Raw honey offers a number of benefits. You can usually find it at a local health food store or even a nearby farmer’s market. It’s always good to have some on hand, even if it’s just used to sweeten your tea on occasion.
It’s great before bed, but let’s go over a few good uses for raw honey.
Get a Better Night’s Sleep
A spoonful of raw honey before bed can help you sleep more soundly. Medical Daily offers the reasoning as honey causing insulin to rise and releasing serotonin. Then, the serotonin converts to melatonin, regulating your sleep better.
Dress a Wound
Raw honey has antibiotic properties, so it can be used on a wound. Since it is sticky, it will work to stay on the wound while it heals.

Image by fancycrave1 from Pixabay
When you are dehydrated and reach for an electrolyte drink, think about making your own instead. ½ cup of orange juice, ½ cup of lemon juice, 2 cups of cold water, 4 tablespoons of honey, and 1/8 teaspoon of salt. Mix in a glass or the blender.
Treat a Fungus
Honey has antifungal properties, so you can apply it to various fungal infections, like athlete’s foot.
Soothe a Sunburn
Who needs aloe? You can use raw honey to help soothe a sunburn instead.
Alleviate Your Allergies
Raw honey produced in the same area that is producing your allergens can be great. Two tablespoons, and it’s like a natural vaccine against the seasonal allergies.
Treat Various Health Problems
Honey can even be used for a number of other health issues, including:
- Gum disease
- Colds
- Sore throat
- Herpes
- Scaly scalp
- Ulcers and gastrointestinal disorders
Who knew that raw honey could be such a great natural home remedy, right? The next time you see some for sale, you might want to go ahead and get a bigger jar!