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Nic Cage Has Uttered The Wackiest Non-Description Of His ‘Longlegs’ Serial Killer So Far


Nic Cage‘s upcoming horror movie Longlegs has been slowly dropping hints that it’s going to scare and scar you for a very long time. And that’s before you even get a chance to see what Cage looks like.

The movie hits theaters in July and follows a young FBI agent seemingly hunting the satanic serial killer dubbed Longlegs. Yet, all we’ve seen of Cage’s gruesome killer is one brief still from the movie’s chilling trailer. And that’s on purpose!

Director Osgood Perkins told EW that he intentionally doesn’t want fans to see Cage’s transformation ahead of the movie. “It’s driving people towards a freak show at a circus tent. We’ve got the thing behind the curtain, and when there’s enough people gathered ’round, we’re going to pull the curtain.”

When the metaphorical curtain is pulled, Cage says that it very well might be the end of the world. Who are you to say he’s wrong? “It’s the equivalent of putting a warning label on a jar of nitroglycerin,” Cage explained.

He continued, “The monster is a highly, highly dangerous substance. The way it’s moved, unveiled, deployed has to be treated very carefully. Forget about the movie theater blowing up; the whole city could blow up, nay the country, maybe even the world. He is going to change your reality. Your doors of perception are going to open, and your life is not going to be the same.” Sounds great!

Is he describing Longlegs or Flubber? There really is no way to know until you see the movie in theaters on July 12th!

(Via Entertainment Weekly)