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A police officer makes a profound statement after pulling over a Black teen

“Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.”

In October 2016, that was a quote from Albert Einstein that sat atop the Facebook page of Tim McMillan, a police officer in Georgia.

McMillan become a sensation after a post he wrote on his Facebook wall went viral in 2016. In his post, he explains how he pulled over a Black teen for texting while driving:

“I pulled a car over last night for texting and driving. When I went to talk to the driver, I found a young black male, who was looking at me like he was absolutely terrified with his hands up. He said, ‘What do you want me to do officer?’ His voice was quivering. He was genuinely scared,” McMillan wrote.

Police officer Facebook post

But McMillan said he wasn’t interested in harassing or arresting the young man, let alone inflicting violence upon him. Nonetheless, the teen’s emotional response hit McMillan like a punch to the gut.

“I just looked at him for a moment, because what I was seeing made me sad. I said, ‘I just don’t want you to get hurt.’ In which he replied, with his voice still shaking, ‘Do you want me to get out of the car.’ I said, ‘No, I don’t want you to text and drive. I don’t want you to get in a wreck. I want your mom to always have her baby boy. I want you to grow up and be somebody. I don’t even want to write you a ticket. Just please pay attention, and put the phone down. I just don’t want you to get hurt,'” he wrote.

McMillan said the interaction made him reflect on a deeply personal level about the national attention being paid to acts of police violence against Black Americans, particularly young Black men.

“I truly don’t even care who’s fault it is that young man was so scared to have a police officer at his window. Blame the media, blame bad cops, blame protestors, or Colin Kaepernick if you want. It doesn’t matter to me who’s to blame. I just wish somebody would fix it.”

This story originally appeared on GOOD.

This article originally appeared on 08.31.18

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Son tells mom that he’s ‘scared of her’ and she responds with a great lesson in parenting

Parenting is a hard gig regardless of whether you planned to have children or they were a happy surprise. As many parenting books as there are out there, none of them have the perfect equation to get it right and most parents do the best with what they learned, or unlearned, from their own parents.

Samantha, a parenting content creator on TikTok under the name Raising Self, has been working hard to overcome generational trauma and parent her children differently. Recently she was doing a live video to interact with her followers when one of her children made a stunning revelation: he was scared of her.

You could tell by her expression that his confession was a surprise, and though her son barely took his eyes off the video game he was playing, the two had a very meaningful dialogue. Instead of being upset or even happy that her child was fearful, she responded with curiosity.

Some people believe that children should be fearful of their parents in order to respect them, but the exchange Samantha had with her son turned that thought process on its head. He started off the conversation by saying, “I know this might be a little shocking but I do sometimes actually find you a little scary.” When Samantha probed him a little she found that what’s causing him to be fearful is when her “grandma instincts come out,” referring to a generational pattern that his mother has been trying hard not to repeat.

Samantha didn’t hesitate with her response: “Yeah, I did not know that. I’m sorry that you’re experiencing that.” She continued, “When it’s happening, please call it out. Cause that allows me to understand what behaviors I’m not doing a good job mitigating.” Even though she was shocked, the conversation didn’t end there. It’s a beautiful exchange that can guide other parents on how to navigate these types of conversations.

Watch the entire conversation below:

This article originally appeared on 12.21.22

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Homeless man catches family’s two children and dogs dropped from burning apartment building

House fires are devastating for families. In a matter of minutes, you could lose all of your belongings and a place to live, or worse, you could lose loved ones. A family in Phoenix, Arizona, recently found themselves facing the reality of their own home in flames. Claudia Jimenez told CBS News that she woke up trapped in her burning apartment with her two daughters, with nothing to do but yell for help in the hopes that someone would hear her.

The mom’s screams were answered by Joe Hollins, a homeless man who was camping nearby with his wife. Hollins didn’t hesitate to try to find a way to help. With no way out and the fire department still nowhere on the scene, Jimenez had to trust the stranger who was standing below.

“He was right underneath and he was like ‘Yes, throw your daughters out, I’m going to catch them, I’m going to get them,'” Jimenez told CBS.

So the terrified mom did what any mom would’ve done to save her babies—she tossed them one at a time out the window. And just as he’d promised, Hollins caught them. Valerie, who is just a year old, was dropped to safety first, then 8-year-old Natalie made the two-story fall into Hollins’ arms. The family dogs were next out the window before it was time for Jimenez to make the jump.

After some coaxing, the mom made the leap, and Hollins again made the catch, saving everyone in the house. When everything was said and done, Hollins saved the entire family and the dogs. Soon after Jimenez jumped to safety, the fire department showed up to put out the blaze.

Multiple families lost their home that night, but thanks to Hollins, the Jimenez family didn’t lose their lives. In an effort to help Hollins after saving this family, a GiveSendGo was created and people can donate here. A GoFundMe was also created for the young mom and her daughters, and people who would like to help can do so by donating here.

If you ask the hero, he’s no hero at all. He told CBS News that anyone in his shoes would’ve done the same thing. Hollins was in the right place at the right time, and because of his willingness to help, he saved an entire family. You can watch the entire interview below.

This article originally appeared on 5.24.23

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They watched their wedding cake crash to the ground. The groom’s reaction was perfection.

It’s quite common for people to fantasize about their wedding day—the ceremony, the bridal party, the dress, the cake—and some people spend months or even years meticulously planning every detail. People even spend thousands of dollars hiring wedding planners to make sure that the big day stays fully organized and all the moving parts come together without a hitch.

But no matter how well you plan, sometimes things that simply can’t be predicted happen. And how you and your beloved handle the hitches and glitches on your wedding day can say a lot.

Especially when that hitch or glitch is something major…like watching the beautiful, four-tier wedding cake—the one you spent time choosing and lots of money creating to share with your wedding guests—come crashing to the ground right in front of you.

That’s what happened to one couple who eagerly watched as the caterers who were carrying their wedding cake tripped on their way into the room, sending their cake to an untimely demise in spectacular fashion.

The video, shared by @the.sarik on Instagram, is only about 10 seconds long, but it tells a whole beautiful love story in the reactions of both the groom and the bride.


First of all, hope those waiters are OK. But secondly, staying calm and making the most of a bad situation is a huge character plus, and this groom clearly has those qualities in spades. You can see in the bride’s face that she knows it, too.

“Her eyes show that she knows she got the right guy,” wrote one commenter.

“The way he just called her to eat is just phenomenal,” shared another.

“‘Cake is still cake.’ Yelling at those waiters won’t solve anything, but it can ruin their whole lives,” wrote another. “They know their mistake, and they can be corrected privately. May the reaction of this man be an inspiration to us all, to care for the feelings of other people more than material things.”

“Of all the things that could ruin a wedding day, I’m glad the husband knew this didn’t have to be one of them,” shared another.

When unpredictable things do happen, it’s largely the reaction of the people involved that determines whether they become tragic tales or entertaining stories. If what we saw in the video is any indicator, this couple will be telling their grandkids someday about how the guys carrying their wedding cake tripped and ruined it, and how Grandpa’s response won Grandma’s heart all over again.

This article originally appeared on 7.27.23

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Interior designer says that having family photo ‘shrines’ in the house is poor taste

Shannyn Weiler, a Utah-based interior designer, has caused a debate on TikTok after she urged people to use caution when displaying family photos in the home. The discussion started a debate over whether a home should be decorated for visitors or the family itself and if having a “shrine” dedicated to family members is tasteful.

The video began with a stitch from a designer passionately saying that one should “never’ display “personal photos” in the living room.

“So family photos can become a problem when they become what I refer to as the shrine,” Weiler begins the video. She shared an example from her life, to make the case why family photos should be hung judiciously.

“I got married when I was 21,” she shares. “We were both in school, absolutely broke, we had $50 to buy a couch, so imagine what type of couch that was. We went to go decorate our first apartment and lo and behold, there’s no money for decoration. So we do what most newlyweds do, we use our wedding photos, because we’re so cute and we’re so in love and we just love our wedding day. Everywhere in our apartment was wedding photos… it felt like what I call ‘the shrine.’”

“It’s very real. This also happens if you have one baby, and you might have baby photos taken and it’s the shrine to the one kid,” she continues. “This also happens if you have one grandkid.”


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Weiler believes that people should hang artwork or photography about more than one subject.

“They can’t just be on every wall with one subject,” she says. “We need to mix it up. There needs to be a mirror in the space. We need some Etsy art prints or something like that. We just need to mix it together to get rid of that shrine feel.”

The post bothered many who love having pictures of their family around the house. The vast majority of commenters were people who love having family photos strewn about their homes

“The house is for us not company,” Sarah Murdock, the most popular commenter, wrote. “I’d rather have pics of my kids and our life up than prints of random flowers and art,” Ty Harman added.

“I grew up in an interior design magazine and HATED that my mom never displayed any photos of my family. Felt like she cared more about material things,” Alexandra DiGiovanni wrote.

Others noted that people decorate their homes for themselves, not for guests.

“OR we do what we want with the homes WE live in, not guests,” Ergot wrote. “I like myself, I don’t have a problem seeing myself everywhere. After all, I paid the bills,” Gege Chic added.

Some people agreed with the interior decorator and said that having too many family photos in a house looks tacky.

“YES. Photographs of ourselves in my own house feel so weird to me. Narcissistic kind of Jamiecakes wrote. “I don’t have a single photo of a person in my house. I think they look tacky,” C wrote. “One friend’s house comes to mind for me, it was tacky (for me) to see nothing but wedding pics. Like, do you have other interests? Just my opinion but also, they’re divorced now. Mixing in art helps,” _sigred added.

Even though the post received a pretty sizable backlash, Weiler’s opinion is widely accepted in design circles. “To us, having too many portraits of yourself on display in your home is kind of like having a tattoo of yourself on your own body. It can come off as vain and tacky,” Sarah Han writes at Apartment Therapy.

After her thoughts on family photos went viral, Weiler posted a follow-up video where she shared an example of a student changing their mind about home decor.

“Sometimes in design, we hear the design ideas and go, ‘Mmm nope, that’s not for me.’ Sometimes, we try those ideas and we still say, ‘Nope, that’s not for me.’ But occasionally we try things and we go, ‘Okay, I do kind of like that,’” Weiler concluded her video.


reply to @Shannyn #homedecor #interiordesign #hometips #interiordesigntrends2024 #wall art

This article originally appeared on 2.9.24

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Paul George Detailed Contract Negotiations With The Clippers And Their ‘Disrespectful’ First Offer

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Paul George is now a Philadelphia 76er after finding that the Los Angeles Clippers weren’t willing to give him the kind of contract he was seeking as a free agent. George ultimately got the 4-year, $212 million deal he was looking for, but had to leave his hometown of L.A. and go back to the East to get it.

On Monday, George released a new episode of Podcast P and offered a rare glimpse into the world of NBA contract negotiations, walking through the entire process he went through with the Clippers and why he chose to leave. As he explained, the first round of talks on an extension began in October, when the Clippers presented him with what he felt was a “disrespectful” offer of two years, $60 million.

“I never wanted to leave L.A. This is home. This is where I wanted to finish at. I wanted to work as hard as possible to win one in L.A. That was the goal, to be here and be committed to L.A.,” George said. “As it played out though, the first initial deal was, I thought, kinda disrespectful. Again, in all of this, no hard feelings. So the first official deal was like two years, $60 [million]. That’s crazy. So I’m like, nah, I’m not signing that. This is maybe like October when negotiations started.”

From there he says the Clippers moved their offer up incrementally until, after a couple months, it got to $44-45 million per year. Then, when Kawhi Leonard signed his 3-year, $152 million extension that no one knew was coming, George asked the Clippers for the same deal and got told no. At that point, he shut down negotiations until the end of the season, and when they came back with the 3/150 offer in the summer, he countered with an ask for a no-trade clause, noting he didn’t want to take less and end up being traded somewhere else — as happened to Blake Griffin with the Clippers.

Once the Clippers weren’t willing to do that, George sought what was out there on the market and found the Sixers willing to give him the 4-year, $212 million max and opted to join forces with Joel Embiid and Tyrese Maxey.

It’s very interesting hearing George explain how all of this went down, and he does so about as soberly as you could expect from a player not far removed from negotiations. As he notes, the Clippers had their lines in the sand and he had his, and when they couldn’t get those to intersect, he found the team that would. That’s more than understandable on the player side, while the Clippers stance is also fairly understandable (although I’d argue the big misstep was coming in with a lowball offer initially that put George’s defenses up). That said, listening to how all of this went down, it wouldn’t surprise me if the plan throughout was to have George leave so they could hit a bit of a reset button. At no point did they offer George what he was asking at the time, and while George’s demands shifted as circumstances changed, the Clippers wouldn’t jump to meet them.

Now we’ll see if George can meet the expectations in Philly, as those won’t change in his new home and the pressure will only be greater. As for the Clippers, it’s not abundantly clear what their plan is for the near future, but this year they’ll hope they’ve filled the gaps between Kawhi and James Harden enough that, if those two are healthy at the right time, they can be a threat.

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Here Is Missy Elliott’s ‘Out Of This World’ Tour Setlist

missy elliott
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Rock And Roll Hall Of Famer Missy Elliott kicked off her Out Of This World Tour on Independence Day in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (shout-out to Nardwuar), and now that the ball is rolling, we have her setlist, courtesy, as always, of

Consisting of more than 30 tracks from across Missy’s career as a rapper, singer, songwriter, and producer, the setlist touches on just about every Missy Elliott era — from her “Misdemeanor” days with the inflatable vinyl suit to more recent standouts from her late 2010s EP, Iconology. There’s also a section where she shows off her pen game, performing covers of hits from Aaliyah, 702, Keyshia Cole, Monica, and Jazmine Sullivan. She’s joined onstage, naturally, by longtime producer Timbaland for a cover of the Timbaland & Magoo song “Up Jumps Da Boogie” in homage to the late VA rapper, then by longtime collaborator and fellow rap video paradigm shifter Busta Rhymes. She closes with an appearance from Ciara, with whom she hits on the 2005 single, “Lose Control.”You can see the full list below.

01. “Throw It Back”
02. “Cool Off”
03. “We Run This”
04. “4 My People”
05. “Sock It 2 Me”
06. “I’m Really Hot”
07. “The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)”
08. “I’m Better”
09. “She’s a Bitch”
10. “Gossip Folks”
11. “All n My Grill”
12. “Get Ur Freak On”
13. “Lick Shots”
14. “One Minute Man”
15. “Hot Boyz”
16. “Beep Me 911”
17. “DripDemeanor”
18. “Toyz”
19. “Pussycat”
20. “Bad Man”
21. “If Your Girl Only Knew” (Aaliyah song)
22. “Where My Girls At” (702 song)
23. “Let It Go” (Keyshia Cole song)
24. “So Gone” (Monica song)
25. “Holding You Down” (Jazmine Sullivan song)
26. “Ching-A-Ling”
27. “WTF (Where They From)”
28. “Work It”
29. “Pass That Dutch”
30. “Up Jumps Da Boogie” (Timbaland & Magoo cover) (with Timbaland)
31. “Touch It” (Busta Rhymes cover) (with Busta Rhymes)
32. “Lose Control” (with Ciara)

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Dua Lipa And Halsey Joined The Already Stacked 2024 iHeartRadio Music Festival Lineup

dua lipa Glastonbury Festival 2024 - Day Three
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In early June, iHeartRadio announced its lineup for the 2024 iHeartRadio Music Festival, and it seemed full: Big Sean, Camila Cabello, Doja Cat, Gwen Stefani, Hozier, Keith Urban, New Kids On The Block, Paramore, Shaboozey, The Black Crowes, Thomas Rhett, and Victoria Monét.

Somehow, there’s room for two more.

On Monday morning, July 8, Dua Lipa and Halsey were added to the 2024 iHeartRadio Music Festival lineup. Lipa released Radical Optimism in early May, and the album debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200. Halsey hasn’t dropped an album since 2021’s If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power, but all signs point toward a new Halsey album arriving sooner than later. So far, Halsey has released “The End,” a highly vulnerable single about the illnesses she has privately battled in recent years.

The festival will take place at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on September 20-21. Each day’s performances will be livestreamed on Hulu and broadcast live across iHeartRadio stations nationwide.

Tickets are available now at AXS. According to AXS, Day 1 tickets range from $59.50 in Section 214 to $822.50 in Pit A or Pit B. Other floor seats range from $332 to $550, and VIP offers begin at $1,250. There are several ticket options, two-day offers, and VIP packages. AXS is also offering official resale tickets.

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When Will ‘All American: Homecoming’ Season 3, Episode 1 Come Out?

'All American: Homecoming' 301 w/ Damon Sims

(WARNING: Spoilers for the most recent All American: Homecoming episode will be found below.)

Season two of All American: Homecoming ended on a big cliffhanger that promised for some drama heading into season three. Simone has to make a big decision in her romance life after viewers learned that she and Damon not only shared a kiss, but they also slept together. This makes for a big complication in the love triangle between Simone, Lando, and Damon. Additionally, Simone will also have her tennis dreams threatened in season three, while JR struggles to piece his life back together after his removal from KEK and the completion of his treatment for aplastic anemia.

Elsewhere, we see what happens next between Marcus and Amara after the former’s wife made a surprise return to end season two. Cam, Keisha, and Nate all work to balance their relationships and career aspirations, which proves to be a bigger struggle than expected.

You can expect all of that and more in season three of All American: Homecoming which kicks off tonight. Here’s what you need to know about the premiere episode:

When Will All American: Homecoming Season 3, Episode 1 Come Out?

The first episode of All American: Homecoming season three, titled “Ready Or Not,” will arrive on July 8. The Nikhil Paniz-directed and Nkechi Okoro Carroll-written episode will be available on Monday, 7/8 on the CW TV channel at 9pm EST/PST. The episode will later be available to stream on the CW app and website at 3 am ET/12 am PT. A synopsis for “Ready Or Not” can be found below:

Simone is concerned about changes taking place at Bringston and wants to bring attention to the issues, but things don’t go as expected, and it puts Damon in a difficult position. Marcus seeks advice from an unlikely source. JR makes a decision about his future and Keisha tries to advise Simone.

You can also watch a preview for All American: Homecoming season three, episode one below:

New episodes of ‘All American: Homecoming’ are available on CW TV on Mondays at 9 pm ET/PT and on the CW app and website at 3 am ET/12 am PT.

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All The Best New Music From This Week That You Need To Hear

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Keeping up with new music can be exhausting, even impossible. From the weekly album releases to standalone singles dropping on a daily basis, the amount of music is so vast it’s easy for something to slip through the cracks. Even following along with the Uproxx recommendations on a daily basis can be a lot to ask, so every Monday we’re offering up this rundown of the best new music this week.

This week saw Zach Bryan feeling especially patriotic and Lana Del Rey realize a dream collab. Yeah, it was a great week for new music. Check out the highlights below.

For more music recommendations, check out our Listen To This section, as well as our Indie Mixtape and Pop Life newsletters.

Zach Bryan — “Sandpaper” Feat. Bruce Springsteen

Zach Bryan’s 4th Of July was about as American as possible: He released a new album called The Great American Bar Scene and it features “Sandpaper,” a collaboration with Bruce Springsteen.

Eminem — “Tobey” Feat. Big Sean and BabyTron

The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) is on the way and Eminem is very much still alive. He proves it on the Detroit-heavy “Tobey,” which features Big Sean and up-and-comer BabyTron.

Quavo and Lana Del Rey — “Tough”

Del Rey, a true hip-hop head, has faced Quavo dating rumors in recent months, but it turns out that at least one of the reasons they’ve been spotted together lately is their new collaboration, “Tough.” Del Rey has come a long way from naming Migos as a dream collaborator.

Childish Gambino — “Lithonia”

Bando Stone & The New World, Donald Glover’s new movie, is on the way, and the soundtrack serves as the supposed final Childish Gambino album. He’s starting to tease the project, like he did last week by going full rock balladeer on “Lithonia.”

Beabadoobee — “Ever Seen”

Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour was great for Beabadoobee: She was an opener, and while out on the road, she wrote her latest song, “Ever Seen.” It’s a song that starts quiet and gentle as it gradually blooms into catharsis.

Killer Mike — “Humble Me”

Back in February, Killer Make generated some attention for getting arrested at the 2024 Grammys. He reflected on that experience on the new song “Humble Me,” which he says he recorded the very next day.

aespa — “Hot Mess”

aespa have become K-pop titans over the past few years and now they’ve kept the train rolling with last week’s “Hot Mess.” Uproxx’s Josh Kurp explains of the single, “The high-energy song carries a message of independence, with aespa taking ownership of being a hot mess.”

Tanner Adell — “Cowboy Break My Heart”

Adell has been on fire this year: First she appeared on Beyoncé’s Cowboy Carter, then she popped up at the 2024 BET Awards. She performed “Cowboy Break My Heart” during the broadcast, and now she has given the song’s studio recording a proper release.

42 Dugg — “No Love” Feat. Lil Baby

Dugg recently got out of prison and he hit the ground running with his latest project, 4eva Us Neva Them. He’s got a lot of people in his corner, too, like Lil Baby, who features on “No Love.”

Ken Carson — “ss”

2023’s A Great Chaos is Carson’s biggest project yet, as the album peaked just outside the top 10 on the Billboard 200 chart and spawned the gold-certified single “Fighting My Demons.” Now he has revisited the LP with a deluxe edition that introduces new songs like the dynamic “ss.”