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Toddler cries every time he hears ‘You Are My Sunshine’ but begs his mom to sing it anyway

Some songs make people emotional. It may be because the song has special meaning for them or because the musical arrangement is so beautiful that it activates something within causing tears to flow. Babies are not immune to being moved by music but typically they don’t request the song that brings them to tears.

Jillian James posted a video to social media that shows her toddler son laying on her chest seemingly preparing for nap time. The little guys requests that his mom sing the lullaby, “You Are My Sunshine” but before obliging the request, James asks multiple times if he’s sure. Apparently, the sweet song makes the toddler cry every time he hears it. Nevertheless, he persists with his request to hear “sunshine.”

James knows what the result will be and checks one last time to see if the little boy is sure he understands what will happen, “you already look like you’re about to cry. Buddy, I don’t want to sing it if you’re going to cry.”

The additional warnings did not deter the persistent toddler. He assures his mom he’s not going to cry but she has a sneaking suspicion that he won’t hold up against the melody of the song and sure enough, waterworks before the first line is finished. Not just a little tear filled eyes, but full on crying and commenters don’t disagree with his tears.

@jillianjames31 Every single night he asks me to sing “sunshine” but this is also his reaction when I sing it to him… idk what triggers this response but it equally breaks my heart and makes me laugh at the same time 😂 #youaremysunshine #sunshine #son #toddler #mama #momlife ♬ original sound – Jillian James

“you are my sunshine will always emotionally devastate me,” someone admits.

“To be fair, You Are My Sunshine makes me cry too,” another writes.

“Sometimes it feels good to listen to your favorite song and have yourself a good cry,” one person shares.

“He wants you to sing sunshine for the same reason I like to watch military homecoming videos I guess. Same reaction,” a commenter says.

Many people were not expecting the level of crying that escaped from the little boy and suddenly understood why his mom didn’t want to sing it. Maybe when he’s older he will understand why he listens to music that makes him cry, though sometimes it’s just a matter of needing an emotional release with no larger reason outside of that. Poor little guy, sometimes we all just need a cry.

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19 simple therapist insights that instantly transformed people’s lives

A good therapist has the magical ability to take our messiest problems and break them down in a way that makes sense. They have an incredible way of showing us our struggles from a fresh perspective and quite often, the answers were right in front of our faces the whole time. We just needed their help to nudge us in the right direction.

For some, a therapist’s simple, sage wisdom can change their lives with just one poignant realization.

Recently, a Redditor named BuildingBridges23 asked people on the subforum to share the priceless bits of wisdom that changed their lives and over 5,300 people responded. The pithy but powerful observations they shared were helpful to many people and more than one called the thread “free therapy.”

Here are 19 of the best responses to the question: “What’s something your therapist said that was life-changing?”

1. You can’t fix sick

“You’re going to put yourself in an early grave trying to make your mother happy. Your mother is sick, trying to make her happy is like trying to fill a bucket that has no bottom, its not going to happen unless she fixes the bucket. You can’t fix it for her.” — ModerateDude9

2. Other people’s feelings

“I asked him, ‘How do you process all of the negative feelings that are projected at you?’ and he said “They aren’t my feelings.'” — Wirestyle22

3. Coping with death

“‘The way your parents died will never be the most interesting thing about you. It’s not even the most interesting thing about THEM.’ My parents died by suicide together and I was worried that it was going to consume me as an individual. I didnt want their deaths or my grief to become my entire identity.” — Crazyofo

4. Being brave

“When I broke down because I was so fed up with being scared and anxious all the time, he said something like. ‘You can’t be brave without being scared first.’ It always stuck with me that fear, no matter how overwhelming, won’t last forever and I try to see it as a chance for me to prove to myself I can fight back and try to get through this.” — AnxiousAxolotyl88

5. Change

“Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change.” ؅— SpicyEmmaa

6. Dealing with mental illness

“Just because the mentally ill person screaming at you lives in your home instead of on the streets doesn’t mean their opinion is any more true.” — UnorignalUse

7. People are like colanders

“Some people are like a colander. It doesn’t matter how much time, love and support you pour into them, it will never fill them up enough to make a difference.” — Competitive-Watch188

8. Boundaries

“The only people in your life who will be angry because you established boundaries were the people who benefitted from you not having them in the first place.” — Imagine_magic

9. Other people’s anxiety

“‘Be the mirror, not the sponge.’ Don’t absorb other people’s stress and anxiety, show it back to them gently. Changed my life.” — CariocaInLA

10. Sensitive people

“That being a ‘highly sensitive person’ is just how I’m built. It’s not something that’s wrong with me or something that I necessarily have to change. I just have to accept it, to learn my boundaries and needs and live accordingly.” — stuttering-mime-ta2

11. For people-pleasers

“‘You don’t need to please everyone all of the time. People who love you will not leave you because you disagree with them or do something they don’t like.’ She nailed a lot of my behaviours back to the fact my biological dad left when I was 9 months old. I cannot cope with perceived abandonment, and will do everything in my power to keep people happy… because they might leave me.” — RhiR2020

12. It’s not about you

“‘You aren’t that interesting.’ I would have panic attacks and paranoia that people were out to get me (PTSD, etc) and would think that people were judging me in grocery stores because my toddler was crying or that my hair was messy. And honestly it boiled down to…nobody cares. We’re all trying to survive and get through the day and what someone looks like or does, we observe and move on.” — jac_kayyy

13. Judgement

“We judge ourselves by our intentions, but we judge others by their actions.” — Horny_Rapunzel

14. It’s simple

“‘The answer is simple. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it’s simple.’ I was doing what I always do in difficult, scary situations that I don’t want to deal with head-on; I was overthinking and over-complicating what I needed to do to be happy again. The answer was actually quite simple: I needed to tell my (now ex-husband) that I wanted a divorce.” — RovenshereExpress

15. Realize your unhappiness

“At the third session with our couples counselor, my wife and I had a brief ten-minute private session with our therapist. During my session, the therapist said, ‘You need to accept the possibility of a divorce. You are trying to do the right thing and be supportive, but you can’t do that alone. Your wife is taking advantage of you. You can’t see how unhappy you are. That will change within a year after your divorce.’ Yup. She was right. My wife and I agreed to divorce during the 4th session. I am finally happy, and love my life.” — BlueCollarBeagle

16. Hurt

“Just because you were hurt when you were younger, doesn’t mean randoms have the right to hurt you now.” — Paeliens

17. See-saw relationship

“A relationship is like a see-saw. If the other person doesn’t want to participate, you can keep going, but you’ll get really tired.” — SendInYourSkeleton

18. Panic

“Not my therapist, but a friend told me hers said this: ‘You do not have enough information to panic about that yet.’ Whenever I catch myself spiraling about the unknown, I try to remember that.” — Bananaphone1549

19. Heart attacks

“It wasn’t my therapist, it was my doctor, but it was life-changing. I had been 300+ pounds all of my adult life and I was in for a physical and he said to me: ‘You know, the first symptom of a heart attack is a heart attack.’ It was what caused me to change my life at age 54 and lose 110 pounds in 16 months and I became a runner. I have run a race in all 50 states, 26 Halifax marathons and 2 full marathons, Chicago and Boston. That one thing he said to me kicked off my decision for better health! That was 15 years ago.” — BlueJasper27

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A teacher’s viral extra credit questions lure students into a phenomenal prank

A mystery teacher has become an internet scholar after imgur user SharkyTheSharkDog shared photos of the extra credit questions on their exams.

While the first six are really fun—you should see if you can get them all correct—the last one is pure torture in the form of public humiliation.

Don’t read too quickly, students.

1. How many seasons was “Full House” on the air?

2. Complete the verse… “I been in the game for ten years makin’ rap tunes…”

3. What color pants does Jake from State Farm wear?

4. Okay, this one’s going to be tough for you.”Yesterday, during my lecture, I quickly mentioned that only a pink pen will save you tomorrow. Draw a stick figure below in that pink pen.”

5. Describe the dumbest conversation you overheard recently.Guy: Do you like Bon Jovi?Girl: No thanks, I don’t eat Italian Food.

6. Including “The Revenant,” how many times has Leo DiCaprio been nominated for an Academy Award?

7. And this one’s a true test of your reading strategy.

First person to read this, stand up proudly on your chair, and yell at the top of your lungs, “Oh Captain, My Captain!” will receive a 95% on this exam.

*Just kidding. Name the drummer for The Beatles.

This article originally appeared on 05.01.19

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My wife surprised her coworkers when she came out as trans. Then they surprised her.

Society, pay attention. This is important.

My wife, Zoe, is transgender. She came out to us — the kids and me — last summer and then slowly spread her beautiful feminine wings with extended family, friends, and neighbors.

A little coming out here, a little coming out there — you know how it is.

It’s been a slow, often challenging process of telling people something so personal and scary, but pretty much everyone has been amazing.

However, she dreaded coming out at the office.

She works at a large technology company, managing a team of software developers in a predominantly male office environment. She’s known many of her co-workers and employees for 15 or so years. They have called her “he” and “him” and “Mr.” for a very long time. How would they handle the change?

While we have laws in place in Ontario, Canada, to protect the rights of transgender employees, it does not shield them from awkwardness, quiet judgment, or loss of workplace friendships. Your workplace may not become outright hostile, but it can sometimes become a difficult place to go to every day because people only tolerate you rather than fully accept you.

But this transition needed to happen, and so Zoe carefully crafted a coming out email and sent it to everyone she works with.

The support was immediately apparent; she received about 75 incredibly kind responses from coworkers, both local and international.

She then took one week off, followed by a week where she worked solely from home. It was only last Monday when she finally went back to the office.

First day back at work! I asked if I could take a “first day of school” type picture with her lunchbox. She said no. Spoilsport.

Despite knowing how nice her colleagues are and having read so many positive responses to her email, she was understandably still nervous.

Hell, I was nervous. I made her promise to text me 80 billion times with updates and was more than prepared to go down there with my advocacy pants on if I needed to (I might be a tad overprotective).

And that’s when her office pals decided to show the rest of us how to do it right.

She got in and found that a couple of them had decorated her cubicle to surprise her:

LGBTQ, coming out, work

Butterflies! Streamers! Rainbows! OMG!

And made sure her new name was prominently displayed in a few locations:

empathy, employment, understanding

They got her a beautiful lily with a “Welcome, Zoe!” card:

coworkers, mental health, community

And this tearjerker quote was waiting for her on her desk:

Oscar Wilde, job, employment

To top it all off, a 10 a.m. “meeting” she was scheduled to attend was actually a coming out party to welcome her back to work as her true self — complete with coffee and cupcakes and handshakes and hugs.

acceptance, friendship, relationships

(I stole one, and it was delicious.)


I did go to my wife’s office that day. But instead of having my advocacy pants on, I had my hugging arms ready and some mascara in my purse in case I cried it off while thanking everyone.

I wish we lived in a world where it was no big deal to come out.

Sadly, that is not the case for many LGBTQ people. We live in a world of bathroom bills and “religious freedom” laws that directly target the members of our community. We live in a world where my family gets threats for daring to speak out for trans rights. We live in a world where we can’t travel to certain locations for fear of discrimination — or worse.

So when I see good stuff happening — especially when it takes place right on our doorstep — I’m going to share it far and wide. Let’s normalize this stuff. Let’s make celebrating diversity our everyday thing rather than hating or fearing it.

Chill out, haters. Take a load off with us.

It’s a lot of energy to judge people, you know. It’s way more fun to celebrate and support them for who they are.

Besides, we have cupcakes.

This article originally appeared on 04.08.16.

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Reneé Rapp Said Her Upcoming Sophomore Album Will Highlight The ‘Massive Difference’ Between Age 23 And 24

Renee Rapp 2024 Them Now Awards
Getty Image

With age comes wisdom (or at least it is supposed to follow). The path toward maturity is sometimes fast tracked for those who are thrusted into the spotlight. Reneé Rapp can somewhat attest to this.

Following the release of her debut studio album, Snow Angel, and subsequent breakthrough leading role in the Mean Girls movie musical, Reneé gained mainstream recognition. This newly found famed has made the 24-year-old grow far behind what she expected, and her forthcoming sophomore album will reflect this.

During an appearance on the Close Friends Only with Instagram podcast with Rachel Sennott, Reneé divulged that the project will highlight the massive difference between her 23 and 24-year-old self.

After being asked if she was working on an album and if she was opening to sharing, she said: “Yes, and no.”

“Well the only, I mean I guess the only this like 23 to 24 has been such a massive difference for me,” she added. “It’s [about this new era of my life] and it’s also about, to this point, a reflection on my 23rd year specifically… it was so bad, and I thought like 22 was insane for me.”

Watch Reneé Rapp’s full appearance on Close Friends Only, with Instagram podcast below. Her remarks on her upcoming sophomore album begin at the 29:28 mark.

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Report: The Lakers Offered D’Angelo Russell In A Klay Thompson Sign-And-Trade But The Warriors Said No

d'angelo russell steve kerr
Getty Image

Klay Thompson seems like he’s on his way to the Dallas Mavericks. According to multiple reports, Thompson agreed to a deal to join Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and co. with the defending Western Conference champions, and while the arrangement is currently contingent on the Mavs figuring out a sign-and-trade with the Golden State Warriors and the Charlotte Hornets, it appears that Thompson will suit up for someone else for the first time in his NBA career.

In the days leading up to the start of free agency, there was plenty of smoke surrounding Thompson and the Los Angeles Lakers, with LeBron James apparently willing to take a pay cut if it got them the future Hall of Fame inductee. According to Chris Haynes of Bleacher Report, the Lakers offered Thompson a deal of either three or four years which would pay him around $20 million a year. And apparently, the return that the Warriors would get for Thompson from L.A. didn’t interest them all that much.

“It was gonna take, obviously, a sign-and-trade scenario, so that had nothing to do with LeBron James’ decision to take less,” Haynes said. “It was gonna take a sign-and-trade to get Klay, and it did not, it just did not happen. I was told that it would have likely involved D’Angelo Russell being a part of a deal to get Klay, and from what I was told, the Warriors were not interested in bringing back D’Angelo Russell — remember, D’Angelo had that one year stint with them a few years ago.”

Russell spent half of the 2019-20 season with the Warriors, as the team acquired him in the deal that sent Kevin Durant to Brooklyn. The marriage just never really worked as that Warriors team lost Steph Curry early in the year and treaded water for the rest of the season, and at the trade deadline, the team sent him to the Minnesota Timberwolves.

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Jayson Tatum Agreed To The Largest Contract Extension In NBA History

jayson tatum
Getty Image

Jayson Tatum is a very, very, very rich man. On the heels of Tatum finally winning an NBA championship as a member of the Boston Celtics, the former No. 3 overall pick agreed to a contract extension with the team that will be the most lucrative in the history of the league, according to Chris Haynes of Bleacher Report. Tatum is slated to make $315 million over the life of the deal, although it includes a player option on the final year.

Tatum has established himself as the most malleable superstar in the NBA, as the face of the Celtics is able to get the job done on both the offensive and defensive ends of the floor. After previously making at least the conference finals in three of the past four years, Tatum and the Celtics were finally able to get over the hump during the 2023-24 campaign and win the 18th championship in franchise history thanks to a 5-game series win over the Dallas Mavericks. The team has made it a point to come to terms on extension with its core players in the last year — Jaylen Brown, Kristaps Porzingis, and Jrue Holiday have all signed new deals in that time — and now, Tatum is getting in on the fun.

On the year, Tatum averaged 26.9 points, 8.1 rebounds, and 4.9 assists in 35.7 minutes per game while shooting 47.1 percent from the field and 37.6 percent from behind the three-point line. He finished in sixth place in MVP voting and earned both an All-Star and All-NBA First Team selection.

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The Best Hip-Hop Albums Of June 2024

The Best Hip-Hop Albums Of June 2024 -- Anderson Paak, Megan Thee Stallion, Channel Tres(1024x450)
Getty Image/Merle Cooper

The RX is Uproxx Music’s stamp of approval for the best albums, songs, and music stories throughout the year. Inclusion in this category is the highest distinction we can bestow, and signals the most important music being released throughout the year. The RX is the music you need, right now.

Summer has officially arrived, and the past four weeks have brought a bounty of new hip-hop to soundtrack your warm weather activities. From hard-hitting gutter anthems, to genre-bending party starters, here are the best hip-hop albums of June 2024.

Channel Tres — Head Rush

Channel Tres

Channel Tres’ first album for RCA Records is a cool collection of Compton house and techno that doesn’t just invite you to shake off your inhibitions — it demands it. While it might be a bit heady and left-of-center for rap traditionalists, it’s just the latest breadcrumb in a long trail of projects combining rap and dance music sensibilities going all the way back to Jungle Brothers‘ “I’ll House You” and Queen Latifah’s “Come Into My House.” It’s a fine addition to that canon while also challenging the conventions of hip-hop and traditional Black masculinity. “Gold Daytonas” is my favorite, but the most digestible tracks are “Cactus Water” and “Need U 2 Know.”

Lupe Fiasco — Samurai

Lupe Fiasco

Lupe Fiasco returns with an unabashedly nerdy album — does he make any other kind — with a head-scratching concept supported by head-nodding production and some genuinely thought-provoking beats. The concept is classic Lupe overthinking, extrapolating on a vignette from an Amy Winehouse documentary to build out an entire hypothetical on the title track (“What would it be like if [Winehouse] was a battle rapper?”), and indulging in Lupe’s own love for anime and Japanese culture to unpack his own ambitions and contradictions. It’s one of his more autobiographical projects, but as always, it works on multiple levels, giving it all the replay value of a classic anime like Cowboy Bebop.

Megan Thee Stallion — Megan

Megan Thee Stallion

Mining Meg’s tribulations of the past few years, Megan is impressive for its unflinching reflection of her personal pain and growth, as well as for returning the Houston Hottie to her roots. While her past projects got caught up in chasing pop appeal, here, she mostly sticks to the Texas trap that got her on the map, tapping Southern stalwarts like UGK and Big KRIT for lyrical support. Subjects on the album range from self-love — in more ways than one (contrast “Down Stairs DJ” with “Worthy”) — to Meg’s geeky interests (“Mamushi” dabbles in J-Rap, while “Otaku Hot Girl” samples one of her favorite anime). The high points are still the defiant challenges to her biggest detractors on “Hiss” and “Cobra.”

NxWorries — Why, Lawd?


If great things are worth waiting for, then Anderson .Paak and Knxwledge’s second project as a group is well worth the wait. Where their first masterpiece was something of a pimping handbook, its follow-up finds .Paak soul-searching through the process of divorce. He’s back on the streets and finding that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Described by some fans as a West Coast jazz rap version of Marvin Gaye’s infamous divorce album Here, My Dear (although, we’ve technically already had one of those — with the same name, no less — from Terrace Martin), Why Lawd? finds our guys lamenting not just the loss of love, but also just how hard it is out here to find a new one. Knxwledge outdoes himself, providing production that comes across as contemporarily cool in addition to being potentially timeless.

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The Best Things We Ate At Gov Ball 2024

Dan Resnick/Uproxx

The summer music festivals of my youth were once a barren wasteland. Especially when it came to the food. For anyone that liked eating during a mass gathering of sweaty humans, you were given only the basics: a hot dog (roller or water boil), burger (in the foil bag, steaming through), chicken fingers, fries and if you were lucky there was a wild card item or two from Aramark or whatever corporate food vendor typically monopolized the concessions with their blandly passable offerings.

Fast forward to 2024, and festivals like Gov Ball now have 30+ food vendors, including NYC local brand names, food trucks, and even scratch kitchen pop-ups. The amount of vendors and amazing culinary choices — as well as gimmicky but appealing options — can give you whiplash while you try to decide how you want to spend your money.

Here at Uproxx, we’re pleased to do some of the dirty work, at your service. So we’re sharing the five best foods we tried at Gov Ball 2024.

Gotham Burger Social Club – Cheeseburger


Price: $15

A hyped up NY burger with “Social Club” in the name at Gov Ball, does it get any more IYKYK (*eyeroll*)? Does NYC need its own “Social Club” devoted to the sometimes pedestrian, sometimes high-falutin’, even gold foiled hamburger? Apparently, the only answer here is in the affirmative.

GBSC serves up a tasty perfectly crafted festival burger, with precise proportions of all of the non-traditional ingredients. Jalapenos provide the zip you’d hope for, the special sauce has just the right ratio of zest/creaminess, the pickles crunch gives the textural contrast without overpowering sweetness. Normally, the onions would be opted out on, but everything is sans substitutions at Gov Ball, and thankfully these onions are thin and flavorful enough to give some pungency without grossing out folks that may traditionally not order.

GSCB you won the burger battle at Gov Ball based on the rich thicker juicier flavorful patty, alone.

Fan Fan Doughnuts – Raspberry Lemongrass Doughnut


Price: $4

The best sweet treat at Gov Ball? The folks at Van Leeuwen Ice Cream may be able to claim that title, but if you waited 15-30 minutes in the sun for a milkshake or scoop of icecream, you already took an L in my mind. Easier was the line at Fan Fan, where several doughnuts were sampled, with the raspberry variety coming out squeaky clean on top.

The bright pink icing on top with slices of fresh raspberry is a scrummy (shoutout to Aunt Sister) setup, even in the humidity of June heat. The fresh doughy nut held subtle spikes of lemongrass flavor that cut the sweetness of the raspberry elements for well-balanced bites, making the overall experience not too weighty despite being a doughnut.

Lobster Rolls & More – Lobster Roll


Price: $27

Can you trust a lobster roll at a live event? Can you trust one outside the borders of Maine, period?

The lobster roll from Lobster Rolls & More at Gov Ball was pure goodness. The basic and fresh potato roll (though not enhanced by any time on a flat top, regrettably) was packed with enough lobster claw and tail meat to feel like you almost got your money’s worth (at $27, that ain’t easy), slathered in rich butter sauce that hadn’t congealed yet in the heat.

John’s Juice – Pineapple Slush


Price: $13 (+ $2 refills)

When a place specializes in juices, specifically being served inside the fruit they are juiced from, there is a certain appeal to carrying around said fruit filled with icy cold refreshing just-squeezed juice on a hot summer day (is it a festival flex?). John’s Juice makes their juices to order, and fills the hollowed out pineapples with thin shards of ice and small chunks of fruit, along with the fresh juice.

The result was the perfect respite on a 90 degree Festival day, as well as a great palette cleanser if you had something savory to eat first. They’re big enough to share with a friend you’re comfortable enough to share a drink with, and portable enough to carry around until you’re sick of it or ready to try out your moves with both arms free. And refills are only $2!

No Good Burger – Burger


Price: $15

Though not hitting the heights or dynamically nuanced flavor spectrum of the GSCB, No Good Burger is more of a riff on the Shake Shack/Smashburger variety. Simply appointed and made to order with pickles and special sauce, the No Good burger is a thinner and drier variety. The pickles and sauce eat a little sweeter than the competition, but you can add your own condiments to balance out the sweetness, if that’s not your thing. As is, the bun sort of mellows out the sweet note, leaving you with a burger that’s easily portable and simply satisfying.

Though No Good Burger lost the Gov Ball bitter burger battle, it was still one of the finest items sampled during the Festival and a solid pick if other food waits are beyond your threshold (mine is admittedly 15 minutes or path of least resistance).

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The Roots Brought The Best Parts Of Roots Picnic To The Hollywood Bowl

Getty Image/Merle Cooper

This past Saturday, The Roots brought the best parts of their annual festival, Roots Picnic, to the Hollywood Bowl for a special concert, Love Of My Life. Named after a song from the Philadelphia band’s 1999 fourth studio album Things Fall Apart (which was itself inspired by Common’s metaphorical 1994 storytelling track “I Used to Love H.E.R.”), the concert was dedicated to celebrating the group’s 30-year love affair with this thing called hip-hop. To that end, they recruited a slew of guests from the genre’s Golden Era to join them onstage to perform some of their greatest hits.

Arrested Development, Black Sheep, Common, Digable Planets, The Pharcyde, and Queen Latifah were all billed as performers, but throughout the evening, surprise guests ranging from Black Eyed Peas’ Will.I.Am to an all-star roster of pioneer women in rap, including The Lady Of Rage, MC Lyte, Monie Love, and Yo-Yo, all joined The Roots on the legendary stage. And, as befits any live performance played the Philadelphian ensemble (the most recent of which I have to compare it to was their New Year’s Eve show at the Wiltern in LA just seven months ago), those hits were reinterpreted, remixed, and transformed by the addition of the live band.

When the crew launched Roots Picnic back in 2008, I felt so left out, living on the West Coast. While endless sunshine and pretty people never really gets stale, it did feel a bit like I was missing out on all the best bits of culture taking place in the northeast. As social media became more commonplace, allowed more footage from the festival to enter the public consciousness, that feeling was only intensified. For someone who counts The Roots among his most formative acts, watching Black Thought freestyle for 15 minutes on a phone screen was as exciting as it was disheartening that I couldn’t see it live.

On Saturday, I did. It was glorious. I’ve seen LeBron James play basketball in person in a high school gym in the hood (another of those perks of growing up in LA). I got the same, transformative feeling watching Tariq Trotter, a master of his craft in the same respect, do things very few other earthly powers have ever been able to come close to reproducing. When Common came out to perform “I Used To Love H.E.R.,” to see nearly 17,500 other people rap EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. was akin to a spiritual experience.

The biggest pops, though, were reserved for Queen Latifah and the cadre of hip-hop sistren who joined her for a mini-set that proved that women have always run hip-hop — and always should. Not expecting Lyte, Rage, or Yo-Yo to put in appearances, I was genuinely surprised by the surprise guest appearances. And I was awed. These women, all well into their 50s, hit every bar. The mics were ON. I get why younger artists often look like deer in the headlights at these festivals, but I’m going to recommend that you festival organizers start sending out media packages for study with the booking contracts. This is what it’s supposed to look like.

The night ended, somewhat fascinatingly, with a singalong of Black Sheep’s “The Choice Is Yours.” It was a high point, but there were so many singalong moments that could have been the finale: Thought and Com running through the title track of the evening. Arrested Development crooning “People Everyday,” Will sitting in with Pharcyde for a rendition of “Passin’ Me By,” or the Jungle Brothers popping out to perform the Native Tongues posse cut “Buddy” with more than a few of the original artists in attendance.

The best part of the show was the best part of the Roots Picnic as an event. Getting to see all these pillars of hip-hop together, not just on the same stage performing their own sets, but as a group, playing off each other, enjoying each other’s company and vibing together. That’s the one-of-a-kind experience that makes Roots Picnic one of the premiere festivals throughout the year. Even getting to sample it at an iconic venue like Hollywood Bowl? You can’t beat that with a bat.