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SZA Plans To ‘Add Stuff’ To ‘SOS Deluxe: Lana’ On Christmas, Including ‘Switching Some Mixes’

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Over the weekend, SZA released her long-awaited project SOS Deluxe: Lana after overshooting its expected midnight release to finish some last-second tweaks. It looks like she wasn’t quite done tweaking either; on Twitter today (never “X,” let’s be serious), the New Jersey singer promised some changes to the project on streaming arriving on Christmas day.

“After listening w a clear mind I’m Switching some mixes out when I add stuff on Christmas,” she wrote. “This means nothing to you but had to say it for me lol . Who knows u might notice.”

Throughout her career, SZA has been notoriously perfectionist, to the point that her manager/Top Dawg Entertainment President Punch Henderson has joked that he had to swipe her hard drive to ensure that she would actually release her music instead of endlessly fiddling with it. This has led to an antagonistic relationship between Punch and SZA’s fans, but the results can’t be argued with; SOS was one of the most successful releases of the decade so far — in a decade including two Beyoncé releases, a bunch of new Taylor Swift, and several big breakouts. We’ll see where Lana ends up on the charts next week, but with SZA making some ex post facto changes, there should be a surge in streams on Boxing Day as curious fans check out just what gets updated.

SOS Deluxe: Lana is out via Top Dawg Entertainment/RCA Records.