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Mom defends tough-love letter to 13-year-old son after getting shamed online

Heidi Johnson’s son was 13, deeply in adolescence, and in that stage where he lashes out.

He told her he shouldn’t have to deal with her rules and should be independent.

So she wrote a strict but loving “Mom’s not a fool” letter.

roommates, motherhood, life lessons

She wrote on Facebook how her son reacted to the letter:

“He came home, saw the note, crumpled it on the floor, and stormed out of the apartment. I have always encouraged him to take a walk when he is upset so that he can collect his thoughts so when we try to talk, we are able to talk, and not just yell at each other. I do the same thing — sometimes, I just need to walk away and collect myself. I am not above admitting that. He was still livid when he got home. He decided to stage a ‘sit in’ in my room, where he did laugh at me and repeat, ‘Really? What are you going to do? You can’t take my stuff,’ etc. He was asked to leave my room, and when he could be respectful, and I was more calm, we would discuss it further. He went to his room, and after about an hour, he had removed some electronics and items I missed that he felt he should have to earn back for his behavior. He apologized, and asked what could he do to make things better and start earning items back. He earned his comforter and some clothes right back. I did leave him some clothes to begin with, just not the ones he would want to wear every day. He also had some pillows and sheets, just not his favorite ones.”

She decided to post it on Facebook, the way one does to friends for a laugh and connection. She neglected to make it “private,” and soon comments and shares proliferated, including admonishments from strangers who thought she was a bad parent.Now she had to deal with a bigger teenager: the internet and its commentariat. But Johnson remained level-headed and wrote another Facebook post, clarifying.

“It’s out there; and I am not ashamed of what I wrote… I am not going to put my 13-year-old on the street if he can’t pay his half of the rent. I am not wanting him to pay anything. I want him to take pride in his home, his space, and appreciate the gifts and blessings we have.” She explains that he is more grateful because of it, and also that he has slowly earned back things and dealt with sacrificing others. Then she lists her very organized and succinct rules of the house:

1 – Do your best in school! I don’t expect a perfect 100%, but I do expect that you do your best and ask for help when you don’t understand something.

2 – Homework and jobs need to be done before you can have screen time.

3 – Jobs are emptying the trash, unloading the dishwasher, throwing away trash you make in the kitchen, rinsing dirty dishes, making your bed daily, pick up bedroom nightly, and cleaning your bathroom once a week.

4 – You must complete two chores a day. Each day of the week with the exception of Sunday has a room that we work on cleaning. He has to pick two chores for that room. For example, if it is the living room he can choose two of the following options: dust, vacuum, polish furniture, clean windows, mop the floor.

5 – Be respectful and kind with your words — no back talking, no cussing at me.

6 – Keep good hygiene.

7 – Make eye contact when being spoken to, and be an active listener.

8 – Use proper manners.

“You know what.. this hasn’t hurt our relationship. He and I still talk as openly as ever. He has apologized multiple times… And… he is trying harder.” Her son is earning things back little by little, and appreciating it more than he did before.

“This came down to a 13-year-old telling his mother she had no right to enforce certain rules, and had no place to ‘control’ him. I made the point to show what life would look like if I was not his ‘parent,’ but rather a ‘roommate.’ It was a lesson about gratitude and respect from the very beginning. Sometimes, you have to lose it all to realize how well you really had it.”

This article originally appeared on 8.16.21

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Woman shares texts showing the difference between a healthy and a controlling relationship

Saving old text messages from exes can sometimes be an asset when you need to remember exactly why you left them. Alternately, sometimes digital relics from old relationships are a good reminder of how much good we have in our lives currently.

At least, they did for the Twitter user May Larsen, who recently posted screenshots of two text threads with two very different men.

The conversation on the left shows how an old conversation went down with an emotionally manipulative ex. While the other screenshot is a prime example of what communication in a healthy partnership looks like.

The emotional dynamics of this exchange are full of red flags.

healthy relationships, texts from an ex, texting, dating

This ex (boyfriend, hookup, whatever he was) went from 0-100 in no time. In fact, the ONLY way this kind of freak out would be excusable would be if they had prior plans she ditched on. Alternately, if he was doing a performance art bit where he embodied Drake’s 0-100 via text message. Outside of those possibilities, this type of reaction is nothing short of manipulation and emotional abuse.

The second text message showed how Larsen’s current partner responds to a simple night out.

relationships, boys, men

The difference between these responses to a simple night out on the town is night and day. When comparing the two messages, the red flags really pop.

People on Twitter had a LOT of thoughts about the texts.

Some women shared similar experiences with possessive partners.

A lot of people assumed the texts were from two guys she’s currently dating.

That quickly got shut down.

Meanwhile, others were caught up with the fact that her current dude wears a cowboy hat.

Regardless of whether the rest of us are pro cowboy hat (I’m pro if you can pull it off), it seems they’ve got a healthy situation going. Communication is key, in any kind of relationship.

This article originally appeared on 04.10.19

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A letter to my mother-in-law who spoiled my sons

You always stole my thunder. You gave them everything they wanted. You never said no when they asked for anything.

Tina Platamura

A second helping of dessert. Candy before dinner. A few more minutes in the bath. Money for the ice cream truck.

I struggled to show you respect and appreciation while trying to make sure you didn’t spoil my children. I thought you would turn them into “selfish brats” by giving them everything they wanted. I thought they might never learn to wait, to take turns, to share, because you granted their wishes as soon as they opened their mouths and pointed.

You held each one of my babies long after they fell asleep. Didn’t you understand that I needed them to learn to fall asleep on their own?

You ran to them as soon as they made the tiniest sound. How would they ever learn to self-soothe?

I resented you for buying the best and most expensive gifts on their birthdays and on Christmas. How could I possibly compete with you?

“I thought they might never learn to wait, to take turns, to share, because you granted their wishes as soon as they opened their mouths and pointed.”

And how they loved afternoons spent with you. You made their favorite things for dinner — three different meals for three different boys. And you always had a little surprise. A present, candy, or a special treat. I didn’t want them to associate you with gifts and sweets. I thought they should love you for you. I tried to tell you this, but you wouldn’t listen.

I spent a lot of time wondering why you did all these things and how I could get you to ease up. I know grandmothers are supposed to “spoil the kids” then send them home, but you were … ridiculous.

Until you were gone.

I had to hold my boys and tell them that their grandma died. It didn’t seem possible — you were supposed to be there for all the other special moments: proms, graduations, weddings. But they lost their grandma too soon and too suddenly. They were not ready to say goodbye.

During those years when I wished you’d stop spoiling them, I never thought about how much you loved them. So much that you showed it in every way possible. Your cooking. The gifts. The candy and sweets. Your presence. The way you could recount every detail of a special moment, whether it was a perfect catch in the outfield or a sweet and slightly off-key note sung at a school concert. Your grandmotherly love for them knew no bounds. Your heart poured love from every place possible — your kitchen, your pocketbook, your words, and your tireless arms.

It’s pointless to dwell on regrets, but I often think about how I had it all wrong. I was so wrong in how I perceived your generosity.

My kids, now in their teens, miss you dearly. And they don’t miss your gifts or your money. They miss you.

They miss running to greet you at the door and hugging you before you could step in. They miss looking up at the bleachers and seeing you, one of their biggest fans, smiling and enthralled to catch their eye. They miss talking to you and hearing your words of wisdom, encouragement and love.

If I could speak to you one more time, I would tell you that every time a precious moment steals my heart, every time I watch them arrive at a new milestone, and every time they amaze me with their perseverance, talents, or triumphs, I think of you. And I wish that they could have you back.

Come back and love them one last time, like no one else in the world but a grandmother could. Bring your sweets and surprises. Reward them with gifts for the smallest accomplishments. Painstakingly prepare their favorite meals. Take them anywhere they want to go. All and only because you love them.

Come back and see how much they’ve grown. Watch each boy becoming his own version of a young man. Be in awe with me as we admire how family, friendship, time, and love helped them grow so beautifully over the years.

The more I long for you to come back, though, the more I realize that in a way, you never left.

I understand now. I know you loved them in every way you could. I know that being their grandma gave you joy and purpose. And of course I know that you can’t come back, but I do know that your love for them will always remain. Your love built them and sheltered them in ways that cannot be described. Your love is a big part of who they are and what they will become as they grow. For this, and for every treat and gift, and every time you held them too long or consoled them too much or let them stay up too late, I will always thank you.

And I will wish a million times that you could do it all again.

This article was written by Tina Plantamura and originally appeared on 04.14.16

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A student accidentally created a rechargeable battery that could last 400 years

There’s an old saying that luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.

There’s no better example of that than a 2016 discovery at the University of California, Irvine, by doctoral student Mya Le Thai. After playing around in the lab, she made a discovery that could lead to a rechargeable battery that could last up to 400 years. That means longer-lasting laptops and smartphones and fewer lithium ion batteries piling up in landfills.

A team of researchers at UCI had been experimenting with nanowires for potential use in batteries, but found that over time the thin, fragile wires would break down and crack after too many charging cycles. A charge cycle is when a battery goes from completely full to completely empty and back to full again.

But one day, on a whim, Thai coated a set of gold nanowires in manganese dioxide and a Plexiglas-like electrolyte gel.

“She started to cycle these gel capacitors, and that’s when we got the surprise,” said Reginald Penner, chair of the university’s chemistry department. “She said, ‘this thing has been cycling 10,000 cycles and it’s still going.’ She came back a few days later and said ‘it’s been cycling for 30,000 cycles.’ That kept going on for a month.”

This discovery is mind-blowing because the average laptop battery lasts 300 to 500 charge cycles. The nanobattery developed at UCI made it though 200,000 cycles in three months. That would extend the life of the average laptop battery by about 400 years. The rest of the device would have probably gone kaput decades before the battery, but the implications for a battery that that lasts hundreds of years are pretty startling.

“The big picture is that there may be a very simple way to stabilize nanowires of the type that we studied,” Penner said. “If this turns out to be generally true, it would be a great advance for the community.” Not bad for just fooling around in the laboratory.

This article originally appeared 12.22.22

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These before-and-afters will make you question everything about how our economy works

Images via GooBingDetroit.

Yup. These images were taken only two years apart. And what you’re seeing was not an accident.

When the economy crashed in 2008, it was because of shady financial practices like predatory lending and speculative investing, which is basically gambling, only the entire economy was at stake.

When the recession hit, it literally hit home for millions of people. And Detroit was right in the middle of it.

I spoke with Alex Alsup, who works with a Detroit-based tech company that’s mapping the city’s foreclosed homes to help city officials see the bigger picture and find solutions. He also runs the Tumblr GooBingDetroit, where he uses Google Street View’s time machine to document the transformation of Detroit’s neighborhoods over the last few years.

“There’s a common sentiment that Detroit’s looked the way it does for decades, but it’s just not true,” Alsup said.

It’s astonishing to see how quickly so many homes went from seemingly delightful to wholly unlivable.

When the recession went into full force, home values took a nosedive. But the city expected homeowners to pay property taxes as if they hadn’t.

Not only does the situation defy logic, but it’s like a brass-knuckled face punch to the people the city is supposed to be looking out for. Alsup explains:

“You had houses — tens of thousands of them — that were worth only $20,000 or so, yet owed $4,000 a year in taxes, for which very few city services were delivered (e.g. police, fire, roads, schools). Who would pay that?”


A local group calls what happened to Detroit a “hurricane without water.”

And like a real hurricane, homeowners aren’t the ones to blame. They’re even calling for what is essentially a federal disaster response.

Here are the three strategies they want to see in action — and they can work for basically anywhere in the country that’s struggling with a housing crisis.

1. Stop kicking people out of their homes.

They want the city to end foreclosures and evictions from owner-occupied homes. Many people aren’t just losing their homes — they’ve lost jobs, pensions, and services because of budget cuts. Putting them on the street is like a kick in the teeth when they’re down.

2. If a home is worth less on the market than what the homeowner owes on their loan, reduce what they owe.

Those are called underwater mortgages. Banks caused this mess, and governments ignored it. It’s only fair that people’s mortgages be adjusted based the current value of their home.

3. Sell repossessed homes at fair prices to people who actually want to live in them.

Selling to banks and investors only encourages what led to the financial crisis in the first place. Wouldn’t it make more sense to sell to people who are going to live in them and have a genuine interest in rebuilding the community?

Housing is a human right. And an economy based on financial markets doesn’t care about human rights. Maybe it’s time for a new economy?

Click play below for a silent cruise down a once lovely residential block in Detroit.

This article originally appeared on 12.15.14

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Jimmy Fallon asked people to ruin a horror movie by adding a single word to its title

Whether you’re a horror aficionado or your scary threshold is at a level 2, you’re bound to be familiar with at least a couple of iconic horror movies. The horror genre is a huge part of our culture, allowing us to explore the darkest depths of the human psyche within the safety and comfort of home—or a theater, if you dare.

As counterintuitive as it might sound, watching horror movies can be more than stimulating entertainment for some people. It can act as a form of exposure therapy, helping reduce anxiety levels. Of course, this is not the case for everyone, but it certainly helps explain why the genre is so well loved and continues gaining popularity. Even in 2020—arguably an anxiety-inducing year for everyone—horror movies were the only ones to actually see a surge in ticket sales. Sometimes it’s just more cathartic to see an actual monster wreaking havoc in a fictional world than it is to think about all real-world worries that haunt our imaginations.

Still, not everyone can shake off that scary feeling that a horror movie elicits, and therefore might not partake in watching. Nonetheless, they might enjoy seeing the edge taken off with a bit of lighthearted humor. After all, it’s often recommended to watch a little comedy after a horror flick to clean out the heebie jeebies.

Jimmy Fallon asked folks to “take a horror movie and add one word to change the plot and tag it with #AddAWordRuinAHorrorMovie for his ever-popular Hashtags segment on “The Tonight Show.” Granted, some people took liberties with the rules—occasionally replacing a word in the title, for example—but nonetheless, grammatical fun was had. And well-known horror movie plots did undergo hilariously drastic changes.

Below are 23 of the best ones. Enjoy, because even those who can’t handle anything too scary deserve a little spooky entertainment.

1. “The Blair Witch Project Manager” – @ ite_mumma

2. “House of Brazilian Wax” – @omg_is_oscar

3. “Awkward Smile” – @jimmyfallon


4. “Zoom Interview With A Vampire” – @Sohnzie


5. “The Snore Ring (you’ll never sleep again)” – @Janasvox

6. “The Hills Have Googly Eyes” – @DunLahfAtMae

7. “Freddy vs Jason Bateman” – @richg6


8. “The Craft Room” – @EvelynRobinson

9. “See SAW” – @BruceCountyGal

10. “Silence of the Lamb Chops” – @EfrainRSosa

11. “Children of the Candy Corn” – @DjDubay

12. “Man-childs Play” – @DantheDad87

13. “The Amityville Hoarder” – @PamelaMelnick

14. “Carrie Groceries” – @mitchbytes

15. “Hellraiser Burn” – @blumspew

16. “Invasion of the Body Shapers” – @LaughOutLander

17. “Final Destination Wedding” – @EmWilsonMartin

18. “The Invisible Man Bun” – @ryanBartholomee

19. “The Babadook Ellington” – @taradublinrocks

20. “Beetlejuice Cleanse” – @Sohnzie

21. “Rosemary’s Baby Shark…doo,doo,doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.” – @seamirac

22. “Nightmare on Elmo Street.” – @elise_milsssss


@Cantabrana_ added:

“Somehow, this is much scarier.

23. “The Shoe Shining” – @LauraLizVids

This article originally appeared on 10.25.22

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Gunna Used ‘The Bittersweet Tour’ To Truly Be ‘One Of Wun’

Gunna 'Bittersweet Tour' review image
Getty Image/Merle Cooper

Though it doesn’t appear on his latest album One Of Wun, Gunna’sBittersweet” couldn’t be more representative of his current era. With somber guitar strums as the backdrop, Gunna reflects on life’s past dealings, his reluctant acceptance of it, and how it all changed his outlook on fame, optimism towards better days, ability to trust, and much more. If the Atlanta rapper’s 2023 album A Gift & A Curse was a comeback album of sorts, re-establishing Gunna as a beloved artist and granting him a song of the summer title thanks to “F*kumean,” then One Of Wun solidifies and cements the artist that emerged from the YSL RICO trial fire which changed the way many fans and collaborators viewed the rap star.

Gunna approaches the record like a winter breeze – dry, straightforward, and undeterred by the circumstances. “Got me a taste of this fame, it was sweet, now it’s bitter,” he quips on “Bittersweet” before expounding on this point with lines like “Careful with your choices ’cause you can’t make it twice” and “N****s show they hate before they do something positive.” It’s only fitting that Gunna’s now-concluded The Bittersweet Tour shares a name with the somber pre-One Of Wun single. The month-long run of shows proved that Gunna’s status as a top-level hip-hop figure was still intact despite the snitching allegations he weathered and has continued to since his winter 2022 prison release.

Gunna was supposed to celebrate these moments with the same cast of peers-turned-brothers that he was often beside from the underground days of Drip Season 2 to his breakout with Drip Season 3 to his chart-topping moments with DS4EVER. Nowadays, these names, which include Lil Baby, Young Thug, Lil Durk, Future, and others are not only nowhere to be found beside Gunna, but they’ve also seemingly taken a stance next to Young Thug and the snitching allegations lodged against Gunna. These, among other things, are where the bittersweet feelings Gunna speaks from are rooted in. Just recently, after Gunna confirmed that he is still signed to YSL Records, Young Thug, the label’s founder, seemingly responded in a tweet, writing, “whateva wham say goes.” “Wham” is a nickname for Lil Baby which led to fans resurfacing a video of Baby at a music video shoot where it appears that he dissed Gunna. “N****s taking pleas, I know that Slime ain’t happy,” Baby raps in the video. Everything changed for the Atlanta star, just as things were getting good for him. If that isn’t bittersweet, I don’t know what is.

Back against the wall and with resources thinner than usual, Gunna came back swinging with A Gift & A Curse and One Of Wun, projects that impressed and showcased his ability to stand above adversity and triumph above critics. First-time collaborations with the likes of Normani, Tyla, IDK, Leon Bridges, Victor Thompson, and Sarz replaced his work with once-frequent collaborators mentioned earlier. DS4EVER teased this, but Gunna’s work with these artists added a new layer of diversity to his artistry. His style is unique and present in enough ways to be paired with artists in different lanes. Additionally, it proved that Gunna is a sought-after artist who will not fade into the background anytime soon.

The Bittersweet Tour is proof of this, too. Though the tour is highly similar to his A Gift and A Curse 2023 one-off shows in New York and Los Angeles, respectively, bringing these performances nationwide allowed fans who stuck by Gunna to see that a new era for the rapper is in progress. Furthermore, Gunna gave attendees a slew of memorable moments to walk out with by the end of the night. There was the silky smooth pairing of “South To West” and “On One Tonight” tied together by a satisfying transition, the performances of beloved YSL collaborations like “Hot,” “Ski,” “Pushin P,” “Oh Okay,” and more, and the explosive transition between “F*kumean” and “Rodeo Dr” brought to life for everyone who loved the experience it offered on A Gift & A Curse. There was something for every Gunna fan on The Bittersweet Tour.

After a string of electric performances, Gunna ends The Bittersweet Tour performances with a period of reflection through performances of his more introspective songs. Accounts of drug addictions which led to health scares and his current healthy lifestyle are given through “Livin Wild.” Next is “Time Reveals, Be Careful What You Wish For,” a two-part track that begins as a rags-to-riches tale for Gunna, tied with the newfound realization of life’s true meaning, before winding into a cautionary tale about the perils of fame. “Who You Foolin,” a fan-favorite, follows as it disposes of Gunna’s naivety and highlights his longtime experience in the game. Finally, the night closes with Victor Thompson & Ehis ‘D’ Greatest’s “Blessings” which Gunna remixed last year. The record is anchored by a line the trio sings together: “Everything I’ve been wanting, manifesting for my life.” Gunna has everything he’s worked towards attaining for the better part of a decade, and though it was nearly taken from him, it’s overcoming these hardships that allow you carry a title like “One Of Wun.” Gunna is that, and though it’s bittersweet, it’s still good enough to relish in. A smile and a wave goodbye to fans in attendance at the The Bittersweet Tour proves that he’s doing just that.

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Chance The Rapper Gave His Fans A Very Specific Update On The Progress Of His New Album, ‘Star Line Gallery’

chance the rapper
Getty Image

Nearly five years have passed since Chance The Rapper released his last album, The Big Day. But fans’ wait for a follow-up may be coming to an end very soon, if the Windy City rapper’s latest estimate of his new album’s status is accurate. Whether it is or isn’t, though, it can be said that it was very specific.

Chance first began teasing the new album, Star Line Gallery, in 2022. Since then, he’s gotten either “83,” “83.5,” or “82.7” percent of the way done, according to a new interview with Complex. Asked about the album’s progress, he initially said 85 percent, but then backtracked, joking, “That’s a little generous. I’ma say 83. 83.5, 82.7. We’re living in the project right now. The thing is, no one has the attention span for what the conversation needs to be. So, I’m piecing it together and living in it with my fans… so I’m really enjoying the process time.”

The process so far has included a slow but steady stream of new songs including Chance’s “Writing Exercises,” “The Highs And The Lows” with Joey Badass, the Afrofusion experiment “Yah Know,” and more recently, the singles “Buried Alive,” “Together,” and “Stars Out.”

With Chance’s single releases becoming more frequent and his album at least over 80 percent done, Star Line Gallery could be on the way sooner rather than later (even if it did technically miss his target release window).

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Who Should ESPN Choose To Replace JJ Redick In Their Top Broadcast Booth?

jj redick doris burke mike breen
Getty Image

JJ Redick is the new head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, as the long rumored top candidate (minus a brief detour chasing Dan Hurley of UConn) landed the L.A. gig on a new 4-year deal.

Redick taking over the Lakers means there is, once again, a vacancy in ESPN’s lead NBA broadcast booth. After having one of the most stable broadcast teams in sports — as Mike Breen, Jeff Van Gundy, and Mark Jackson had been together for more than a decade (2007-2024, with Jackson being gone for three years coaching in the middle) — ESPN shook it up last year by firing Jackson and Van Gundy. They replaced that duo by elevating Doris Burke to the lead crew and hiring Doc Rivers, who lasted a few months before leaving to coach the Milwaukee Bucks. Redick was moved off the No. 2 crew and into the lead booth alongside Burke and Breen in response.

Having already let go two longtime analysts and seeing two more leave for coaching jobs, ESPN is likely going to need to make some hires this summer. Whether that’s for the lead team or to fill out their regular season game coverage, some fresh faces are likely to come to the Worldwide Leader. While instability in the top booth isn’t ideal, ESPN could use to shake things up a bit with its Finals presentation, and this should give them a chance to rethink their production, not just at the broadcast team level.

With regard to replacing Redick, there are a few options for ESPN, and here we’ll run through each and the names that we think should be on their wish list.

Go With Mike Breen And Doris Burke For A Year, Then Explore TNT Options

The timing on all of this is just shy of ideal for ESPN, because we are one year away from an awful lot of very talented NBA TV people potentially being on the market. There will be competition for big names from NBC and Amazon, but if TNT does in fact lose out on NBA rights, their broadcast teams will all be available going into the 2025-26 season. Beyond that, giving Breen and Burke a year to just do their thing wouldn’t hamper the product at all, and if I were ESPN, I’d rather wait until I can explore all of my options rather than rushing into a hire or elevating someone for just one year and having to reset things again. Not everyone from TNT will be on the board for ESPN (for example, Stan Van Gundy’s probably not going to the network that fired his brother), but in a year, they’ll have a chance to really add some talent to their NBA roster.

Reggie Miller

Some people would be mad about this, but Miller is a big name, has a ton of experience calling games, and would bring some needed juice and energy to ESPN’s lead booth. I think Miller and Burke would make for a terrific dynamic, as Miller would bring out more of Burke’s personality and feed off of Breen’s excitement in big moments in a way that I feel the booth was lacking, while Doris can still flex her tremendous basketball knowledge. While I think it would work, I also don’t foresee Miller at ESPN. My best guess is that Miller is going to end up wherever Kevin Harlan goes, either to NBC or Amazon, as something of a package deal to immediately bring a known commodity to either of those network’s top broadcast team.

Jamal Crawford

Whether it’s for game broadcasts or NBA Countdown, Crawford should be getting a full-court press from ESPN over the next year. He is fantastic in studio, and while he’s still not the most polished on game broadcasts, you can see how he could be really good with more reps. I think he needs to get a tad more comfortable letting his personality shine while calling games, but once he gets there, he’d be a very good fit with Burke and Breen, because the basketball knowledge and ability to discuss the game is terrific.

Candace Parker

Parker is similar to Crawford in a lot of ways, to me. She has more experience in studio than on games, but is fantastic breaking down the game and, when she’s comfortable letting her personality shine, has a lot of fun talking ball. I’m not sure Parker wants to be on a regular game broadcast team — she has a ton going on beyond her TV work — but if nothing else, she’s someone ESPN should pursue for a role of some kind.

Jim Jackson

I would be surprised if Jackson got the call for the main booth, but I mostly want to list him here because I really like him whenever he calls NBA games (he spends much of his year doing college hoops, where he is also very good). I would like to see him get a regular NBA gig, if he’d like one, and ESPN will have some vacancies this year even below that top booth — for example, I think Jackson and Richard Jefferson would be great together.

Promote Internally

This is how they proceeded when Rivers left, but as noted, the cupboard is a little bare with options for the lead broadcast team. Beyond the legendary Hubie Brown (who will turn 91 before next season starts), they do not have many game analysts with a lot of reps doing NBA games. As such, in my eyes, there are only two real possibilities for an internal move to the lead booth, although there are plenty of candidates to get more regular season assignments next season.

Richard Jefferson

Jefferson was on the No. 2 team with Redick before becoming the lone analyst alongside Ryan Ruocco when Redick got bumped up. I personally think Jefferson is similar to Miller in that he’s best as part of a three-person team, particularly alongside someone with a more analytical approach, and he’d have that next to Burke. Jefferson brings a terrific sense of humor to the broadcast, as well as plenty of great stories and anecdotes from his time as a player, while also being capable of breaking down the game at a high level — especially when bouncing it off of another analyst.

Tim Legler

The other option is Legler, who has limited game analyst experience but is a veteran on the TV side and is one of the best there is at breaking down the game. He got some chances doing games last year and was quite good, and while I think the dynamic might be similar to the Burke-Redick duo that lacked a touch of juice, I do think Legler is able to be a bit more excitable and bring some of that energy and juice to the booth. Personally, I’d move Legler into a more prominent studio role where he has more time for breakdowns, but in terms of TV experience and just being very good at his job, I think he’d be solid in the lead booth.

Chase A Recently Retired Player

The third option is to go after someone who is off the board. In the NBA, big stars typically land in studio after their careers, but networks love chasing big NFL names to get them in the broadcast booth — Tom Brady is the best recent example. In this case, it won’t be a name of that stature (or, honestly, really close to that), but there are a couple of names out there that could be intriguing.

Blake Griffin

There aren’t a lot of recently retired guys that jump out as obvious choices for TV work, but of the group that’s hung up their sneakers recently, the guy I’d be calling if I were ESPN would be Blake Griffin. We know Griffin is an incredibly engaging personality, and I think in a booth with Breen and Burke, he could shine in that role while easing into the nuances of breaking down the game itself in short bursts on a broadcast. I have no idea if Griffin has any interest in a sports TV career, but I’d at least check to see if he’d be interested.

Andre Iguodala

Iguodala hosts a podcast and has done guest spots in studio, and his incredible basketball IQ seems like it would transition well to calling games. He’s also not afraid to be real in his commentary and critiques of guys, and that kind of honesty is always welcome on a game broadcast. Whether he’s the type of personality to put with Breen and Burke, ESPN might need to do some tests to see, but I could see him being very good in the booth.

Dwyane Wade

Wade is going to be calling the Olympics for NBC this summer, and we don’t know if the Hall of Famer is going to be looking to return to the broadcasting world full time. Wade did studio work for TNT for a year before exiting the Tuesday night crew, and if he didn’t want to commit to a full season of studio shows, it’s hard to imagine he’ll want to be on the road calling games. Perhaps he’ll love doing games in Paris and decide he’d be interested in making that his next career move, and if so, both NBC and ESPN would likely have interest there.

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‘Emily In Paris’ Season 4: Everything To Know Including Release Date, Cast, And More (Update For June 2024)


Emily In Paris debuted in late 2020 as the sugar cookie that the world didn’t know that it needed. The show, which hails from veteran TV creator Darren Star, took off with some fuss from those who like their TV shows to be serious, but Lily Collins’ fashionista had far less trouble charming Netflix viewers than impressing her own French colleagues. To be fair, she did start to learn the language in the second and third seasons, so progress is not impossible.

It also didn’t hurt that the series co-stars Lucas Bravo as Hot Chef Gabriel, who is far less of an anger bear than The Bear‘s Carmy, and even when Emily In Paris tackles subjects that would otherwise be stressful in real life (like Gabriel and Emily’s undeniable attraction being revealed right after Gabriel got Camille pregnant), it does so breezily. This is textbook guilty-pleasure TV and now headed into its fourth season, so let’s mull over what might happen.



The drama has already begun. As the top photo way up there ^^^ shows, Emily and Gabriel are looking awfully close and perhaps bonding over that dirty skillet again. However, we can also see here that Alfie (Lucien Laviscount) is back for more romantic humiliation. (Run, Alfie!) We can only guess how messy the two couples shall be throughout this season, and god only knows why Camille is doing this to herself, too. Fortunately, other pressing matters will also arise.

This includes Emily actually leaving Paris for several picturesque destinations that will look stunning on her Instagram page. Darren Star revealed that his protagonist has “a busy travel schedule,” which will take her “[f]rom the French Alps to the piazzas of Rome, viewers will vicariously experience amazing new locations through Emily’s eyes.”

Additionally, Emily will help Gabriel in his efforts to scoop up a Michelin star, and she will have to make (at least some) time for professional matters, too while somebody is going to Eurovision, according to Tudum:

Meanwhile at work, Sylvie (Leroy-Beaulieu) is forced to confront a thorny dilemma from her past for the sake of her marriage as the Agence Grateau team navigates personnel shake-ups. And Mindy (Park) and the band are forced to get thrifty when they run out funds preparing for Eurovision.

And of course, this season wouldn’t be complete without questionable fashion choices that only Emily can get away with:


Also not incidentally, Collins shot an ad campaign for Maison Perrier, and this sure looks like a tribute to Carrie Bradshaw’s pink tutu.



Ashley Park experienced dire health issues but recovered and rallied to return as Mindy. Additionally, we will see Lucas Bravo (Chef Gabriel), Lucien Laviscount (Alfie), Camille Razat (Camille), Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu (Sylvie), Bruno Gouery (Luc), Samuel Arnold (Julian), and William Abadie (Antoine).

Release Date

This season will arrive in a pair of five-episode halves. The first arrives on August 15 with the second chunk coming on September 12.


No full trailer has surfaced yet, but here’s the cast attempting to describe the season in a solitary word. Those efforts include “vulnerable,” “messy,” “chaotic,” “amour,” “heartbreaking,” “revenge,” and “holy f*cking sh*t”