A Google reviewer recently left a homophobic review for The Original Vinnie’s Neighborhood Italian restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina. Although the review is upsetting, the response from the restaurant is the perfect example of how to confront homophobia.
Vinnie’s is known for food that reflects the “Old School” flavors of New York cuisine and has repeatedly been named “Best Italian Restaurant” in Asheville. The reviewer, who used the screenname “Kip Hadley,” liked the food but didn’t enjoy the fact that Vinnie’s had a lot of LGBTQ employees.
“The food was fantastic, the waitress was great, however, I was surprised Italian sausage wasn’t the only thing on the menu,” Hadley wrote in the review. “The place was filled with homo’s. There should be some kind of warning, it was difficult to stay and finish our meal, especially with the kids having to see that.”
The homophobic review of Original Vinnie’s Neighborhood Italian restaurant.via Google reviews
Sean Cudmore, Director of Growth and Strategies at The Scheffer Group, responded to the review with incredible heart and humor while touting the benefits of employing LGBTQ people.
Cudmore began his response by doubling down on how proud the company is to support LGBTQ people by giving them “safe, supportive, and sustainable places to work” and said that the company would continue to do so.
Then, he addressed Hadley, noting that multiple LGBTQ people most likely prepared the food he enjoyed.
“As for you, Kip, please feel free to avoid our Original location or any of the other locations our restaurant group offers in Asheville. Also, please know that there is a more than insignificant chance that a lesbian prepared your food last evening. A gay man might have mixed your drinks. A trans woman may have trained your server to give you such great service. A person who identifies with — get this — they/them pronouns may have sat you at your table,” Cudmore wrote.
“What I’m trying to say here, Kip, is that, despite your every effort to spread hate and bigotry in your own misery, those parts of your experience you did enjoy at Vinnie’s Neighborhood Italian were in no small part created by the community you abhor,” he continued.
Cudmore finished the response with the ultimate mic drop.
“And, if you happen to subscribe to the idea that ‘gayness’ is spread by exposure, please be sure to check in with your inner-most thoughts over the next couple of days as, not only did you enjoy your experience that was created by the queer community, you ingested it.”
This wasn’t the first time Hadley left a bigoted review on a local business; he also complained about the employees at a local bagel shop that he referred to as a “freak show” because he couldn’t tell whether they were “male or female.”
Anti-LGBTQ bagel shop review. via Google reviews
Cudmore’s response was great because not only did he stand up for VInnie’s LGBTQ employees, but he also made the case that being homophobic was a losing mindset because LGBTQ people a crucial part of our everyday lives. Homophobic people aren’t just fighting back against those with a non-traditional sexual preference. They are going to battle with the people who cook our meals, pour our drinks, teach our children, care for our health, protect our communities and—to put it in the most basic terms possible—contribute to society the same way as everyone else.