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Street artist creates delightful 3D scenes in walls and walkways for everyone to enjoy

Street artists are a special breed. While “the art world” can sometimes be a snooty, elite place for those with means, street art is made for everyone. Sometimes that means large public murals, but street art can be small, too. In fact, some of the best street art is so small you might miss it if you’re not paying attention. But those who are can discover some delightful surprises.

Just imagine walking down a sidewalk and seeing this little fella at your feet:

Or this young lady:

Or this creature:

That would make your day, wouldn’t it? Or at least bring a smile to your face for a while?

Public art is an act of love to strangers, a way of connecting to people without saying a word. It says, “Hey there, fellow human. Here’s a little something to make you smile, just because.”

That’s the beauty of David Zinn’s street art. It’s meant for the public—just average passers-by—to enjoy, individually and collectively.

Zinn has created an entire world of characters who pop up in unexpected places. For instance, meet Gerald the otter, who is waiting for a blind date in this tree stump.

Zinn uses chalk and charcoal to make his cast of characters come to life in cracks and crevasses, sidewalks and tree trunks. His creations aren’t meant to last forever; in fact, as Zinn points out, the temporary nature of them adds value to them.

“Famous works of art hanging in museums get seen by thousands of people every day. But this? You could be among the dozens of people who get to see this while it exists,” he told CBS Mornings. “That’s pretty special.”

Watch how he takes something he finds in the sidewalk and transforms it into a sweet little duo.

Sometimes he uses natural things he finds as inspiration for a piece.

Other times, he uses something human-made, like this upside down terra cotta pot:

Or this manhole cover:

Sometimes the shape of a rock lends itself to a character, like Keith and his emotional support chick here:

Or the space itself serves as inspiration.

Nadine the mouse features in many of Zinn’s pieces, probably due to her small size making it easy for her to fit into small spaces.

Usually his pieces use what’s already there—like a crack in the sidewalk—to tell a story.

The 3D nature of his drawings make it feel as if his characters are truly there.

“Looks like another long day of things stubbornly refusing to be impossible,” he writes in a caption of one of his “pigasuses.”

(Speaking of having wings, Nadine found a pair for herself.)

Watch Zinn turn a simple pot into a character with personality in a matter of minutes:

His entire Instagram page, Facebook page and TikTok channel are filled with endless delight. It was nearly impossible to decide what to include in this article because I wanted to include everything.

This is all well and good, you might say to yourself, but how does Zinn make a living if he’s not selling this art?

He sells books and prints of photos of his artwork on his online store. He also gets invited to schools and events. He has created a career for himself by rejecting blank canvases, putting his imagination out on the street for everyone to see for a while, then selling versions that will actually last. Pretty brilliant, really.

Zinn gave a fascinating TEDx Talk explaining how he found his own artistic niche. You’ll never look at a parking meter or sidewalk the same way again.

This article originally appeared on 02.12.22

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Clever woman figured out how to get the name and address of the person who stole her credit card

There was a massive jump in credit card fraud in America in 2021 due to the pandemic. According to CNET, fraud involving credit cards jumped 69% from 2020 to 2021, affecting 13 million Americans and costing $9 billion.

In a world where online transactions are part of everyday life, it’s hard to completely protect your information. But, by staying vigilant and monitoring your accounts you can report fraud before it gets out of hand.

A TikTok user by the name of Lauren (@absolutelylauren) from San Diego, California, got a notification that there was a $135 charge on her card at Olaplex’s online store that she hadn’t made. Olaplex sells products that repair excessively damaged hair. Before reporting the charge to her credit card company she asked her family members if they used her card by mistake.

“I don’t wanna shut my card down if it’s just my mom ordering some shampoo,” Lauren said in the video. “Definitely not my two younger brothers, they’ve got good hair but they don’t color it.”

After realizing the charge was fraudulent, most people would have called their credit card company and had their card canceled. But Lauren was curious and wanted to know who stole her information and used it to buy hair care products. So she concocted a plan to get their information. She called Olaplex’s customer service line asking for the name and address of the purchaser to see if it was made by a family member.

“Hey, can you help me with something?” Lauren asked Tanya, the Olaplex customer service agent. “If I can give you the time and date, purchase amount and card number and whatever could you let me know who placed an order?”

Tanya had no problem helping Lauren with her request.


olaplex customer service is top tier 😤 #creditcardscam

“At this point, I’m willingly giving Tanya enough info to steal my card as well — she could have very well taken advantage of me in that moment but she didn’t,” Lauren said. “She comes back — tell me why she gave me the little scammer their full government name and address.”

Tanya revealed that a guy named Jason in a modest suburb in Texas used her card to buy a gift for his wife. “They also did it on Black Friday so at least they got a deal I guess, it was the gift set,” Lauren continued.

Lauren then called her credit card company and shared the information she had on the fraudster. The card company is currently investigating the situation.

One commenter thought that Olaplex wasn’t supposed to share that information with Lauren. “For some reason, I don’t think olaplex was supposed to give that info,” Arae270 said.

“I definitely gave them the option, but I explained that it was an unauthorized purchase, and if the name did not match anyone that I knew that I would just tell them to cancel the order and refund me, I told the girl that they would probably save everyone, a headache!” Lauren replied.

People should use utmost caution before deciding to track down a credit card thief. But kudos to Lauren for being clever enough to track down the person who stole her card information to help the authorities with their investigation. She didn’t put herself in harm’s way and if someone follows up on the tip, maybe they can prevent the same thing from happening to someone else.

This article originally appeared on 1.11.23

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A mom was frustrated that there weren’t shows for kids with developmental delays. So, she made one herself.

If there’s one thing a determined parent will do, it’s make sure their kid is getting their needs met. Even if that means they have to reinvent the wheel to do it. Rachel Griffin Accurso, or as parents across TikTok and YouTube know her, Ms. Rachel, found herself without any real options for additional resources to help her toddler who was diagnosed with a speech delay.

Accurso was looking for a developmentally appropriate show for her son but she wasn’t having any luck. That’s when she decided to take her teaching degree and get to work on creating her own show. It became a family business when she teamed up with her husband, Broadway composer Aron Accurso, who has been there every step of the way. He’s even in the episodes singing along.

“Songs for Littles” has infiltrated homes across America. If you have a toddler and internet access, you’ve likely heard of it. The show has more than a billion views on YouTube. Yes, that’s billion, with a “B.” Ms. Rachel also has more than 19 million likes on TikTok and has speech pathologists everywhere singing her praises.

Accurso is intentional with all of her videos, doing close-ups on her mouth when introducing new words and pausing to “hear” responses from her viewers after asking a question. In her interview with Today, Accurso admitted, “A lot of things I teach are things I wish I had known for my son.” She explained that everything she does is backed by research and is recorded in her small apartment in front of a green screen.

Parents on TikTok often upload videos thanking Accurso or showing off the skill their child learned from watching her show. The journalist who interviewed “Ms. Rachel” for Today even got to record an episode of “Songs for Littles” with her.

Check out the cute video below:

This article originally appeared on 01.10.23

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Woman leaves bachelorette trip after trusting her gut about sketchy men partying with friends

A recent story posted on Reddit shows how sometimes trusting your gut can be the best thing you can do, even if following it will seriously impact your friendships. It all started when a 24-year-old woman with the username Yslbabycat went to a bachelorette party with 5 other friends in Italy.

For brevity’s sake, we’ll call our main character YBC.

One night, the six girls went bar and club hopping and met some new friends. “We met some young people, and they invited us to a party. We went and danced and met more people. The night kept going on longer, and we were very far from our lodgings. These young men with 2 women in their group told us to stay with them for the night,” she wrote.

That’s when she had the first strong gut feeling.

“I wasn’t feeling this situation. It felt unsafe, but the group voted and I was in the minority,” she continued.”I didn’t trust these men. Something seemed wrong. But I was at a loss as I could not split from my group and didn’t feel safe separating from them in the middle of the night.”

Even though the girls locked their doors that night, the men could enter their rooms. But the girls, besides YBC, all wanted to stay another day because the men promised to show them around Italy.

“I didn’t want to get into a car with them because I found them creepy. There were women in their group but it didn’t matter. They seemed even more suspicious to me, being overly friendly,” She continued. “The whole morning, I found the men staring at me a lot and also making some comments about my ethnicity—I am Korean and they could tell and it seemed that they were interested in me because of my ethnicity, asking me strange questions …including if I’m a virgin or not.. so in my head I could only think of perverted reasons for these questions because I thought these guys were sketchy and sizing us all up for some reason I couldn’t figure out yet.”

YBC’s friends tried to tell her that it was just cultural differences and that the men weren’t being creepy, but she decided that she wanted to leave. So, she called her boyfriend in France, a few hours’ drive away, to come get her. She met him at a local store, where YBC called the bride-to-be and informed her she was leaving.

The bride-to-be screamed at her on the phone and chastised her for spoiling the “mood of the trip” and told YBC to essentially “f*** off.”

After YBC left, the other 5 girls went on a boat with the men who all tried to get them “extremely” intoxicated. They then began to aggressively pressure the girls into having sex. At the night’s end, the girls got away from the men and found another hotel.

Even though YBC’s suspicions were confirmed, the bride-to-be was still upset with her, and YBC did not attend her friend’s wedding.

In the end, Reddit commenters overwhelmingly thought that YBC did the right thing by trusting her gut.

“So all the other girls but the bachelorette confirmed that you were right and the guys were super creepy and yet the bachelorette is still pissed at you for getting yourself out of there?” YouSayWotNow wrote. “All of them are very lucky nothing really bad happened, and frankly, they should be embarrassed they didn’t take you seriously at the time.”

“You may have saved the entire group by leaving early, as the men realized that you knew where they lived and could ID them,” RobinC1967 added. “Please don’t ever feel bad for getting yourself out of a sketchy situation. Stay Smart!”

Most would agree that YBC did the right thing by trusting her gut and trying to lead her friends out of a potentially dangerous situation. Psychology Today supports her decision to trust her feelings. In an article entitled, “3 Reasons Why You Have to Trust Your Gut,” Susanna Newsonen says that your intuition is encoded in your brain like “a web of fact and feeling” and is helpful because it’s “shaped by your past experiences and the existing knowledge that you gained from them.”

This article originally appeared on 3.16.24

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Lesbian couple answers the most common questions they get from strangers

Despite society having made a lot of progress when it comes to same-sex relationships and alternative families, it’s not so commonplace that many queer parents are still presented with questions about their lifestyle from straight people.

And while queer parents probably (rightfully) grow tired of answering certain questions day in and day out, having open conversation helps break through the lack of understanding which causes stigma and misconceptions in the first place.

In a now-viral video shared to their Instagram, lesbian moms Allie and Sam Conway answer commonly asked questions they get as a queer married couple with twins.

Of course, they started with the age-old question:

“Who’s the real mom?”

Though people by and large are able to differentiate biological connection from emotional connection (like with adoptive parents or step-parents to take on an active role in their step children’s lives), this is still a question that same-sex parents face regularly. And it’s a fairly harmful one at that, as it implicitly undermines the non-biological parent’s role in the family.

So, to Sam’s point: “We’re both the mom.”

Allie also told Upworthy that the usual response to this answer is “oh my gosh! That’s amazing!” Which makes her—and us—”smile so much.”

Next up:

“Who’s the dad?”

To which they replied: “there isn’t a dad.”

This is also a question fused with negative connotation, as it suggests a father figure is necessary for raising well-adjusted kids. But research shows that kids born to same-sex parents fare just as well as the children of straight couples, indicating that what’s really necessary for a child’s development is two healthy, loving parents. That’s it.

Okay, this next one actually had an answer that surprised some folks:

“Who carried them?”

Though Sam wanted to be the one to get pregnant, Allie agreed to try after Sam’s “long fertility journey” of three IUI’s, three embryo transfers and multiple chemical pregnancies with one miscarriage.

However, the couple used Sam’s eggs, and Sam did the breastfeeding.

How the heck did that happen, you might wonder. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. So did lots of viewers. Sam underwent induced lactation, which tricks the body into thinking it’s pregnant and producing breast milk—it’s something often utilized by adoptive mothers.

Lastly, a fun one:

“What do the kids call you?”

“Mummy and other mummy,” Sam quipped. “We’re rotating all day,” Allie added.

Without proper understanding, stigma persists. That’s how myths like “queer parents turn their children gay” or “children of two-mother families are more likely to be bullied” continue. And while it’s certainly not the responsibility of parents like Allie and Sam to educate folks on the realities of queer parenting, it’s great that they do offer genuine insight.

And thankfully, they are usually met with positive reactions from people, Allie tells Upworthy. Which only further encourages them to answer more question and offer glimpses into “different types of families.”

At the end of the day, families are made up of people who love and support one another. Everything else is just window dressing.

Check out even more heartwarming family content from Allie and Sam on Instagram.

This article originally appeared on 3.15.24

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A ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Joke Had To Be Changed For Being Too ‘Dirty’ (And We’ll Never Know What It Was)

deadpool and wolverine
marvel studios

Deadpool & Wolverine has R-rated jokes about pegging, cocaine, and Gossip Girl-inspired erections. It’s new territory for a Marvel (or Disney) movie, and it seemed like the five credited writers, including star Ryan Reynolds and director Shawn Levy, were able to get away with anything. But that’s not entirely the case.

“There was only one line in the entire movie that we were asked to change,” Levy told Entertainment Weekly. “We have made a pact, Ryan and I, to go to our grave with that line, but I will say that it was replaced with an equally dirty line of dialogue about Pinocchio shoving his face up Deadpool’s ass and starting to lie like crazy.” (Pinocchio will have to respond in Shrek 5.) He added, “I was like, ‘Ryan, that’s your replacement line in response to, ‘Can we clean it up?’ That’s Ryan Reynolds for you, audacious to the very edge.”

They’ll go their grave, eh? Well, if Deadpool & Wolverine taught us anything (other than people f*cking love jokes about company acquisitions), it’s that you can always dig them up and find out what the missing joke was.

Deadpool & Wolverine, which stars Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Emma Corrin, and the movie’s real MVP Rob Delaney, is in theaters now.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)

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St. Vincent’s Pick For The ‘Worst Song Ever Written’ Is A John Mayer Hit She Deems ‘Hideously Sexist’

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Getty Image

St. Vincent is a lover of music history, as she showed on her 1970’s-inspired 2021 album Daddy’s Home. She’s not a fan of all of it, though, especially not one of John Mayer’s early hits.

In a recent interview with Kerrang, the publication had St. Vincent pick a handful of song superlatives, including “the worst song ever written.” Her choice there was Mayer’s “Daughters,” from the 2003 album Heavier Things. She explained, “It’s just so hideously sexist but it pretends to be a love song, but it’s really, really retrograde and really sexist. And I hate it… It’s so deeply misogynistic, which would be fine if you owned that, but it pretends like it’s sweet.”

This isn’t her first time speaking unfavorably about Mayer. In a 2017 Vogue interview, she said she wasn’t concerned if listeners tried to match her song lyrics with her past relationships, adding, “Songs are Rorschach tests anyway. They say more about you than the person who made them. All my songs are about John Mayer.”

Then, in a 2021 interview with Vinyl Me, Please, St. Vincent said, “It’s kind of a joke in the music industry that sound people, when they’re walking into a new venue, will put on a Steely Dan record to test the system, because they’re just known for being, like, sonically perfect. One time, a sound guy who I was working with put on John Mayer’s Gravity, and I fired that sound guy.”

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Don’t Expect This Comical ‘House Of The Dragon’ Theory To Go Away Anytime Soon

HotD Daemon Army

(SPOILERS will be found below for Game of Thrones and HotD.)

House of the Dragon‘s second season finale was more about moving chess pieces than executing dragon action, although the show did perk up the audience with those unexpected cameos when a Weirwood tree took Daemon’s mind tripping through visions of Daenerys and her dragons. That sequence also included imagery of what looks like the wreckage of the battle over Gods Eye, and oh look, White Walkers and Wights:


The vision later led Daemon to actually utter “winter is coming,” and he was stirred up enough by what he saw to swiftly kneel before Rhaenyra. So much for that season-long uprising in the making, and yikes, the show really wasted the rogue prince for an entire season of hauntings. Still, there is a silver lining to be had here, which is that people are very entertained by the thought that this white walker-general type ^^^ happens to look like Daemon.

This has led to a flurry of tweets, perhaps serious and perhaps joking, suggesting that Daemon is somehow “turned” into a White Walker.

This is ultimately a fun theory but probably not true? Surely not.

Then again, in George R.R. Martin’s Fire and Blood book, Daemon’s body is never found after his battle with Aemond. I had assumed that he was either incinerated or managed to survive and sneak off with Nettles, but it’s also a trip to imagine that he somehow turned into a White Walker and later terrorized Game of Thrones characters. That’s a complicated prospect since the first Walker was created several thousand years before the events of HotD, but also, Game of Thrones did include the Night King presumably turning babies into recruits, although the details of that process remained unclear.

In summary, it doesn’t seem likely that Daemon could be “turned” into a Walker, but hey, HotD is already switching up details in other areas, so people are running with it.

Also, we’ve got two years until the third season arrives, so the theory won’t be proven or disproven anytime soon:

House of the Dragon‘s full second season can be streamed on Max.

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Mr. Hotspot Hasn’t Cleared The Sample On Drake And Lil Yachty’s Unreleased Song, And He Explained Why

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Getty Image

In late July, Kai Cenat played an unreleased Drake and Lil Yachty collaborative song during one his livestreams. Last week, Lil Yachty confirmed that it was an intentional leak because “we couldn’t get the sample cleared” while appearing on Andrew Schulz’s Flagrant podcast.

Mr. Hotspot has a wholesome explanation as to why he hasn’t cleared the sample for Drake and Lil Yachty.

“We recorded him a clean reference, and we sent it into them,” Mr. Hotspot said on TikTok Live, as captured by Complex. “So, hopefully they re-record the clean reference, and we come out the clean, goodness gracious altogether. So, it’s a process, but it would for both of their brands like that. I’m blessed to work with children, so we just gotta make it clean for them.”

Mr. Hotspot continued, “We don’t need no children getting whooped ’cause they said this or that, you understand? If you look at the backside, it’s the children who really running these views up. So, if we make sure both verses [are] clean, everybody coming clean, everybody gonna benefit, for sure. It’s a process, but we appreciate you being patient. We sent it in. They got it today, and those boys about to turn up. We ain’t trying to hold them back from nothing, but we just need the morals correct. That’s all.”

According to Genius, the leaked “S.O.D. (Supersoak)” lyrics are not kid-friendly.

With Flagrant, Lil Yachty also confirmed that the song would not release in an official capacity and explained the complications of getting a sample cleared from Mr. Hotspot: “This wasn’t an artist; this was an Instagram, social media influencer. He went down, like, a Christian path.” When asked how much money was offered to Mr. Hotspot, Yachty said, “I don’t even think we got into money. He was like, ‘No.’”

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‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Unveiled A New Suspenseful Trailer For Season 4, And Everyone’s Back Is Against The Wall

(WARNING: Spoilers for this week’s Power Book II: Ghost episode will be found in the recap below.)

In a little over a month, Power Book II: Ghost will return to finish its fourth and final season. Ahead of its return to the small screen, STARZ released a new trailer for the second half of season four and it’s as suspenseful and dramatic as anything you’ve seen from the Power Universe. In just 47 seconds we see Monet, Diana, and Tariq have a gun pointed at them, we see Tariq get choked out and Brayden shoot someone or something, and we see Tariq and Brayden face off with Noma and Cane. Elsewhere, there’s a jail fight, multiple shootouts, and so much more. Altogether, it’s just a small piece of what we’ll see in the second half of season four.

In a press release, STARZ revealed that the second half of the season will bring the season four theme “Like Father, Like Son” to life. They added:

Tariq finds himself in an eerily similar situation, just like his late father, Ghost, stuck between a rock and a hard place, with the choice to leave the game or take over. Entrapped by Detective Carter, the Tejada family realizes their safety is not guaranteed. Monet fiercely fights for her family to become whole again, but is it too late? Noma is working her way to the top of the food chain. Meanwhile, her daughter, Anya, gets too close to the game, forcing Noma to think twice about her actions.

If you recall, the first half of Power Book II: Ghost season 4 ended with Tariq accepting he’s just like his father Ghost in addition to finding out that he’s the father of Diana’s baby. He’s also determined to take over the drug game. As for Monet, she’s trying to bring her family back together, but after Cane and Tariq nearly killed Dru and Diana, respectively, it may be too late for that. Dru and Monet are now under the thumb of Detective Carter and the NYPD, Diana is preparing for life as a mother, and Cane continues his partnership and romance with Noma. In short, there are plenty of dramatic and action-packed storylines to continue in the second half of season 4.

You can watch the trailer in the video above.

‘Power Book II: Ghost’ season 4 returns to STARZ on September 6.