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7 powerful photographs of terminally ill patients living out their final wishes

Before 54-year-old Mario passed away, he had one special goodbye he needed to say … to his favorite giraffe.

Mario had worked as a maintenance man at the Rotterdam zoo in the Netherlands for over 25 years. After his shifts, he loved to visit and help care for the animals, including the giraffes.

As Mario’s fight against terminal brain cancer came to an end, all he wanted to do was visit the zoo one last time. He wanted to say goodbye to his colleagues — and maybe share a final moment with some of his furry friends.

Thanks to one incredible organization, Mario got his wish.

humanity, culture, inspirational

“To say goodbye to the animals.”

The Ambulance Wish Foundation, a Dutch nonprofit, helps people like Mario experience one final request.

It’s a lot like Make-A-Wish, only it’s not just for kids.

In 2006, Kees Veldboer, who was an ambulance driver at the time, was moving a patient from one hospital to another. The patient was a terminally ill man who had spent three straight months confined to a hospital bed. During the trip from one hospital to the other, the patient told Veldboer that he wanted to see the Vlaardingen canal one last time. He wanted to sit in the sun and wind and smell the water again before going back inside.

Netherlands, mental health, charity

“To see the ocean again.”

Veldboer made the patient’s last wish happen, and as tears of joy streamed down the man’s face, Veldboer knew he had tapped into a powerful way to bring peace to people in their final days.

Soon after, the Ambulance Wish Foundation was born.

Based in the Netherlands, Veldboer’s organization scoffs at the logistical hurdles of transporting terminally ill patients who need high levels of care and, often, lots of medical equipment. The Ambulance Wish Foundation employs a fleet of custom-built ambulances and always has highly trained medical staff on hand for emergencies.

wellbeing, friendship, love and grief, memories

“To visit my best friend’s grave.”

Their message? Positive end-of-life experiences are far too important to pass up.

Today, the AWF has over 230 volunteers and has fulfilled nearly 7,000 wishes.

Even more beautiful than the work this organization does, though, are the things its patients are asking for.

illness, life-threatening illness, living, adventure

“To enjoy a delicious ice cream cone.”

The Make-A-Wish Foundation specializes in granting wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses, many of whom have barely begun to live. The children’s wishes run the gamut, from starring in a music video to a day as a hero soldier in the Army.

But what does Veldboer do for older folks who have already experienced so much? What do their wishes look like?

Mostly, it’s the little things they cherish, like seeing their home one last time or spending a few hours just looking at something beautiful.

Veldboer, in an interview with the BBC, describes one woman who had not been home for six months. When they brought her into her living room on a stretcher, she hoisted herself up and stayed there for hours, doing nothing but looking around — likely replaying an entire lifetime worth of memories — before quietly asking them to take her away.

Another patient simply wanted to see her favorite Rembrandt painting again.

museum, art, history, community

“To see my favorite painting one last time.”

And another just wanted to spend an afternoon watching dolphins play.

dolphins, beach, ocean, nature, connection

“To watch the dolphins play.”

On and on the wishes go — about four of them fulfilled every day. People who just want to see their grandchild for the first time, or stand on the beach again before they can’t anymore.

Turns out that life’s simplest pleasures just might be its most meaningful.

Sometimes it feels like there’s never enough time. Not in a day. Not in a year. Not in a life.

weddings, photography, family, Europe

“To attend my granddaughter’s wedding.”

But maybe it’s better to cherish what we have rather than spend so much time thinking about all the things we haven’t done yet.

Maybe the things we remember at the end aren’t the time we went skydiving or the time we hiked across Europe. When our time is up, maybe what we’ll remember most is more mundane — the tacky wallpaper in the house we grew up in, a sunny day spent on the water, or those little everyday moments spent with the people we love the most.

Whatever it is, it’s comforting to know there are people out there who want our last memories of this place to be good ones.

I can’t think of a more wonderful job.

This article originally appeared on 09.30.15

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Parents share their kids’ hilarious reactions to learning about how sex works

One of the greatest parenting milestones is the day you get to explain to your children the basics of sex. Sometimes that day arrives because a kid bluntly asks how babies are made, sometimes parents bring it up so their kids to hear it from them before they hear it from other people, and sometimes it’s a result of an unexpected encounter (like a kid walking in on their parents doing the deed).

However you arrive at it, that initial conversation is always interesting. No matter how prepared you think you are, some awkward hilarity is inevitable as you navigate those new waters. Sex is pretty simple on the one hand, but quite complicated on the other, and figuring what details to share at what stage is a tricky balancing act.

Some kids are open and curious and ask a million questions. Some kids are quiet and reserved and process it all in their own sweet time. But the first reaction of most pre-pubescent kids when they first hear about the mechanics of sex, even if you introduce it in a sex-positive way, is something along the lines of “What?? Are you serious? EW.” And when they connect the dots that their parents had sex in order for them to be alive, the reaction gets even funnier.

A thread on Twitter illustrates how true this is as parents share their children’s reactions to hearing about the birds and the bees.

A thread on Twitter illustrates how true this is as parents share their children’s reactions to hearing about the birds and the bees.

Clearly, Megan has three kids. Logic.

Some kids let questions slip out before thinking about whether they really want to know the answer. Once you know it, you can’t unknow it. Sorry, kiddo.

@meganmuircoyle On a summer walk my 1 boy(9) was asking ? about sex & I explained everything. My husband was away f…— arlene geerlinks (@arlene geerlinks) 1612372163.0

Parents have to be prepared for awkward questions, but sometimes you really can’t predict what a kid might want to know. Kids aren’t exactly known for having boundaries, and that’s doubly true for a topic that’s totally new for them.

Most of us don’t like to imagine our parents having sex, so this is one area where kids who are adopted have somewhat of an advantage (until they learn that procreation isn’t the only reason people have sex).

“@meganmuircoyle My kids are adopted, and I once heard, “Well, at least you guys didn’t have to do THAT!””

“@meganmuircoyle My kid learned about it in the backseat at Target in a spur of the moment conversation. We got home and she goes up to her Dad, “YOU STUCK YOUR PENIS IN MOM’S VAGINA TWICE!!!””

It’s not just the questions, but the declarations that come along with kids learning about sex that can take parents by surprise.

“@meganmuircoyle @bames_jrolin My nephew was about 7 when he got this info. At the next big holiday dinner he spontaneously stood up on his chair, flexed his biceps and loudly announced, “I am strong and healthy and full of sperm!””

It’s always entertaining to see a kid’s understanding move from innocence to reality.

@meganmuircoyle when he got older I told him about the cervix, contractions, labour etc and he was like “oh. okay.…— L. (@L.) 1612384726.0

And even more entertaining when you realize that you were the one who inadvertently introduced your kid to a sexual concept you may not have been prepared to discuss.

“@fitz_lorie @meganmuircoyle @JoJoFromJerz I asked my mom the same question around the same age. She wanted to know where I had heard such a word from. Ummm from you and my aunt talking the other day. 😂😂😂😂 She never asked that question again! It’s important to know I was raised Southern Baptist! 😂”

And then there are the unintentional misunderstandings that occur when kids don’t get quite enough information.

Perhaps the funniest part about talking about sex with kids is how actually kind of weird the physical act really is when you think about it. Of course it seems absurd to children who haven’t sexually developed yet.

In fact, some kids find it so weird, they literally don’t believe it.

Like, what the heck with this design? And they don’t even know at this point about the nitty-gritty details that you only really know once you’ve done it.

As funny as these stories are, the fact that parents are having open and honest conversations with their kids about sex is seriously awesome. Some people do their kids a disservice by being too creeped out to talk about it, or maybe worrying they’ll give too much info, so they don’t talk about it.

Whatever your moral perspectives on the topic, sex is part of life. It’s basic health and biology. It’s a human reality that everyone learns about one way or another, and it’s generally better for kids to learn about sex from their parents than from their peers, who might give wrong information. Starting early by answering kids’ questions matter-of-factly, giving age-appropriate details (which admittedly can be hard to discern), and bringing up the topic occasionally if your kids don’t can help kids ease into a healthy understanding of sex.

While the basic mechanics conversation is indeed a parenting milestone, the best parent-child conversations about sex are ongoing and ever-expanding. Making consent and boundaries part of the conversation is vital as well. Some uncomfortable moments may be inevitable, but keep the line of communication wide open will go a long way toward helping kids prepare for what’s to come.

This article originally appeared on 02.04.21

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Jimmy Fallon asked people to share their worst first dates, and some were just laughably bad

Dating has certainly evolved over the years—we’ve gone from courtship being purely a financial arrangement (not that this trend has ever truly died) to knights jousting for a lady’s favor, to casual hookups … and now, romance is primarily found through an app more than anything else.

Technology used for meeting that special someone has become so advanced that you can base your search entirely upon specific interests. Like … oddly specific interests. Think a fellow cat person would be the purrfect match? There’s an app for that. Wish to “love long and prosper” with a fellow Trekkie? There’s an app for that too.

No matter the changes, one thing remains the same—dating is awkward. It’s got all the unspoken formalities of a job interview, disguised as innocent fun. The balance between playing it too cool and too eager is hard to find even for the smoothest among us, and usually results in total embarrassment. Even if we aren’t the ones committing those embarrassing acts ourselves, we are often the reluctant witness to them.

Terrible dates might not always be fun in the moment, but they can be just as important as the good ones. They can teach us a lot about ourselves and what qualities we want in a partner. And at the very least, they can teach us to embrace social clumsiness with a sense of humor.

Jimmy Fallon recently asked his “Tonight Show” audience on Twitter to share a “funny or embarrassing first date story” for his ever popular #Hashtags segment. The best part—some of these awful first dates ended in marriage. There’s hope for us all.

Below, find 15 stories that are truly the best of the worst. How do some of your first dates compare?

1. “After a nice dinner, she invited me to her house. On the way up, inside the elevator, I decided to push the button to stop between floors and give her a kiss… She had a phobia of closed spaces and she smacked my face as a reflex, two punches after we were kissing and laughing.” – @PanqueAlgarvio

2. “His jeans were so tight he couldn’t sit down. Stood at a bar stool the whole time.” – @onlyintheozarks

3. “Waiting 4 my date when an older couple asked me for a ride. my date came up and said sure! We drove them home & they asked us to come in. Date said “sure”. I pulled him back & asked why he wanted to hang w/strangers. He said ‘sh@t! YOU DON’T KNOW THEM!?’ We bolted!” – @natashaham75

facebook dating

4. “Before the date, we had been chatting about books we liked and I talked about a great book I just read. We went on the date. I loaned her the book. She ghosted me.” – @thenextbarstool

5. “The worst first date I ever had was when my date locked his keys in the car and I had a curfew so he had to break his car window out to get me home on time. Didn’t think I’d ever see him again but we wound up married.” – @csleblan

6. “First date movie ‘Basic Instinct’ not realizing how suggestive it was. We just thought it was a mystery thriller! We left the movie discussing how each character could have actually murdered someone. We’re married now.” – @Southrnbell_Amy

black people meet

7. “First date with my ex husband was a double date with his parents. The preview for ‘Speed Racer’ came on, and she leaned over me to say to her son, ‘You know what your dad’s nickname in the bedroom is?’” – @theostoria

8. “A friend asked me on a double date as a blind date with his date’s friend. I went to the bathroom and came back just in time to hear my date say to her friend, ‘why do I get the ugly one?’ I said good night to all three and headed home, leaving her w/the bill.” – @StevenTrustum

9. “He loved cheese. I was subjected to a 2 hour conversation/lecture about cheese, and why cottage cheese is not cheese!” – @Optimist_Eeyore


10. “He took me to an Asian fish market. We walked around looking at live & dead fish for a while. I don’t like seeing dead animals & I don’t eat seafood. Then we sat on a curb & he pulled out a ziplock bag of pineapple for us to share. I don’t like pineapple.” – @markayhali

11. “My cousin set up a first date for me with a family friend. During a break from dinner, Mr. Man follows me into the ladies’ room, comes up close and says in a low voice, ‘I shave my butt.’ Can’t remember what I said in response but the evening ended abruptly.” – @carli_zarzana

12. “I once took out my high school crush to a sports bar and ordered the spiciest wings there in an attempt to impress her. Not only was she not impressed. The next morning I woke up with heartburn.” –@Dmonster38

tindr conversation starters

13. “My date showed up with his bestie and girlfriend, and they talked through dinner about people I don’t know. Walking to the car, he gave me a wedgie because he thought he hadn’t been paying enough attention to me.” – @surrealDazey

14. “I was taking my date home and was pulled over by the police for speeding. When the cop came to my car, she jumped out and told him she had to get home. She walked home and I never heard from her again. I’m not sure who’s #WorstFirstDate it was mine or hers!” – @eastriverbear

15. “After an evening of dancing with a first date, leaving the dance hall, I had to take a quick pee break. Rushing out to the parking lot, I see a lady, I grab her and swoop her around, and plant a big wet kiss on the lips. She was another guy’s wife. Oops!” – @seadogskamore

date youThis article originally appeared on 9.22.22

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A-ha’s stripped-down, slowed-down performance of ‘Take On Me’ is a must-see

According to NPR—and the ABBA blaring from my young adult daughter’s headphones—we’re in the midst of an 80s music revival. As a Gen Xer who came of age in the 80s, I think most of that decade should stay locked in a time capsule, but there are a few songs that have managed to remain timeless despite the synthesizers and bad hair.

A-ha’s “Take On Me” is one of them. Despite its consummately-80s sound, the song with the famous sketch animated video is still enjoyable (if not a little earwormy—good luck once it gets stuck in your head).

But a lesser-known 2017 arrangement of the song is actually, miraculusly, even better. A-ha performed “Take On Me” for an MTV Unplugged Summer Solstice album, and it’s significantly different than the original. The Norwegian band filmed the performance live on the island of Giske, dropping the electric piano as well as the tempo for a stripped-down version that has become a fan favorite. As of this writing, the video has 97 million views on YouTube.

“Take On Me” is one of 17 songs in the unplugged performance, but naturally the most popular.

“We’ve talked about this idea for so many years,” guitarist Paul Waaktaar-Savoy said. “And in many of our concerts we’ve also played some acoustic songs. But if you consider that we don’t use much technology at all when we write the songs, the idea of an entirely acoustic show makes total sense. Playing all these songs now in their acoustic versions is like returning to their origins.”

Watch and see how the slower tempo and simple instrumentation creates a sadder, more haunting version of their biggest hit.

“The fact he’s still got such a good voice after decades is incredible,” wrote one fan.

This is music at its purest form. No light show, distortion pedals, autotune and massive audiences. Spotless,” wrote another.

“By far the best version of this song that I have ever heard. It totally transforms the song when performed like this,” shared another.

Another commenter made a poignant observation:

“The original version is like a soundtrack for a man living in the fast-paced life in the 80’s all cool and hip. This one is like when the same man grows old and saying farewell to the fun memories of his youth.”

And another summed up what most people feel seeing this:

“One version makes you dance and the other version makes you cry.”

This article originally appeared on 9.26.23

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Dad challenges his Gen Z daughter to figure out 3 things about a U-haul truck

David C. Smalley, a comedian and podcaster, regularly gives us some generational humor by exposing his 19-year-old daughter Talissa to relics of the past. You know, things like CDs, phonebooks, remote controllers…feeling old yet?

Recently, Smalley challenged Talissa with navigating a standard U-Haul storage truck. She had to 1) unlock the door 2) roll down a window and 3) start the engine.

For those of us who grew up before the 90s, this might sound like the easiest challenge ever. But apparently, for Gen Z, it’s like being asked to maneuver a horse and buggy.

Despite growing up in a key fob generation, where simply pressing a button on a tiny remote controller could magically open doors, Talissa aced unlocking the door with a key.

Next, she was understandably baffled over the amount of physical labor required to simply roll down a window.

“Are you serious? They haven’t updated that?!” she exclaimed while doing the tedious hand-cranking move we all know so well. “Are you kidding me?! I would not do this every time.”

She definitely had a point on this one. Electronic windows have been the standard for decades. Is U-Haul just sentimental or what?

Having checked off two of the three tasks, Talissa then had to start the car—which proved to be the biggest challenge of all.

Looking on the center console, where she’s used to seeing the ignition button, Talissa found the airbag and radio (two foreign objects in their own right) but no way to start the car.

Finally…success! Talissa found the ignition hiding behind the steering wheel.

“I’m not going to make it explode, am I?” she joked as she turned the key and celebrated her victory.

Watch below. Hearing Talissa ask if the radio is a “fidget game” is entertainment in itself.

@davidcsmalley #daughterissues #daughterpod ♬ original sound – David C. Smalley

It’s always fun to see the ways in which different generations navigate the world through fashion, slang, entertainment, dating, food, the list goes on. But technology, which continues to evolve at a rapid rate, always feels like the biggest culture shock.

And unlike bell bottoms, outdated tech rarely makes a comeback. So once the more energy efficient, more convenient appliance becomes mainstream, its predecessor is forever obsolete. Unless of course you count the cool, hipster folks hanging onto vinyl for the superior sound quality.

Speaking of vinyl, Talissa was also previously challenged by Smalley to work a record player, to equal hilarity:

@davidcsmalley #daughterissues #daughterpod #genz #genx #recordplayers #vinyl #talissa ♬ original sound – David C. Smalley

Somehow, seeing how far we’ve come through the look of bafflement from the young ones is the only thing that never gets old.

Enjoy more fun interactions from Smalley and Talissa on TikTok.

This article originally appeared on 9.25.23

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Here Is The Smashing Pumpkins’ ‘The World Is A Vampire Tour’ Setlist

smashing pumpkins TOP
Getty Image

The Smashing Pumpkins are taking it back. This past weekend, the band kicked off the latest leg of their The World Is A Vampire Tour. With a career spanning over four decades, the Pumpkins have many hits to their credits. And of course, fans of the ’90s rock icons can look forward to hearing just about all of them, and more, per some ticketholders who have shared the docket to

Some songs from their catalog will be making their live debut. And in addition to their own stacked catalog, the Pumpkins have also been performing a few covers, including one by fellow ’90s rock hitmakers, U2.

The show packs on the nostalgia, but the Pumpkins arrive with the same gusto they did when they first formed nearly 40 years ago. Needless to say, fans are in for a hell of a show.

You can see the full setlist below.

The Smashing Pumpkins’ The World Is A Vampire Tour setlist

1. “The Everlasting Gaze”
2. “Doomsday Clock”
3. “Zoo Station (U2 Cover)”
4. “Today”
5. “Thru The Eyes Of Ruby”
6. “Spellbinding”
7. “Tonight, Tonight”
8. “That Which Animates The Spirit”
9. “Ava Adore”
10. “Disarm”
11. “Springtimes”
12. “Mayonnaise”
13. “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” (followed by “Stand Inside Your Love” snippet)
14. “Empires”
15. “Beguiled”
16. “1979”
17. “Birch Grove”
18. “Panopticon”
19. “Shame”
20. “Jellybelly”
21. “Rhinoceros”
22. “Gossamer”
23. “Cherub Rock”
24. “Zero”

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Here Is Alanis Morissette’s ‘The Triple Moon Tour’ Setlist

alanis morissette TOP
Getty Image

The alt-pop icon is on the road. Earlier this week, music legend Alanis Morissette kicked off her hotly-anticipated Triple Moon Tour. Over the course of Morissette’s nearly three-decade-long career, the Canadian hitmaker has shared several signature songs, including the ever-curious “Ironic” and the rage-fueled breakup anthem, “You Oughta Know.”

Morissette’s music has shown to stand the test of time, and thus, fans are itching to know which songs she is going to perform.

The Triple Moon tour setlist comprises of many songs from Morissette’s instant classic debut Jagged Little Pill. Songs like “Hands Clean” from her Under Rug Swept album are also on the setlist.

Fans can expect to hear music from nearly all eight of Morissette’s albums, as the 25-song setlist shows to be promising.

You can see the full setlist below.

Alanis Morissette’s The Triple Moon tour setlist

1. “Hand In My Pocket”
2. “Right Through You”
3. “Reasons I Drink”
4. “A Man”
5. “Hands Clean”
6. “Can’t Not”
7. “Lens”
8. “Sorry To Myself”
9. “Head Over Feet”
10. “Forgiven”
11. “You Learn”
12. “Would Not Come”
13. “Smiling”
14. “Rest”
15. “Perfect (Acoustic)”
16. “Heart Of The House (Acoustic)”
17. “Not The Doctor (Acoustic)”
18. “Ironic”
19. “Are You Still Mad”
20. “All I Really Want”
21. “Sympathetic Character”
22. “You Oughta Know”
23. “Uninvited”
24. “Guardian”
25. “Thank U”

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Metro Boomin Is Turning His ‘Heroes & Villains’ Album Into A Comic Book, ‘The Metroverse’

Over the past few years, hip-hop artists have publicly indulged a wider range of interests, and in doing so, found more avenues to express their creativity. One of those is comic books; plenty of rappers, like Isaiah Rashad, have long been fans, and recently, some of them, like Flatbush Zombies, Rico Nasty, and Vince Staples, have written their own comic books.

Joining their number is one of the most fitting figures to have a comic book, Metro Boomin. His last album was called Heroes & Villains, and it did have a running theme based in the world of comic book superheroes, with samples taken from The Boys. His Zero Zero-published comic will be called The Metroverse; it’s co-written by Ryan Cady, who’s written for DC and Marvel, as well as Adventure Time, illustrated by Vasilis Lolos, and edited by Joshua Frankel. Fred Stresing is on colors, Micah Meyers does the letters, and Vincent Kings will handle design and back-up story art. The story will be about “Metro’s musical journey portrayed in an immersive comic universe.” No word yet on if Drake will appear as a villain.

The first issue will debut this week, with a special pop-up at NTWRK LA on Fairfax in Los Angeles on June 13th from 11am to 7pm PT. You can find more information about the release here.

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All The Best New R&B Music From This Week

Tems, Kaytranada, and RAYE for R&B recap
Getty Image/Merle Cooper

Sometimes the best new R&B can be hard to find, but there are plenty of great rhythm-and-blues tunes to get into if you have the time to sift through the hundreds of newly released songs every week. So that R&B heads can focus on listening to what they love in its true form, we’ll be offering a digest of the best new R&B songs that fans of the genre should hear every Friday.

Since the last update of this weekly R&B column, we’ve received plenty of music and news from the genre’s artists.

Raveena connected with Jpegmafia for their new single “Junebug” while Moses Sumney dropped a video for “Vintage.” Kaytranada teamed up with Channel Tres for their “Drip Sweat” video and Tems brought her talents to NPR for a Tiny Desk Concert. Elsewhere, Janet Jackson kicked off her Together Again Tour, Tinashe launched her “Green T” weed strain, Khalid announced his “Adore U” single, and 4Batz announced the Thank U, Jada Tour across the US

Here are some new releases from the past week that you’ll enjoy:

Tems — Born In The Wild

A few years removed from her breakout into the mainstream world, Tems is here with her debut album Born In The Wild. Through 18 songs and features from Asake and J. Cole, Tems guides listeners through a journey of discovery, establishing confidence, and reaffirming faith.

Kaytranada — Timeless

Calls for a new solo Kaytranada album have finally been answered as the Canadian DJ is back with Timeless. His follow-up to Kaytraminé, the 2023 joint effort with Aminé, is sure to get you up on feet to dance around the room thanks to 21 songs with Tinashe, Anderson .Paak, Childish Gambino, Channel Tres, Ravyn Lenae, Don Toliver, and many more.

RAYE — “Genesis”

RAYE’s new song “Genesis,” the first solo release from the UK singer since her stellar My 21st Century Blues album,” is more than a new song. It’s a three-song epic that triumphs with emotionally honest and vulnerable lyrics. “It is a prayer and a plea and a cry for help and I really hope this song will be able to bring some hope, the way this music does for me, to those who need it most,” RAYE said about the song in a press release.

ESTA. — Francis

Soulection producer ESTA. finally delivers his debut album Francis. It’s ten songs aim to push the boundaries of contemporary R&B and he achieves effortlessly this with help from DUCKWRTH, Joyce Wrice, Arin Ray, Leon Thomas, Phabo, and many more.

Zacari — “Destiny”

As we continue wait for his upcoming album, Zacari continues to keep fans happy with new music. He’s back with “Destiny,” a catchy record laden with electric guitar licks for a tale of growth and self-reflection.

ELHAE — “More”

Elhae returns with a promise to be more consistency with music, and it starts with his new single “More.” The Hitmaka-produced track invites a special woman to experience love in its purest form, something Elhae believes he can offer her.

Jaz Karis & Reekado Banks — “Tequila”

London singer Jaz Karis teams with Nigerian singer Reekado Banks for their new single “Tequila.” It’s a warm and sultry record for the “honeymoon stage lovers,” as Karis said in a press release. “I wanted to make a song that felt as good as I did inside, something warm & exciting that describes the feeling of when you first realize you’re falling for someone.”

Chikoruss — “All On Me”

Montreal singer caught the eyes of many with “In 2 Deep” earlier this year, and now he hopes to keep them on him with “All On Me.” The bouncy track is driven by a West coast bass and warm textures, perfect for summer which is right around the corner.

Isaia Huron — “Circle”

Greenville, South Carolina singer Isaia Huron makes a thundering return with his latest release, “Circle.” Elements of R&B and hip-hop are combined for a captivating experience that introduces a new sonic landscape that Huron will continue to explore through his upcoming project, out this this summer.

Jazlyn Martin — “Perfect”

Jazlyn Martin, who you may recognize as Jackie from the Peacock series Bel Air, shares her new single “Perfect.” Her soaring vocals will certainly grab your attention as the empowering anthem documents her journey of accepting and embracing her imperfections.

Tay Iwar, Le Mav & GOLD — “Feels”

In one month, Nigerian singer Tay Iwar will team up with producer Le Mav for Gold II, the sequel to their 2019 project. The upcoming six-track project is led by by “Feels,” an infectious release that once again proves why Iwar and Mav are such a great duo.

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Did Eminem Do His Own Stunts In The ‘Houdini’ Video?

In Eminem’s new “Houdini” video, he resurrects the “Rap Boy” character from his 2002 “Without Me” video to chase down his rampaging Slim Shady alter ego. The comedic video revived Em’s tradition of launching album rollouts with cartoony videos highlighting his sense of humor — which hasn’t changed much in the 25 years since “My Name Is.”

Eminem, as Rap Boy, gets into all sorts of shenanigans, but perhaps his name should be “Fall Boy,” as he slams into the ground over and over again in a behind-the-scenes video Eminem posted on social media. And while Em puts on a display of lyrical feats in the video, perhaps the 51-year-old’s most impressive is doing his own stunts.

While the reception of the song has been… well… mixed, Eminem did say his mission is to be the best rapper, not make the best songs. That didn’t stop the song from debuting at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, over 25 years into his career.

And as for the video, which, like the visual for “Without Me,” parodies the 1960s Batman show, it received a warm reception from the family of that show’s star, Adam West, whose campy depiction of the comic book legend was a big inspiration. You can watch the video above.