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Will There Be A ‘Tulsa King’ Spin Off?

Tulsa King Sylvester Stallone

Taylor Sheridan’s Tulsa King moved production to Atlanta for the currently running second season. That was the case because Sylvester Stallone literally cannot handle Oklahoma heat (and who can blame him because it’s frequently hotter than Hotlanta there), which stands separate from the heat that his Dwight Manfredi has been feeling from the ATF.

The multi-city influence extends in front of the camera for this season, too, with Frank Grillo entering the scene as Kansas City mobster Bill Bevilaqua, and with whispers about Sheridan considering a Tulsa King spin off set elsewhere, Hollywood Reporter couldn’t resist broaching the subject in a conversation with ex-showrunner and current writer Terence Winter.

Will There Be A Tulsa King Spin Off?

The Boardwalk Empire creator confirmed that a spin off set in New Orleans is in the works (“There’s been some talk of that”) although not greenlit yet (“That’s in the talking stages”) by Paramount+. He added, “I’m just looking forward to getting those beignets in New Orleans.”

Food talk aside, Showtime’s Your Honor, starring Bryan Cranston still breaking bad, recently received a boost in popularity on Netflix for a show that revolves around organized crime happenings in the Crescent City. Although calls for a third season have yet to lead to a statement from Netflix, that audience is certainly primed for NOLA-based mob antics in the sardonic style of Tulsa King. So, let that green light roll, and we’ll be waiting to see it happen.