A gay man is getting some love for the way he handled a straight woman at a bar who behaved rather entitled towards him. A Reddit user named KineticVibes was out with his friends when he noticed a woman trying to get his attention.
“I (25M) was out with friends last night and we went to a bar. This girl made eye contact with me when I walked in and I smiled at her. Me being a gay man I thought nothing of it,” KineticVibes wrote.
The woman approached him after realizing he wasn’t reacting to her flirtations from across the bar. “About 20 minutes later, the same girl walks up to my friends and me, and it’s clear she is very drunk and says to me, ‘Do you want to buy me a drink?’ To which I replied, ‘No, sorry, I’m here just to hang with my friends,’” he continued.
She was clearly taking an aggressive approach by walking up and asking him to buy her a drink. Why didn’t she just ask what he was drinking and buy him a drink instead? She also unintentionally put him in a very uncomfortable spot because he didn’t want to tell her he was gay.
Even though it’s 2024 and people are a lot more accepting of people’s sexuality, you never know when a drunk person in the bar will have a problem with someone being gay and try to start a fight. “I am still not totally comfortable telling any old stranger on first meeting that I’m gay—so this seemed like the best course of action for me,” KineticVibes wrote.
Even though he was polite, the girl kept prodding him.
“She looks rejected and a bit frustrated now behind her glossy eyes and says, ‘A pretty girl wants to drink with you and you say no?’ Now I’m getting frustrated, and I kind of snap and say, ‘Well, I’m gay, so pretty girls don’t work on me.’”
“She snarkily laughs and says, ‘Well, if you ever decide to date women, let me know,’ to which I very snappily reply, ‘If you ever decide to become a man, let me know,’” KineticVibes said. The quick-witted response made his friends a bit uncomfortable.
“You could tell it embarrassed her and my friends all kind of got mad at me, saying that I should have patience and be nicer,” he concluded the story.
But did he need to be nicer to the woman? She tried to make eye contact, but he didn’t respond. Then she asked him to buy her a drink, to which he said no, politely. She then doubled down and asked why he wouldn’t buy one for her because she was pretty. Just about everyone in the comments on the story thinks he did the right thing by responding to her snark with a bit of sass. “I would’ve bought you a drink after that. Handling with humor 10/10,” A_Bull_Nuts responded.
Others thought the woman acted entitled by demanding a drink and got what she deserved. “If she was a dude, people would call her an incel for behaving like she’s entitled to anyone’s attention. It’s not cute when dudes do it. It’s not cute when dudettes do it,” NotSoBunny wrote.
“This is what I came here to say… She reeks of entitlement! She put herself out there and got shot down and then doubled down. She may not be a man, but she’s got a huge set of balls demanding a stranger pay her way,” formiddabble-opponent added.
This article originally appeared on 4.2.24