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Why Did Jeremy Allen White Get Censored During His Emmy Speech?

When you get the man who plays Carmy Berzatto on stage, it would be weird if he didn’t let some sort of obscenity slip. So over the weekend when Jeremy Allen White won the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series, whoever was on Curse Patrol had to be on high alert… especially when John Oliver was also a winner.

While accepting the Emmy (his second win in the category) White’s audio was cut at a certain point in his acceptance speech and, surprisingly, it wasn’t for the F word, which he uses healthily and often, but for something else. As IndieWire reports, White’s audio was dumped when he said “Jesus Christ” during his speech. If only he was thanking Jesus then maybe it could have been fine, but his usage was a little more chaotic which warranted censoring.

This wasn’t the only time the term was cut. Richard Gadd, who won three Emmys for Baby Reindeer, was also censored during his speech for Outstanding Limited Series.

Is “Jesus Christ” a normal censored phrase? It depends on the usage, according to the FCC, but it was pretty clear that White was not thanking him, so it was taken as profanity. But White went home with another statue to add to his collection, so he probably doesn’t mind.

No matter what the rules are, at least we’ll always have this.

(Via IndieWire)