The Utah Jazz recently went through a rebrand that simply did not go over very well. Their minimalist highlighter scheme fell flat and looked uninspired, and the frustration with the new look only grew when you saw them up against their tremendous purple mountain throwbacks.
Thankfully, the Jazz saw the public reaction to their new unis and those throwbacks and made the correct call to go through another rebrand that built off of those throwbacks for an entirely new uniform set. The team unveiled the new uniforms on Wednesday, to a much better response from fans.
The most courts per capita in the nation
The largest youth program in the league
85% of the population near the mountainsUtah is Mountain Basketball
#TakeNote pic.twitter.com/awR1WsUee0
— Utah Jazz (@utahjazz) June 5, 2024
The new uniforms will arrive in phases, as they can’t completely rid themselves of the highlighter look until the 2025-26 season. That means next year the black Jazz note uniform and the purple throwbacks with white lettering will join the white and black highlighter uniforms as their four options. Then, in 2025-26, they’ll go fully to the mountain look, with the reimagined purple and white mountain uniforms taking over as their full-time, standard fit. They will also unveil a fourth uniform in 2025 as their City Edition look.

It is a considerable upgrade, and while you could argue they should’ve done this in the first place, I will give them credit for not trying to double down on a bad idea and being willing to listen to the people in order to get the look right.