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Baby talking gibberish in a Scouse accent is an adorable window into language learning

The way humans learn language in early childhood is a fascinating thing. You don’t have to directly teach a baby how to talk—they learn through immersion and observation, deriving meaning through repetition, context, facial expressions and body language.

Learning to talk isn’t just learning how to form sounds into words. It’s also learning how to communicate within a social structure, which starts with the family and community. Even two people who speak the same language will have differences in how they communicate, from slang to hand gestures to accent, based on where and with whom they live.

And nowhere is that more apparent than in a viral video of a Liverpool mom having a “conversation” with her baby.

The video shows a woman lying on a bed, chatting with a baby who doesn’t want to go to sleep. Their back-and-forth includes the woman explaining that the baby has had a bottle and a diaper change and is now supposed to go to sleep, while the baby argues back in 99% gibberish—but with a clear Scouse accent (the British accent associated with Liverpool, England).

Watch the video from @iamcustardpot on TikTok:


Cutie patoooootie!! #scousetiktok #fyp #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp

People were surprised and delighted at how well you could hear the accent come through even though the baby was just babbling.

“A baby scouse accent is killing me😭😭”

“Gibberish in a Scouse accent is my new favourite 🥰😂”

“bro mastered the scouse accent but no words 👏😂”

“This is the most adorable Scouse accent ever 😭😂”

“Scouse accent with no actual words is elite.”

“The scouse accent is more important than words.😂”

“For anyone wondering about why she’s got a scouse accent, babies mimic intonation and sounds before they learn words 😁”

That last commenter is right. As child development expert Dan Wuori explained in a post on X, this video is a perfect example of how elements of a baby’s language develops long before they are able to form coherent words.

“Do babies develop accents even before they can speak conventionally? The short answer is yes… and these linguistic markers begin even sooner than you might think,” wrote Wuori. “Other than “no” he doesn’t speak a single conventional word, but listen to how the rhythm and intonation of his vocalizations mirror those to which he is exposed daily. As hearing becomes functional during the third trimester, infants are exposed to the distinct patterns of their mothers’ native language—with studies suggesting newborns can already distinguish (and prefer) what will become their native tongue only hours after birth.”

Wuori explained that such learning is evidenced even before the babbling stage.

“Research suggests that even the cries of newborns reflect this preference. That’s right: babies cry with an accent. One major study on the topic showed that French babies cry with a rising intonation, while German infants favor a falling melody—both reflecting the patterns of their native languages. We’re only just beginning to understand the deep learning that begins in utero. It’s just more evidence that the period from prenatal to three is the most critical window in all of human development.”

By the way, the baby’s name is Orla and the woman in the video, Layka, is not Orla’s mom but she looks after her sometimes. After the video went viral, Orla got her own TikTok page so people can enjoy hearing her little Scouse babbles and watch her language development as it explodes into real words and sentences. You can follow Orlasworld on TikTok and see more of her chatting with Aunty Layka here:


Sick of aunty Layka trying to tell me what to do #scousetiktok #scousebaby #fyp #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp

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Man’s tearful revelation about his absent father highlights the vital role dads play

Parents have no problem admitting that their children did not arrive with an instruction manual. Sure, there are books, articles, and people who tout themselves as parenting experts giving advice but there’s no one size approach to parenting that gets stuffed in your diaper bag when leaving the hospital. Instead we rely on the proverbial village to help parents figure it out and if there’s no village…well…guessing has solved many parenting dilemmas.

But even if parents have the best intentions, some parents are fighting battles that impair their ability to properly care for their children. Be it addiction, mental health conditions or lack of resources, some things override the parental switch that’s supposed to flip once you find out a child is on the way. Unfortunately, children born in those circumstances carry the scars well into adulthood.

Actor and comedian D’Lai recently shared a tear-filled podcast episode discussing how having an absent father growing up continues to impact his life as an adult.

In the podcast video uploaded to social media, D’Lai explains that his mother was killed when he was just nine months old and was raised by his grandmother due to his father’s absence. At the age of 12, the man was essentially left to care for himself after his grandmother passed away. His tragic beginnings didn’t stop him from continuing his education, playing sports and trying to better his life but his father’s presence was still missing.

D’Lai shares that at 17 his father explains that his addiction to drugs kept him out of his life, “I needed some answers from him as to why he’s absent. His explanation was, he was on drugs. He was wild and doing his thing. I get that, cool. But at some point you have to mature and you say okay, let me be a father to this guy.”

As the video goes on, D’Lai shares that after learning his father was planning out his funeral and last wishes, he realized he hasn’t healed from the parental absence. The interview quickly took an emotional turn after that revelation causing the adult son to say through tears, “he was supposed to be there.” D’Lai has a good relationship with his own sons despite still struggling to connect with his father. It’s clear that reliving the instances of broken promises and missed milestones is extremely painful even with all of the personal successes that he’s had. The absence of his father during celebratory moments was felt.

The vulnerability D’Lai shows during the podcast has others sharing their gratitude for his willingness to be so exposed publicly. Some viewers shared their own experiences with having an absent father, showing just how important it is for fathers to be an involved parent.

“This proves enough of how big of man you became, Thank you for sharing your truth, the strength and vulnerability . This what makes us men,” one person writes.

One man writes in part, “Here I was scrolling watching cute animal videos and things being smushed by a machine then I see this and it transported me back to being a kid having similar experiences. I remember when I graduated high school not a single member of my family was there. My mom wanted to be there but my uncle was working late and couldn’t bring her. I was crushed man. I watched everybody else smile and lock eyes with their family in the crowd while walking across the stage. My baseball team/coaches were there but it wasn’t the same. Sh*t broke me so f**kin bad man I cried in the bathroom right before walking on stage n graduating with honors. Took me so long to process and cope with that feeling of loneliness. My whole childhood I needed my Dad man, it’s so hard for a woman to raise a man and teach him how to be a man. She did the best she could. D, I cried so hard when you said “Look at what I’ve become! Why do you still not want to be a part of my life?” I had to come to terms that some of our Dads had horrible Dads and no one to teach them how to be different or break the cycle. But I swear to God I will give my Kids my all. I’ll be there for every achievement or to catch you when you fall.”

“It takes an immense amount of strength for a man to share his pain and be vulnerable with others. This is going to help heal yourself and others more then u know,” another commenter shares.

“You just healed and saved some lives sharing. Love,” someone says.

The video undeniably struck a chord with many people, providing a space for others to share their own pain, comfort those who need it and wish others well. Hopefully by sharing his story more people with absent parents will begin their own healing process.

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Little boy mistakes multimillionaire for homeless man and they end becoming good friends

Kids can be amazingly empathetic people, many of them doing what they can to help others in need unprompted. Homelessness has been an increasing issue across America and some kids have taken small steps to try to help when they can. Kids are seen doing things like volunteering at a soup kitchen with their family, handing out personal hygiene kits and even making sandwiches in their own kitchen to give out.

One kid has been noticing a growing homeless population and wanting to lend a helping hand, but every time he encountered someone without a home, he had no money. But Kelvin Ellis didn’t stop the desire of wanting to help so the next time he came across a man that appeared homeless, he was excited that this time he had a dollar in his pocket.

Kelvin, who is 9-years-old spotted a houseless person standing in the corner of a restaurant and knew it was his chance. The boy approached the man who was standing with his eyes closed and held out the only money he had–a dollar bill. But to Kelvin’s surprise, the man refused the kind gesture and instead bought him breakfast because it turned out the man wasn’t homeless at all.

Matthew Busbice, the man standing in the corner, was simply doing his morning devotional prayer after having to leave his apartment in a rush when the building’s fire alarm went off. The man stepped across the street to the coffee shop after it was confirmed to be a false alarm at his building. That’s where Kelvin spotted him and attempted to give charity to Busbice, a multimillionaire.

Busbice launched and owns several brands and outdoor companies with his family. The multimillionaire also starred in two popular reality television shows with his family, Country Bucks on A&E and Wildgame Nation on Outdoor Channel. His money and niche fame didn’t stop him from chatting with Kelvin over breakfast while the little boy’s dad was at the eye doctor.

“You gave the only money in your pocket to me and thinking I was a homeless man, and that speaks volumes of your character and what this generation that’s coming up. If their more like Kelvin and they’re going to give, they’re going to be filled with joy, they’re going to be happy. They’re going to change the community then change the parish and change the state, and they can change the world,” Busbice tells WBRZ 2.

Kelvin didn’t expect to make a friend that day, but he did. You can see how Busbice repaid the little boy’s kind gesture below.

This article originally appeared on 4.25.24

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Boss shares 5 things he’s ‘sick’ of hearing from staff and people actually love him for it

Since the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted workplaces worldwide, there has been a greater push for improved work-life balance and many companies are taking notice. The exciting thing is that when companies become more flexible, their employees become happier and more productive.

It’s a win-win for all involved.

Rob Dance, the CEO of ROCK, a technology consulting company in the UK, recently went viral for posting about his approach to work-life balance on Instagram. What, at first, appeared to be a CEO reprimanding his employees revealed a boss who knows how to get the best out of is team by treating them like adults.

The post was of Dance holding a whiteboard that reads:

Things I’m sick of hearing from my employees:

– Can I leave early today

– I’ll be late in the morning

– My child is sick, can I rush off

– I’ve got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, is that okay

– I’m going to be late back from lunch, I’ve got some things to sort.

I don’t care.

I hired you for a job and I fully TRUST you to get it done.

I don’t need you to account for every single hour.

Times have changed, and the workplace is different these days.

People are sick of being treated like children.

All that should matter is that everyone is happy, and that the work gets done.

He also shared his advice for companies on how to treat their employees. “Treat your staff like adults. That’s it, that’s the big secret,” he wrote. “Give them autonomy. Respect that they have lives outside of work. Don’t gaslight them into being grateful for not being fired every day.” Because in the end, the only thing that matters is if they get the job done. “Output should always trump hours,” he concluded.

Upworthy contacted Dance, who explained why managers still hesitate to treat their employees like adults.

“Many bosses don’t trust their employees and keep extremely close tabs on them because of past experiences and a desire for control. They might believe that micromanaging ensures productivity and prevents issues,” he told Upworthy. “Additionally, the pressure to meet business targets can drive bosses to monitor employees obsessively, thinking it will lead to better outcomes. This approach, however, only undermines trust and destroys morale in the workplace. It creates a toxic environment where employees feel undervalued and stressed, leading to higher turnover rates and decreased overall performance. Instead of fostering a culture of accountability and growth, this behavior only promotes fear and resentment.”

Dance says that technology has helped drive demand for improved work-life balance.

“Mobile technology definitely started to blur the lines between one’s professional and personal life, making it tough to switch off from work,” he told Upworthy. “As a millennial leader, I’ve always valued work-life harmony for my staff, helping them to achieve both flexibility and finding purpose in their work.”

The ROCK CEO also has advice for employees who’d like to gain their employer’s trust.

“Always deliver quality work and aim to meet or exceed expectations. Keep communication lines open by regularly updating your manager on your progress, challenges, and successes,” he told Upworthy. “Take the initiative to go beyond basic requirements, showing your willingness to contribute more. Act with integrity by always being honest and ethical. Seek honest feedback and make tangible improvements based on it, demonstrating your commitment to growth. Finally, a big one is building positive relationships with everyone you work with, as strong connections are what help to build real trust.”

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Escape Miami For A Day At Biscayne National Park, One Of America’s Greatest Metro-Adjacent Wild Spaces

Biscayne National Park
Merle Cooper

Biscayne National Park is just minutes from Miami, yet presents a captivating counterpoint to the bustling South Beach scene. This truly remarkable ecological preserve encompasses a vast expanse of Biscayne Bay, offering a unique portal into a pristine marine environment teeming with life. Beyond the crystal-clear turquoise waters lie vibrant coral reefs and scattered islands within the park’s boundaries. With 95% of the park underwater – this park is unique and a must-visit for anyone living or visiting Miami.

Here is how to visit and what to do while you’re there.


Miami View
Emily Hart

Reaching Biscayne National Park from Miami by car is simple, as the scenic journey is within a dozen miles of much of the city, making it a quick drive. Of course, once you reach the park, you’ll spend your time on the water and there are no bridges or other access besides a boat. This is also why you might opt to book with a tour operator offering comprehensive Biscayne National Park adventures for individuals preferring a more structured approach.

Numerous companies offer excursions to the park with a guide. These can encompass transportation to and from the park, all necessary equipment for your chosen activity (such as snorkels, fins, and life jackets), and the invaluable expertise of a certified guide. A guided tour allows visitors to navigate the park’s diverse ecosystems and hidden wonders confidently.


Emily Hart


You have to get out on the water at Biscayne National Park, and the best way to do so is to take a boat cruise or charter. This allows visitors to experience the park’s vastness—a staggering 95% of its 173,000 acres is water.

The park says that 90% of visitors enter the park by boat, either on a guided tour or with their own vessel. Biscayne National Park Institute has several guided options to reserve in advance, from just hours to an all-day excursion. The park service also maintains a listing of other operators that are authorized to operate in the park.


Biscayne National Park protects a section of the only living coral reef system in the continental United States, making it a hotspot for marine life and thus – snorkeling. When submerging yourself underwater, you’ll be mesmerized by the vibrant tapestry of life just beneath the surface. Don your snorkel and fins and be transported into a breathtaking kaleidoscope of color. Schools of vibrant fish, graceful sea turtles, and colorful color reefs will leave you wishing you had brought your underwater camera. Witnessing this remarkable biodiversity firsthand offers an unparalleled opportunity to appreciate the bay’s ecology.


For visitors seeking a more contemplative experience, exploring the mangrove forests on the coastline via kayak or canoe offers a unique perspective into a seemingly untouched ecosystem. The mangroves provide a crucial habitat for countless species of marine life and act as a vital nursery for countless fish. A benefit of kayaking or canoeing in Biscayne National Park specifically is that many of the lagoons, creeks, and channels are too shallow for boating so that paddlers will have them to themselves. There are no rentals available at the park itself, but there are plenty of options nearby – and launching of personal kayaks or canoes is allowed and has no charge.


Emily Hart

While there are numerous islands scattered throughout Biscayne Bay, the most popular to visit are Boca Chita Key, Elliott Key, and Adams Key.

Boca Chita Key:

This is the most popular island to visit and home to the iconic Boca Chita Lighthouse, which has stood guard against the elements since the 1930s. Explore the surrounding nature trails, enjoy a picnic lunch on the beach, and climb the lighthouse to the Observation Deck for panoramic views of the bay if it’s open during your visit.

Elliott Key:

This island, the largest in the park and accessible by boat, offers a glimpse into a pristine coastal ecosystem. Hike the interpretive loop trail to learn about the island’s plant and animal life, relax on the secluded beach, and soak up the tranquility.

Adams Key:

This smaller island is only open from dawn to dusk and is a popular kayak launching spot. Hike the short loop trail, watching for pelicans, ospreys, and herons.


Biscayne National Park
Emily Hart

Unlike many national parks with sprawling campsites, camping in Biscayne National Park offers a unique and somewhat rustic experience. Camping is only permitted on Boca Chita Key and Elliott Key. Both islands are accessible solely by boat, so be prepared for a true escape.

To camp in Biscayne National Park, you’ll need to be self-sufficient. Pack everything you’ll need for your stay, including food, water (while there is water available on Elliott Key, the park service still recommends bringing your own), cooking utensils, camping gear, and plenty of insect repellent (especially during summer). Remember, all trash must be packed, so don’t forget your garbage bags.

Reservations can’t be made in advance here, as the sites are first-come, first-serve. Be prepared to pay a boat docking fee of $25/day (from Friday to Monday and on federal holidays) and a $35 camping fee for each night.


Emily Hart

Jetty Trail:

This paved trail is the most popular and easiest option in the park. Located at the Dante Fascell Visitor Center (so no boat required), it winds along the Convoy Point Jetty, offering scenic views of Biscayne Bay and opportunities for birdwatching.

Length: 0.8 miles round trip
Difficulty: Easy

Boca Chita Trail:

Found on Boca Chita Key – which you’ll need to take a ferry or boat to access – this short nature trail leads to views of the Boca Chita Lighthouse. Enjoy panoramic views of the clear turquoise waters and soak up some history.

Length: 0.7 miles round trip
Difficulty: Easy

Adams Key Loop Trail:

Another short and easy trail is on Adams Key, which is only accessible by boat. It circles the island and provides opportunities for birdwatching and observing the unique coastal ecosystem.

Length: 1-mile round trip
Difficulty: Easy

Elliott Key Interpretive Loop:

This trail on Elliott Key offers a glimpse into the island’s plant and animal life. While it’s not a challenging hike, be aware of mosquitos, especially during summer.

Length: 1.1 miles round trip
Difficulty: Easy

Black Creek Canal Trail:

This mostly flat, unpaved trail meanders through the coastal mangrove forest adjacent to Black Creek Canal. Look for wading birds and fish, and pro-tip: try to visit at sunrise or sunset.

Length: 1.7 miles round trip
Difficulty: Easy

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A Pair Of Rats Showed Up On ‘The Bachelorette’ Because ‘Everyone Deserves To Find Love’


With BRAT girl summer in full swing, you might have forgotten about the lesser known trend RAT summer, and that’s fair, because what is with that anyway? But ABC and the producers of The Bachelorette really wanted to hop on the Rodent Man trend and decided to cast two actual rats on this season of the long-running dating show. CongRATS!

On the season premiere of The Bachelorette, eagle-eyed viewers noticed that there seem to be two rats scuttling across the screen at one point.

Did you see the rats? Right, they appear just after one of the contestants, Sam, a contractor from South Carolina, claims he is a “love virgin” because he has never experienced love. If this doesn’t work out for him, there is a ton of room over on Love Island.

When the rat rumors started flying, producers were quick to respond, telling Entertainment Weekly, “You’ll notice there were two of them. Everyone deserves to find love!” It seems a little unfair that the bachelorette gets 25 eligible men to choose from, but the rat only gets one? What does ABC, a company owned by a very successful mouse, think this says to aspiring Ratchlorettes? Still, it didn’t go unnoticed by fans on social media:

It should be also noted that the Bachelor Mansion has changed locations this year, which was already a controversial move amongst fans. Apparently, the rat thing is not uncommon there!!

Tune in for The Ratchelorette premiering… one day…

(Via Entertainment Weekly)

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Charles Barkley Insists A Huge Offer Won’t Change His Mind On Retiring

barkley top

Charles Barkley has been vocal over the past few months about his frustration with TNT not getting a deal done to retain their NBA rights, and with the league set to finalize contracts with ESPN, NBC, and Amazon next week, TNT will have a short window to decide whether to match or not.

Either way, Barkley has said next year will be his last on television, making his retirement announcement public during the Finals while doing postgame work for NBA TV. Some posited that was Barkley being worn down by the entire process, but on Thursday he said his decision hasn’t changed in an interview with CNBC while in Lake Tahoe for a golf tournament. Barkley said he hopes they end up matching the deal but feels in his heart they’ve lost the rights, once again lamenting the decision and its impact on the people that work at Turner behind the scenes.

Barkley also stated that he wouldn’t “feel comfortable” working for another network, pointing out Turner’s the only media company he’s worked for and he doesn’t want to have to learn another one. When asked in a followup if there’s a number another network could offer that would change his mind, Chuck smirked and delivered a great one-liner, noting “Hey, if I don’t have enough money by now, I’m the biggest idiot/fool in the world.”

We’ll see if this is all part of a posturing effort to push TNT into matching or keeping Inside the NBA on the air as a TNT production without game rights. Turner will likely remain in charge of NBA TV and, and they continue to invest heavily in other sports, so they could very well just make Inside part of their weekly schedule. It’s also possible someone like Amazon could contract out TNT to produce Inside in their Atlanta studios and just broadcast it for Amazon.

However, that all may be wishful thinking and the end of the best studio in sports really is coming in 2025. Barkley insists his mind won’t change, even if the other networks will do their best to get him to reconsider his stance.

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‘The Boys’ Season 4 Episode 7 Recap: Starlight’s Identity Issues, A Departing Supe, And Octopus Betrayal

The Boys
Prime Video/Amazon

(Spoilers for The Boys will be found below.)

The penultimate fourth-season episode of The Boys is characteristically stuffed full of dirty, rotten sights, including poor Kimiko having her leg cut off (don’t worry, it is growing back). We recently discussed A-Train’s redemption path, so we’re not ignoring his developments this week, but Starlight is headlining here because, damn, her identity issues get literal this week.

This has compounded the issue where Annie January lost her laser beam powers a few weeks ago, which echoes her struggle with the Supe inside, and this week, a horrific shape-shifting Supe ends up climbing inside Annie’s body (Eric Kripke’s probably referencing his work on Supernatural with shape-shifters who tear their own skin off and can access host memories) to ultimately attempt a violent plot and, of course, try to frame Annie after abducting her. The method of the shifter’s attack could be commentary, too: humanity’s selfie obsession can lead down a dark path, y’all.

The episode’s final revelation shows Starlight imprisoned, and once we see how this happened, it’s worth going back to the moment at the bar when Erin Moriarty gave the most subtle of indications that Annie had been booted from her place on the bar stool. Less subtle, however, are the signs that Hughie didn’t see (to be fair, he’s having an especially rough season) regarding his girlfriend turning into somebody else. I mean, Annie had only just expressed disgust with her Starlight costume, and Hughie completely believed that she’d not only wear it for him but also do so as bedroom foreplay.

Prime Video/Amazon
Prime Video/Amazon

At least Hughie admitted to “not-not fantasizing” about this sight. He’s honest.

Seriously though, Erin Moriarty crushed the subtle distinctions this week. Director Catriona McKenzie sang her praises in an interview with Screenrant:

“Erin’s so amazing. We talked about her physicality, we talked about her eyes, and we talked about a stillness because the Shifter doesn’t have the same kind of emotional, intuitive, emotional intelligence that Annie does. And we’ve seen that in the episode; there was just a stillness that she brought to her performance where she’s just a bit more robotic. It was fun working that up with her.”

Prime Video/Amazon

And speaking of identity issues, A-Train’s slow-brewing crisis of conscience not only led him to become the Leak but has now inspired to become the latest departing member of The Seven. So, A-Train is officially out and does not take his chip with him, which hopefully means that those audience fears that he will bite the dust will prove to be unfounded. Although I can’t say the same for Ashley, who should have cut and run, too, when she had the chance.

Some loose thoughts ahead of the season finale:

– RIP, Ambrosia The Octopus. At least they gave you the voice of Tilda Swinton;

– The revelation of Sister Sage pulling double duty with Deep and Black Noir is superb, especially after Deep did Ambrosia extra dirty. Also, the audience might never get used to a talking Black Noir, but the “What do you mean lobotomizing herself?” is a fine example of the layered jokes this season;

– Butcher talking to his imaginary friend-self, Joe Kessler, during a group meeting is enjoyable, but mainly because it’s nice to still have Jeffrey Dean Morgan stretching his legs again outside of The Walking Dead franchise;

– Like Ashley, MM should have gotten out while he had the chance, too, but his choice ratchets up the stakes for the season finale. Speaking of which, see you next week, and as MM says, “Chop chop, mother***kers.”

‘The Boys’ streams new episodes on Thursdays.

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Jack Quaid Remains The Best Sport Of The Nepo-Baby Phenomenon, But Rashida Jones Is, Well, Not Onboard With The Same Stance


As the nepo baby debate rages on, there is a clear distinction between the celebrities who get it and the people who still think that their famous relatives had nothing to do with their famous upbringing. Then there’s nepo pets, but that’s a whole other thing.

Jack Quaid, The Boys actor and son of Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, seems to know where his fame came from, and he’s not afraid to admit it. Last year, Ryan spoke highly of her son, and claimed that the nepo discourse invalidates his talent. “That nepo stuff is so dismissive of his work ethic, his gifts and how sensitive he is to the idea of his privilege,” she said. While Quaid appreciated the sentiment, he explained what his mom meant.

“My first thought was like, she’s being a mom. She’s being a loving mom. But I don’t think she’s trying to say that I’m not a nepo baby. I think she’s just trying to say that, in her opinion, it undermines my talent,” Quaid said on The Daily Beast’s Last Laugh podcast. He continued, “I don’t think it undermines my talent. I know that I work hard, and I know I’ve heard ‘no’ way more than I’ve heard ‘yes.’ But I also know that this industry is insanely hard to break into, and I had an easier time doing that than most. Both things can be true,” he stated. “So no, I don’t think she was trying to say that I’m not a privileged person. She knows. She must know. I think she was being a mom.”

Even though Quaid can understand the conversation, not everyone feels that way. Fellow nepo baby Rashida Jones has now spoken on the issue: “I had parents who were in the public eye, but they were extremely protective of us,” Jones told InStyle of her parents, Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton. She said that fame “wasn’t that much part of my reality” and called being famous “pretty poisonous for the most part.”

But once she graduated from Harvard, her dad gave her this advice: “My dad said to me, when I graduated from college: ‘You’re gonna go wait in line with 70,000 other people for a job? That doesn’t seem really that practical.’ And he was right, you know.” Practical? No. Is it how the rest of the world is forced to operate if they don’t have rich parents? Yes!

Either way, Jones ended up on Parks and Rec and Quaid ended up with Starlight, so they both figured it out.

(Via The Daily Beast)

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Is Prime Video’s ‘My Lady Jane’ Getting A Season 2?

my lady jane
prime video

My Lady Jane is one of the shows of the summer, full of romance, action, and, uh, shape shifters. The Prime Video series, which co-showrunner Gemma Burgess described as “The Princess Bride meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Blackadder,” reimagines the brief reign of Lady Jane Grey, who was the queen of England for all of nine days in 1553. She was executed at the Tower of London soon after. “Our show is about what might have happened if history was different and if she hadn’t died,” Burgess added.

Prime Video hasn’t officially renewed My Lady Jane for a second season, but Burgess is hopeful. “It’s always a possibility,” she told Entertainment Weekly, adding, “If we are fortunate enough to get a season 2, then we are going to be exploring all of them growing up and moving on and figuring out how to survive in the world where Jane is free, but the kingdom is not. Because Mary’s still on the throne. There’s a lot more work to do before things are right.”

Here’s more:

My Lady Jane is a radical retelling of English royal history, in which King Henry VIII’s son Edward does not die of tuberculosis, Lady Jane Grey is not beheaded, and neither is her rascal of a husband Guildford. At the center of this rollicking new series is the brilliant and headstrong Jane who is unexpectedly crowned queen overnight and finds herself the target of nefarious villains coming for the crown (and her head)… My Lady Jane is an epic tale of true love and high adventure, where the damsel in distress saves herself, her true love, and then the Kingdom

My Lady Jane is streaming on Prime Video.