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Future’s NSFW ‘Teflon Don’ Video Is An Unintentional PSA For Anti-Overdose Medications

Future’s NSFW new video for “Teflon Don” cheekily references the Atlanta rapper’s past preoccupation with pills with references to anti-overdose medications. Throughout the video, Future raps the Mixtape Pluto standout while flanked with stock cars wrapped in blown-up drug info labels for Suboxone and Narcan — two drugs designed to help treat opioid addiction or its consequences. Some of the cars are also wrapped with blown-up black-and-white photos of nude women from old gentleman’s magazines.

Ironically, Future admitted in a 2019 interview that he’d given up drinking lean and popping prescription pills, but that he didn’t stop rapping about them for fear of disappointing fans who’d become accustomed to his substance abuse subject matter. He even expressed dismay at the idea that it was those lyrics that inspired his WRLD On Drugs collaborator Juice WRLD to first try combining codeine and soda pop. Still, that hasn’t stopped Future from rapping about those subjects, such as on his Save Me standout, “Xanax Damage” — although more recent releases such as I Never Liked You and We Don’t Trust You shifted focus to his toxic approach to romance rather than his fascination with getting high.

You can watch the video for “Teflon Don” above.

Mixtape Pluto is out now via Epic/Freebandz.