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An open letter to men who will have sex with me but won’t date me

Many years before I got together with my boyfriend, I had a sex thing with this guy that I thought was relationship material.

He not only had an amazing body but a great personality as well. I was honest when I met him that I was looking for something more than just sex, and he led me to believe that was what he wanted, too.

Between mind-blowing sex sessions, we ordered in, played video games, and watched movies — couple things but without the label. But when I tried to get him to go to a show or out to dinner with me, he refused. My frustration grew as the months went on, and one day I confronted him.

“Why don’t we ever go anywhere?”

“We have everything we need here,” he answered while simultaneously distracting me by caressing my shoulder blades.

“We actually don’t,” I said. “I’m hungry, let’s check out that new Indian place around the corner.”

“No! We might run into one of my buddies,” he said, moving his body further away from me. The underlining meaning was clear — he couldn’t take the chance that someone he knew would see him with me.

He needed to keep our relationship on the DL so that no one would ever suspect that he enjoyed spending time with me — a fat woman.

He was super fit, so obviously that’s the kind of woman he wanted to be associated with, the kind he could be seen with at the Indian place.

When I realized he was ashamed of being seen with me, I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach — a place where much of my pain already resided.

To him, I was fuckable but not dateable. He dumped me soon after that conversation.

He did me a favor by not continuing to lead me on. Otherwise, I might still be trying to prove to him that I was worth any shit he might have gotten from other people. If I was still his secret shame, I might not have met my next boyfriend, so thanks, athletic asshole.

I had hoped that, in this age of body positivity, men would no longer need to hide their desires when it comes to fat women.

But I was wrong.

It’s just a sad fact: Many men who are sexually attracted to fat women are ashamed of it.

They’re OK with banging a fat girl, but they don’t want to hang out with her — someone might judge them for it.

It’s one thing if you’re not into fat women — everyone has their preferences, and not every body type appeals to everyone. But if you find larger women hot and you want to have sex with them without being associated in public with them, that’s emotionally abusive.

Everyone should have the freedom to express their desires openly (as long as there’s consent from both parties). If you modify your behavior and wants to what you think will protect you from criticism and/or ridicule, then you need help because that kind of self-loathing will only grow until it has destroyed you.

Don’t act like we’re in a relationship if all you really want is to experience what sex with a fat woman is like.

I’ll tell you what it’s like: It’s as amazing and fun as having sex with anyone who’s into having sex with you. We don’t have magic vaginas, and our breasts don’t do any special tricks — well besides the usual, like feed or comfort people.

Fat women are just as hot and sexually gifted as women of other shapes, sizes, and abilities. Being fat doesn’t mean we’re so hungry for attention that we’ll put our own needs aside and do whatever we can to rock your world.

If you’re with someone who doesn’t make you feel beautiful or who isn’t proud to have you on their arm, you need to dump their ass.

Being alone is far better than compromising on what you deserve or being made to feel as if you’re someone’s big dirty secret.

You’re not only dateable, you’re lovable and worthy of being treated with respect and love.

I regret not standing up for myself when I discovered the athletic guy was only using me for sex. But at least I learned, as we all should learn, that I’m responsible for being my biggest advocate and to never accepting anything less than what I need.

This article was written by Christine Schoenwald and originally appeared on 06.29.18

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People Missed The ‘Satire’ In Katy Perry’s ‘Women’s World’ Video, Or So She Claimed

Katy Perry CMAs 2022
Getty Image

In May, Katy Perry wrapped up her time as a judge on American Idol. The reason for her split from the reality competition show was, in her words: “See the world and bring new music in it.”

On July 11, Perry shared the official video for her forthcoming album’s lead Dr. Luke-produced single, “Woman’s World.” Unfortunately, Perry’s typical larger-than-life campy approach has not been received well by the public. So, yesterday (July 13), she took to X (formerly Twitter) to response to the overwhelming criticism her visual has received.

“You can do anything! Even satire,” she wrote.

In the attached clip, Perry is on the set of the video shoot alongside her background dancers. “We’re kind of just having fun being a bit sarcastic with it,” she said. “It’s very slapstick, and very on the nose. And with this set, it’s like, ‘Oooh, we’re not about the male gaze, but we really are about the male gaze,’ and we’re really overplaying it and on the nose because I’m about to get smashed which is like a reset, a reset for me, and a reset for my idea of feminine divine, and it’s a whole different world we go to after this.”

Watch Katy Perry’s full video response below.

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10 Black women sat in first class on an airplane and it revealed a lot about race in America

Software developer Angie Jones’ recent girls trip revealed that America still has a long way to go when it comes to race.

To most, that’s not surprising. But what’s unique is how the specific experience Jones and her friends went through revealed the pervasive way systemic racism still runs through our culture.

Jones is the Senior Director of Developer Relations at Applitools, holds 26 patented inventions in the United States of America and Japan, and is an IBM Master Inventor.

On July 27, she tweeted about a flight she took with nine other Black women and they all sat in first class. “People literally could not process how it was possible,” she wrote. “Staff tried to send us to regular lines. Passengers made snide remarks. One guy even yelled ‘are they a higher class of people than I am?!'”

Jones and her friends were the targets of racism that ranged from the seemingly unconscious — people who assumed that Black people don’t sit in first class — to the blatant — those who were seriously bothered that Black people were being treated as having a higher status.

It’s interesting that she didn’t mention anyone saying “good for you” for succeeding in a world that often holds people of color back. Instead, she was greeted with incredulity and jealous rage.

There are a lot of white people who can’t stand the idea of a Black person being elevated above them. It’s disturbing that in 2021 there are still some who will admit it publicly.

Jones’ tweets inspired a lot of people to share their stories about the racism they’ve experienced while flying first class.

Jones’ tweets also angered some people to the point that they denied her story. To which she responded, “To those saying I’m lying, you’re a huge part of the problem,” she wrote. “You tell yourself a notable person is lying (for what reason, I cannot figure out) before you believe there are actual racists in…America.”

One Twitter user came up with the perfect retort to the person who asked, “Are they a higher class of people than I am?!”

This article originally appeared on 07.29.21

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People are sharing the parenting trends that absolutely ‘need to end now’

It’s tough to quantify whether today’s parents are stricter or more permissive than previous generations, but the overall sentiment seems to be that parents are more lenient than they were a few decades back.

A poll by YouGov found that younger Americans are more likely than their elders to have been raised by “not very strict” or “not at all strict” parents. Thirty-nine percent of under-30s say that their parents weren’t very strict or not strict at all, compared to only 15% of over-65s.

Nicola Kraus, author of “The Nanny Diaries,” believes that it’s a natural outgrowth of the fact that we know a lot more about children than we did in the past.

“We are deeply aware that our children are cognizant, conscious humans in a way previous generations weren’t aware. Children were treated like pets or-worse-release-valves for their parents’ stresses and fears, then expected to magically transform into healthy, functional adults,” she writes.

But this change in parenting has encouraged other trends that many think are creating a greater number of entitled young adults who can’t fend for themselves. These days we have helicopter parents, bulldozer parents and dependent parents whose overinvolvement in their children’s lives renders them incapable of becoming fully integrated adults.

Reddit user u/qquackie asked the online forum “What parenting ‘trend’ do you strongly disagree with?” and got an overwhelming number of responses from people who think that today’s parents are raising entitled children.

Many of the responders think that parents are being too sensitive with their children and they don’t provide firm boundaries. They also think it’s a big problem for kids to think they’re the center of the universe.

Here are 21 of the most popular responses to the parenting question.

1. Pretending that not parenting is parenting

“I won’t tell my child to stop kicking your leg repeatedly because i don’t want to crush his spirit!’ — StoicDonkey

2. ​Denying your kid any negative experiences or emotions

“They are a normal part of being a person, teach them to handle negative emotions now before you send them out into a world they are not prepared to handle.” — IAmRules

3. Fake “gentle parenting”

“You hear and see so many parents letting their children do whatever they want, no matter how destructive, rude or hurtful their behaviours are. Parents find themselves beholden to the whims of their childrens’ emotions in the name of gentle parenting, instead of true gentle parenting where (so I hear) boundaries are set alongside validating emotions.” — candianuk

4. Not setting clear boundaries

“You are the adult, not the kid. Children benefit sooo much more from clear rules and consequences.” — NorthWeight3580

5. The “bulldozer” parent

“The parent who removes all obstacles/challenges from a child’s life so they don’t learn about perseverance, problem solving, failure (sometimes you can try hard and still not get the reward) and learning from mistakes – unless the goal is to develop a highly anxious person – then, being a bulldozer parent is great.” — spinefexmouse

6. Stage-mom syndrome

“Abusing the talents of your child just to boost your self image in society.” — sweettooth_92

7. Nonstop supervision

“Hovering over them at every turn. Whatever happened to tossing them in a play area in another room and letting them create, explore, and get the occasional bumps?” — ansibley

8. Not believing the teacher

“‘My kid never lies to me.’ Seriously. Parents absolutely should be their kid’s biggest supporter. But support sometimes means holding the kid responsible when they don’t do the right thing.” — jdith123

9. “No talking back!”

“If this also counts… Parents who punish their kids for speaking up or otherwise explaining something, saying that they’re ‘talking back.’ I honestly don’t get why most parents refuse to admit they’re not always right sometimes. Besides, what if their kid one day comes up to them and says another adult is touching them inappropriately?” — EntryRepresentative5

10. Helicopter parenting

“Kids need freedom to explore the world, get dirty, engage in free play. I am not advocating putting the child outside on a Saturday morning and telling them to come home when the street lights come on, but an age acceptable level of freedom.” — Cat_Astrophe_X

11. Pushing them too hard

“Pushing them too hard in sports, academics, etc. Like pushing til they need therapy or get injured, no free time, no downtime. FFS, they only get to be young & without excessive responsibilities once.” — Oh-Oh-Ophelia

12. Tablets in public

“Loud cartoons and games on tablets in public places.” — StarrCreationsLLC

13. Potty training too late

“Oh man, I’m a nanny and work in daycare. I can talk so much about this. One is late potty training. Waiting to potty train a child is more and more common. Which I generally agree with. Wait until they’re 2.5-3 and knock it out. Some take longer, some are probably ready earlier. Better than rushing it and causing issues. What this has turned into. Not potty training. I nanny a 4 year old that is still in pull ups. She is more than capable of using the potty. Our 4 year old classroom just installed a diaper genie because so many 4 year olds are starting preschool in diapers. My best friend who is a Kindergarten teacher had 2 kids start kindergarten in diapers. Luckily they’re potty trained now.” — cleaning-meaning

14. Kids on social media

“Creating social media channels for your children where they proceed to upload videos and photos of their kids. Perfect place for pedophiles.” — AJSK18

15. Too much structure

​”I guess the overall trend of prioritizing academics/extracurriculars and college admissions over everything else. Give your kids some chores and let them hang out with their friends outside of structured sports and musical activities!” — hausfrau224

16. Tablet addiction

“Constantly giving your kid(s) a tablet or cellphone to keep them busy because you can’t be bothered to actually be a parent or pay attention to them.” — ZRuneDemonX

17. Letting the kid make all the choices

“I believe kids should have reasonable choices, like what their snack is and the character that’s on their bedspread, but you can’t let your 3 year old decide when you’re allowed to leave your house. The world doesn’t work that way.” — cihojuda

18. Silence

“Saying ‘what goes on in this house, stays in this house.’ I know hundreds of victims of abuse, go through years of pain because of this phrase.” — Dixie_Maclant

19. Birthdays

“The social media trend that keeps upping the expectations for birthday parties and any celebration connected to a kid. When I was a kid, birthdays consisted of a handmade invitation made by me, a cake from the grocery store, food that my Mom cooked and then inviting some friends and family over for games. Today’s expectation is that every monthversary and half-birthday consist of a huge arch of balloons that will end up in the trash, a customized three-tier fondant cake, gift wrapping that color-coordinates with the themed party favors and of course, a very intentional outfit for the numerous photo ops that will take up most of the day. Anything for the ‘gram, right? Don’t even get me started on gender reveal announcements.” — littlebunsenburner

20. Parent, not friend

“Trying to be your kid’s ‘friend,’ not a parent. A parent is there to provide guidance and responsible behavior to model. Yes, sometimes making their actions have consequences and setting boundaries can be difficult and they’ll not be too happy with you. That’s part of the job. Ultimately I think that will result in a healthier relationship than being the “cool” permissive parent. I’ve seen results of that style of (not) parenting with very sad outcomes.” — DataPlenty

21. You’re not special

“Perpetuating the myth that one’s children are somehow special. With about 97% certainty, they are not. Teaching them that they are just sets them up for crushing disappointment down the road. It’s far better to raise kids to believe they are ordinary people with a few gifts, but also some flaws and weaknesses.” — AssistantToTheSensei

This article originally appeared on 2.20.23

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It’s not COVID, it’s culture: Teacher who has worked overseas shares the problem with U.S. kids

A recent study by the National Center for Education Statistics found that 87% of public schools say the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted students’ socio-emotional development. Respondents have also said there has been a significant increase in student misconduct.

However, a teacher with 24 years of experience in the U.S. and abroad believes we are misplacing blame for this rise in misconduct. In a viral TikTok video with over 480,000 views, Lisa Conselatore claims that the big problem isn’t the pandemic but modern parenting.

“The problem is cultural,” Conselatore says. “We have raised children to think that they are absolutely the most important person in any room. They are so special that whatever they want to do, or whatever they think, or whatever they say is the most important thing in that moment.”


#tiredteacher #enough #raisingkids #timetolisten #supportteachers #culturetalk #culturecheck #teachersoftiktok #teachersontiktok #teaching2023belike

“I know your children are special to you. I know that my children are special to me,” she continues. “But none of them are the most special person ever in the room at any time. They’re not. Nobody is because we live in a society and we all have to get along and we all have to respect one another and part of respecting one another is recognizing when you have a contribution to make and when you need to sit there and open your ears. … We don’t have that down. We’ve missed it.”

In the video, Conselatore lays some pretty big blame on America’s parents, but she also offers some simple solutions to improve the situation.

“Teach them when to listen, taking a turn to speak. Speak when it’s appropriate. When you have something to say and. It’s your turn,” she says. “Let’s reevaluate our family cultures, our community cultures, and our larger society cultures. Because of this is not working, not working.”

This article originally appeared on 11.7.23

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Couple buys new house and finds abandoned dog tied to a tree by the old homeowners

Molly, an adorable, affectionate 10-year-old pit bull, found herself tied to a tree after her owners had abandoned her.

According to The Dodo, Molly had “always been a loyal dog, but, unfortunately, her first family couldn’t reciprocate that same love back,” and so when the house was sold, neither Molly nor the family’s cat was chosen to move with them. While the cat was allowed to free roam outside, all Molly could do was sit and wait. Alone.

Luckily, the young couple that bought the house agreed to take the animals in as part of their closing agreement, and as soon as the papers were signed, they rushed over to check in.

In a TikTok video, April Parker, the new homeowner, walks up to Molly, who is visibly crestfallen with teary eyes. But as soon as Parker begins cooing, “Baby girl…you’re gonna get a new home,” the pitty instantly perks up—all smiles and tail wagging.

“We are going to make her life so good,” Parker wrote in the video’s caption. “She will never be left all alone tied to a tree.”

@geaux75 The people that sold our house to us left behind their 10yr old dog they had since it was a puppy. I was so stressed we wouldnt get the house and something bad would happeb to her. We are going to maje her life so good. She will never be left all alone tied to a tree. 😭😢@roodytoots ♬ Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) [2018 Remaster] – Kate Bush

The video has been seen upwards of 4 million times. Countless people commented on how enraging it was to see a dog treated so carelessly.

“I’ve had my dog since she was 7 weeks old. She just turned 10 a few days ago. I literally cannot imagine doing this,” one person wrote.”

Another added: “The tears in her eyes…she doesn’t understand why they could just leave her, it breaks my heart. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to be pet owners.”

Subsequent videos show Parker freeing Molly from her leash and introducing the sweet pup to her husband, with whom she was instantly smitten. It’s clear that this doggo was both relieved and elated to be taken in by her new family.

Since being rescued, Molly has accompanied her new mom and dad everywhere.

@geaux75 Replying to @ohitscourtney ♬ Lucky Girl – Carlina

“She’s sticking to our side,” Parker wrote. “She won’t stop following us around. It’s so sweet.”

Parker has created an entire TikTok channel documenting her newfound pet’s journey, aptly named “Molly’s New Life,” showing Molly enjoying warm baths, plenty of treats, cuddles…all the finer things in life.

But what Molly seems to enjoy most of all is car rides:

@geaux75 Taking Molly to get a treat! Stay tuned!! #mollysnewlife #goodgollymissmolly ♬ original sound – Mollysnewlife 🐾🐕💗

And in case you’re wondering, the kitty is doing well, too, though it still prefers to stay outdoors.

Molly also has two indoor cat siblings who instantly welcomed her into the family. The video below shows one of them, Joofus, comforting a trembling Molly with kisses during a thunderstorm.

@geaux75 We had a big storm this morning and Molly was having a hard time. Joofus got on the bed and started comforting her. It was the sweetest thing. They got snuggled up and Molly went to sleep. Animals are amazing. #mollysnewlife #petsarefamily ♬ I Won’t Let Go – Rascal Flatts

It seems that Molly has gotten the safe, loving home she’s deserved all along.

We know that animal abandonment is fairly common. According to The Zebra, almost 4 million dogs are either given up to shelters or abandoned each year. And still, it’s really hard to fathom how humans can treat such innocent creatures with such blatant disregard when they provide so much pure joy.

Thankfully, there are folks out there like the Parkers who know that taking care of animals like Molly is one of life’s most precious offerings.

Stay up-to-date with the rest of Molly’s journey by following her on TikTok.

This article originally appeared on 5.31.23

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’90s kid shares the 10 lies that everyone’s parent told them

Children believe everything their parents tell them. So when parents lie to prevent their kids to stop them from doing something dumb, the mistruth can take on a life of its own. The lie can get passed on from generation to generation until it becomes a zombie lie that has a life of its own.

Justin, known as 90sKid4Lyfe on TikTok and Instagram, put together a list of 10 lies that parents told their kids in the ‘90s, and the Gen X kids in the comments thought it was spot on.

“Why was I told EVERY ONE of these?” Brittany, the most popular commenter, wrote. “I heard all of these plus the classic ‘If you keep making that face, it will get stuck like that,’” Amanda added. After just four days of being posted, it has already been seen 250,000 times.

Parents were always lying #90s #90skids #parenting


Parents were always lying #90s #90skids #parenting

Here are Justin’s 10 lies ’90s parents told their kids:

1. “You can’t drink coffee. It’ll stunt your growth.”

2. “If you pee in the pool, it’s gonna turn blue.”

3. “Chocolate milk comes from brown cows.”

4. “If you eat those watermelon seeds, you’ll grow a watermelon in your stomach.”

5. “Don’t swallow that gum. If you do, it’ll take 7 years to come out.”

6. “I told you we can’t drive with the interior light on. … It’s illegal.”

7. “Sitting that close to the TV is going to ruin your vision.”

8. “If you keep cracking your knuckles, you’re gonna get arthritis.”

8. “You just ate, you gotta wait 30 minutes before you can swim.”

10. “If you get a tattoo, you won’t find a job.”

This article originally appeared on 4.26.24

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Drake Thinks ‘Rap Is A Joke,’ According To The Nonchalant Graphic Tee He Was Spotted Wearing

drake grimacing
Getty Image

Rihanna isn’t the only superstar using their wardrobe to subtly address the public. Yesterday (July 13), Drake had something to get off of his chest, and he used a simple graphic tee to do so.

On his official Instagram page, Drake uploaded an image of himself sporting a t-shirt with the line: “Rap is a joke.” Below the image, Drake added a cryptic caption.

“The pressure from being on top does more than just make your ears pop,” read the post.

In the comment section of Drake’s post, followers showed their support with uplifting messages. But over on X (formerly Twitter), users called out the “Family Matters” rapper for being a poor sport after losing the lyrical feud against Kendrick Lamar.

“He’s just mad he lost his rap beef. LOL,” wrote one user.

“I bet rap is sure a joke, Aubrey, when you’re losing your rap battles. LOL 😂,” penned another.

“Of course it’s a joke to him since he lost a rap beef 😂😂,” chimed another.

“He lost, so of course he would think this. A sore loser just like Nicki Minaj. The whole young money team tanked,” claimed one user.

The $20 printed top is a signature merch item from Bay Area duo Rap Is A Joke (Frank Stacks and L-$) that creates parody pieces around hip-hop culture. Could this be Drake’s response to Kendrick Lamar’s “You think the Bay gonna let you disrespect Pac n*****” line on “Not Like Us?”

Rap Is A Joke Drake Response Instagram Stories 07142024
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What’s Popular On Streaming Now


Every single week, our TV and film experts will list the most important ten streaming selections for you to pop into your queues. We’re not strictly operating upon reviews or accrued streaming clicks (although yes, we’ve scoured the streaming site charts) but, instead, upon those selections that are really worth noticing amid the churning sea of content. There’s a lot out there, after all, and your

10. Sunny (Apple TV+ series)

Apple TV+ likes to keep it weird with their trips into the sci-fi realm. Here, Rashida Jones portrays an American ex-pat, Suzie, who finds herself alone in Japan when her family goes missing. As a result, a domestic robot enters her life, and this “relationship” begins to work out better than anticipated. Can they also solve the mystery of what happened to Suzie’s husband and son? Expect this season to keep you guessing the answers to that question, and you might want to also check out Rashida’s appearance in another Apple+ series, Silo because that Rebecca Ferguson-starring series remains a sleeper.

9. Trigger Warning (Netflix movie)

Jessica Alba stepped away from filmmaking for awhile to run her enormously successful business, but she’s back on sets and ready to make up for lost butt-kicking time. Here, her special-forces commando returns home and finds that it’s not such a welcome place. Soon enough, she’s looking for answers in her father’s death, and there is, of course, a violent gang that is interested in deterring her efforts. Alba clearly relished the stunt work and is finally appearing to enjoy Hollywood again. Good for her, and the popcorn-crunching audience will reap the benefits.

8. Sausage Party: Foodtopia (Prime Video/Amazon series)

The ridiculously popular R-rated animated movie from 2016 follows up with a spin off, in which the filthy jokes shall fly for a longer collective runtime. Naturally, Seth Rogen is sill forcing the leading Frank (a sausage) while the group of profane grocery items attempts to come together as a community. That should (not) go well, and Rogen will be joined again by former co-stars Kristen Wiig, Edward Norton, Michael Cera, and David Krumholtz. New characters will be portrayed by Sam Richardson, Will Forte, and more.

7. The Bear (FX series streaming on Hulu)

This third season seemingly set out to make viewers hate Carmy, and mission accomplished? However, that conversation with Joel McHale’s Mean Chef might provide some closure for Jeremy Allen White’s character to start leaving his trauma behind. Jamie Lee Curtis’ Momma Berzatto was undoubtedly a source of that toxicity, too, and she received some redemption in “Ice Chips,” so here’s to Carmy cleaning up his emotional act without berating his fellow Chefs with so many non-negotiables in the process.

6. A Family Affair (Netflix movie)

As if it wasn’t awkward enough to navigate the ups and downs of being a movie star’s assistant, Joey King portrays a young woman who has to deal with her boss (Zac Efron) dating her mom (Nicole Kidman). This movie is a breezy way to spend some steaming time in between Netflix’s many current binge-worthy series, and seriously, I’m starting to wonder where Nicole Kidman finds time to star in projects on so many streaming services lately.

5. My Lady Jane (Prime Video series streaming on Amazon)

A “radical retelling” happens to be the all-the-rage method of engaging with historical fiction stories, and the Bridgerton crowd is enjoying this twist on Lady Jane Grey’s real-life fate while wondering what would have happened if she had escaped execution. This dramatic and romantic series is based upon the best-selling novels by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows.

4. Presumed Innocent (Apple TV+ series)

Well, well, well. This series took off so well for Apple TV+ that a single Scott Turow book won’t be enough to fill the newly announced second season. So much for a “limited series” status! Fortunately, there’s a great well of Turow source material to be inspired by, and the author will serve as an executive producer alongside David E. Kelley, J.J. Abrams, and Jake Gyllenhaal. Oddly enough, Gyllenhaal’s Roadhouse will receive a sequel film, too, so he might be the 2024 king of unexpected followups, and he will also be seen in sister Maggie’s The Bride! as well. Everything is truly coming up Gyllenhaals.

3. Supacell (Netflix series)

Traditional superhero movies and TV shows are out of vogue for the moment, but clearly, audiences do retain an insatiable appetite for inventive stories about those who happen to have extraordinary powers. Such is the case with the South Londoner characters of Supacell, which follows ordinary-but-superpowered people while highlighting sickle cell disease and the social issues tied to its suffering. Rapman (whose real name happens to be Andrew Onwubolu) created the show, and fans await word of a second season.

2. The Boys (Prime Video/Amazon series)

The penultimate season episode ended with a Starlight cliffhanger, and poor Hughie thought his year was getting better, but oh, he has no idea. From here, we will hopefully find out more about this shape-shifting business and how Homelander continues to cope with A-Train’s betrayal. Speaking of which, Deep will live to rue the day that he tossed Ambrosia into the closet without water, and y’all, Tilda Swinton voiced an octopus. We live in amazing TV times, and next week’s episode, “Assassination Run,” both destroyed and invigorated me, and it’s worth watching upon debut because there will be intense spoilers flying around.

1. House of the Dragon (HBO series streaming on Max)

For sure, the dragons deserve better on this show, and this week, we will see how Team Black and Team Green respond to losing two of their key weapons at Rook’s Rest, simply because Alicent made a grave mistake and then refused to right that ship, so that Aegon could remain on the Iron Throne. That hasn’t worked out so well, but then again, that merciless teasing of Aemond also did not bode well for the Targaryens. They really are their own worst enemies, and nope, they do not deserve to have those dragons.

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People are saying this couple’s pregnancy announcement is so good it ‘deserves an Oscar’

A new video by Rachel and Spencer Lampton of Minnesota is just a minute long, but it takes the viewer through an intense emotional journey. At first, the couple appears to be headed for divorce because they can’t handle the advantages of living the DINK (double income, no kids) lifestyle.

“Me and Spencer have been married for almost four years now and it’s been so amazing in so many ways,” Rachel says with her tongue firmly planted in cheek. “But recently, it’s gotten pretty difficult.”

The couple admits they just can’t handle having free time for their hobbies, a clean house and excess money in the bank. So they decide they “need a change” that will undermine their happy, stress-free existence. They’re having a kid or, as they call it: “F—ing up our lives in the best way we knew how.”

The funny, well-produced video has won raves with commenters on TikTok and Instagram. “This is an award-winning pregnancy announcement,” one commenter wrote. “This deserves an Oscar,” another added.

“You forgot to mention that you’re tired of getting enough sleep,” a commenter joked.

The couple was inspired to make the announcement video after friends and family members who, instead of encouraging them to have children, warned them about how having one would disrupt their lives. Rachel said their naysayers forced her to “overthink” her plans for the future. But now, they’re ready for a new life with a baby due in December.

The couple hopes that having a child will “Prove the haters wrong. We know we’ll be good parents,” Rachel told