When it comes to love, thoughtfulness is a far more important ingredient than spending lots of money. Sometimes having a nice bubble bath drawn for you at home feels just as lavish as any spa date. Sometimes when your partner says “I picked up this one special snack for you cause I know it’s your favorite” feels just as special as a fancy meal out.
There’s something just so personal about these moments, and that’s what makes them magical.
And it was this kind of moment recently shared between a husband and a wife on their 10 year anniversary, which they chose to celebrate with Taco Bell.
Turns out, there’s a very sweet story behind this unexpected meal choice.
In a reel posted to her Instagram, Ashley Olson shared that in April 2014, she and her now husband Willie got married at a courthouse at 23 and 25 years old.
It had been raining on their drive home, so “naturally” they drove through Taco Bell. Once back at the “cheap lil motel” they were staying at, they fashioned a table out of the room’s ironing board, and thus, their first meal as husband and wife was had.
Flash forward to their 10th year anniversary, which happened to fall on their kid’s spring break. The family had enjoyed a big trip to Europe the previous year, so nothing was really planned for the milestone. Or so Ashley thought.
Ashley had taken the kids to her parents to stay for their break, while Willie stayed home. After putting the kids down for the night, she noticed lights flickering out on her parents pier and went to check it out.
That’s when she saw an ironing board, covered in candles, and Willie (who had driven over five hours to get there) with a bag of their favorite Taco Bell items.
“We laughed, cried, ate our food, drank cider, and danced to our wedding song at the end of my parent’s pier,” Ashley recalled, adding, “10 years + 2 kids later this man still pursues me, still dates me, and still surprises me.”
Ashley wasn’t the only one moved by her husband’s sweet gesture.
“Not me shouting ‘THE IRONING BOARDDD’ 😭😭😭😭 my heart cannot with this,” one person wrote, while another said “Not me sobbing over Taco Bell 🤧”
Still another commented, “Well…this guy is forcing the rest of us to up our game!! 😂”
A few had their own similar simple, yet poignant love stories…involving fast food. One person said, “My marriage has started of similar too, but it was us eating Chick-fil-A in the car with our witnesses. I love my wife so much more than a grand wedding. She’s my world.”
A few others noted how this way of celebrating seemed more attractive than other more traditional (i.e. expensive) approaches.
“Crazy how this marriage outlasts a lot of couples who had big beautiful extravagant weddings just for them to divorce a few years later. 🤣🤣👏🏼👏🏼 good for you two 🖤,” one person said, perhaps citing a study from 2014 that did indicate that people who splurge on wedding were more likely to divorce.
Another reflected, “I understand when people get married for logical, and financial reasons. But if I ever get married, this is what I want my marriage to be based on. Love, pure joy of being around your partner. Seeing their face and having a reason to smile. That natural, genuine love.”
There can be so many unspoken expectations in relationships, but at the end of the day—as long as you’re celebrating the love you have for one another in the way you both want, that’s what ultimately matters.