Pam has a little brother, who recently learned that he is actually her half-brother.
Of course, half-siblings are still very much siblings, but Pam’s brother doesn’t quite grasp the concept yet and seems upset about having to part with 50% of his sister.
So when she came home recently, she found this letter he’d written. It will make you cry, so have off-brand tissues on hand:
As if this letter isn’t enough to turn your heart into a soft pile of oatmeal, he also left her some of her (presumably) favorite snacks, like Chips Ahoy and Takis (excellent choices!).
Pam, being a human with a soul, was deeply moved and tweeted out a photo of her little brother’s letter:
My little brother found out Iu2019m not his fully sister and I came home to this.. Iu2019m crying..pic.twitter.com/DAC0yUUBt4— ua9c1Pamua9c2 (@ua9c1Pamua9c2)
It quickly went viral. And now the whole internet is now welling up with tears.
— LUNA (@lilialunav) July 25, 2018
And others are sharing their own sibling stories:
These are so, so sweet.
I was introducing my kids to my new wife and stepson. When I explained that she was their new Stepmom, My Stepson (5) said to my kids Mom “Well if my Mom is going to be their Stepmom, you’re going to be my new Stepmom!”
— Disco Stu (@wharrrgarrbl) August 28, 2021
When I found out my oldest brother wasn’t my full brother I said and I quote “I thought he was different. But I like him more anyway”
— Liy (@Its_Montana_) July 25, 2018
Don’t say we didn’t warn you about the tissues.
Remember this next time you get into a fight with your sibling. Half or whole, doesn’t matter. Love/hate is love/hate!
This article originally appeared on 11.04.22