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White Streaks on Your Laundry? These Tips Will Help


Image by Dominique from Pixabay

Laundry day is supposed to be a way to get a fresh start. You load everything into the machines, get them washed, and start new for the week. For many, the process is therapeutic. Well, that’s until you’re met with white streaks across the laundry that was supposed to be “clean.”

White streaks across your laundry can be disheartening. It leaves you frustrated and gives you a panicky feeling the next time you do laundry because you don’t want the same outcome.

There’s hope. Let’s find out why they appear and what you can do about it.

Here are the most common reasons for the white streaks:

  • Too much detergent left a residue
  • Hard water can leave behind minerals
  • Fabric softener may have been overused or undiluted
  • The washer was overloaded, preventing everything from being rinsed properly
laundry stack

Image by Liz Toms from Pixabay

So, when you want to get rid of the white streaks, you have to figure out what went wrong so that you can make the necessary corrections.

A few tried and true tips for your laundry are as follows:

  • Separate your laundry and avoid overloading the machine
  • Check the instructions on your fabric softener. Don’t pour it directly onto your clothes.
  • Add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle if you have hard water.
  • Pay attention to the amount of detergent that you use. Most people use 2-3 times what is actually needed.

By embracing these tips, you can make laundry relaxing again!