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Kellyanne Conway Is Leaving The White House After Her 15-Year-Old Daughter Announced That She’s Seeking Emancipation From Her Parents

The start of the Republican National Convention is currently being overshadowed by a surprise announcement: Kellyanne Conway is leaving the White House. As Counselor to the President (and inventor of the Bowling Green Massacre), she’s lasted a lot longer than most Trump administration officials, but something had to give. And it looks like conflict at home may have been the straw that convinced her to quit.

Kellyanne tweeted out her resignation letter to stress that the resignation was her call, and she added, “[F]or my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama.” She also wrote that she and her husband, George, will unite on getting their four children (middle-through-high-school age) rolling with remote schooling. It’s an undertaking that she acknowledged “requires a level of attention and vigilance that is as unusual as these times.”

The announcement comes days after Kellyanne and George’s 15-year-old daughter, Claudia, took to Twitter with her own announcement: she’s seeking emancipation from her parents. Claudia began by criticizing her mother’s decision to speak at the RNC.

“i’m devasted that my mother is actually speaking at the RNC like DEVASTATED beyond compare,” she tweeted. “i’m officially pushing for emancipation. buckle up because this is probably going to be public one way or another, unfortunately. welcome to my life.”

Claudia then declared that “my mother’s job ruined my life… watching her children suffer. selfish. it’s all about money and fame.” The teenager then suggested that the emancipation isn’t truly due to Kellyanne’s job but, instead, “because of years of childhood trauma and abuse.”

Late on Sunday night, George Conway announced his decision to leave the Lincoln Project “to devote more time to family matters.”

Neither Kellyanne nor George have publicly addressed Claudia’s tweets or stated mission for emancipation.