From The Private Collection Of Saba & No ID is one of the most highly anticipated projects in hip-hop. After multiple false starts, the Chicago rapper-producer tandem has, at long last, revealed its expected release date: March 18.
In a short video called “The Darkroom – Chapter I,” Saba offers his thoughts on the process in a voiceover. Using the metaphor of learning old-school photography and developing film negatives in a darkroom, Saba narrates, “I metered correctly. I Google F-stop. I learned about aperture, ISO. We took a class, it’s gotta be something in here worth using. It’s me, I’m good at sh*t.”
However, he’s got some frustrations with his partner, who is also working behind him. “Meanwhile, he ain’t got a worry in the world,” Saba huffs. “His ass really nice like that, huh?” Saba’s intensity gets the better of him, though, as he drops several rolls of film. The elder calms him down, reminding him, “We got this… You just gotta know what you’re looking for.”
If this is a glimpse of their actual working dynamic, it’s no wonder there’ve been so many delays. Saba and No ID have put out a slew of singles over the last two years — “Back In Office,” “Hue_man Nature,” “Head.Rap,” “How To Impress God,” and “Woes Of The World” — but if Saba’s really such a perfectionist, it’s a good thing the OG, No ID, is right next to him. Otherwise, we might not get a release ever.
You can watch “The Darkroom – Chapter 1” above.
From The Private Collection Of Saba & No ID is due on 3/18 via ARTium Recordings/Pivot Gang Records, LLC. You can find more info here.