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Weird jobs most people don’t even know exist that can actually make good money

When people ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, some common career themes usually emerge—doctor, firefighter, teacher, artist, computer programmer, architect, pilot, journalist and the like. These jobs are familiar to everyone, and even if we don’t fully know the ins and out of what each job entails, we have a solid picture of what they do and why their job is important.

There are also less obvious jobs that we might not think of as dream careers but still know exist and are important, like mortician, plumber, garbage collector, truck driver or postal delivery person.

But there’s also a whole world of jobs that most people have never heard of or even imagined—and some of them even pay surprisingly well. Here’s a handful of weird jobs that people do without most of the world knowing.

Escort (but not that kind of escort)

The movies make much of “escorts” in our nation’s capital, but this is a different kind of escort that involves having security clearance and being physically present. That’s it.

“When you work as a government employee or contractor with a top secret clearance, after you retire or get laid off, you can work as an escort within classified facilities called SCIFs. Escorts are needed when an uncleared person needs to work in the SCIF. For example, it might be a top secret data center that needs an air conditioner repair. All the escort has to do is watch the repairman and stay with them throughout the visit. They usually just drag a chair over and sit there while getting paid damn good money.” – BaconReceptacle

“One of the most quietly-frustrating months of my life was doing hard labor on a government building site as a construction worker, going like ~80 hours a week, and realizing the annoying escort I had who was sitting around all day watching us was making a significant amount more than me.” – Few-Metal8010

Tasters and smellers

Some people get paid just to taste or smell things. Even pet food. (How does one get this job? Genuinely curious.)

“I used to be friends with one of Heineken’s official tasters. She literally drank every day for work. Don’t know how the pay was but she didn’t seem broke.” – curiousvegetables

“My sister in law is ‘the nose’ for yankee candle. When a vat of scented wax is ready, she sniffs it.” – Loreo1964

“My mom used to work for a sensory company that was outsourced by huge brands to do taste, smell, texture testing. Once many years ago I got in on a hot pocket panel because their target market was teens. I made $20 and got a free hot pocket. She made good money though!” – brownbostonterrier

woman hanging a piece of art

Professional picture hanger

Yep, the thing all of us do in our own homes for free (with varying levels of success) is an actual paid job for people in the art world. And some of them can make a pretty decent living at it.

“An old neighbor of mine was a picture hanging specialist contracted by many museums. He made 75K a year at the time (about 150K adjusted for inflation).” – Schwarzes__Loch

“A buddy of mine does this and makes great money. Most of the clients are rich people with private collections. They also pack and transport the artwork.” – frankyseven


On the other end of the food business are the magical chemists who create the yummy flavors we enjoy in candies and other treats.

“My dad was a master flavorist. He made artificial flavors for candy, beverages and lots of other things. He made a LOT of money during his career.” – Whoru87

“I’m an analytical chemist for a flavor company who (among other things) reverse engineers competitive flavors to give the flavor chemists insight lol.

Indeed they make bank.

Finding out how you can make a naturally derived ie citrus flavor taste the same every time when you have to source your extracts and oils from different places in the world, at different times of the year, while the stock might be a different age due to supply issues can be a lot more complex than one might think.” – die_lahn

“It is my absolute dream job to be a certified flavor chemist/flavorist. Used to work under a couple at a very niche company (could only make fruit/menthol flavors), and recently moved into food industry thinking I’d be able to gain more experience in savory applications. Unfortunately that has not been the case for me so far. Wish they had more flavor houses hiring in Norcal! Learning directly under an expert is the only way to do it.” – Successful-Ad5488

set of hobbiton from lord of the rings

Greensperson on film sets

There are actually a lot of jobs on film sets that people aren’t aware of, but taking care of plants on sets full time is certainly not on most people’s radar.

“I’m a greensperson in the film industry. I’m responsible for building and maintaining the plants and trees on a set.” – Prospector_Steve

“In general many people sleep on behind the scenes jobs in Hollywood. It’s a good way to make money and you get to meet celebrities.” – Immediate_Revenue_90

“A lot of filming locations are chosen based on the tax breaks the studio can get for filming there, and not on the ‘correct’ climate or biome. And sometimes, an outdoor scene will be shot on an indoor stage if an appropriate location can’t be found which is safe, accessible, meets the needs of the camera positioning, etc.

A film/TV production is a massive, expensive machine, and often small details have to be sacrificed in order to keep it oiled and running smoothly. This isn’t just true of the greens department, but all of them, really (costumes, props, etc.)” – ethacct

Organ runner

More commonly known as a “medical courier,” this job entails transporting human organs (or tissue or blood) from place to place. Time is of the essence with an organ being transplanted, so this job requires being on call and knowing how to safely transport the goods. But according to at least one person on Reddit, it’s a pretty sweet gig:

“I worked as an ‘Organ deliverer.’ Forgot the official title for around a year.

Job was simple I was stationed in the biggest hospital in my state. If an organ donation was received that needed to go to another hospital for a transplant it was my job to move it.

I was paid $40 an hour to most nights sit on my ass in the break room and watch TV or play on my phone. I’d probably only have to deliver something once a week at most. It was an okay job except that it was boring as shit, since the hospital I was ‘Stationed’ at did 95% of all the organ transplants in my state. And the other major hospital that did them was around 3 hours away and you wouldn’t ever have to go up to north to it.

Lots of pay to sit around but well I wasn’t exactly feeling fulfilled career wise.” – Larcya

bats flying

Batman (or urban bat tracker, to be precise)

This might be the most poetic job description ever written:

“You ever heard of an urban bat tracker? That’s me. I’m the guy who steps into the night when the city sleeps, tracking the unseen ballet of bats against the backdrop of empty offices and starlit skies. My job is a blend of science and solitude. Armed with detectors that translate bat echolocation into something audible, I map their flight, study their behavior, and contribute to research that’s vital for urban ecosystem conservation. It’s not just a job it’s a commitment to understanding these misunderstood creatures of the night. The experience is surreal. As the world winds down, my work begins. I walk through parks and alleyways, under bridges and alongside rivers. The citys nocturnal pulse becomes my soundtrack – a car horn here, a distant laughter there, all underlined by the constant, rhythmic clicking of my bat detector. Each night is a lesson in patience and awe. Bats, these tiny, agile creatures, dart and dive in the darkness, almost like shadows flitting at the edge of my vision. There’s a poetry in their flight, a kind of silent music that fills the night air. The pay is decetn, surprisingly. It’s a niche field, and expertise in urban wildlife ecology can be hard to come by. But it’s not the money that keeps me here. It’s the moments of connection, the feeling of being a part of something bigger and wilder, right in the heart of the city. Sometimes the most extraordinary things are hidden in plain sight, waiting to be discovered in the quiet symphony of the night.” – Local_dog91

There are so many more interesting jobs, from testing medical equipment to felting mini-golf courses to taking care of rich people’s cars, homes and horses. If you’re looking for work, keep your eyes and ears out for unusual opportunities. You just never know what kinds of careers you might stumble into.