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Olivia Rodrigo Was Interrogated For A Half Hour By Border Patrol, Who Initially Accused Her Of Lying About Her Arrest Record

Olivia Rodrigo has a clean criminal record, but that’s not what a Border Patrol officer thought recently.

Rodrigo was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday, and she told Jimmy Fallon the story of the time she was interrogated at the US-Canada border for a long while.

Here’s the tale in Rodrigo’s words:

“We were going from Canada to Portland or something. We were at Border [Patrol]. I give them my passport, and they’re like, ‘OK, whatever.’ And they knock on the door and they’re like, ‘We need Olivia.’ And I’m like, ‘I just played a few shows. Maybe their daughter wants an autograph.’

I come out, it’s 3 a.m., and I’m delirious, and they take me to a room, and it’s an interrogation room, and there’s a big cop with a gun. He’s like, ‘Have you ever been arrested?’ I’m like, ‘No, I haven’t been arrested.’ He’s like, ‘Are you sure?’ I’m, like, gaslighting myself. I’m like, ‘Oh, my God. Maybe I was arrested and I didn’t know it.’ […]

He’s like, ‘You know, you could go to jail for lying to a federal officer like this.’ Like, ‘This is really bad.’ I’m freaking out. I’m like, ‘I’m not gonna be let in to America!’ I’m so scared. I’m, like, having a panic attack.

After 30 minutes of interrogation, he looks at me. He goes, ‘What’s your name?’ And I go, ‘Olivia Rodrigo, R-O-D-R-I-G-O.’ And he’s like, ‘Oh, there’s a girl who looks just like you that’s your same age that’s been arrested multiple times, and her name is Olivia Rodriguez.’

Jimmy, I was pissed. I’m like, ‘You didn’t look at the name on the thing?’”

Watch the video above. Rodrigo also played a round of “What’s Behind Me?” with Fallon, so check that out below.