Perhaps you have already watched Twisters (maybe even in 4DX) and feel the need for speed soaking in another massive blockbuster-type film to keep that adrenaline flowing. Hypothetically as well, your friends might soon be heading out to see whether the Merc With The Mouth delivers on his promise to reinvigorate the MCU, and you don’t want to feel left out, so you are mulling over a certain inquiry:
Do You Have To Watch Deadpool & Deadpool 2 Before Deadpool & Wolverine?
Hm. The better question here, actually is, “Why wouldn’t you want to watch the first two movies first?”
After all, the Deadpool movies are not comic-book movies that will feel like homework assignments. Instead, they are expressions of sheer joy. So many moments must be experienced rather than read in an online summary. The pathetic highway fight that hit just right. Colossus before he made people thirsty. The X-Force reveals. Zazie Beetz as Domino. The mid-credits scenes of Deadpool 2. Hell, even the origin scenes of how Wade Wilson transformed into Deadpool are worth soaking in to see how he became the fourth-wall-busting wise ass that he is today. And it’s even worth observing the only way that the sequel dropped the ball, which Ryan Reynolds has admitted was not fantastic, so credit goes to him for owning up to that slight.
To answer your first question: No, you do not have to watch the first two Deadpool movies, but you would be very happy if you did so (and if you start now, there’s plenty of time before a midnight or weekend showing). In the alternative, you will surely want to watch them after Deadpool & Wolverine, and that would be a suboptimal experience.