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Danes have the best work-life balance in the world thanks to these 3 important beliefs.

By the end of her first week living in Denmark, Helen Russell was worried about her husband’s brand-new job.

She explained in an article she wrote for Stylist that she was sure Lego had fired him already because he kept coming home early.

Originally from the U.K., Russell was used to her home country’s work customs, where late nights and long hours were worn as a badge of honor. She felt surprised and embarrassed when her husband first came home from work in the early afternoon — she’d hardly started her own day of freelance writing.

The trend continued, she said, and by Friday, her husband was strolling through the door as early as 2:30 p.m. But it wasn’t a reflection of his work ethic. It turns out, in Denmark, working fewer hours is … just what people do.

This healthy work-life balance is such a crucial part of Danish culture that they even boast about it on the country’s official website.

It’s a major point of pride for Denmark, which has a reputation for being the happiest country in the world. The government encourages a 37-hour workweek, a designated lunch break, a minimum five weeks of paid vacation, extended and paid parental leave, and flexible schedules with the option to work from home as well as incentives for child care. On average, Danes spend less than one-third of their time working — and yet, they’re still more productive than most of the European Union or the United States.

You might be thinking, “What’s the catch?” But the truth is that Danish values and national attitudes are behind the country’s commitment to work-life balance.

1. Workers in Denmark are trusted to deliver on whatever their job is.

By and large, people want to work. They want to do a good job. But many people wrongly assume that others are inherently lazy, that work is a reflection of our moral values, and that time equals productivity. (But, in fact, a lot of jobs that exist today aren’t even measurably productive.)

So what if, instead of finding ways to pass the time until the clock hits 5 p.m., we just did what we had to do for work and then called it a day? What if you were actually empowered to take personal responsibility into your own hands rather than relying on the threats of a manager lurking in the corner making sure you put in the physical time at a desk?

That’s what Denmark does. As Russell writes that one of her Danish friends explained to her, “Come Cinderella hour — home time — everyone from the receptionist to the CEO goes. We’re trusted to do a good job; do our work; then leave.” Maybe that’s how they get so much stuff done?

2. Family is obviously important, but in Danish culture, people are actually encouraged to value their families — and everyone else respects it.

According to Russell’s experience, it’s totally normal for people in Denmark to list their child care pickups and other family business in their digital calendars for others to see. There shouldn’t be any shame in prioritizing family. (And if you don’t have a family? You deserve the same freedom.) Also in Denmark, child care is tax-deductible, and the state provides maid services and pensions for the elderly.

This emphasis on family extends to the country’s educational approach as well. Rather than using an exam-based schooling system, Denmark is “hugely child-centered and this leads to well-rounded and enthusiastic children,” according to teacher Stephanie Lambert, another transplant from Britain.

The country’s focus on fewer working hours frees up educators to invest in the personalized needs of students as individuals rather than stressing about uniform success. And as a result, Danish children have these same values instilled in them from a young age. It’s ingrained in them by the time they join the workforce, and they’ll pass these same values down.

3. Danes also recognize work and play shouldn’t be at odds with one another. Everyone benefits from a little R and R — workers and bosses.

More work means more stress, which means more health problems and less getting done. Maybe that’s one reason why the Danes spend so much less on health care?

Studies have shown vacations make our brains more creative, which is why vacation days should not be treated as some rare commodity, hoarded like gold for some far-future payoff, or used to cover for other personal matters. People in Denmark receive a minimum five weeks of paid vacation time, and they actually use it — without any fear of shame or social stigma.

It’s a simple truth that many Danes recognize, from day laborers to high-end executives: Happier workers are better workers. “We think everyone has a right to be respected, from a CEO to a janitor,” Danish psychotherapist Iben Sandahl told The Local. “We try to teach our children to focus on the good in themselves and others rather than on status or labels.”

Denmark’s model of work-life balance is proof that time is not the same as productivity, and treating people well is actually better for everyone.

Granted, there are some people who think the Danish secret to happiness is actually just lowered expectations. Yet, being humble, realistic, and appreciative isn’t such a bad thing.

Either way, the Danes have proven a healthy moderation of labor and leisure is not only possible, but it’s measurably preferable to forcing people to live to work and work themselves to death. Maybe it’s time the rest of us followed their example.

This article originally appeared on November 23, 2016

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A simple ‘test’ can help identify potentially abusive partners early in a relationship.

Most abusers don’t start their relationships by hitting their partners. That’s why early warning signs are vital to recognize.

I know two women who recently left abusive partners. Both men seemed sweet and likable—even gentle—each time I saw them. Both had some lovely qualities as people and even as partners. And both turned out to be controlling, increasingly abusive partners behind closed doors.

The thing about domestic violence is that most people don’t enter into relationships with someone who abuses them from the get go. It’s often like the analogy of the frog in boiling water. If you place a frog into a pot of boiling water, it’ll jump right out. But if you put it in a cool pot and gradually increase the temperature, the frog won’t recognize that it’s being slowly cooked until it’s too late.

Abuse usually comes on gradually, with plenty of opportunity to manipulate and forgive and justify the water getting warmer. That’s why many stay in abusive relationships far longer than they should.

A domestic violence counselor suggests a simple test to help identify potential abusers early in a relationship.

Rob Andrews is a domestic violence counselor in Australia. He told ABC News that he advises people to use what he calls the “No Test” to identify potential red flags early on in a relationship.

“The No Test is basically to watch out for the way your partner responds the first time you change your mind or say no,” Andrews said.

“While expressing disappointment is OK, it’s not the same as annoyed. Annoyed is ‘how dare you,’ a sign of ownership or entitlement.”

Ownership, entitlement, control—these are red flags that often lead to increasingly abusive behavior. And though women can definitely be abusers, the reality is that women are much more likely to be the victims of domestic violence and male abusers tend to be more dangerous to their partners.

“A lot of the women who will present to services will see themselves as part of the problem,” Andrews said. “They’ll ask themselves why they’re always attracted to abusive men, blame themselves for not being assertive enough, blame themselves for pushing their partner’s buttons, causing their anger.”

“With the No Test, we’re not trying to give women knowledge that they didn’t already know,” he said, “but when they see it in black and white in front of them like that, they realize they of course have the right to say no, that they aren’t to blame.”

Andrews describes our patriarchal history as “the nut of the problem.”

Andrews said that some people erroneously tell women that they should just be more assertive with their partners, letting them know they won’t stand for controlling or abusive behavior, but that’s not always the best tack to take.

“Being assertive with a man who’s threatening to bash you is not a very good idea,” he said. “It almost comes from what I’d call ‘deficit thinking,’ that somehow these women need to be trained up so that the people won’t abuse them. The only person who can stop the abuse is the person who is doing the abusing.”

Andrews works with men who are struggling with their own behavior and want to change. He has them think about what kind of man they really want to be and work with them to align their behavior with that vision.

“I hear a lot of people saying how it’s so hard for men now, it’s all so confusing,” he said. “It’s very easy to be a man. Just be polite and respectful to people, it’s not that difficult really.”

“But in saying that,” he added, “we are to some extent dealing with 2,000 years of history of women being a second-class citizen. That’s the nut of the problem and we’ve got to keep chipping away at it.”

This article originally appeared on 02.11.19

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Have you noticed your favorite shows don’t look as good as they used to? This viral post explains why.

For fantasy fans, it truly is the best of times, and the worst of times. On the bright side—there’s more magic wielding, dragon riding, caped crusading content than ever before. Yay to that.

On the other hand, have you noticed that with all these shows, something feels … off?

No, that’s not just adulthood stripping you of childlike wonder. There is a subtle, yet undeniable decline in how these shows are being made, and your eyes are picking up on it. Nolan Yost, a freelance wigmaker living in New York City, explains the shift in his now viral Facebook post.

The post, which has been shared nearly 3,500 times, attributes shows being “mid,” (aka mediocre, or my favorite—meh) mostly to the new streaming-based studio system, which quite literally prioritizes quantity over quality, pumping out new content as fast as possible to snag a huge fan base.

The result? A “Shein era of mass media,” Yost says, adding that “the toll it takes on costuming and hair/makeup has made almost every new release from Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu have a B-movie visual quality.”

He even had some pictures to prove it.

Yost first addressed the Amazon Prime Series “The Rings of Power.” One of the many, many things that makes Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy so iconic is the costumes. But that legacy was the direct result of dedication to detail.

“The production spent years hand-making every single piece of armor with real metal, hand-dyeing all-natural fiber fabrics, and designing distinct embroidery and hairstyles specific to each race in Middle Earth that had continuity through the story,” Yost wrote.

He added, “the natural dyes and dedicated layers of fabrics for elves, for hobbits, wool/dyes, and for men had a much more muted/medieval look, yet ethereal because of the slight detail you don’t really notice, but the depth draws your eye to every inch of the costume regardless.” This, he says, is why those three movies stand the test of time.

Compare this to the two images from “The Rings of Power,” below. In one photo “they barely scrapped together an unnaturally gilded scale mail breastplate and just screen printed a stretched long sleeve shirt to match underneath, all over a skirt in a single layer of a warped poly skirt.”

rings of power, house of the dragon

The other image shows “they just saved money on an Elven wig altogether for a 2022 pompadour, with a velvet pleated priest smock (with crushed parts not even steamed out), and a neckline that isn’t tailored to fit like we’ve seen previously with Elrond or Celeborn.”

Yost then moved onto HBO’s “House of the Dragon.” Arguably even those who have never seen a single episode of its predecessor, “Game of Thrones,” would still recognize Daenerys Targaryen for her platinum white hair—an attribute that Yost notes was quite expensive.

got hbo

He explained that for the show’s final season alone, Daenerys’ wigs most likely cost tens of thousands, requiring human hair to be custom made into multiple wigs.

Luckily, there was only one character with that signature look in the show. For “House of the Dragon,” however, with a cast almost entirely made up of silver-haired brooding powerhouses, Yost surmises that due to budget constraints, the creators opted for synthetic wigs.

You can see below the problem this cost-cutting decision makes in terms of authenticity.

house of the dragon, house of the dragon wigs

“Synthetic hair reflects light throughout the whole hair shaft and it tangles extremely easily,” Yost writes. “With any shot where a character isn’t actively moving or is performing dialogue and the hair isn’t being actively smoothed down every couple of seconds between shots, each flyaway is going to show up on camera if there’s any indirect lighting and look messy. Not only that, synthetic hair is also twice as thick per strand than human hair, so regardless of that the wigs are going to look bulky in an uncanny valley sort of way.”

This affects not just sci-fi and fantasy, but other genres meant to transport viewers into other worlds, like period pieces, which Yost points out with a picture from “Bridgerton” by Shonda Rhimes.


“It’s obviously not meant to be historically accurate, which is totally fine,” he writes, but without important details or embellishments or even proper undergarments to make the clothes fit well, everything looks like a slightly more expensive Halloween costume.

Yost’s insightful post really shines a light on what audiences are having to trade off for the sake of constant output. The phrase “done is better than perfect” takes on a new meaning altogether as studios race to meet a deadline with whatever is easiest to mass produce. But if viewers are so easily taken out of these stories because of noticeable corner cutting, then perhaps it’s a sign that what we really want and need are stories worth waiting for, ones that truly pull us in and leave us captivated. This is no easy ask, for studio execs or customers alike (I too am a voracious binge-watcher), but as we can see in these examples, the most valuable experiences rarely, if ever, come from rushing.

This article originally appeared on 9.10.22

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1956 commercial shows that refrigerators back then were more advanced than they are today

There are very few things that would make people nostalgic for the 1950s. Sure, they had cool cars and pearl necklaces were a staple, but that time frame had its fair share of problems, even if “Grease” made it look dreamy. Whether you believe your life would’ve been way more interesting if you were Danny Zuko or not, most would agree their technology was…lacking.

All eras are “advanced” for their time, but imagine being dropped off in the 50s as someone from the year 2023. A recent post by Historic Vids on Twitter of a 1956 commercial advertising a refrigerator, however, has some people thinking that when it came to fridges, maybe they were living in the year 2056. I don’t typically swoon over appliances, yet this one has me wondering where I can purchase a refrigerator like this.

Of course, there’s no fancy touch screen that tells you the weather and asks how you’d like your ice cubed. It’s got more important features that are actually practical.

Like a fruit drawer that not only pulls down so you can quickly check your inventory, but also pulls completely out.

“A big picture window hydrator for fruits and vegetables,” the actress says while demonstrating. “It tilts down to show you your supply at a glance, and it also lifts out, so you can take it over to the sink when there’s a fresh supply to be washed and put away.”

Yeah, that could be helpful and reduce the clutter in your fridge from all those clear storage bins companies designed to essentially do the same thing but maybe in a more cumbersome way. But the cool factor of the vintage refrigerator didn’t stop there. You know how sometimes it’s like playing Jenga removing leftovers? Well, this fridge has shelves that slide out nearly completely. Oh, the amount of reduced stress that would give folks sneaking a late snack after a holiday meal.

Watch the fascinating video below:

​One commenter said, “Can we vote to bring this back?” and I have to agree. Take my money.

For a little extra fun, check out the full commercial below and marvel not only at the refrigerator but at how our attention spans for advertisements have diminished over the decades.

This story originally appeared on 5.3.23

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Woman who was pressured to quit her job to raise stepdaughter’s baby makes a bold decision

A story that recently went viral on Reddit’s AITA forum asks an important question: What is a parent’s role in taking care of their grandchildren? The story is even further complicated because the woman at the center of the controversy is a stepparent.

The woman, 38, met her husband Sam, 47, ten years ago, when his daughter, Leah, 25, was 15. Five years ago, the couple got married after Leah had moved out to go to college.

Leah’s mom passed away when she was 10.

Last year, Leah became pregnant, and she wanted to keep the baby, but her boyfriend didn’t. After the disagreement, the boyfriend broke up with her. This forced Leah to move back home because she couldn’t afford to be a single parent and live alone on a teacher’s salary.

Leah’s story is experienced by many young mothers who are facing difficulties. The father isn’t involved in the baby’s life as a caretaker or financially. Sadly, 33% of all children in the U.S. are born without their biological fathers living in the home.

babies, young mother, moms

The new mother is a teacher and can’t afford to live on her own with a child. A recent study found that out of the top 50 U.S. cities, Pittsburgh is the only one where a new teacher could afford rent.

The stressors of taking care of the baby made Leah realize she needed help.

“But once she had the baby around 4 months back, Leah seemed to realize having a baby is not the sunshine and rainbows she thought it was,” the woman wrote on Reddit. “She barely got any sleep during the last four months. All the while Sam was helping her with the baby while I did almost all chores myself.”

“Now her leave is ending. She did not want to leave the baby at daycare or with a nanny,” the woman continued. “Sam and I both work as well.”

Leah asked her stepmother if she would stay home with the baby. The stepmother said no because she never wanted to have a baby and she has a job. “I asked why Leah can’t stay home with the baby herself,” the woman wrote. “She said how she was young and had to build a career. I said many people take breaks to raise kids, and she broke down crying about how she was so tired all the time being a mom and needed something else in her life too.”

babies, stemoms, reddit

After the woman told her stepdaughter no, her husband pressured her to stay home with the baby. But she refused to give up her job to raise her stepdaughter’s child. “Leah said yesterday how she wished her mom was alive since she would have had her back. She said I didn’t love her, and my husband is also mad at me,” the woman wrote. The woman asked the Reddit community if she was in the wrong for “refusing to help my stepdaughter with the baby,” and the community responded with rapturous support.

“[The woman] should tell her husband to knock it off and stop trying to pressure her into raising his daughter’s baby. If he wants a family member to look after her baby while she works, then he can do it,” Heavy_Sand5228 wrote.

“This is Leah’s baby that she alone chose to have. That doesn’t obligate you to change YOUR life to suit her desires. The whole business of saying you don’t love her because you won’t quit your job to watch her baby is manipulative and messed up, and I’m shocked your husband is siding with her,” SupremeCourtJust-a** added.

Leah and many women like her are in this situation because, in many places, teachers are underpaid, rent is high, and not all dads pay child support, even those required by law.

Another commenter noted that the baby is much more the father’s responsibility than the stepmother’s. “To add, Leah should consider seeking child support from her ex. Her kid should be getting that money,” Obiterdicta wrote.

This article originally appeared on 10.3.23

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Younger people are admitting baby boomers got these 17 things right

In recent years, baby boomers have often been the target of criticism from younger generations. The most common accusations are that boomers are selfish and don’t care about leaving ample resources (whether financial or environmental) to subsequent generations.

They also come under fire for not being able to acknowledge that it was easier for people of their generation to come of age when things were more affordable and life was a lot less competitive.

However, we should also understand that many of today’s problems are not the boomers’ doing, especially when it comes to the issues that stem from entitled children and technology run amok. In hindsight, there’s something to be said about the importance that boomers placed on self-reliance, letting kids be kids and having a healthy skepticism towards technology.

In the end, each generation contributes to the tapestry of society in its unique way, whether good or bad, even baby boomers. This became evident after a Reddit user named Youssef4573 asked the AskReddit subforum: ‘What is something you can say ‘I’m with the boomers on this one’ about?” Over 4,700 people responded to the prompt, and the most prevalent problems mentioned by the younger generations were overreliance on technology, the modern world’s lack of human touch and how Gen Xers and millennials have raised their children.

Here are 17 things that younger people are “with the boomers” about.

1. Public filming

“Just because I’m in public doesn’t mean I want to be filmed. Yeah, I know legally you can, but common courtesy people.” — Jayne_of_Canton

2. Customer service

“I want to talk to a person in customer service, not a machine.” — lumpy_space_queenie

“And also a person that actually works at the company I bought the product from, not a teenager at an outsourced call center with a script to follow and who answers calls for 15 different companies on the same day.” — Loive.

3. Turn up the dialog

“For the love of all that is holy, can we fix the audio in movies so that the music and sound FX aren’t drowning out the dialogue?” — Caloso

“And the action sequences don’t burst your eardrums or the dialogue is whispers.” — Whynottry-again

4. Bring back buttons

“No, I don’t need everything in my car to be electronic. Some stuff needs buttons.” — LamborghiniHEAT

“This was the big thing for me in my last car – trying to adjust volume or change songs while driving is way more dangerous when it’s all touch screen. Thankfully my current car has physical knobs for everything.” — GeekdomCentral

5. App overload

“Every store/service does not need an app.” — BigDigger324

“I was standing at a car rental counter at an airport (boomer here) to rent a car. My daughter’s car broke down on the way to pick me up. While standing at the counter, with a customer service rep right there and not busy, I had to log in to their site, create an account, and reserve a car. It seemed ridiculous and it took a long time, filling in my license information and all that. This was last September.” — Cleanslate

6. Bring back DIY

“Learning DIY skills is crucial. I had basically zero DIY skills when I bought my house because I had lived in apartments for so long and I’ve had to learn a lot. YouTube tutorials are absolutely clutch.” — JingleJongleBongle

7. Turn off the speakerphone

“I hated this when I worked at Walmart. So many of my coworkers would talk on speaker or watch TikTok at full volume. It’s just trashy imo, nobody wants to hear your media.” — WhiteGuy1x

“I work at an emergency medical office and holy sh*t the amount of people that sit in a quiet, peaceful lobby and just have the LOUDEST conversations on their phone…. Speaker or otherwise. Not to mention the people that still watch sh*t without headphones. Like do you not see the plethora of other people around you that you’re disturbing?” — Cinderpuppins

8. Ban QR code menus

“I think menus should be tangible.” — Limp-Management9684

“QR codes kill the vibe. We’re all on our phones constantly throughout the day and then when you go to spend some quality time with someone, it’s another excuse to whip out the phone and stare at it. There’s an intimacy to a physical menu. You’re looking at what the other person is reading, you’re each pointing to parts of the menu. You’re noticing the lighting of the restaurant. QR codes feel chintzy and kill the ambiance completely.” — VapeDerp420

9. Stop subscriptions

“When I was your age, you only had to pay for a video game once to own it.” — CattonCruthby

10. Free the children

“A kid in 2024 should have the same freedom to exist unsupervised and move about their community independently as a boomer did growing up.” — PixelatedFish

“The world is safer than it’s ever been and people are more scared than ever. I blame true crime and local news.” ⲻ Unhappyhippo142

11. Kids need to touch grass

“Kids shouldn’t be on phones or iPads all the time. It makes them weird.” — Ubstantial_Part_952

“The same could be said about most adults.” — DrunkOctopus

12. Stop being so sensitive

“People in our generation are far, far too sensitive. Don’t get it twisted; empathy is, by and large, a good thing and it takes some serious doing for me to say it’s gone too far. But collectively, we’ve become people willing to throw every last bit of energy fighting against every slight and making sure our pet cause gets top billing to the point of fighting amongst each other even if we’re in almost complete agreement otherwise. Emotional energy – like any other kind of energy – is very much a finite resource. Whereas boomers could at least generally agree to disagree and get on with things (obvious cross-wielding exceptions doth apply). Culturally, we’ve lost sight of the adage of ‘winning the battle, losing the war.'” — almighty_smiley

13. Stop delivery

“Food delivery services are a complete ripoff; if you use them regularly, you’re terrible with money. Get off my lawn.” — VapeDerp420

14. Parking meters

“So rather than throwing a few coins in your meter, you have to now get your license plate #, get your meter number, go to the meter station, stand in line with everyone waiting to pay their meter, then you’re set. It’s an unnecessary amount of extra steps. I don’t carry cash much anymore, but I can hide a small amount of coin in my car to quickly pay a meter.” — Luke5119

15. Kids should know their place

“Not letting your children rule the roost. When did it become acceptable to let your kids back-talk to you, slap you, climb all over shi*t in public places? As we’ve raised ours, I’ve witnessed so many parents around us just let these behaviors slide. It’s kind of sad when I’m the one saying things like, “Did I just hear you just say that to your mom?!?!?!?! That is not ok. You go and apologize right now!!”. Then I get this stunned “deer in headlights” look back that tells me they aren’t used to someone calling them out on their behavior.” — Cobblestone-Villain

16. Pride in ownership

“Seems that a lot of boomers have pride of ownership and enjoy maintaining what they have.” — Awkward_Bench123

17. Don’t follow leaders

“My dad (a solid boomer) has been saying that ALL politicians are crooks since he became disenchanted with politics around the Nixon era. He was starry-eyed before that, trying to make social change, yada yada. He still votes, but holds his nose. Can’t say I disagree with him.” — Thin_white_duchess

This article originally appeared on 1.23.24

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‘Normal and natural’: Scientists admit the animal kingdom is a lot gayer than they thought

LGBTQ people have faced discrimination around the globe for centuries. A big reason is that non-heterosexual relationships have been seen as unnatural by both church and state. LGBTQ people have either been seen as acting against the will of God for rejecting the traditional family structure or, nature, for engaging in sexual activity that doesn’t result in reproduction.

However, science has slowly been striking down the idea that homosexuality is unnatural by proving that it’s seen across countless species, from bonobo monkeys to black swans to fruit flies. A landmark 2019 research paper found that over 1500 species of animals exhibit homosexual behavior.

However, now it appears that the paper wildly underestimated the amount of homosexual activity happening in nature.

A new report published on June 20, 2024, in the journal PLOSOne shows that same-sex sexual behavior in the animal kingdom is much more prevalent than previously documented. The big reason is that researchers have been underreporting their observations.

The study surveyed 65 experts and 77% said that they had observed same-sex sexual behavior in the species they studied. However, only 48% reported collecting data on the observations and only 18% published their findings.

“Many respondents reported that their lack of recording data or publishing on SSSB [same-sex sexual behavior] was due to a perception that it was very rare,” Karyn Anderson, a PhD candidate in evolutionary anthropology at the Univerity of Texas, who led the study, told CNN. “When looked at on a broader scale, we found instead that it was very commonly observed by our survey participants.”

Anderson adds that homosexuality is, in fact, “widespread and natural in the animal kingdom.”

The news doesn’t surprise Josh Davis, author of “A Little Gay Natural History,” a book that examines the diversity of sexual behavior in the natural world.

“Whilst it has only been officially recorded in around 1,500 species, this figure is likely a massive underestimate,” he told IFL Science. “This is because it can be found in pretty much every branch of the evolutionary tree, from beetles and butterflies to turtles and squirrels, so the idea that it is limited to just a few hundred species out of the 2.13 million described to date is incredibly unlikely.”

“There’s a growing suggestion it’s normal and natural to almost every species,” he added. “It’s probably more rare to be a purely heterosexual species.”

lgbtq, gay animals, sexuality research

At first, it may seem as though same-sex sexual behavior runs counter to evolution. If animals reproduce through heterosexual intercourse, why do some still have same-sex relations?

Researchers believe that homosexuality may have evolved in humans because individuals with a degree of same-sex attraction benefit from greater social integration, mobility, and stronger social bonds. So, there is a survival benefit to participating in same-sex sexual behavior.

These developments are further proof that humans and the rest of the animal kingdom have never been exclusively heterosexual and those that have same-sex relations are as natural as those who do not. It seems the more we learn about the science of sexuality, the more we realize that Lady Gaga was right on the mark when she wrote “Born This Way.”

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Stephen King’s ‘The Monkey’: Everything We Know About Osgood Perkins And James Wan’s Upcoming Movie (Update For June 2024)

Getty Image / Putnam

No shortage exists for upcoming adaptations of Stephen King’s work. There’s HBO’s Welcome To Derry series that will include Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise, and Glen Powell is preparing for a remake of The Running Man. Also, a Salem’s Lot remake will stream on Max at some point.

Then there’s The Monkey, which shall be a feature-length movie (contrasted with the 2023 short from director Spencer Sherry) that adapts King’s 1980 story that he later tweaked for the Skeleton Crew collection. If you are enjoying the evil doll films these days like M3GAN and her diabolical predecessors, then The Monkey should feel like the granddaddy of those stories. What can we expect from this long-overdue onscreen slice of horror?


Essentially, this film will revolve around a cymbal-clanging, diabolical toy monkey that refuses to be thrown into the trash. You know how that goes whenever James Wan is producing a doll-based movie, right? NEON has also released a lone image of this horrible artifact lurking in the darkness:

As noted above, this project also hails from director Osgood Perkins, who will soon head into theaters with another seat-handle gripping project, Longlegs, his Nic Cage serial killer movie. While promoting that project, Perkins recently dropped a few hints on The Monkey to Bloody Disgusting’s Boo Crew podcast. Those details include what type of Stephen King vibe to expect: “It’s gonna feel more like Misery or Creepshow.”

Will this be a serious-toned film or a bit more like dark comedy? Perkins had that answer, too, along with advice on ideal viewing companions:

“To me, if you’re gonna make a movie about a toy monkey, you can be serious about it. But so much of King is funny and nostalgic feeling. So we tried to make a movie that felt a little bit more like something from the late ’80s – ’90s … For me, ideally it’s the movie that kids and their parents wanna go see together. People blow up, people explode; it’s very extreme but it’s very funny. It’s very father-son redemption, it’s very touching, it’s very nostalgic, it’s very Stephen King.”

There you have it. If your parents are cool and into horror, then perhaps you can watch with them, if everyone is of age. Big promises there, but this movie hails from Black Bear and is produced by Michael Clear, James Wan, and Jason Cloth, and here’s the movie’s synopsis:

When twin brothers Hal and Bill discover their father’s old monkey toy in the attic, a series of gruesome deaths starts occurring all around them. The brothers decide to throw the monkey away and move on with their lives, growing apart over the years. But when the mysterious deaths begin again, the brothers must reunite to find a way to destroy the monkey for good before it takes the lives of everyone close to them.


Theo James will be on hand to lend his handsome-leading-man-who-might-harbor-a-dark-side talents. The film co-stars Tatiana Maslany, Christian Convery, Elijah Wood, Sarah Levy, Rohan Campbell, and Colin O’Brien.

Release Date

Finally, an anticipated Stephen King project has a concrete release date: February 21, 2025.


It’s only a matter of time before we see a trailer or teaser clip, but if you are jonesing for some King-fueled horror that you might have missed, here’s the trailer for the underrated In The Tall Grass, now streaming on Netflix:

News Trending Viral Worldwide

Sha’Carri Richardson Ran A 10.88 To Win Her Heat At US Olympic Trials With An Untied Shoe

Getty Image

The U.S. Olympic Team Trials for track and field got underway on Friday night in Eugene, Oregon, and the biggest name on track for the evening was the current world champion in the 100 meter dash, Sha’Carri Richardson.

Richardson ran a 10.65 second race in Budapest last August, becoming the fifth fastest woman in history and the first U.S. woman to win a world championship gold in the 100 meters since 2017. That performance meant Richardson arrived at U.S. Trials with lofty expectations, as she looks to become the first American woman to win Olympic gold since 1996 (Marion Jones’ 2000 gold was stripped due to testing positive for PEDs).

As she took the track for her first heat of the team trials, Richardson was heavily favored to win the heat, much less punch a ticket to the semifinals, but disaster nearly struck when she stumbled out of the blocks and had an untied shoe. However, Richardson put forth an absolutely incredible final 50 meters to run down Tamari Davis in lane 2 to win the heat and set the fastest time of the night with a 10.88.

Her closing speed here is truly stunning, and to run a 10.88 is outrageous after a start that saw her nearly end up in lane 8 next to her after an awkward start out of the blocks (and with a shoe not tied). After crossing the finish line, Richardson properly tied her right shoe and soaked in the love from the Oregon crowd.

I’d guess Richardson will be double checking her laces prior to the semis and finals on Saturday night, as she’ll look to build on that 10.88 and punch her ticket, officially, for Paris.

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The Best New Hip-Hop This Week

best new hip hop ice spice, glorilla, and 6lack(1024x450)
Getty Image/Merle Cooper

The Best New Hip-Hop This Week includes albums, videos, and songs from Ice Spice, GloRilla, and 6lack.

The big news of the week was, of course, Kendrick Lamar’s Ken & Friends concert, The Pop Out. Attended by a who’s-who of LA royalty (a characterization that could also apply to the performers), the show culminated in a multiple encore of Ken’s battle turned hit du jour “Not Like Us.”

Ice Spice put some attention on her “Phat Butt” ahead of the release of her debut album Y2K.

Meanwhile, GloRilla kept her string of turn-up anthems alive with “TGIF.”

6lack said “F*ck The Rap Game” as he put the focus back on the music.

Chance The Rapper kept his comeback going with “Stars Out.”

And in hip-hop news, ASAP Rocky announced the release date for his long-awaited album Don’t Be Dumb while Megan Thee Stallion revealed the tracklist for her independent debut, Megan.

Here is the best of hip-hop this week ending June 21, 2024.


G-Eazy — Freak Show


G-Eazy’s comeback album arrives with a minimum of fanfare (which is to be expected, now that he’s gone independent with distribution by his former label RCA), but with something of a return to form for the Bay Area rapper. The carnival motif ties together a diverse array of beats that run the gamut from his signature post-hyphy (“Femme Fatale” with Coi Leray and Kaliii) to deconstructed boom-bap (“South Of France”). French Montana, Lancey Foux, and Leon Bridges guest, but Gerald keeps the spotlight firmly on himself. There isn’t too much introspection or experimentation, but is that really why we love G-Eazy?

Kaelin Ellis — You Are Here, Start

Kaelin Ellis

The Florida producer has been around for a bit, working with just about anyone in alternative hip-hop you can name. That experience and those relationships serve well on his latest, which mashes up pulsating, funk-washed EDM (longtime readers will know exactly what I mean when I say it’s extremely my sh*t) with jazzy hip-hop instrumentation and heady, wordy rhymes from the likes of indie rap stalwarts like Buddy, Iman Europe, Guapdad 4000, Kenny Mason, Saba, ToBi, and more. My favorite release of the week, and will very probably end up being one of my most-played projects by the end of the summer.

Your Old Droog — Movie

Your Old Droog

The Brooklyn rapper-producer returns with his first full-length release since 2021’s Space Bar (although a string of tough EPs kept his name buzzing in the New York City streets through 2022). His stream-of-consciousness punchlines pair with hard-hitting, gritty beats like a Yankee fitted cap and a pair of Timbalands — the images that jump into mind the second you press play. Fans of intricate backpack raps will be thoroughly satisfied with 18 tracks and appearances from Denzel Curry, Madlib, Method Man, and Yasiin Bey.


Headie One — “Tipsy” Feat. Aitch

Mandem connect on a tropical vibe to riff on the delights of intoxication. Headie and Aitch have great chemistry and their flows blend coolly with the laid-back Caribbean riddim undergirding the debauchery.

IDK — “Tiffany” Feat. Gunna

DMV rapper IDK has proven to be a master of reinvention. Coming off his breezy 2023 project F65, he dips his toe into some cinematic trap, alongside the resurgent Gunna.

Jaden — “Roses”

He’s back! The second-gen rap star is on a new wave; the low-key beat, the mellow crooning, and the introspective but deft rap verse portend one hell of a third chapter coming down the pike.

Jpegmafia — “don’t rely on other men”

Combative, defiant verses from Peggy top a distorted, thumping beat that sounds like a Ninja food processor full of industrial grunge and dubstep records on “high.”

Snakehips & Earthgang — “Been A Minute…” Feat. Sinéad Harnett

Again, extremely “my sh*t.” Snakehips and Earthgang have actually collaborated before, on the 2021 track “Run It Up.” Clearly, they enjoyed the process, teaming up again for a 5-track EP, SNAKEGANG.

Tee Grizzley — “Robbery 7”

The Detroit rapper’s storytelling bursts to the forefront of what starts off a regretful reflection and turns quickly into a high-speed crime adventure.