people in the feels. Just about everyone that watches the video turns into a crying mess.
See if you can get through it without getting a little something in your eye:
“Whoever had the foresight to make this is a genius. I’m bawling,” one person shares.
“Not me sobbing! My daughter is graduating this year and I still can’t comprehend how time went by so quickly,” another mom writes.
“I didn’t know where this was going.. but once that first kid jumped I instantly started bawling my eyes out congrats grads & under grads,” someone cries.
“Oh my God, these are not my children and I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes. This is the most amazing graduation video I’ve ever seen,” one commenter says.
People can’t seem to get over how brilliant this video is or how emotional it made them over kids they don’t know. Parents everywhere know what it feels like to put to bed a kindergartener and waking up a senior. A trippy time warp happens between those years and this video captures it perfectly.