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Woman explains why she ‘never returns’ her shopping cart, sparking huge debate

The “shopping cart theory,” supposedly sprung to life from an anonymous 4chan user in May 2020, states that whether or not a person returns their shopping cart is “the ultimate litmus test” for if said person is “capable of self governing.”

The theory surmises that since returning a shopping cart is both an easy and “objectively right” thing to do, but not legally enforced, “good” people will do so in an effort simply because it’s the right thing to do. Conversely, “bad” people won’t do it out of selfishness or entitlement.

However, forensic psychologist and mom Dr. Leslie Dobson seems to disagree with the concept, and recently went viral for explaining why she never returns her shopping cart.

“I’m not returning my shopping cart,” she said in a clip posted to TikTok. “You can judge me all you want.”

From her perspective, it’s a safety issue. “I’m not getting my groceries into my car, getting my children into the car and leaving them in the car to go return the cart. So if you’re gonna give me a dirty look…F- -k off.”

@drlesliedobson #groceryshopping #shoppingcart #traderjoes #protectourchildren #protectourkids #educational #groceries #singlemom #drleslie ♬ original sound – Dr. Leslie

Dobson’s take left viewers baffled, many of whom shared criticism in the comments section.

“Shopping cart return stations are all over the parking lot — so never really more than 20 seconds away and you still can’t be bothered?” one person wrote.

“I’m a single disabled momma. I have a placard and thus park in the handicap spots. I rely on the cart to help me walk and still walk the cart to the corral and hobble back to my car,” said another.

This prompted Dobson to share a follow-up video in which she stated that “Last year, 265 children were abducted in parking lots in America, half of those were sexually assaulted. As a single mom returning your shopping cart, you are prime for a predator to watch and grab you.”


♬ original sound – Dr. Leslie

According to Fox News, that statistics comes from Kids and Car Safety, which reports that 265 cars had been stolen with children alone inside in 2022, though not all in parking lots. Also worth noting: the same fact sheet doesn’t mention sexual assault, however, it does say that theives frequently steal cars not knowing a child is inside, and will then abandon the car or the child on the side of the road.

In her video. Dobson also noted that in many states, like California, it’s illegal to turn your car on and walk away in a parking lot, and said that in certain congested cities like Los Angeles (where she resides) it could be a “12 minute walk” from the car to back to the store to return a shopping cart.

With both her clips, people argued that there were obvious ways to both return carts and keep kids nearby at the same time.

“1) put groceries in the car 2) walk with the kids in the cart to the cart house 3) return cart 4) walk back to the cars with kids,” one viewer wrote.

Another seconded, “mom of a 6yo, 3yo and 9months. I simply unload the groceries, return cart WITH kids, and then load them in. Same way that we got out of the car. Simple.”

Regardless of whether or not you agree with Dobson’s specific stance, it’s fascinating how this universal aspect of daily life reflects how individuals view society as a whole.

Back in 2017, anthropologist and author Krystal D’Costa wrote not one, but two articles for the Scientific American dissecting all the ways in which someone might or might not return their shopping cart. After receiving thousands of comments from “Returners,” “Never Returners” and everywhere in between, she concluded that no matter what category you might fall into, “the main point is that we all need to look around us and think not only about ourselves and our comforts but those of others.” That includes both cart abandoners and those that might judge them for doing so.

Bottom line: it’s often the way we handle the most mundane parts of our day that reflect our views on life as a whole. Maybe that’s why something like grocery etiquette becomes such a hot button issue so easily.

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Mom calls on pediatricians to do better and encourages parents to advocate for girls of color

It’s not a secret that racial bias can sneak into medical setting. There have been studies that reveal some doctors still believe disproven beliefs like Black people have thicker skin, a higher threshold for pain or are “drug seeking” when requesting medication to manage their pain. These beliefs and others like them can become obstacles to appropriate and timely treatment.

When people think of these scenarios, they often think of these things happening to adults. Unfortunately, racial biases affect children of color as well which can delay vital treatment. A mom who goes by the screen name Nursebblay put out an urgent PSA for parents who have Black and Latina girls after her experience with her daughter’s pediatrician.

Nursebblay is mom to a Black 7-year-old girl who started showing concerning signs of early puberty, which prompted the mom to schedule an appointment with the pediatrician. But to her surprise, her concerns about her very young daughter starting puberty were dismissed.

She explains that her daughter started to have increased perspiration, attitude changes and pre-pubescent hair growth. When meeting with the pediatrician about the puberty symptoms, the doctor informs the worried mom, “‘yes, this is early puberty and had your daughter been caucasian we would order further testing and evaluations.’ But because my daughter is Black and Black and Latina girls go through puberty really early he felt that nothing else was necessary, we were good to go.”

Thankfully the mom isn’t accepting of that answer and pushes to see a pediatric endocrinologist to double check. The specialist responds to the mom in an email expressing the same sentiment is expressed calling it “normal.” Nursebblay replies demanding that her daughter be treated based on symptoms and not the color of her skin.

See her video plea here:


As a mom I want personalized care for my children. All peoole should be treated based on the symptoms that they are having. My daughter was inly 7 years old when she started having symptoms, and we were dismissed. #parentingtips #parentingjourney #parentinghacks #tipsparenting #homeschooling #ilmuparenting #parentlife #homeschool #draisahdahlan #kidsbelike #gentleparenting #raisingkids #parentingana #parenthood #parentsoftiktok #toddlertantrums #childcare #kidsactivities #toddlerlife #labtestforkids #toodler #tumbuhkembanganak #sensoryplay #mom #prettyblackgirl #blackgirl #blackwomen #blackwoman #blackmen #blackgirlmagic #earthyblackgirl #blackgirlhairstyles #blackgirlcontentcreator #blackwomenoftiktok #blackgirlsrock #hairappointment #blackmenoftiktok #blackgirltiktokers #birminghamhairstylist #aliciakeysbraids #dreadslocks #locsoftiktok #pinkhair #blackgirltok #darkskin #brownskin #womenwithlocs #brownskingirl #darkskingirl #hispana #latinas #latinasbelike #hispanic #girlies #mexican #girly #prettygirls #citygirls #girlsbeinggirls #girlthings #womanhood #latina #latinastiktok #imjustagirlintheworld #girlproblems #imjustagirl #girlie #tallgirls #rbf #thickerthanasnicker #girlhood #girlll #girlypop #hottie #puertorican #imher #girlmath #oldermomsoftik #tallgirl #girlsnightout #girltok #girlsbelike #prettyprivilege #grils #yourworldwithin #evolved #questioned #threatened #buzzing #equally #ambitious #professionally #bouncing #klled #devastating #heavily #leapyear #grandkids #plotting #poorly #observation #disappearance #forsure #perceived #determined #thenvsnow #pandemic #terribly #procrastinating #tweak #realizing #thriving #embraced #thirty #sophomore #frostbite #tremendous #sexuality #flown #nutshell #TrendTok #TrendTokApp

After finally seeing the pediatric endocrinologist, the frustrated mom receives her daughter’s results. They’re abnormal. In fact the doctor wants to order an MRI and further testing to check the little girl’s adrenal glands.

In her follow up video, the mom is clear that she’s not using her platform to try to “take down” a doctor or the medical establishment. She’s using her platform to educate parents on this bias so they can properly advocate for their children. The mom is also putting a call out for medical providers to take these situations seriously no matter the ethnicity or race of the child as things could be missed. Commenters flooded her comments with gratitude and heartbreak for their own experiences.

See her follow up here:


“This makes me so angry. This happened to us as well. Unfortunately by the time my daughter was seen her growth plates had closed. She was only 12 at the time,” one mom reveals.

“As a father of a Latina girl, I really appreciate this information, thank you mom,” one dad says.

“I always had symptoms and doctors dismissed parents trusted doctors. They trusted their education. It’s not my immigrant parents fault! Now I’m in my 20s dealing w pcos & so many side effects,” another commenter writes.

“The same applies for boys…My son is 13 at 6’2″ at 200lbs. The doctors only focused on his weight and finally one listened and ordered an IGF test or insulin-like growth factor. His range was that of a man in his 20’s. Based on my own research if left untreated can lead to diabetes and endocrine, cardiovascular issues. Makes sense for PCOS,” a mom says.

This mom isn’t done advocating. In a more recent video she reveals she has taken the matter up with the hospital group’s policy makers to make a systematic change on how they treat different races of children. Hopefully her advocacy goes a long was as it doesn’t seem like she will be stopping any time soon.

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8 life hacks that are so simple and effective it’s surprising more people don’t use them

Have you ever come across a piece of advice that seem so obvious and awesome in hindsight that you can’t believe you didn’t think of it before?

“Life hacks” has become a bit of a buzz phrase in recent years, but there really are some habits and practices, often requiring minimum time and effort, that can be life-changing. Someone on Reddit asked people to share some of those “simple and effective” life hacks that people surprisingly don’t know about or use, and the responses are a trove of “Oh, that’s brilliant” tidbits of wisdom.

Here are some of the top tips:

How to get a cat to be comfortable in the cat carrier

Some cats don’t mind the pet carrier, but a lot of cats act like it’s made of lava.

“Leave the cat carrier out and open all the time. Then they don’t panic when you get it out to go to the vet.” – Mistie_Kraken

“That’s a fantastic tip for reducing stress during vet visits! Keeping the cat carrier out and open as part of their environment helps them become familiar with it, making it less scary when it’s time to use it. It’s a simple adjustment that can make a big difference in your cat’s overall well-being.” – designsbymtj

“There’s probably still some anxiety inducing unfamiliar smells and sounds at the vet and also in the car. But at least he seems to like his carrier, that’s one stressor reduced.” – twilightramblings

kitchen sink

A quick and easy sink pipe swipe

Stinky pipes? A little regular maintenance of hot water and gravity can take care of it.

“Every now and then, maybe once a week, fill up your kitchen sink(s) completely full of water, then pull the plug and let the water go down the drain in a big rush. The force of the water pushes out a lot of the slimy crud that has gathered in the pipes. No more clogged sinks.” – PaulsRedditUsername

“Use almost boiling water to cut any grease in there as well!” – sunshinesmileyface

“I had a strange smell coming from my kitchen sink but fixed it by boiling some water and then pouring it down my sink.” – dirtymoney

“Even better, first pour some vinegar down the drain. Then 10 or so minutes later let the sink fill up with hot water. (as hot as you can make it) And let that drain. Gets rid of even more slimy crud!” – Sanquinity

Write down those fleeting moments of potential brilliance

We always think we’re going to remember, but we always, always forget.

“Always write down momentarily good ideas. Don’t lean on your memory.” – bunny_shortcake

“And in complete sentences! Don’t write “fridge pants,” write out the whole thought like a stranger needs to understand it.” – NeuHundred

“Yep. I shower before going to bed and I get some good ideas then. After the shower I write the idea down on a pad of paper that I keep at my desk just for ideas.” – tc_cad

“Keep a journal near your bed. I’ve gotten AMAZING ideas in dreams. No, you won’t remember when the alarm goes off, spend two minutes jotting down details at 2 am. Trust me.” – Conscious-Shock7728

Be as kind and courteous as possible to customer service people

A little kindness can go a long way.

“Being genuinely nice to a customer service person (hotel, phone center, server, whatever) will get you way more free stuff then the people who yell and escalate for it. I had gig speed internet for a year for $20 a month because I asked the guy with genuine sencerity how his day was while dealing with an issue I should have been mad about. (He told me at the end of the call that he updated my internet package and to not question the bill next month)

Sometimes, you get nothing free out of it. But customer service people get yelled at all the time. They recognize people being jerks for free stuff. What they don’t see often is kindness in a difficult situation.

Be genuine and out of your way kind, and the amount of free stuff you will get will surprise you.” – mybossthinksimmormon

“Can confirm. Am customer service. Terms & agreements are the law of the land for assholes. Nice people? Wavy, gravy with those rules & what can I throw in for cheap or free.” – bagolaburgernesss

“I worked in a high end hotel for the better part of my early twenties to early 30s. I couldn’t tell you how many upgrades and free shit I gave to guests that were just decent to my staff and I. Literally for just not being jerks. Suite? You got it. Free room service? Absolutely. Comp Concert Tickets? I got you.” – NotYourGoldStandard

closeup image of a shower head

Clogged or covered in minerals? Soak that sucker in vinegar.

It’s incredible how much vinegar can do.

“People throwing out shower heads because the stream gets weak. Soak that shit in vinegar for 24 hours and you’ll have a brand new shower that will be as powerful as the day you bought it.

Edit: white or cooking vinegar. If you can’t remove the shower head, plastic bag and rubber bands.” – Trytolearneverything

“Honestly, cleaning anything with vinegar is a huge life hack. It’s non-toxic, cleans really well, disinfects, keeps bugs away and can kill your weeds without poisoning the soil/ground water. It’s also a fabulous fabric softener and is great in the dishwasher too.

Editing to add that cleaning vinegar is better than cooking vinegar for these things as it’s more concentrated but both will do the trick. :)” – girl_in_flannel

Make it near impossible to forget something on the way out the door

Pair what you need to remember with something you know you can’t forget.

“If you need to remember to take something with you the next day, put it in a bag and hang it on your doorknob the night before. If it’s paperwork or mail, tape it to your door to where it’s covering the handle. Usually if it’s left on a kitchen counter or a side table or something like that, it will be forgotten if you’re one of those get-out-the-door-at-the-last-minute the last minute type of people (like myself).” – goodmeowtoyou

“If I have something I have to take (from home/work whatever) I literally put my keys in the bag. Physically can’t leave without touching the bag.” – SerpensPorcus

“Or put it on top of your shoes if you keep your shoes by the door you go out..” – somercurial

Read the instructions. Seriously.

Sounds simple enough, but there are a lot of people who simply refuse.

“Read. Manuals, directions, instructions, etc. Most of your questions will be answered.” – tabitharr

“I used to joke about this when I sold electronics. ‘Real men don’t read instructions….they come to me to tell them how the magic device works….'” – OddgitII

“I stick the manuals in a file folder in case I need to refer to it later. Plus if I sell the item it’s nice to have it to pass on.” – kindlycloud88

“Once bought a $50 carbon monoxide detector. Took it out of the box, put the batteries in, lights turned on on the front: there was a funny looking little tab on the back, and impulsively, I depressed the tab.

Lights turned off, and did not turn back on.


I read through the directions. That tab was the ‘kill carbon monoxide detector completely and permanently’ button, for when it’s useful life is over and it won’t stop emitting “I’m dying” chirps.

Felt like a massive dumbass.” – spooky_spaghetties

Man in a van smiling and giving a thumbs up sign

Alternative ‘hand signals’ that work better than the bird

No need to fuel anyone’s road rage. If you have a twitchy middle finger, try these alternatives.

“Instead of flipping people off while driving, give them a thumbs down. Flipping them off makes them defensive and angry. A thumbs down makes them feel stupid.” – dragon0069

“Oh, my God. A few months back I was at a stop sign, trying to turn left. It sucked because it’s one of those roads where you have to continuously look in each direction due to bends and hedges blocking the view. After some back and forth I finally thought I was in the clear. Right as I pull up a little more, this guy comes barreling down the hill GIVING ME A THUMBS DOWN. I will never forget it. I didn’t feel stupid but like such a let down lmao I’d rather get the finger, laying on a horn or someone yelling at me. Literally anything else. It will haunt me forever. I’m still sorry about it!!” – popperboo

“I actually go the passive aggressive route & give a thumbs up 😂” – gallad00rn

“Or, if they are really annoying and want to provoke you, just smile at them and give them a friendly wave (and laugh as you watch them get even angrier).” – islandhopper37

“Blow kisses. It really seems to make them annoyed.” – Unique-Union-9177

“I’ve always done a queen wave with great success.” – eastofliberty

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Woman’s bikini shot and caption become a manifesto on self-acceptance

When Molly Galbraith posted on Facebook a photo of herself on a beach in a bikini, her caption wasn’t your usual “look at me” selfie.

“This not a before picture. This is not an after picture,” she writes.

Based in Lexington, Kentucky, Galbraith is the owner and co-founder of Girls Gone Strong, a company that seeks to provide fitness solutions and community not influenced by the juggernaut, multi-billion dollar weight loss industry, and in her caption for the Facebook post, she creating a litany of what her body has experienced and withstood. “This is a body that loves protein and vegetables and queso and ice cream. This is a body that loves bent presses and pull-ups and deadlifts and sleep. This is a body that has been abused with fast food and late nights and stress. This body has been publicly evaluated, judged, and criticized.”

Galbraith’s list goes on, and, so far, the image and caption have spread like wildfire across Facebook, inspiring many others.

“This is the first year in as long as I can remember that I have made NO resolutions to change the way my body looks,” writes Galbraith. “Today this is a body that is loved, adored, and cherished by the only person whose opinion matters — ME.”

body acceptance, women, self love, therapy

This article originally appeared on 08.18.19

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8 nontraditional empathy cards that are unlike any you’ve ever seen. They’re perfect!

When someone you know gets seriously ill, it’s not always easy to come up with the right words to say or to find the right card to give.

Emily McDowell — a former ad agency creative director and the woman behind the Los Angeles-based greeting card and textile company Emily McDowell Studio — knew all too well what it was like to be on the receiving end of uncomfortable sentiments.

At the age of 24, she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She went into remission after nine months of chemo and has remained cancer-free since, but she received her fair share of misplaced, but well-meaning, wishes before that.

On her webpage introducing the awesome cards you’re about to see, she shared,

“The most difficult part of my illness wasn’t losing my hair, or being erroneously called ‘sir’ by Starbucks baristas, or sickness from chemo. It was the loneliness and isolation I felt when many of my close friends and family members disappeared because they didn’t know what to say or said the absolute wrong thing without realizing it.

Her experience inspired Empathy Cards — not quite “get well soon” and not quite “sympathy,” they were created so “the recipients of these cards [can] feel seen, understood, and loved.”

Scroll down to read these sincere, from-the-heart, and incredibly realistic sentiments.

Emily McDowell Studio

Emily McDowell Studio

Emily McDowell Studio

Emily McDowell Studio

Emily McDowell Studio

Emily McDowell Studio

Emily McDowell Studio

Emily McDowell Studio

Pretty great, right? If you know someone who’s in the less-than-ideal position of dealing with a serious illness, you can purchase any of these eight cards to share with them.

Visit Emily McDowell Studio’s shop to select the card(s) you need. They’re $5.00 each.

(We’re not being paid to share these, nor were we asked to do so. We came across the cards and I loved them, so I reached out to Emily McDowell Studio and asked if I could share them with you. Unfortunately, a lot of us know someone who could use a card like one of these.)

This article originally appeared on 05.06.15

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Her boyfriend asked her to draw a comic about their relationship. Hilarity ensued.

“It was all his idea.”

An offhand suggestion from her boyfriend of two years coupled with her own lifelong love of comic strips like “Calvin and Hobbes” and “Get Fuzzy” gave 22-year-old Catana Chetwynd the push she needed to start drawing an illustrated series about long-term relationships.

Specifically, her own relationship.

The drawings are refreshingly touching, honest, and instantly recognizable to anyone who’s ever had to learn to live with, for, and around a long-term partner.

Chetwynd says her goal is to explore the peculiar aspects of relationships at different stages, using her own as the master template.

The series combines humor and playful drawings with spot-on depictions of the intense familiarity that long-standing coupledom often brings.

The comics are almost too real — and really, really funny.

If the following comics capture your relationship to a T, you’re most definitely not alone.

(All images by Catana Chetwynd.)

“When I started doing the comic, we hadn’t lived together or anything yet, and now we’ve done the whole thing of moving in together and meeting the parents and everything,” Chetwynd says.

The evolution of their relationship provides the creative fuel for the comic strip. Thankfully, her boyfriend John Freed is fully on board with being depicted in (digital) ink — despite having to occasionally awkwardly explain things that appear in the strip to their family and friends.

The connection she has built with Freed, Chetwynd says she wouldn’t trade for anything — especially now that it inspires her art.

“The end goal for me was always to have somebody that I could be comfortable with in this way, and I think I got that.”

You can follow Catana Comics on Facebook and Twitter, and can view the whole series on Chetwynd’s website.

This article originally appeared on 05.12.17.

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He went to the ER in Taiwan, then his “Horrors of Socialized Medicine” post went viral

We all know that Americans pay more for healthcare than every other country in the world. But how much more?

According an American expatriate who shared the story of his ER visit in a Taiwanese hospital, Americans are being taken to the cleaners when we go to the doctor. We live in a country that claims to be the greatest in the world, but where an emergency trip to the hospital can easily bankrupt someone.

Kevin Bozeat had that fact in mind when he fell ill while living in Taiwan and needed to go to the hospital. He didn’t have insurance and he had no idea how much it was going to cost him. He shared the experience in a now-viral Facebook post he called “The Horrors of Socialized Medicine: A first hand experience.”

Bozeat started vomiting one evening and couldn’t stop, unable to even keep water down. “My symptoms showed no signs of abating,” he wrote. “At this point I had to seek medical treatment, I knew I had to go to the hospital.”

“I wanted to avoid it,” he added. “I had no idea how different Taiwanese hospitals would be, whether I would be able to find an English speaking doctor, or what it would cost me (my US health insurance has lapsed and I don’t qualify for Taiwanese NHI).”

Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) is a single-payer system that covers all residents of Taiwan. Foreigners can take part in the system immediately upon obtaining a work permit, or after six months of living in the country. Bozeat was a student and hadn’t lived there long enough to be eligible yet.

But he needn’t have worried.

Bozeat’s bill for his entire hospital stay was a fraction of many insured American’s copays for emergency services.

And it’s not like he received substandard service for what he paid.

“My Taiwanese roommate called a taxi and took me to the ER at NTU Hospital,” Bozeat wrote. “I was immediately checked-in by an English speaking nurse. Within 20 minutes I was given IV fluids and anti-emetics. They took blood tests and did an ultrasound to ensure it wasn’t gall stones or appendicitis. From there I was given a diagnosis: a particularly severe case of Acute Viral Gastroenteritis (aka the stomach flu). After about 3 hours on an IV, I began to feel slightly better, my nausea disappeared and my stomach began to calm down.”

Bozeat was discharged with a prescription for anti-emetics and pain medication, and after a few days he was back to normal. This is when most of us would start panicking as we wait for the hospital bills to start arriving. But Bozeat was pleasantly surprised:

“The bill for the ER visit?…US $80.00. Eighty. American. Dollars. Out of pocket. Full cost. No discounts. No insurance. At one of the best hospitals in Taiwan. And if I had NHI, it would have been a fraction of that. This could have easily cost me hundreds or even thousands in the US without insurance. But here in Taiwan I was able to receive speedy, quality care comparable to what I would have gotten in a US hospital for relatively small amount of money.”

And it’s not like he received substandard service for what he paid.

“My Taiwanese roommate called a taxi and took me to the ER at NTU Hospital,” Bozeat wrote. “I was immediately checked-in by an English speaking nurse. Within 20 minutes I was given IV fluids and anti-emetics. They took blood tests and did an ultrasound to ensure it wasn’t gall stones or appendicitis. From there I was given a diagnosis: a particularly severe case of Acute Viral Gastroenteritis (aka the stomach flu). After about 3 hours on an IV, I began to feel slightly better, my nausea disappeared and my stomach began to calm down.”

Bozeat was discharged with a prescription for anti-emetics and pain medication, and after a few days he was back to normal. This is when most of us would start panicking as we wait for the hospital bills to start arriving. But Bozeat was pleasantly surprised:

“The bill for the ER visit?…US $80.00. Eighty. American. Dollars. Out of pocket. Full cost. No discounts. No insurance. At one of the best hospitals in Taiwan. And if I had NHI, it would have been a fraction of that. This could have easily cost me hundreds or even thousands in the US without insurance. But here in Taiwan I was able to receive speedy, quality care comparable to what I would have gotten in a US hospital for relatively small amount of money.”

I did some research, and the cost of living overall in Taiwan is about half what it is here. There is not a hospital that I know of in the U.S. where you can be admitted and discharged for anything close to $160, even for something as simple as a bee sting. (Seriously, an ER visit for a bee sting can set you back $12,000 in the U.S.)

Bozeat also pointed out that the taxes that pay for Taiwan’s health system are not that high.

Responding to the common complaint that we’d have to raise taxes to pay for universal healthcare, Bozeat continued his list:

“5: Yes, taxes pay for the healthcare here. No, they are not high. Try for yourself: The formula for the NHI monthly premium contribution for a single employed adult is: [your monthly income] x 0.0469 (4.69%) x 0.3 (30%) = Your monthly out-of-pocket healthcare premium.”

I did the math for a $60,000 per year income—it comes to $70.53/month. [Sigh.]

But Bozeat wasn’t done:

“6: It’s not perfect. Not everything is 100% covered. I had a good experience, but Im sure many people have had [non-financial] medical horror stories here.

7: This system exists because the Taiwanese government believes that healthcare is a right for all of its citizens, rather than a privilege for those who can afford it. Those aren’t my words, thats what the Ministry of Health said in its English language brochure. Every Taiwanese citizen and foreign permanent resident is entitled to, and required to enroll in the National Health Insurance Program (NHI). Everyone is covered, regardless of employment status, no one is uninsured, no one ever goes bankrupt due to medical bills.”

And the quality of care does not appear to be compromised in this system, either.

“I have yet to meet a Taiwanese person who wasn’t satisfied with, or even outright proud of their healthcare system,” Bozeat wrote. “My expat friends praise it, even those from countries with universal healthcare systems of their own. “

But Bozeat wasn’t done:”6: It’s not perfect. Not everything is 100% covered. I had a good experience, but Im sure many people have had [non-financial] medical horror stories here.7: This system exists because the Taiwanese government believes that healthcare is a right for all of its citizens, rather than a privilege for those who can afford it. Those aren’t my words, thats what the Ministry of Health said in its English language brochure. Every Taiwanese citizen and foreign permanent resident is entitled to, and required to enroll in the National Health Insurance Program (NHI). Everyone is covered, regardless of employment status, no one is uninsured, no one ever goes bankrupt due to medical bills.”
And the quality of care does not appear to be compromised in this system, either.”I have yet to meet a Taiwanese person who wasn’t satisfied with, or even outright proud of their healthcare system,” Bozeat wrote. “My expat friends praise it, even those from countries with universal healthcare systems of their own.”

This article originally appeared on 02.28.19

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Woody Harrelson wrote a hilarious little poem for his viral baby doppelgänger

We can all get a little fascinated by doppelgängers and it’s fun to find people who look alike. But what do you do when your baby girl looks uncannily like a famous middle-aged man?

Mom Dani Grier Mulvenna shared a photo of her infant daughter Cora side by side with a photo of Woody Harrelson on Twitter, with the caption “Ok but how does our daughter look like Woody Harrelson.” The resemblance truly is remarkable, and the tweet quickly racked up hundreds of thousands of likes, shares and replies.

Naturally, the jokes about Harrelson being the baby’s secret father came next, but then Harrelson himself got wind of it.

The actor shared a screenshot of Mulvenna’s tweet on his Instagram page and included a delightful little poem he called “Ode to Cora.”

You’re an adorable child
Flattered to be compared
You have a wonderful smile
I just wish I had your hair

How adorable and wholesome is that? Not only did he acknowledge his look-alike, but he even made a self-deprecating joke about his receding hairline.

People gushed in the comments and Mulvenna shared how tickled her daughter will be someday by the connection.

“You’ve made our day ❤️ can’t wait to show her this when she’s older, you have another fan for life xxx,” she wrote.

Mulvenna also shared on Twitter that her daughter doesn’t always look like Woody Harrelson, but when she does, she really does.

What a cutie. What’s hilarious is that sweet little Cora has no clue about any of this excitement and she won’t for many more years. What a fun story her parents will be able to share with her.

Social media has created a world where people can connect in ways they never would have before. When these platforms are so often used for negative means, it’s lovely to see something so sweet and pure come out of them.

This article originally appeared on 08.05.22

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Khalid Announced His Upcoming Single ‘Adore U’ And It’s Dropping Soon

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Two months ago, former American Teen Khalid returned with the first single from his long-awaited third studio album, “Please Don’t Fall In Love With Me.” A brokenhearted ballad warning a potential paramour to stay away for her own safety, the single signaled the next chapter in the story of Khalid is rapidly approaching.

The next page in that chapter will be a follow-up single, “Adore U,” which Khalid announced today on his social media channels, sharing the single artwork and promising its release on June 14th.

As with “Please Don’t Fall In Love With Me,” Khalid shared a snippet of the song ahead of its release. It takes a more openhearted approach than its predecessor, with Khalid inviting his companion to “fall into my arms.”

Although the title of Khalid’s album has been known for some time, it’s been through a long gestation process that has seen Khalid slowly work his way toward a version of the project that he feels best serves his artistic vision. Announced in 2021 as Everything Is Changing, the album will be Khalid’s first full-length release since dropping his second album, Free Spirit, in 2019. In the meantime, he released a mixtape, Scenic Drive, in 2021.

“Adore U” is out on 6/14 via RCA.

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Paul Giamatti Is Going From The Oscars To Starring In A ‘Hostel’ TV Show

paul giamatti
Focus Features

Paul Giamatti is one of the best actors of his generation, but what makes him everyone’s favorite actor is how he’s seemingly up for anything. Look like a Smurf in a movie where he’s second billed behind Frankie Muniz? Sure. Play a character named Pig Vomit? You bet. Demand to be an ape, not a human, in Tim Burton’s otherwise-awful Planet of the Apes remake? Sure thing.

For his next curveball, Giamatti, who was up for Best Actor at the Oscars earlier this year, will star in a Hostel television show. Yes, a series based on Eli Roth‘s “torture porn” movie about a bunch of American tourists who travel to Slovakia expecting heaven but instead find themselves in hell.

Keep ’em guessing, Paul.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Giamatti “has closed a deal to star in a Hostel TV series with the franchise’s Eli Roth, Chris Briggs, and Mike Fleiss all returning for the project from Fifth Season, the studio behind Apple’s Severance.” The series is described as a “modern adaptation” and an “elevated thriller” that’s also a “reinvention” of 2005’s Hostel (which I left high school early to see with my friends on opening day, for some reason) and its two sequels, 2007’s Hostel: Part II and 2011’s Hostel: Part III.

No network or streamer is attached yet. Now’s your chance, Shudder.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)