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Trevor Noah And James Corden Couldn’t Get Enough Of Trump Being ‘Fox-And-Friend-Zoned’ By Steve Doocy

Fox News’ Steve Doocy went rogue and pushed back this week after Trump’s 47-minute call into Fox And Friends, and the late night hosts loved it. Doocy even crushed Brian Kilmeade’s spirit by telling Trump that his claim of calling in “every week” wasn’t gonna fly: “You may want to do it every week, but Fox is not committed to that, and we’ll take it on a case-by-case basis.” Doocy added that Joe Biden was also welcome to dial in and talk for, you know, 47 minutes, and the whole thing was probably a blow to Trump’s ego, given that he admitted to watching up to eight hours of Fox News on some nights. As you can imagine, both Trevor Noah and James Corden had a field day with this.

In the above video (beginning around the 5:45 mark) Corden briefly addressed the matter on The Late Late Show while quipping, “I think Trump just got Fox and Friend-zoned.” Yup, it sure looks like Doocy, at least, is not willing to disregard the equal-time rule and realizes that Biden should receive also Fox News air time, should he desire it.

Trevor Noah chimed in on The Daily Show by describing the moment as a clear-cut example of the writing on the wall for a Fox News co-host: “Wow, Steve Doocy just told the president of the United States, ‘Don’t call us, we’ll call you.’” Noah added, “He’s the most powerful man in the world and they’re treating him like he’s a Jehovah’s Witness who’s also selling timeshares.” Time will only tell if Fox News takes the Doocy route on Trump’s desire for lengthy on-air phone calls, but below (at around 6:45), you can see Noah enjoy the fallout so far, including Kilmeade’s downcast reaction.