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Rural residents share things that people who’ve always lived in cities won’t understand

If you were to travel around the U.S., you’d see probably note some cultural differences between various regions, from the East Coast to the West Coast, from the South to the Midwest. But what really gives Americans different experiences and perspectives is rural life vs. city life.

Americans have a huge expanse of land we call home, some of which is made up of densely populated cities with intertwining highways and some of which is vast farmland dotted with small towns. Rural and city folks share the most important things in common, of course—the desire to live in peace, the ability to take care of our families, the need for a community we can count on, the appreciation of beauty and nature—but our daily lives can look totally different from one another in sometimes dramatic ways.

Someone on Reddit asked, “Rural folks, what are the things city folks won’t understand?” and the answers are a fascinating peek into life in the country for people who have lived their whole lives in cities. Here are some of the most popular responses:

There may not be traffic, but there are tractors

Legitimately being late for school or appointments due to being stuck behind a tractor.”Bimblelina

“I would always leave my house super early when it was planting season and harvest season.”Sadimal

“We drove our tractors to high school one day per year to celebrate the agriculture that was all around us, wild times.”TwinTowwa69

“When I was dating my now wife, we were long distance. I grew up in the middle of nowhere Missouri and has several farms around where I lived. One time I was talking to my then girlfriend on the phone and told her ‘Ah crap, I’m stuck behind a tractor. Gonna be a long drive.’

She was silent for a moment before saying ‘….a tractor? What?’ Then it occurred to me that her having grown up in a suburb of Atlanta, had never experienced such a thing.”paddjo95

Personal wars with the wildlife

You or someone you know has a personal vendetta against a wild animal in the area.”NFL_MVP_Kevin_White

“I’ve never seen my father be more creative than when he’s plotting against a racoon that has wronged him.” reinvent___

“Oh my gosh yes. My dad’s at war with a woodpecker. He’s even printed out an info pamphlet on woodpeckers and wrote in big letters “know thy enemy”. The amount of whirligigs and nets around the house is insane.”jbird8806

“My uncle was in a war of attrition against beavers for literal decades.” KMM2404

“Two of my neighbors have a shoot on sight policy for groundhogs. The one who is the most mild mannered was riding down the road on his side by side, and I see him slam the breaks, do a turnabout in a driveway, then heard a gunshot, then he sped off. Saw the groundhog the next morning. The other one, every time I hear a gunshot I wonder ‘snake or groundhog?'”TacticoolPeter

So many random cows

“I own a house that sits smack in the middle of three cattle farms. The other night, I took my dog out to pee well after dark. There was a weird noise, and a pair of glowing eyes at the end of my driveway. It was, of course, a cow. I called my neighbor to the North. He drove his UTV down, inspected the cow, didn’t recognize it, and called my neighbor to the south. He sent his teenage son over in a car with no catalytic converter/muffler. He also didn’t recognize the cow. Finally, my neighbor from the West was summoned on his ATV. It was his cow. The rest of us stood there drinking beer and watching the Western neighbor drive his cow home with an ATV. Good times.”EarhornJones

“My neighbor keeps her horses on our farm because we have some pastures already fenced in and the horses keep the grass level. One of the horses, Rose, loves to get out of the pasture and mosey around the farm — more than once she’s walked up to the house and bumped her nose against the window where I’m working inside to say hello. So of course I have to pop outside and pet her and then walk her back. 🤷🏼♀️ She’s a darling.

Neighbor also has a cow named Star who likes to come up and visit her equine sisters. A bit later, when my neighbor realizes the cow’s missing, I’ll see her trudging up the lane with a lead and then the cow meekly following behind her.” Elphaba78

“Our cows got out last year for two days and I swear every old man for five miles was stoked to watch for them and help put them back. Word spread like wildfire they were out. Old men were texting on a group text and mounting their atvs and calling my husband. “I seen them on Troy’s place!” It was super helpful and entertaining.”farmchic5038

So many random vegetables

Leaving your car windows closed at church in the summer so you don’t come back out to a car full of zucchini”Armyjeepguy

“There’s no escaping the zucchini. It will be left on the hood, or the roof, or the gardener will straight up accost you after mass and shove a bag of it in to your arms, or trick your children into bringing bags of it out to the car.”MrsMeredith

“I’m from western Iowa. Instead of zucchini, it’s always sweet corn.”ProfessorRoyHinkley

“This is exactly the example I use to explain to people the difference between the city and the country. If you live in the country the only reason you lock your doors to your car is the people don’t put vegetables in it. No one believes it’s not a joke.”Overall_Midnight_

There’s no such thing as a quick run to the grocery store

“You need to carefully plan out your shopping needs because that trip to Walmart or Home Depot might be a two hour round trip.” lockednchaste

“Moving rural taught me how to cook. I had to build up a well stocked pantry and freezer because the grocery store was an hour away. I had to learn how to plan meals because you needed to know what to thaw out. I learned so many substitutions because sometimes you just didn’t make it to town and the milk, eggs, butter or what have you ran out. All that also got me more comfortable just throwing skillet dinners together because sometimes there just isn’t time for recipes, but I knew what worked well together.

Also, canned and frozen foods. Fresh produce is only good for the first few days after grocery day.” HplsslyDvtd2Sm1NtU

“I was on the phone with someone one day and realized I forgot milk at the store. They were utterly flabbergasted that i said it was going to have to wait until a few days later to go get because I was not going to do an hour minimum of driving total just to get one item.” HobbyHoarder_

Pigs are much scarier than you’d think

“Full-grown pigs are massive, and terrifying. And they can and will eat someone if ever they get the opportunity.”Heroic-Forger

“I’m reminded of my time at the University of Iowa. A fellow I knew, grad student age, but he wasn’t actively attending, walked with a cane because of a gimpy leg. He’d broke it when he was a child, but he’d tell anyone who asked that he was mauled by a sow. He said the city people would just laugh it off as a joke. The country people would look at him in horror and say, ‘And you’re still alive?!?!'” – DrHugh

“Having to explain to my kid why everyone was so scared when Dorothy fell into the pig pen in Wizard of Oz was surreal. I can’t even remember when a healthy fear of swine was instilled into me.”tikierapokemon

“I’ve worked with wolves, literally had some of them lick my face. I was significantly more uncomfortable being in a pen with a large pig.”Learningstuff247

Talking about the weather isn’t just trivial small talk

“Weather changes your life. I’ve sat on the porch with my parents watching hail destroy our wheat crop days before it was due for harvest. There’s nothing you can do. You just watch. I’ve also stood in a circle with my parents and older brother in the yard while we prayed for rain. For farmers, weather is destiny.” Cranialscrewtop

“I took an English lit class in college and we read journal of a woman in the 1860s. Several people were really turned off by how much she wrote about the weather. As the only farm kid in the class I tried to explain to them how much of your life is dictated by the weather. Most of them just stared at me like I was nuts.”msjammies73

“I’m not a farmer, I am from Nebraska. My relatives who live in a city in another state their whole lives don’t understand why people here talk about the weather so much. It determines the local economy in a lot of ways.”bubbajones5963

The sweet sound of snowy silence

“Standing on my back porch in winter and there is absolute dead silence.” vankirk

“The absolute quiet during a heavy snow fall. I went out during one once to take pictures. Got some great shots but the experience of being the only one around is the closest I’ll get to being a pioneer and being the first to see something.”naughtarneau

“I miss dead silence at night. I grew up with it in a small town, but since college I’ve lived in places with actual civilization. But whenever I’ve brought friends back to my town for a weekend, they’re freaked out by the nighttime silence.” Petules

“Silent and DARK. I’ve lived in huge cities, suburbs, and back-end-of nowhere unincorporated areas. How dark it gets at night just amazed me in the rural areas.”Nearby_Reality_5412

“It’s so beautiful. My favorite thing every year is to go for a jog during the first snowfall. No sound but your feet, your breath, and that soft sound of millions of snowflakes landing at once. It’s a bit of peace you just can’t get anywhere outside of a cave.”xdrakennx

The Reddit thread has more responses, from not flushing the toilet during a power outage to why having multiple guns doesn’t make you a gun nut, that are interesting reads about rural life. And of course, a reverse list could easily be made by city folks for people who have always lived in the country. The better we understand one another’s basic daily experiences, the better we’re able to see through one another’s eyes and understand one another’s perspectives.

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Drew Barrymore gets honest about the ‘hard choice’ she made with her kids and smartphones

It’s understandable for parents to put off giving their kid a smartphone ‘til the last moment possible. Because it can be the moment they change from a happy, carefree tween to a teenager whose face is constantly stuck in their phone.

A smartphone exposes them to all the dangers of social media and is connects them 24-7 to a device that manipulates them on a biochemical level. Further, recent research has shown there is a “fairly robust” consensus among academics that smartphones are linked to the rise in teen depression, loneliness and self-harm.

No wonder many parents are thinking twice about getting their kids a smartphone.

In a video recently shared by The Drew Barrymore Show, the daytime TV host revealed the struggle she’s having with her daughters, Olive, 11, and Frankie, 10, who are asking for smartphones.

“A lot of parents are giving their kids phones at very young ages, and it’s just access to everything,” Barrymore told her audience. “It’s really tough. I’m like very overwhelmed.”

Drew Barrymore on the challenge of parenting kids who want cellphones 


@Drew Barrymore on the challenge of parenting kids who want cellphones 🤳 #parents #parentsoftiktok #parenting

But even though she’s under extreme pressure from her kids, Barrymore is standing her ground. “I’m not going to give up. I’m not going to give in. I haven’t let my kids have phones yet,” she told the audience as it broke into applause.

Barrymore’s struggle with telling her children “no” is one that every parent faces.

“It’s amazing to have wanted so badly for my kids to love me and to love their environment and feel safe…None of us want our children to resent us,” she continued. “And we don’t want to be their enemy. It’s such a hard choice to say, ‘I don’t care if you hate me for this. I don’t care if you’re mad at me for this. I know that I am doing the right thing by you and I accept your anger.’”

“Nobody wants their kids to be angry with them. It’s not a great feeling,” she continued. Barrymore also understands that, as a parent, it’s easy to have a weak moment and give in because toeing the line can be tiresome. “I have to find the courage every day not to give in,” she said.

But in the end, Barrymore understands that every parent and child is different and that those who have bought their kids smartphones shouldn’t feel bad about the decision. “And by the way, if you’ve given your kids phones and you’re doing the hands up, you’re not wrong. There is no right and wrong. It’s just a hard thing to navigate,” she said.

The post went viral, attracting over 860,000 views and nearly 1300 comments. Many sent messages of support for Barrymore and those who share the same dilemma. “If your child is never mad at you, you aren’t doing your job,” Cheriek wrote. “Thanks for adding the last statement. I have told so many people that. There is no right or wrong on how you are raising your children.” Julia Belgraves added.

How old are kids when they get their first smartphones these days? According to Common Sense Media, 42% of kids have a phone by age 10, 71% by 12 and 91% by 14. Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the right age to give a child a smartphone. Jerry Bubrick, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute says it depends on the child’s maturity. “I tell parents that it’s not so much about a particular age as it is about a kid’s social awareness and understanding of what the technology means,” Dr. Bubrick told Child Mind.

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Werner Herzog motivational posters are the best thing on the internet

Looking for a little inspiration this afternoon, but don’t actually want to be uplifted?

Well, then get a boost from the solemn Teutonic prose of legendary filmmaker Werner Herzog via the genius Tumblr project Herzog Inspirationals.

Take comfort and advice from the man for whom getting shot in the gut was NBD as you learn about the humble simplicity of the chicken or the inner life of birds.

motivation, humor, funny, ideology, system, wisdom

harmony, common denominator, theory, tenet, logic

happiness, culture, social commentary, outlook

advice, mental health, human condition, idea

catastrophes, menu2019s health, womenu2019s health

universe, testimonies, celebritites

friendship, love, mutual respect

nature, misery, environment

civilization, viewpoint, doctrine

thinking, truth, point of view

This article originally appeared on 09.18.17

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Here’s a paycheck for a McDonald’s worker. And here’s my jaw dropping to the floor.

I’ve written tons of things about minimum wage, backed up by fact-checkers and economists and scholarly studies. All of them point to raising the minimum wage as a solution to lifting people out of poverty and getting folks off of public assistance. It’s slowly happening, and there’s much more to be done.

But when it comes right down to it, where the rubber meets the road is what it means for everyday workers who have to live with those wages. I honestly don’t know how they do it.

Ask yourself: Could I live on this small of a full-time paycheck? I know what my answer is.

(And note that the minimum wage in many parts of the county is STILL $7.25, so it would be even less than this).

paychecks, McDonalds, corporate power, broken system

This story was written by Brandon Weber and was originally appeared on 02.26.15

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Singing janitor blows away ‘AGT’ audience with incredible ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ cover

For some people, life is pretty streamlined. They discover what they’re good at from an early age, those talents get noticed, and they dedicate their life to that passion. But for many (if not most) of us, our dreams might remain tucked away in our hearts as we navigate through a slightly more complicated existence. One with a day job, families, bills and other obligations.

Thank goodness Richard Goodall, a 55-year-old janitor from Terre Haute, Indiana, never gave up on his own dream. Otherwise the world might have missed out on his remarkable singing voice.

Goodall, who recently received “America’s Got Talent”’s highly coveted Golden Buzzer for his show stopping performance of “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey, shared his endearing backstory before taking to the stage.

Goodall told the audience that he spent much of his childhood up in his bedroom listening to music on his “Radio Shack stereo” and belting along to the tunes.

“Eventually, I was like, I got to find me a job, so I become a janitor at Chauncey Rose Middle School, which is only three blocks away from my house,” he continued. But throughout his 23 years of custodial work, he never stopped serenading students.

It was the students’ encouragement, in fact, that inspired Goodall to step aboard a plane for the first time in his life to make it to his audition, which he noted was a good metaphor for his “AGT” experience overall.

“I felt that front wheel come off the ground and you have this floating (feeling), you’re no longer stable. And that’s what this whole experience is like right now,” he said. “It’s a good off-balance, but until you actually do something, you don’t know if it’s right for you or not.”

Goodall’s courage paid off, because despite his nerves, he delivered a rendition of “Don’t Stop Believin’” that brought the crowd to their feet in a standing ovation. Many were even moved to tears.

Simon Cowell called Goodall a “hero,” saying “That was special, genuinely special. I think America is going to love you.” Howie Mandell then joked that Goodall “cleaned up” before surmising that he probably had a bunch of students rooting for him at home.

Indeed, many former students who knew Goodall ended up praising him in the Youtube comments section.

“I can’t express with words how lucky I feel to be able to say that I am one of the kids who always told him how amazing his voice is. My favorite part of walking through the hallway of Elementary school is hearing this phenomenon. Richard, you are indeed a true hero,” one person wrote.

“Growing up, Mr. Goodall was always singing to us between classes, or on our way to recess. Any time we would see him in the halls, he was always sooo nice. I couldn’t believe it was him on our TV!” another added.

Goodall defined himself as being a simple person who just wants to “have fun” and “make people happy.” No matter where he goes in the competition, he is certainly winning at that. What a beautiful reminder that you never know when your time will come, so don’t stop believin’.

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Two awesome strangers brought gifts for a newborn baby after receiving a misdirected text

What happens when the proudest moment of a parent’s life is also the strangest?

Just ask Mark and Lindsey Lashley from Georgia.

On March 19, they welcomed their first child Cason, a healthy baby boy, into the world. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

Then Cason’s grandmother decided to send a text to family members about her newest bundle of joy. Again, nothing unusual there either.

But when that text went to a stranger named Dennis Williams, and he decided to join in on the celebration, things became even more interesting. Check out the exchange below.

friendship, kindness, family, inspirational, comedy, babies

And just like that, the Williams brothers arrived at the hospital with gifts and well-wishes for the new mom and dad.

The following note from the Lashley family was posted on Williams’ Facebook page praising the brothers’ kindness and generosity for providing a small token to a family they didn’t even know a few hours beforehand.

The best sentiment from the Lashleys:

“If we all only had this kind of heart.”

This hilarious and heartwarming story is going viral for all the right reasons.

Plenty of stats and polls point to a depressing truth: Our world is becoming more and more divided by racial, ethnic, religious, and cultural lines.

But it’s easy to forget just how far we’ve come:

Two random black dudes showed up in the hospital room of a white family to provide gifts and love to their newborn baby, and the Internet universally loved it. That, in itself, is an epic feat.

These families will be connected forever due to a random act of kindness that warmed the hearts of millions.

Not to mention, when baby Cason grows up, his parents will have one amazing birth story to share with him.

But first, let’s share this great story with everyone who needs a smile.

This article was originally published on 3.22.16

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Where Can You Stream The Original ‘Shōgun’ Series?

Shugun 1980
Paramount Television

FX’s Shogun became a massive hit this year after premiering in February, but the historical drama isn’t the first adaptation of James Clavell’s novel.

In 1980, Richard Chamberlain starred in an NBC miniseries based on the novel, which is a fictional retelling of the power struggles in 17th century Japan after John Blackburn’s impactful arrival. The series consists of five episodes which aired over five nights in September 1980, and later even got a short theatrical release. Now, all twelve hours of the original Shogun TV adaptation is available to stream.

The Emmy-award winning miniseries landed on Paramount+ this week, much to the relief of Shogun fans who are already pretty happy by the influx of Shogun news.

Even though the 2024’s adaptation was originally marketed as a limited series, FX has been quietly working to adapt even more of Clavell’s work to the big screen. In a press release, FX has announced that “FX, Hulu and the Estate of James Clavell are working to extend the critically acclaimed global hit drama Shōgun, moving forward to develop the saga with two additional seasons of the drama series.”

Whether you like it or not, Shogun is here to stay. Now is the time to really commit!

You can catch Shogun (2024) on Hulu.

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‘The Bear’ Will Air On FX For The First Time In A Marathon To Stress You Out Before The New Season

The Bear

FX has had quite the roller coaster journey over the years. First there was FXNow, then FX+, which became FX on Hulu, which then became a little FX tab on the streamer. But through all of that chaos, name changes, and uncertainty, the cable channel still stood strong!! Much like the crew on The Bear!

After living comfortably on Hulu, the first season FX’s The Bear will actually will get a chance to air on FX ahead of its third season premiere.

Beginning on Sunday, June 2nd, two episodes of the drama series will air on FX at 10 p.m. ET. for four nights, all leading up to the season one finale on Wednesday, June 5th. You’ll have to make your way back to Hulu to watch season two.

Finally, on June 27th, all 10 episodes of the third season will drop on Hulu at once. That’s a lot of bear in such a short amount of time, but you must understand that Carmy was working against the clock to get out of that freezer.

Season three will bring back the cast of familiar faces, including our favorite chefs, Jeremy Allen White, Ayo Edebiri and Ebon Moss-Bachrach.

While the third season is still weeks out, the network reportedly plans to knock out season four in order to keep its in-demand stars on board, though FX has not confirmed. How much more dinnertime drama can we take?! A lot.

(Via Variety)

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Why Draymond Green Is More Like Shaq Than Charles Barkley For TNT

Draymond Green(1024x450)
TNT/Merle Cooper

Draymond Green first dipped a toe in the media waters with a run on TNT for the 2021 Playoffs, and at the time he was viewed as the next star in the sports media space. Green showed off his brilliance as a basketball mind, and some likened him to Charles Barkley for his willingness to speak his mind, crack jokes, and offer blunt criticism when needed.

However, as Green has continued in his TV and podcasting career, he has proven to be less the heir apparent to Barkley, and more like how Shaquille O’Neal was early in his TNT career. When Shaq first arrived on TV, he was fresh off of his playing career and was not willing to let go of some of the personal grudges he had from his playing days, most notably with Dwight Howard. O’Neal bristled at the comparisons Howard received to him as a dominant center on the Orlando Magic, and, for years, Shaq would take any opportunity he got (and sometimes, creating opportunities himself) to critique Dwight or make a joke at his expense.

Beyond that, Shaq had (and, to a degree, still has) a self-seriousness that has never allowed him to be willing to be the butt of a joke. As Barkley put it this week in speaking with Jimmy Traina of SI, “the worst thing you can do to him is laugh at him.” He would try early on to force bits into the show, attempting to one-up Barkley, but they never felt natural and he clashed with the more laid back style of the long-established crew.

As they discussed in their recent documentary, it took a few years and some off-air conversations to get Shaq to settle into a comfortable place on the show. He stopped forcing the funny and instead learned to play off of Chuck, wind him up, or set him up for a joke — a good “whatchya say, Chuck?!” from Shaq is sometimes the funniest thing on the show. That took time and it was partially getting Shaq out of that mindset of still being a competitor. Whether it was Charles on the desk or Howard (or basically any center in the league) on the court, Shaq had to recognize his job was no longer trying to dominate them. That didn’t stop him from being critical of guys or making jokes, it just had to stop being so constant, so forced, and so seemingly personal.

Draymond faces a lot of the same problems as a TV analyst that Shaq had early on in his career. Rudy Gobert is to Draymond what Dwight Howard was to Shaq. He gleefully takes any opportunity to go at Gobert, and while there are times when he drops a genuinely great one-liner, the constant jabs have become grating and take away from the show. He also has a tough time accepting being the butt of jokes, and Charles Barkley has taken advantage of that to get him exceedingly mad at times — especially if he can find a way to compare him with Gobert.

For Green, who is still an active player, I don’t know if he will be able to make the adjustment Shaq did until he’s done playing. He still is actually competing with guys like Gobert and some of those personal beefs with players or teams can’t be set aside until he’s hung up his sneakers for good. Once he’s done playing and gets some separation from the players he’s talking about, I do think Green can be spectacular at TV. His breakdowns when he talks about the game are about as good as it gets, especially talking about the defensive side of the ball. He has a unique ability to explain the game in a fairly concise, digestible way that would provide a lot of value in the basketball studio show landscape.

The problem is, that gets overshadowed by the other stuff, especially when he has to talk about a team like Minnesota where he just flat out doesn’t like a couple of the guys — namely Gobert and Karl-Anthony Towns to a lesser degree. I assume Green’s presence is not a small part of why after Game 4, Minnesota didn’t send anyone upstairs to the TNT desk for the customary sitdown with the Inside fellas. That takes away from the show, and until Green is done playing (and even then, maybe a couple years removed from playing), I don’t think he’ll be able to avoid the things that distract from the actual good work he can do on set. But like Shaq, once he’s further removed from his playing days and settles into a role on television — whether it’s with Turner or another network — it’s very easy to see how Draymond Green can excel.

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Universal Studios’ Spooky Halloween Horror Nights 2024: Everything To Know

universal studios

Late August isn’t generally considered the spookiest time of year. But maybe it should be. It’s when kids are preparing to go back to school, if they aren’t already waking up unfathomably early to catch the bus. It’s also post-blockbuster, pre-awards season, so there aren’t even any movies to look forward to. Scary! But there’s another reason why late August is so spooky: it’s the beginning of Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios.

Halloween Horror Nights at the Orlando, Florida-based theme park kicks off on August 30 and runs on select nights through November 3 (HHN also occurs in Universal Studios Hollywood). This year’s attractions are still being rolled out and announced, but there will be 10 haunted houses (2023 had The Last of Us and Stranger Things, among others) and five scare zones “filled with hordes of menacing creatures and outrageous live entertainment.”

Lines to get into the houses can be long, so if you don’t feel like waiting (and spending a little extra money), Universal Studios is offering a “Premium Scream Night event” on Thursday, August 29. The perks include exploring HHN before it “officially” opens, limited capacity, staggered entry by group, all-you-can-eat food, and access to select attractions in the park.

Halloween Horror Nights Premium Scream Night event tickets go on sale on June 6 and cost $350 (or $325 for Universal passholders). Tickets for all other nights are on sale now on Universal’s website.

Here are the houses that have been announced so far:

Slaughter Sinema 2

Goblin’s Feast

Major Sweets Candy Factory

The Museum: Deadly Exhibit

Monstruos: The Monsters of Latin America

Triplets of Terror

Stay spooky out there.