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A teacher had to tell her deaf students that people can hear farts. Their reaction was hilarious.

Anna Trupiano is a first-grade teacher at a school that serves deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing students from birth through eighth grade.

In addition to teaching the usual subjects, Trupiano is charged with helping her students thrive in a society that doesn’t do enough to cater to the needs of the hard-of-hearing.

Recently, Trupiano had to teach her students about a rather personal topic: passing gas in public.

A six-year-old child farted so loud in class that some of their classmates began to laugh. The child was surprised by their reaction because they didn’t know farts make a sound. This created a wonderful and funny teaching moment for Trupiano.

Trupiano shared the conversation on Facebook.

1st grade, farts, passing gas

deaf, education, funny

students, teacher, sound

hard of hearing, vapors, gas

While the discussion Trupiano had with her students was funny, it points to a serious problem faced by the deaf community. “I know it started with farts, but the real issue is that many of my students aren’t able to learn about these things at home or from their peers because they don’t have the same linguistic access,” she told GOOD.

“So many of my students don’t have families who can sign well enough to explain so many things it’s incredibly isolating for these kids,” she continued.

Trupiano hopes her funny story about bodily functions will inspire others to become more involved with the deaf community by learning sign language.

“I would love to see a world where my students can learn about anything from anyone they interact with during their day,” she told GOOD. “Whether that means learning about the solar system, the candy options at a store, or even farts, it would be so great for them to have that language access anywhere they go.”

Interested in learning ASL? Here’s a great list of places you can start.

While the discussion Tupiano had with her students was funny, it points to a serious problem faced by the deaf community. “I know it started with farts, but the real issue is that many of my students aren’t able to learn about these things at home or from their peers because they don’t have the same linguistic access,” she told GOOD.

“So many of my students don’t have families who can sign well enough to explain so many things it’s incredibly isolating for these kids,” she continued.

Tupiano hopes her funny story about bodily functions will inspire others to become more involved with the deaf community by learning sign language.

“I would love to see a world where my students can learn about anything from anyone they interact with during their day,” she told GOOD. “Whether that means learning about the solar system, the candy options at a store, or even farts, it would be so great for them to have that language access anywhere they go.”

Intersted in learning ASL? Here’s a great list of places you can start.

This article originally appeared on 12.14.18

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When these drones zoom in over elephants and rhinos, they stop horrible things from happening

This is a story about something really exciting.

Before I get into it, let me set the stage by explaining the terrible problem it’s solving.

10 years.

That’s how long it’ll be until the last wild elephants and rhinoceroses are gone.

100 of them are killed every day by poachers.

Even though elephants and rhinos are legally protected, the amount of money that can be made from the ivory in their tusks is just too much for some people to resist.

So poachers go after elephants and rhinos in secret. They kill them in out-of-the-way places that are hard to patrol, and they do it at night under the cover of darkness.

Every hour, another elephant or rhino family is broken forever.

Now the Lindbergh Foundation has come up with an idea about how to stop poachers.

They’ve been testing their idea for two years now, and it really works.

Air Shepherd uses drones and computers to watch over elephants and rhinos the same way a shepherd protects his sheep.

It’s an amazing international, hi-tech system.

The drones in Africa are decked out with normal and infrared cameras that see where the animals — and the poachers — are. Even in the dark of night.

That imagery is sent to computers in the U.S. Using special software, they send back flight plans to the drones that predict where the animals are headed, which keeps the drones on top of the poachers.

Local rangers are notified, and they sweep in on the poachers.

During the 600 tests they’ve run so far, precisely zero poaching has occurred.

It’s a fantastic system.

Seven African countries have already requested help.

The Foundation has provided the seed money. They need contributions, though, so head over to the Air Shepherd site to see how you can get involved in this amazing project.

Please let your animal-loving friends know about this breakthrough program that could keep elephants and rhinos from going extinct. It’s so exciting.

(Unfortunately, the Lindbergh Foundation’s video has been removed from YouTube. But here’s an NBC News report about the project.)

This article originally appeared on 03.12.15

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Men try to read the most disturbing comments women get online back to them.

Trigger warning for discussion of sexual assault and violence.

A recent video by Just Not Sports took two prominent female sportswriters and had regular guys* read the awful abuse they receive online aloud.

Sportswriters Sarah Spain and Julie DiCaro sat by as men read some of the most vile tweets they receive on a daily basis. See how long you can last watching it.

*(Note: The men reading them did not write these comments; they’re just being helpful volunteers to prove a point.)

It starts out kind of jokey but eventually devolves into messages like this:

reporters, news, human resources

These types of messages come in response to one thing: The women were doing their jobs.

Those wishes that DiCaro would die by hockey stick and get raped? Those were the result of her simply reporting on the National Hockey League’s most disturbing ordeal: the Patrick Kane rape case, in which one of the league’s top players was accused of rape.

DiCaro wasn’t writing opinion pieces. She was simply reporting things like what the police said, statements from lawyers, and just general everyday work reporters do. In response, she received a deluge of death threats. Her male colleagues didn’t receive nearly the same amount of abuse.

It got to the point where she and her employer thought it best to stay home for a day or two for her own physical safety.

The men in the video seemed absolutely shocked that real live human beings would attack someone simply for doing their jobs.

broadcast news, female reporters, discrimination

Most found themselves speechless or, at very least, struggling to read the words being presented.

hate speech, slander, sexualization

Think this is all just anecdotal? There’s evidence to the contrary.

The Guardian did a study to find out how bad this problem really is.

They did a study of over 70 million comments that have been posted on their site since 2006. They counted how many comments that violated their comment policy were blocked.

The stats were staggering.

From their comprehensive and disturbing article:

“Although the majority of our regular opinion writers are white men, we found that those who experienced the highest levels of abuse and dismissive trolling were not. The 10 regular writers who got the most abuse were eight women (four white and four non-white) and two black men. Two of the women and one of the men were gay. And of the eight women in the ‘top 10’, one was Muslim and one Jewish.

And the 10 regular writers who got the least abuse? All men.”

harassment, feminism, culture, community

So what can people do about this kind of harassment once they know it exists?

  1. To start? Share things that make people aware it’s happening. Listen to the Just Not Sports podcast where they talk about it.
  2. If you know someone who talks like this to anyone on the internet, CALL THEM OUT. Publicly, privately — just let them know it’s not OK to talk to anyone like this.
  3. Don’t stop talking about it. Every day, the harassment continues. Don’t let it linger without attention.

There are no easy answers. But the more people who know this behavior exists, the more people there will be to tell others it’s not OK to talk to anyone like that.

Watch the whole video below:

.This article originally appeared on 04.27.16

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Adorable ‘Haka baby’ dance offers a sweet window into Maori culture

If you’ve never seen a Maori haka performed, you’re missing out.

The Maori are the indigenous peoples of New Zealand, and their language and customs are an integral part of the island nation. One of the most recognizable Maori traditions outside of New Zealand is the haka, a ceremonial dance or challenge usually performed in a group. The haka represents the pride, strength, and unity of a tribe and is characterized by foot-stamping, body slapping, tongue protrusions, and rhythmic chanting.

Haka is performed at weddings as a sign of reverence and respect for the bride and groom and are also frequently seen before sports competitions, such as rugby matches.

The intensity of the haka is the point. It is meant to be a show of strength and elicit a strong response—which makes seeing a tiny toddler learning to do it all the more adorable.

Here’s an example of a rugby haka:

Danny Heke, who goes by @focuswithdan on TikTok, shared a video of a baby learning haka and omigosh it is seriously the most adorable thing. When you see most haka, the dancers aren’t smiling—their faces are fierce—so this wee one starting off with an infectious grin is just too much. You can see that he’s already getting the moves down, facial expressions and all, though.

@focuswithdan When you grow up learning haka! #haka #teachthemyoung #maori #māori #focuswithdan #fyp #foryou #kapahaka ♬ original sound – 𝕱𝖔𝖈𝖚𝖘𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍𝕯𝖆𝖓

As cute as this video is, it’s part of a larger effort by Heke to use his TikTok channel to share and promote Maori culture. His videos cover everything from the Te Reo Maori language to traditional practices to issues of prejudice Maori people face.

Here he briefly goes over the different body parts that make up haka:


♬ Ngati – Just2maori

This video explains the purerehua, or bullroarer, which is a Maori instrument that is sometimes used to call rains during a drought.

@focuswithdan Reply to Some tribes used this to call the rains during drought 🌧 ⛈ #maori #māori #focuswithdan #fyp ♬ Pūrerehua – 𝕱𝖔𝖈𝖚𝖘𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍𝕯𝖆𝖓

This one shares a demonstration and explanation of the taiaha, a traditional Maori weapon.

@focuswithdan Reply to @shauncalvert Taiaha, one of the most formidable of the Māori Weaponry #taiaha #maori #māori #focuswithdan #fyp #foryou ♬ original sound – 𝕱𝖔𝖈𝖚𝖘𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍𝕯𝖆𝖓

For another taste of haka, check out this video from a school graduation:

@focuswithdan When your little cuzzy graduates and her school honours her with a haka #maori #māori #haka #focuswithdan #fyp #graduation @its_keshamarley ♬ Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Ruanui – 𝕱𝖔𝖈𝖚𝖘𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍𝕯𝖆𝖓

Heke even has some fun with the trolls and racists in the comments who try to tell him his culture is dead (what?).

@focuswithdan Credit to you all my AMAZING FOLLOWERS! #focuswithdan #maori #māori #followers #fyp #trolls ♬ original sound – sounds for slomo_bro!

Unfortunately, it’s not just ignorant commenters who spew racist bile. A radio interview clip that aired recently called Maori people “genetically predisposed to crime, alcohol, and underperformance,” among other terrible things. (The host, a former mayor of Auckland, has been let go for going along with and contributing to the caller’s racist narrative.)

@focuswithdan #newzealand radio in 2021 delivering racist commentaries 🤦🏽‍♂️ #māori #maori #focuswithdan #racism DC: ♬ original sound – luna the unicow

That clip highlights why what Heke is sharing is so important. The whole world is enriched when Indigenous people like the Maori have their voices heard and their culture celebrated. The more we learn from each other and our diverse ways of life, the more enjoyable life on Earth will be and the better we’ll get at collaborating to confront the challenges we all share.

This article originally appeared on 01.28.21

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Ret. Major General explains the difference between an AR-15 and the military’s weapons of war

A common criticism gun rights activists levy toward gun legislation advocates is that many people who push for stricter gun laws don’t know a lot about guns themselves. That’s not wholly accurate—there are plenty of gun enthusiasts who support reasonable gun laws—but it’s true that many people who are horrified by our nation’s gun culture are not well-versed on the specifications of our nation’s 393 million guns.

Not every American is an active part of American “gun culture.” Some of us have never shot a firearm, for fun or otherwise. Some of us really are ignorant about guns themselves.

That can’t be said for anyone in the military, however. And it definitely can’t be said for a former Major General of the U.S. Army.

That’s why an explanation of the difference between an AR-15 and military-style firearms from retired Major General Paul Eaton has gone viral. Major General Eaton was the commander in charge of training Iraqi soldiers during Operation Iraqi Freedom, so he definitely knows what he’s talking about when it comes to weaponry.

He wrote:

“As the former Commanding General of the Infantry Center at Fort Benning and Chief of Infantry, I know a bit about weapons. Let me state unequivocally — For all intents and purposes, the AR-15 and rifles like it are weapons of war. A thread:

Those opposed to assault weapon bans continue to play games with AR-15 semantics, pretending there’s some meaningful differences between it and the M4 carbine that the military carries. There really aren’t.

The military began a transition from the M16 to the M4, an improved M16, some years ago. The AR-15 is essentially the civilian version of the M16. The M4 is really close to the M16, and the AR-15.

So what’s the difference between the military’s M4 and the original AR-15? Barrel length and the ability to shoot three round bursts. M4s can shoot in three round bursts. AR-15s can only shoot a single shot.

But even now, you can buy AR-15s in variable barrel lengths with Weaver or Picatinny rails for better sights and aiming assists like lasers. Like the military, but w/o the bayonet.

But our troops usually use single shot, not burst fire. You’re able to fire a much more accurate (deadly) shot, that way. Note: you can buy our Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight on Amazon. So troops usually select the same fire option available on AR-15.

That is why the AR-15 is ACCURATELY CALLED a ‘weapon of war.’ It is a very deadly weapon with the same basic functionality that our troops use to kill the enemy. Don’t take the bait when anti-gun-safety folks argue about it. They know it’s true. Now you do too.”

Eaton is not the only former military leader who has spoken out in support of gun legislation. In 2019, a group of 13 influential retired military leaders wrote a letter to Congress, pushing it to pass the Bipartisan Background Check Act.

“Each of us has, at some point in our lives, made the choice to risk our lives for our fellow citizens and place ourselves in harm’s way,” they wrote. “We were trained, we were coached, and we were prepared for the dangers that we chose to face. This is not the case for most Americans, yet they continue to face danger on the sidewalk, in their homes, at school, and at work. It is in the same spirit that led us to serve in the armed forces that we ask you, our elected leaders, to help protect the American people from gun violence here at home. We urge you to support this legislation.”

Police leaders have also voiced strong support for gun legislation, which makes sense considering how much harder and more dangerous our free-for-all gun culture makes their jobs. The International Association of Chiefs of Police, the largest professional association of police leaders in the world, has a position paper that outlines the gun safety laws it supports, including firearm offender registration, waiting periods, closing the gun show loophole, banning semiautomatic assault weapons, armor-piercing ammunition, bulletproof body armor and more. The IACP states that these are “common sense policies that would assist in reducing gun violence, while upholding the second amendment.”

Yep, the largest police leader association supports banning semiautomatic assault weapons like the AR-15. Here’s what it has to say about that:

“First passed in 1994, the assault weapons ban required domestic gun manufacturers to stop production of semi-automatic assault weapons and ammunition magazines holding more than ten rounds except for military or police use. While the ban was in place, it was remarkably effective in reducing the number of crimes involving assault weapons. In the period of the ban, (1994-2004) the proportion of assault weapons traced to crimes fell by a dramatic 66 percent.”

If those who oppose gun legislation don’t want to listen to people who don’t know enough about guns to speak authoritatively on them, that’s fine. Perhaps they should listen to these military and police leaders who not only know guns inside and out, but who also have the firsthand experience on both sides of the barrel to speak authoritatively on what can help minimize America’s gun violence.

This article originally appeared on 06.04.22

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NICU nurse adopts 14-year-old patient who delivered triplets alone

Having your first baby is a scary experience. Everything is new—you’ve quite literally never done this before—not to mention an entire human is going to be removed from your body one way or another. Childbirth, no matter how your baby leaves your body, is not for the weak. But imagine giving birth alone to not just one baby, but three, all at the same time. Then imagine doing that feat at the age of 14.

Shariya Small experienced that scenario in a hospital in Indiana, and her nurse Katrina Mullen took note. Small’s babies were premature, born at just 26 weeks, when the average gestation for triplets is 33 weeks, according to Due to their early birth, the babies, Serenitee, Samari and Sarayah, had to stay in the NICU at Community Hospital North in Indianapolis for more than five months, according to

During their time in the NICU, Mullen noticed the young mom visited her babies alone, not appearing to have much of a support system. “She’d be there alone for days at a time sitting at her babies’ bedside,” Mullen told

The pair got to know each other over the months that the babies were in the hospital, but Small continued to be reluctant to open up about her family life. That changed after she found out that Mullen had her first child at 16 and had given it up for adoption. Their experiences bonded the two moms, and Mullen began helping to care for the babies and Small by giving her advice and showing her how to properly care for the infants.

Eventually, Mullen gave Small her phone number before the babies were discharged from the hospital. It quickly became apparent that Small did not have a support system, as she called Mullen often asking for advice. Out of concern, the nurse went to visit Small an hour away, where she was living with a family member.

The condition of the home was concerning enough, but Mullen became even more worried when she saw how thin Small’s son Samari was. It turns out he had to be admitted to the hospital, which prompted a visit from Child Protective Services, who determined that Small and her three infants would need to enter foster care. She gave the social worker Mullen’s information and things began to fall into place.

Listen to Small and Mullen explain their unique story below:

This article originally appeared on 4.10.23

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Trevor Noah and Roger Federer board the ‘wrong train’ in perhaps the greatest tourism ad ever

What do you get when you combine comedian Trevor Noah, tennis legend Roger Federer and the world famous clock-making, chocolate-brewing, Alpine-skiing symbol of neutrality, Switzerland?

Apparently, a delightfully charming train ride through the Swiss countryside and perhaps the greatest tourism ad ever made.

Both Noah and Federer shared a tourism ad they collaborated on for the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland, and people are loving it. It’s one of those ads that people don’t care is an ad because it doesn’t really feel like an ad and it’s so enjoyable to watch. (It’s also incredibly effective—like, give us alllll the train rides through Switzerland, please.)

The ad plays like a mini-documentary of Noah and Federer filming a Swiss tourism ad gone wrong. The two men—both of whom are half-Swiss in real life—appear to hop on the wrong train while arguing about whether or not the ad they are filming is funny (or whether it even should be).

What follows is a tale involving Swiss punctuality, hospitality and stunning natural beauty, all wrapped up in wholesome hilarity.

Check it out:

Thousands of commenters have chimed in with how enjoyable and effective they found the ad:

“This clip is brilliant and I am definitely going to travel on that train in Switzerland in the near future. Excellent work,” wrote one commenter.

“Usually, I hate tourism ads because they’re always so clichéd and unoriginal, but this one hooked me from the beginning,” shared another. “Switzerland is such a beautiful country, and this ad singlehandedly convinced me so. Looking forward to this train ride sometime in the future! :)”

“This is criminally short!” wrote another. “I wish for a full hour! I can’t seem to get enough of them.”

Noah and Federer shared their experience making the video with Financial Times, and their “behind the scenes” stories are as delightful as the ad itself.

Federer, who is an official Switzerland Tourism Ambassador, shared how much he has enjoyed making Swiss tourism ads with Robert DeNiro, Anne Hathaway, and of course, Trevor Noah. He said the shoot with Noah brought him back to his own childhood.

“I was always on trains, leaving home, looking out of the window, seeing the trees and the fields go by and thinking, ‘Will I be a good tennis player? Will I not? Will I win, will I not?'” he said.

Several parts of the ad point to how strict the Swiss are about being on time, and Noah shared that there were a few instances while filming when a train really did almost take off with them inside.

“They weren’t even going to hold it for us,” he said. “We were like, ‘Oh, we’re making an ad,’ and then they were like, ‘Yeah, and the train has a schedule.'”

“We were laughing,” Noah said, imagining what would have happened if a train really had left with them on it. “Like, would that become the meta joke? Does that become the joke in the joke?”

If you enjoyed the train tour ad, take a few minutes to see Noah and Federer share how it came to be and how much fun they had making it.

This article originally appeared on 4.5.23

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Man tries to correct a female golfer’s swing, having no idea she’s actually a pro

We’re all probably familiar with the term “mansplaining,” when a man explains something to a woman in a condescending or patronizing way. Often, this comes in the form of a man explaining a subject to a woman that she already knows on an expert level. The female neuroscientist who was told by a man that she should read a research paper she actually wrote comes to mind.

Recently the next-level mansplaining was caught in the wild. Well, at a golf driving range anyway.

Georgia Ball, a professional golfer and coach who’s racked up over 3 million likes on TikTok for all her tips and tricks of the sport, was minding her own business while practicing a swing change.

It takes all of two seconds on Google to see that when it comes to incorporating a swing change, golfers need to swing slower, at 50-75% their normal speed…which is what Ball was doing.

And this is what prompted some man to insert his “advice.”

In the clip, we hear the man say “What you are doing there … you shouldn’t be doing that.”

Exhibiting the patience of a nun, Ball simply tells him that she’s going through a swing change.

But her attempts at reason are unfortunately interrupted, multiple times, when the man repeatedly assures her that since he’s been playing golf for 20 years, he knows what he’s talking about.

He then insists that she’s going too slow on her swing and should be following through.

Cue Ball’s incredulous look to the camera.

@georgiagolfcoach Can you believe he said this? 😳⛳️👀 #golf #golfswing #golflife #golftok #golftiktok #golfer #golfing #golfgirl #golfpro #golftips #golfclub #drivingrange ♬ original sound – Georgia Ball Golf

Hoping to appease him, Ball finally gives a hearty swing, writing “I knew I had to make this a good one” on the onscreen text.

As the ball sails through the air, the man says “see how much better that was?”

Yes. Really. He really said that.

Poor Ball then tries to tell him that even the “best players in the world” slow down their swing when going through a swing change.

“No, I understand what you’re saying, but I’ve been playing golf for 20 years,” the man repeats. At this point Ball is just “trying to keep it together.”

Sure, this guy might have not known who Ball was, but it’s pretty evident that the last thing she needed was this guy’s “advice.” And thus, the “mansplaining” jokes commend in the comments section.

Here’s a small sampling:

“As a guy, this is the first time I’ve ever seen ‘mansplaining’ happen.”

“The way he took credit for your next swing.”

“But did you consider that he’s been playing golf for 20 years?”

“*implement nothing he says* ‘See how much better that was’ HAHAHAHAH.”

“My hope is that he comes across this video and it keeps him up at night.”

Others couldn’t help but praise Ball for keeping her cool.

“He doesn’t even give you a chance to explain, just forces his opinion and advice onto you. Goon on you for staying calm and polite,” one person wrote.

Of course, others felt Ball was being “too nice” to the man. One even exclaimed, “there’s no reason to be so polite!”

And perhaps worst of all, this kind of behavior is pretty common, especially for female athletes. A fellow female golfer even commented “So glad you posted this because it is my BIGGEST frustration when I’m at the driving range. Unfortunately, men always feel the need to comment on my swing or want to coach me. Guys take note: Please don’t.”

On the bright side: as annoying as it is that Ball had to endure that (not to mention what it says about the very real b.s. that women in general have to put up with on the regular) she laughed it off and just went on about her life being awesome at what she does. Just like the other smart, capable women of the world.

It’s almost like…maybe women don’t need advice, so much as they need respect? Now there’s a concept.

This article originally appeared on 2.26.24

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After Igniting The Música Mexicana Explosion, Fuerza Regida Looks Forward With Jersey Corridos

fuerza_regida(1024x450) (1)
Merle Cooper/Via The Artist

Fuerza Regida is pushing corridos into the future. After laying the groundwork for the música Mexicana explosion, the Mexican-American group returned with its ninth album Pero No Te Enamores. In addition to producing more fiery corridos, Fuerza Regida are also introducing the sound of jersey corridos alongside artists like Maluma, Major Lazer, Afrojack, and Gordo.

“It feels dope as hell being part of this Mexican corrido genre,” Jesús Ortiz Paz, the lead singer of Fuerza Regida who goes by JOP, says. “Being one of the pioneers and still being the ones pushing out this music to the world, it feels great.”

The corridos tumbados takeover on both sides of the US-Mexico border started stirring in late 2019. Before Peso Pluma‘s breakthrough last year, the acts leading the música Mexicana movement were Fuerza Regida, Natanael Cano, and Junior H. The San Bernardino-based band in particular has experienced multi-platinum success with their albums like 2019’s Del Barrio Hasta Aquí and last year’s Pa Las Baby’s y Belikeada. Last September, Shakira also tapped Fuerza Regida for “El Jefe,” an empowering ode to Latino people who migrate to the US in search of a better life.

Fuerza Regida recently scored its biggest hit yet by changing the corrido formula. The guys collaborated with Marshmello on the house-infused banger “Harley Quinn,” which has over 488 million streams on Spotify. With Pero No Te Enamores, the band wants to help the sound of corridos evolve and continue to reach more listeners. Over Zoom, JOP talked with Uproxx about the growth of corridos, the band’s ambitious album, and running his own record label.

As OGs of the corridos tumbados movement, what do you guys think about the música Mexicana explosion?

It feels crazy that our music now is making a different type of noise, going mainstream, and breaking barriers. Something that it wasn’t doing back then. It feels great.

How do you guys feel to be pushing this movement forward as Mexican-Americans in the genre?

It feels dope man, especially being born over here in the states. Getting to implement our style, the way we dress, the way we flow, and the way we do our thing into our Mexican culture is dope.

Why do you think millions of people are connecting with Fuerza Regida’s corridos?

The Mexican genre in general is doing really good for itself. All the artists, we’re all killing it. My music in general and the stuff we say is really relatable to the fans. We transmit good energy. I think there’s good storytelling behind our songs. Everyone can really relate to the lyrics. It talks about girls. It talks about everything.

How did you guys feel about Shakira choosing you to make a corrido-type song “El Jefe”?

Collaborating with Shakira in general is dope because she is one of our big idols and now we’re over here singing with her. That was crazy! It was dope and it was a good message for everybody who relates to that song. We’re big fans of hers. We’re not just big fans of Shakira. We’re big fans of Kylie Jenner, Ice Spice. All the women. We’re fans of all the girls.

“Harley Quinn” with Marshmello has become such a big hit. What was the experience like to fuse your style of music with his for that collaboration?

It was a different experience. I remember the first time we tried to make it happen, he couldn’t figure out how to tell us about making the song in 4/4. Our corridos are in 3/4. The second time I linked with him, he was like, “Hey man, I think you have to do it in 4/4.” I was like, “Alright, let’s try it.” We tried it. I had my composer right there and we started spitting some flows and we got “Harley Quinn.” That song put a whole different thing on the industry. I actually spoke to a couple friends saying that they should hop on the wave. I don’t think anyone has done it yet. I even told Gabito [Ballesteros] about it. I told him, “You should do it, bro. You should do this ‘Harley Quinn’ style.” He tried to do a little bit of it, but I feel like no one’s doing it. Everyone has to try it.

Why did you want to continue exploring this interesting mix of corridos and EDM on Pero No Te Enamores?

I wanted to do something different. We dropped Pa Las Baby’s Y Belikeada and the EP Dolido Pero No Arrepentido. We dropped those projects and our songs were like in the top 10. It was seven songs killing it, so I was like, “We have to do something different.” I got really inspired by the Drake dance album [Honestly, Nevermind] so I wanted to do my dance album. We just kept our essence of Fuerza Regida. When you hear the album and hear the different songs, you know it’s still Fuerza Regida. We didn’t change our style. We didn’t change our accent. We kept it Mexican. Whatever we’re talking about now, that’s what we’re saying in that type of music. It’s a different beat.

With this album, you also introduce the sound and concept of Jersey corridos. How did the idea come about to create Jersey corridos?

It was right there when we created “Harley Quinn.” It’s a jersey corrido, but Marshmello put his house music into it. I’ve always liked Jersey and I’ve always wanted to do Jersey. I told Marshmello, “Hey, we got to add Jersey.” He didn’t want to add it. He was like, “It’s burned out.” I was like, “Not in our genre. We gotta use Jersey.” We put it on the second half of “Harley Quinn.” We wanted to do one full jersey. That’s why “Secreto Victoria” is all jersey with the guitarras, the trombone, and the charcheta. In “Harley Quinn,” we were using the tololoche as well. In the first part, we used tololoche. That was iconic and we did it again with “Bella.” That one has tololoche. With the tololoche, we’re making the Jersey club beat. In “Secreto Victoria,” we didn’t use the tololoche. We use the whole 808s. It’s Jersey club with our guitarras and charchetas. We’re just experimenting and we’re creating something new. Jersey corridos are going to be the next thing. Watch!

How would you describe working on the jersey corridos with the producer Synthetic?

Synthetic made the song “Just Wanna Rock” by Lil Uzi Vert. He does good Jersey club. When I found out our team was friends with him, I was like, “We gotta get that guy on the album. We’re going to do a bunch of Jersey songs.” We have a lot of Jersey as well that doesn’t have the guitar in it like “Nel.” That song is Jersey club and then it turns into reggaeton. It’s still Jersey. We could pretty much call it a jersey corrido. Why? Because of what we’re singing in those songs. We can do whatever we want now. Being Mexican, talking our lingo, these new genres, and creating new music is dope.

One of songs that recalls your corridos tumbados style is “Belinda.” What was the story behind that one?

One of my writers had the song ready. His name is Jonatan Caro. I think he wrote it with Daniel Candia and Daniel Gutierrez. They had the song right there and I remember when he showed it to me, I loved it. That was eight months ago. I had that song for a while already. I had it before I dropped Pa Las Baby’s Y Belikeada. It didn’t make it on the album. I was already turning that album in and I wanted to save this song for later. Because I had a lot of different genres on this album, I just put three songs that are familiar like “Belinda.” That’s a song that I really like.

What do you want people to take away from this album?

I want them to feel the energy and the vibe. I want them to feel and know that it’s Fuerza Regida in there. I want them to appreciate the music. More than anything, they’re going to know it’s us. They’re going to know it’s Fuerza Regida. I expect that a lot of core fans will be like, “What’s up with this foo? I want the old JOP back.” They’ve been saying that already. Now they’re going to be more haters, but I feel like it’s going to settle in hopefully. It’s a risk, but I want them to like it of course.

You guys are on tour in the US. What can people expect from a Fuerza Regida concert?

It’s a whole experience. It’s crazy. It’s a 360 setup. Pretty much almost every show is sold out. We perform all the new songs. Now the new shows are going to have this new album. New things are happening every time. We invite a lot of our artists as special guests and there will be special performances.

You’re also running your own record label Street Mob. How would you describe the experience of working on the business side of the industry?

I got my partners Walks and Toro and my big team and they help me. I get to focus on everything. They help me with Fuerza Regida as well because the group is under Street Mob Records. I’ve always wanted to be a businessman, so that’s natural to me. All we do is work. Now we have a record label we gotta run. We got a band. We’re just busy being entrepreneurs. I’m doing the artist thing. We’re doing everything. With Oswaldo NR, Chino Pacas, Calle 24, and Clave Especial, we’re killing it to be honest. All my artists are killing it. It’s crazy. We’re living history right now. We’re all in our twenties. We got a record label coming up with a bunch of artists coming up. It’s amazing.

What do you see for the future of corrido and música Mexicana?

I see us being the next big thing. I see the music being mainstream. We just really got to be together. All these artists, we got to stop the egos and all that sh*t. We gotta collaborate more or the genre is going to fall. Right now that’s not happening. We need all of us to get back together and get to work. We gotta stick together.

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This Might Be The World’s Biggest ‘South Park’ (Or At Least Randy Marsh) Fan

randy marsh
comedy central

South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut turned 25 years old last month, which seems impossible to anyone who tried to sneak into the R-rated movie when they were only 11 years old (couldn’t be me). One of the most striking things about watching the movie now is how little Randy Marsh there is. He only has one line of dialogue! Over 20 seasons later, Randy is practically the fifth lead after Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny, and someone who has provided so many of the funniest moments in South Park history.

Randy is so popular and beloved, he’s even been immortalized in shrine form.

“an update to the shrine of my husband, randy marsh!! i spent a lot of time reorganizing and such and i’m so so happy with how it turned out,” @tokitaffy — who also goes by “#1 Randy Kisser” — wrote on X. She included photos of the truly staggering amount of Randy items she owns, including pictures, cardboard cut outs, toys, bed sheets, pillows, and pride flags.

@tokitaffy’s real name is Norah, and she told The Daily Mail that her fixation on Randy started in 2022. “Some people think it’s a little weird, but it’s something that makes me happy, so they don’t judge me and think it’s on brand for me anyways. Most people either have been in shock or supported my love of Randy,” she explained. Norah, who is autistic, added, “I’ve had a lot of autistic people tell me my videos have made them more comfortable being open with their own hyperfixations and that makes me happy.”

The most expensive item in the collection? Probably the “27-inch plushies by ToyFactory,” Norah revealed, “they’re usually sold online for between £80 [$102.85] and £230 [$295.71] depending on who you buy them from.”

Ya ya ya Norah is Randy Marsh’s biggest fan ya ya ya.

(Via X/@tokitaffy)