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Man’s reaction to hearing his stepdaughter call him ‘Dad’ is an emotional masterpiece

Being a parent is often a thankless job, and being a stepparent is usually even more thankless. But most parents show up and do their best to make sure their kids have what they need and feel loved. So when our kids do or say something to show appreciation, it melts our hearts—but nothing melts it faster than a stepchild calling their bonus parent “Mom” or “Dad” for the first time.

A creator named Shane posted a clip from a longer video showing his reaction to hearing his stepdaughter call him “Dad” for the first time. The full video is about three years old, but when it was reposted as a clip recently, it pulled on everyone’s heartstrings.

Shane and his wife, Liana, run the social media pages Shane and Liana where they post silly videos pranking each other. But this video wasn’t a prank. His stepdaughter, London, wanted to surprise him after wanting to call him “Dad” for a long time.

She can barely contain her excitement in the clip, squealing loudly when climbing into the back seat. When Shane gets in the car, London knows this is her chance.

“Hi Dad, how was your day?” she asks.

Shane turns completely around in shock as the heartwarming realization of what she just called him sets in.

“Did you just call me Dad? Just made my heart melt to know she called me Dad,” Shane says full of emotion.

London and Liana explain earlier in the video that Shane has raised the little girl since she was 2 years old. She didn’t meet her biological father until she was 5, and he was only in her life briefly before leaving, so this was a big moment. Viewers under the newly re-uploaded clip revealed that watching the interaction made them just as emotional as Shane.

“Idk how the mom ain’t crying!?! I’m crying,” Mari Morales writes.

“This video hits me right in the heart and soul,” Sarah Douglas writes. “My ‘step’ dad raised me from 7 years old. I’ve never met the sperm donor once, but my REAL dad is the one that chose to love me regardless of biology. Forever grateful for the real men that ‘step’ up to be there for us.”

“So true the first time my oldest daughter called me dad I cried she’s not blood but she is mine no matter what,” Timothy Evans says.

This article originally appeared on 7.19.23

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Dog refuses to walk with her mom, but miraculously, her legs ‘work with Grandma’

What gives dogs the right to have such big and hilarious personalities? It seems like these dogs have found a way to make their humans laugh while also annoying them until they’re ready to come apart. It’s truly a skill that only dogs and toddlers seem to possess in great quantities.

Zoe is a pit bull with a bombastic side-eye that makes it clear that she only tolerates her mother, Raven, but adores her grandmother, Yonika. There is no confusion about who her favorite person is, and Zoe’s grandmother only seems to encourage the behavior. The two of them are the best of friends, and Mom…well, she’s the third wheel.

Sure, Zoe likes her mom a little—she does feed her, after all—but the verdict is still being determined if love can be claimed. Raven can’t even convince the sassy pittie to go on a walk with her.

Zoe lays on the ground like a chubby little pancake any time her mom tries to take her for a walk. Raven has even pulled on her leash, slowly dragging the dog down the hallway, but Zoe insists that her legs do not remember how to work. But as soon as Grandma takes the leash, a miracle occurs. Suddenly Zoe is a spry whippersnapper with four working legs and a happy tail.

“She refuses to walk whenever I take her outside,” Raven explains. But that’s just not the case for Grandma, and there really doesn’t seem to be an explanation for it other than preference.

“When I’m around, she is an absolute angel. She listens,” Yonika says.

In fact, Raven says when Grandma is around, Zoe completely ignores her so she can continue getting Grandma cuddles. This dog has mastered the side-eye, and Grandma is only assisting in her snubbing her mom in the cutest way. It’s something you have to witness for yourself to fully appreciate, so check out the video below.

This article originally appeared on 7.19.23

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Someone criticized a middle school teacher’s behavior. Her comeback was an A+.

Being a teacher isn’t easy. Teaching middle school students is especially not easy. Teaching middle school students who spent several of their formative years going through a global pandemic in the age of smartphones, social media and a youth mental health crisis is downright heroic.

If you haven’t spent time in a middle school classroom, you may not fully grasp the intensity of it on every level, from the awkwardness to the body odor to the delightful hilarity that tweens bring to the table. When you connect with your students, it can be incredibly rewarding, and when you don’t…well, we all read “Lord of the Flies,” right?

Skilled teachers bring out the best in young people, and that can be done in many different ways. For Amy Allen, it’s by making her middle school classroom a fun, welcoming place to learn and by bonding with her students.

“I love teaching middle schoolers because they are awkward, and I’m awkward, so we get along,” Allen tells Upworthy.

She plays games with students, gets rambunctious with them and creates opportunities for them to expend some of that intense pre-and-early-teen energy in healthy ways. For instance, she shared a video of a game of “grudgeball,” an active trivia game that makes reviewing for a quiz or test fun and competitive, and you can see how high-energy her classroom is:


If this looks like fun to you, pick up my grudgeball template (🔗 in bio) #qotc #grudgeball #10outof10recommend @Amy Allen ☀️ @Amy Allen ☀️ @Amy Allen ☀️

“I think for teachers, we always want to create moments for our students that are beyond the standard reading, writing, memorizing, quiz, ‘traditional learning,'” Allen says. “Games are a great way to incorporate fun in the classroom.”

Allen clearly enjoyed the game as much as her students—”I love the chaos!” she says— and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Fun keeps teachers sane, too. But one person took issue with her classroom behavior and commented, “your a teacher act like it.” (Not my typo—that’s exactly what the person wrote, only with no period.)

Allen addressed the comment in another video in the most perfect way possible—by acting exactly like a teacher.



Replying to @كل الكلبات تريد مني Come see me if you have any further questions. #qotc #iteachmiddleschool #weDEFINITELYdonthavefuninhere @Amy Allen ☀️ @Amy Allen ☀️ @Amy Allen ☀️ #Inverted

There are two solid ways to handle a rude comment without making things worse—you can ignore it or you can craft a response that makes the person look like a fool without being cruel or rude yourself. Allen’s grammar lesson response was A+ work, right down to the “Come see me if you have any further questions” caption.

In fact, the person apparently went back and deleted their comment after the comeback video went viral, which makes it all the more hilarious. The video currently has more than 4 million views on TikTok and over 18 million views on YouTube.

“What’s funny is I left my correction on the board accidentally, and the next day, students asked me what that was all about,” Allen says. “When I explained it, they thought it was cool because ‘why would anyone go after Ms. Allen’? At that point, the video had maybe 10,000 views. I never imagined the video would go viral.”

Two days later, as the video was creeping toward a million views, she upped the stakes. “Some of my students are my ultimate hype people, and they were tracking it harder than I was,” she says. “I made a ‘deal’ with my fifth period if it reached 1 million during their class, they could sit wherever they wanted the entire week. During lunch, I checked, and it reached 1 million. So when they came back from recess, I announced it, and it was like I was a rockstar. They screamed and cheered for me. It was an incredible moment for me.”

The irony, of course, is that Allen was acting like a teacher in her grudgeball video—an engaged teacher with engaged students who are actively participating in the learning process. Just because it doesn’t look like serious study doesn’t mean it’s not learning, and for some kids, this kind of activity might be far more effective at helping them remember things they’ve learned (in this case, vocabulary words) than less energetic ways of reviewing.

Allen has her thumb on the pulse of her students and goes out of her way to meet them where they are. Last year, for instance, she created a “mental health day” for her students. “I could tell they were getting burnt out from all the state tests, regular homework, and personal life extracurricular activities that many of my students participate in,” she says. “We went to my school library for ‘fireside reading,’ solved a murder mystery, built blanket forts, watched the World Cup, colored, and completed sudokus. Is it part of the curriculum? No. Is it worth spending one class period doing something mentally rewarding for students? Absolutely.”

Teaching middle school requires a lot of different skills, but perhaps the most important one is to connect with students, partly because it’s far easier to teach someone actually wants to be in your classroom and partly because effective teaching is about so much more than just academics. A teacher might be the most caring, stable, trustworthy adult in some students’ lives. What looks like silly fun and games in a classroom can actually help students feel safe and welcomed and valued, knowing that a teacher cares enough to try to make learning as enjoyable as possible. Plus, shared laughter in a classroom helps build a community of engaged learners, which is exactly what a classroom should be.

Keep up the awesome work, Ms. Allen, both in the classroom and in the comment section.

You can follow Amy Allen on TikTok and YouTube.

This article originally appeared on 4.18.24

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Is Spencer James Leaving ‘All American’ After Season 6?

'All American' 613 Victory Lap w/ Spencer James

(WARNING: Spoilers for the most recent All American episode will be found below.)

Over the course of six seasons of All American, Spencer James had been working to achieve the moment we saw in this week’s most recent episode. “Victory Lap,” the thirteenth episode in series six, captured the moment that James finally got drafted into the NFL. The life-changing achievement came after some disappointment after James failed to get selected in the first round of the draft, but nonetheless he was signed. A time jump in the episode goes on to show James playing in the Super Bowl and proposing to his longtime girlfriend Olivia. With that being said, what happens now?

Is Spencer James Leaving All American After Season 6?

Though Daniel Ezra, who plays Spencer James will not leave All American completely, he will not return as a series regular after season six. Deadline confirmed the news in a report that credited the change to a creative decision made by both Ezra and showrunner Nkechi Okoro Carroll before season six. Ezra is still expected to make some occasional guest appearances in future episodes of All American.

A seventh season has yet to be confirmed for All American, but fans could expect to see some casting changes if the show gets renewed for another season.

New episodes of ‘All American’ are available on CW TV on Mondays at 8 pm ET/PT and on the CW app and website at 3 am ET/12 am PT.

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When Does ‘The Boys’ Season 4, Episode 5 Come Out?

Prime Video (Amazon)

Homelander’s not-so-sweet homecoming dominated much of last week’s The Boys episode, but expect the many circling threads to keep whirling into this week’s edition. That especially concerns Hughie’s dad, who received a dose of Compound V right before the credits rolled.

That’s sure to be messy, whatever happens, but also, Butcher is back in with the vigilante group, and A-Train must now deal with the aftereffects of making peace with his initial horrific deed of the series, when he zoomed right through the body of Hughie’s then girlfriend. A-Train is officially working against Homelander and Vought in that regard, and don’t forget, he also walked in on Ashley after she left a “package” in Homelander’s quarters, so that should make for fun followup, too.

Will A-Train rat out Ashley as the bathroom bandit? Only time will tell, but here’s a more important question:

When Does The Boys Season 4, Episode 5 Come Out?

Prime Video/Amazon previously announced that a new release timeslot was in effect for this season. That means we can expect that Episode 5 will arrive for streaming at 3:00am EST and 12:00am PST on Thursday, June 27.

This season will eventually include eight episodes, and then the wait shall begin for the fifth and final season. Don’t worry, though. Gen V is currently filming its second season, and at least one more spin off is currently in the works, too.

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Do You Have To Watch ‘A Quiet Place’ And ‘A Quiet Place Part II’ Before ‘A Quiet Place: Day One?’

quiet place day one

When A Quiet Place very silently became a hit in 2018, who would have thought that John Krasinski would be the next great horror director? A sequel titled A Quiet Place Part II soon followed, with Cillian Murphy along for the ride, and now we are getting to the bottom of those silent creatures with A Quiet Place: Day One.

While it is a part of the same universe, A Quiet Place: Day One is the origin story of the silent creatures that caused the chaos and destruction later seen in A Quiet Place. Day One acts as a prequel, meaning that we will get to see how the invasion happened. And some sound, too, which is different!

Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn star in A Quiet Place: Day One, which takes place on the first day of the aforementioned invasion. The two team up in an attempt to survive when mysterious creatures take over New York City and destroy anything that makes a sound. Here is the official synopsis:

When New York City comes under attack from an alien invasion, a woman and other survivors try to find a way to safety. They soon learn that they must remain absolutely silent as the mysterious creatures are drawn to the slightest sound.

While you don’t have to see the first two installments, it could help provide context to both the monsters and the story. There will likely be some references to the first two films, so you might want to check them out beforehand, though it’s not totally necessary. You can stream both A Quiet Place and A Quiet Place Part II now on Hulu.

A Quiet Place: Day One hits theaters this Friday, June 28.

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Rick Rubin, Music’s Biggest Enigma, Just Threw A Mysterious Music Festival Featuring The ‘Rock Star’ Of Yoga, Jack Dorsey, And More

Rick Rubin OMR digital trade fair
Getty Image

Remember the episode of Lil Dicky’s Dave when he visited iconic music producer Rick Rubin, and the whole experience was this mystical, surreal waking dream? That’s not far off from how a lot of people see Rubin, who has long been the kind of person to do his own thing and think in his own ways.

Well, he was at it again recently: As Variety reports, this past weekend, he hosted Festival Of The Sun, an essentially secret music festival that took place primarily in an Italian church. The event was celebrated as the summer solstice took place.

Featured at the event was an eclectic lineup including Kirtan musician Krishna Das (who has been called yoga’s “rock star”), Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey, James Blake, Win Butler and Régine Chassagne of Arcade Fire, and Rhye, among others. There was also a screening of the Nick Cave documentary This Much I Know To Be True.

Rubin welcomed about 150 invitees into the church, although there was another stage that was open to the public for free. Those in attendance included Måneskin’s Thomas Raggi and Ethan Torchio, actors Riccardo Scamarcio and Benedetta Porcaroli (the latter of whom stars alongside Sydney Sweeney in Immaculate), and Italian rapper Ghali.

Some photos of the event were posted on the Festival Of The Sun Instagram account, so check them out below.

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Rob Dillingham Can’t Wait To Bring His Own Style To The NBA

Getty Image/Merle Cooper

Rob Dillingham is smiling before I even finish my question. It’s my version of the size question, the thing that shows up on every scouting report going into the 2024 NBA Draft as a leading question for the 19-year-old guard out of Kentucky. He knows it’s not going away, but doesn’t run or pretend it isn’t something he’ll have to navigate as a pro. On the other hand, he’s also ready to defend himself, noting he’s not that small.

“I mean, size matters to a certain extent, but I feel like — I’m 6’2. Like, 6’2 is solid enough. That’s blessed, to me,” Dillingham says with his ever-present grin. “Obviously it’s a little bit of size. I’m a little smaller, but I can dribble the ball, I can get people off balance. So, it helps me offensive-wise, but it also helps me with other things because I’m faster. I’m more elusive. But also it’s kind of a weakness because some guards can just post me up.

“But basketball is a five-on-five game,” he continues. “I just feel like size does matter to a certain extent, but if you have effort, size is only so much. Because there’s a lot of players in the league that’s been 6’2 — or a lot of players that’s been smaller — that’s been great players and won championships.”

That kind of positivity radiates off of Dillingham. The way he sees it, there’s an opportunity in everything, you just have to be willing to challenge yourself to go get it. That’s a mindset that fit right in at Kentucky, where he was asked to come off the bench and challenged by the coaching staff to really refine his game.

Being pushed like that is why he thinks Kentucky has such a great track record of putting out NBA stars, noting some schools might tell you what you want to hear. But Coach Cal and the Kentucky staff (which moved on to Arkansas earlier this offseason) will tell you the truth and show you what could be if you put in the work.

“Getting to Kentucky, that’s exactly what happened to me. I went in and I just learned so much. I understood that I was good, but you can simplify your game and make it more pro-like and you can keep doing it no matter what,” Dillingham says. “And I feel like I started understanding that once I got in the gym with all these guys, and coach John Welch, and all these dudes every day, and they made me understand that I could be better than what I am. Now that I look at it, I never look at it like I have a ceiling. I just always keep trying to get better every day. And sometimes I feel like people get caught up in getting better, so much better in the day that you stress yourself out. And I feel like it’s good to do that because you want to always be on top, but to a certain extent. Greatness never stops. You always have another day. You always have another day. And that’s how I look at it now. And I feel like that’s what has pushed me.”

He knows what the questions are about his game, highlighting defense and playmaking as the focal points as he gets set to make a leap to the next level. Now, every player says they want to get better at everything, but not all of them have the plan of action to make that actually happen.

Dillingham insists that won’t be the case for him, noting, “Anything I’m lacking is gainable, for sure.” The defensive end is where the size questions persist the most, but he hopes to make up for that with effort and intensity. He wants to be a “bug” for opposing guards, while also understanding that he has to match aggression with intent in order to make that work in a team setting. That’s meant film work and taking notes while watching the playoffs to see how the league’s best defensive guards navigate screens, how they set their bodies up to not get stuck and when they decide to fight over or slip under, something that will be crucial to his ability to succeed on defense as a smaller guard.

On the offensive end, Dillingham is excited to get a chance to expand his game as a playmaker at the next level. He notes he wasn’t ever tasked with being the main point guard at Kentucky, but thinks his year in Lexington really expanded his capacity as a facilitator.

“I would say really what helped me is just taking the dribbles out and actually scanning the floor instead of taking extra dribbles that don’t need to be taken,” Dillingham says. “So, when I come off screens, it’s more of a hold. Like, I hold it, hesitate, read the floor, and I feel like going to Kentucky helped me do that because I had so many players that could score the ball, could cut, dunk. So I had to look around, and I had to look for everyone, and it wasn’t just about me. I feel like that’s what helped me for sure. And it helped me just learn the game more, raise my IQ.”

Unlocking those skills and rounding out his game will be what determines how good Dillingham can be at the NBA level, but what makes him a lottery prospect right now is his ability to get buckets. Dillingham averaged 15.2 points per game off the bench for the Wildcats last year, shooting 47.5 percent from the field and 44.4 percent from three, with that three-point prowess being the real catalyst for his rise up draft boards.

Shooting the three wasn’t his big strength coming out of Overtime Elite (31.9 percent in 2022-23), but as he explained, it was his Kentucky teammates that pushed him to really work on his shot in a way he never had before, with the results speaking for themselves.

“I would say really just shooting with Antonio Reeves and Reed Sheppard every day and by me coming in going against them,” Dillingham says of his improvement as a consistent shooting threat. “I could always shoot the ball, but my focus isn’t there just to sit there and shoot the ball. I’m more of an in-game shooter. So when I’m shooting against them every single day, and they sit there and shoot the ball and they can hit 20 shots in a row, it’s like I’m going against them every day. So it’s just motivating me to shoot as good as them, so during that season, I’m shooting just as many shots as them, shooting more shots than them every day.

“So really just consistency and understanding it’s how you shoot it but it’s also a mindset. If you know you make these shots, if you go in there and shoot these shots every single day, it’s no reason when you get in the game, you’re not going to hit the shots. And every game, you’re not gonna hit every single shot, but that’s just how life works. Life don’t go like that. So that’s how I look at it. I feel like more times than not I’m gonna hit more shots than I miss.”

That mindset fits alongside a level of confidence and self-assurance that extends beyond the basketball court. Dillingham doesn’t just play with his confidence and flair on the court, but carries those elements off of it as well. He is big into fashion, crafting a style all his own, explaining it’s another way to express himself to people who may otherwise not know anything about him.

“Really it’s just certain things, you like what you like. I feel like not a lot of things really make you super happy in life. So I feel like when you find something that makes you happy, you gotta stick to it, so when I look in fashion, there’s just certain things that I like and it’s my style, I feel like. And it makes me happy. It makes me feel good,” Dillingham says of his fashion sense. “Sometimes I don’t want to be too much, but also I want people to see it to a certain extent. I just like fashion because I feel like it shows your personality without people having to talk to you. Everybody has certain inputs on you before they meet you, so I feel like fashion is a little thing that shows people your personality before you actually get to know someone.”

He put that on display by showing up at the NBA Draft Lottery in a fit that differentiated himself from the rest of the class of 2024 that was on site, and set the bar incredibly high for his actual Draft night look.

There’s a connection between Dillingham’s approach to fashion and his approach to basketball. The same self-confidence required to embrace your own style off the court is necessary to finding it on the hardwood as well.

“Off the court I just wear what I want to wear. I’m free. But just like in the game, you gotta be loose,” Dillingham said. “You gotta listen, obviously. You gotta do what you have to do to win, but to a certain extent you can’t let people take your confidence, and you can’t not be yourself. And you gotta learn how to put them together and work the best of both worlds.”

Dillingham’s year at Kentucky helped him learn how to strike that balance between being himself and playing for the greater goal of the team. As a young player, particularly a highly touted recruit, it’s easy to get caught up in your own individual accolades and stat lines, as you try to get offers and raise your profile. But to make that next step, Dillingham said he had to learn to let go of that mindset and take a different approach, recognizing how when you do the things that make your teammates better, it raises your game as well.

“I would say really just being more of a leader and understanding the whole team aspect of everything. And just being more of a winner and not caring about individual or scoring,” Dillingham says when asked where he grew the most last year. “It just helped me become more of a team player and understand that it’s not all about me at all. And that’s what boosts you. That’s what takes you to the next level. I feel like everyone has talent, but once you understand that it’s a lot of people out here with talent, how are you going to make them better? That’s what makes you better than them. I feel like that’s what pushes you, and I’ve started to understand that. So now I feel like my game has gone to the next level because I don’t think about me when I’m playing basketball. I always just try to make the right play. I try to make it. And when you do that, that’s how it always works out.”

For Dillingham, that meant embracing a sixth man role in Lexington despite being a lottery talent. As always, he finds the positives, explaining experience has him better prepared for coming into the NBA, because you never know what the roster situation will be on a team that drafts you. Unlike most top prospects, Dillingham has real-world experience in handling different roles and figuring out how to excel in them.

He insists it wasn’t difficult at all to take on a bench role at Kentucky, noting he looked at his teammates as brothers and that they all quickly bought in to the mindset of playing for each other. Again, that’s not always the easiest thing to put into action as a talented young player who has often been the star, but Dillingham points to his upbringing and heritage as a big factor in his outlook on life and the team.

“My mom, she’s full Samoan. She’s straight from the island. So really, you get to see another part of life that a lot of people don’t see, and I feel like my mom’s family is more of a cultured family. They care way more about family stuff,” Dillingham says. “I feel like it’s given me an advantage to be more loving and that’s how you get people to grow to you. Because not everyone has a family to talk to, so when you treat everyone like family, it helps you grow for sure.”

As he gets ready to hear his name called on Wednesday night, Dillingham is simply excited to find out where he’ll take the next step of his journey. For all the questions on the outside about his size or best role in the NBA, Dillingham carries none of that with him, exuding confidence that, even if it takes time, he’ll excel once he reaches the NBA. It’s the message he wanted to pass along to teams and fans before a Draft filled with uncertainty up and down the board.

“I just want fans to know, any team or fan or organization that chooses me, it’s not a downfall. It’s not a risk. It’s not any of that. Because I’m always going to work,” Dillingham said with conviction. “And even if it’s not the first, second, or third year, I’m going to produce something in the future for that organization if they let me.

“So I just want people to know that it’s not a fluke or it’s not a risk or anything. I’m here to stay.”

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Incredibly wise 5-year-old asks their mom why parents don’t treat themselves better

Parents do a lot for their children. Some parents will go without or sacrifice things they may actually need to make sure their children have the best life that they can provide. It’s easy to get caught up in daily life without much consideration of what that looks like from a child’s point of view.

Parents can sometimes default to assuming a child’s understanding of what they see as minimal. But one mom was reminded that children may understand much more than adults give them credit for. Ambreia Meadows-Fernandez posted a video to her social media page, Free Black Motherhood, that shows her 5-year-old asking why parents don’t treat themselves better.

The video starts out with Meadows-Fernandez looking down off camera asking her child for permission to record the conversation. After gaining the little one’s consent, she instructs them to ask the question they just asked again before you hear a little voice chime in.

“Why do grownups make sure their kids have a good life but not them,” the little one asks.

To the child’s surprise, their mom didn’t have an answer but they had a pretty good guess to help mom out, “I think one of the reasons is that they think their kids are more important.”

The caption on the video explains, “The kids notice. My spirit is so so tired. It’s why I haven’t been posting and hardly existing but this question, the fact that’s kids notices reminds me I need to rest but I can’t stop. I have to give myself a life as good as my kids.”

Meadows-Fernandez’s exchange with her child had parents in the comments a little emotional as some shared their own stories, while others encouraged the mom.

“They notice a lot and they help you notice too. I see something you may not see. From my vantage point, you’re doing a great job of being WITH your child in this moment. And staying truthful in saying “I don’t know” to a legitimate question is the sign of mature mothering. I see a woman being thoughtful about next steps. You’re doing better than you think, sis,” one person praises.

“The fact your baby is asking that question tells me mommy is doing amazing work. You are raising a smart, compassionate and strong child. Be sure to take care of yourself because your baby is watching,” someone writes.

“Why did that question make me cryyyyyyyy,” another says.

“This touched me so deeply. So much wisdom from both of you. What deep love and the connection! Our little ones have such insight. And I could feel so much authenticity and heartfelt vulnerability, while still keeping your communication safe for your kids to receive. It was so beautiful to witness this. Thank you for sharing,” a commenter shares.

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How Many Episodes Are In ‘The Bear’ Season 3?

The Bear

The Bear audience is an enthused bunch. Who knew that so many of us couldn’t wait to stress out again over watching Carmy take his family issues out on his fellow Chefs? At least we can watch this happen while a delightful soundtrack takes us out of every episode, and Cousin Richie is wearing suits now, so it’s all good.

Yes, Jeremy Allen White, Ayo Edebiri, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, and an incredible supporting cast are back with a third season in only a year’s time. The entire season will also be available at once, so you might want to know how much time you should block out in order to gulp all food courses down at once.

How Many Episodes Are In The Bear Season 3?

10 episodes, baby. These will, like the other seasons, likely vary in length but be as short as 25 minutes and as long as 50, depending on how many family members are tossing things, and if the kitchen’s order system has gone awry again. Whatever happens, it will begin slightly earlier than planned, too.

Instead of the announced release date of Thursday, June 17 (at midnight), you can see the magic happen on Wednesday, June 26 at 9:00pm EST.

In this season, the characters shall attempt to “do what it takes to elevate The Bear, their beef stand turned fine dining establishment, to the highest level, all while doing their best just to stay in business.” Is this easy? Nope, and Carmy needs to pay back that loan in a few months while he’s probably chasing a Michelin star. FX further revealed, “It’s a losing battle every single day in the restaurant business. Carmy pushes himself harder than ever, and demands excellence from his crew, who do their best to match his intensity.”