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Indie Mixtape 20: Hinds Will Live Forever On ‘Viva Hinds’

Hinds FEATURED Dario Vazquez
Dario Vazquez

If Viva Hinds proves anything, then it’s that Hinds are here to stay for good. The Spanish duo (né quartet) sound uplifted and triumphant on their fourth studio album. While they’ve lost the two members of their rhythm section, Carlotta Cosials and Ana García Perrote have struck a bond that, from the sound of Viva Hinds alone, refuses to yield.

Across its 10 tracks, the camaraderie between its two members is tactile. Still, they get some help along the way, such as from Beck on the immediately catchy “Boom Boom Back” and from Fontaines D.C.’s Grian Chatten on the new-wavey dream-pop jam “Stranger.”

Following the record’s release in September, Cosials sat down with Uproxx to talk about Twin Peaks, her mother’s spaghetti carbonara, Gwen Stefani, and more in our latest Q&A.

What are four words you would use to describe your music?

D, C, G and A.

It’s 2050 and the world hasn’t ended and people are still listening to your music. How would you like it to be remembered?

As the music people choose when they’re in a house party but rarely played by the DJ in a club.

Who’s the person who has most inspired your work, and why?

I’ve been thinking about Gwen Stefani a lot lately, but I’m not sure if she influences my job. Maybe she does and I’m not that aware. She’s definitely cooler and more clever than me.

Where did you eat the best meal of your life and what was it?

My mom’s spaghetti carbonara no doubt.

Tell us about the best concert you’ve ever attended.

The one Twin Peaks gave in San Francisco from that tour we did together. Or any Twin Peaks show, I think. I still haven’t seen a live band like they were.

What song never fails to make you emotional?

Mazzy Star – “Look On Down From The Bridge”

What’s the last thing you Googled?

I stopped Googling. I’m becoming a ChatGPT nerd; I’m so sorry. The last thing I asked it was to invent a word that I could use in a conversation and the other people think it already exists, and that it’s related to playing music, partying, and some feelings. ChatGPT invented the word “melofrenzy”. We’re working on making it popular.

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever crashed while on tour?

We once accidentally stayed at a weirdo’s place. Our tour manager thought he was a friend of ours, and we thought he was a friend of hers. He was awkward the whole night. We didn’t realize until we left the house.

What’s your favorite city in the world to perform and what’s the city you hope to perform in for the first time?

I really wanna play in Seoul, and probably my favorite city to perform at the moment would be Chicago.

What’s one piece of advice you’d go back in time to give to your 18-year-old self?

I was good at 18. but to my 16-year-old self I would say please don’t do the lip-piercing please.

What’s one of your hidden talents?

I’m learning to be a pilot of small planes.

If you had a million dollars to donate to charity, what cause would you support and why?

Education. I’ll try to improve the education system everywhere in the world.

What are your thoughts about AI and the future of music?

I think we’ll have to share the world and live together. It’ll be okay. It doesn’t intimidate me.

You are throwing a music festival. Give us the dream lineup of 5 artists that will perform with you and the location it would be held.

It will be in Portugal and I will have Charley Crockett, The Moldy Peaches, Fontaines D.C., Charli XCX, and Oasis.

Who’s your favorite person to follow on social media?

I love this guy Martijn Doolaard, a YouTuber who builds his own house.

What’s the story behind your first or favorite tattoo?

It’s a matching tattoo with my mom, a heart. I have another one with my brother, a triangle, with my friend Camila: “Madrid en Agosto”, with my friend Maru: “LN9” (referencing “Lucky Number Nine” from Moldy Peaches), with my friend Meji: a scorpion, and with no one but myself: a dragon because we’re living in the year of the dragon. Forgot to mention all of them are on my feet.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Ponytail, brush teeth, jumps, beer, loud music, sing, read the room, hug, stage.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

Mark Lenders, an anime cartoon from Captain Tsubasa.

You have a month off and the resources to take a dream vacation. Where are you going and who is coming with you?

It doesn’t really matter where you go; it’s who you share it with. Guys, it was never the chocolate you know?

What is your biggest fear?

The lack of passion for living, the lack of love, the darkness. I fear that a lot. It makes people hurt people.

Viva Hinds is available now via Lucky Number Music. Find more information here.