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Tucker Carlson Thinks That Jake Tapper Urging Trump Supporters To Accept His Defeat Is Akin To A Mafia Threat

It would appear that Tucker Carlson, who recently stated that President Trump should ultimately blame himself for losing the election, is feeling salty about that same election now. He’s also not taking a balanced approach to covering the loss, unlike his colleague, Neil Cavuto, who yanked a lie-filled Trump campaign speech from Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany off the air on Monday. I do wonder if Cavuto and Tucker ever run into each other in the Fox news breakroom because, later that evening, Tucker made his stance clear. He came for CNN’s Jake Tapper, who’s spent a lot of on-air time fact-checking Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud.

At around 5:30 in the above video, Tucker takes issue with one of Tapper’s tweets, which acknowledged the precarious career situation that some Trump staffers might be feeling. (It’s notable that Sean Spicer has been warning about the difficulty of finding work after Trump, and Spicer only helped Trump spread lies about one election, which Trump complained about despite winning.) Tapper’s point was that spreading baseless conspiracies for a leader who’s acting like a dictator isn’t the greatest career move for the future, whether that’s in the private sector or government employment. Fair.

“I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy,” Tapper tweeted. “But at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.”

Tapper continued while alluding to how the Four Seasons Total Landscaping press-conference debacle included Rudy Giuliani talking to a sex offender.

Carlson only latched onto the first tweet, for which he began comparing Tapper to, uh, the Sicilian mafia:

“Got that? Your character is on trial here. Future employers, take note. In other words, accept Joe Biden now or you will never work again. Do what CNN tells you to do or good luck feeding your family. Did the Sicilian mafia ever make threats that explicit?”

The Fox News host then suggested that the FBI had hopped aboard the plan, and that they, along with CNN and the rest of the mainstream news, want to scare people into ignoring Trump’s (unsubstantiated) claims that he’s a victim of election-stealing.

That wasn’t all. At 6:50, above, Tucker then trashed a CNN ad that urged the nation to come together after Biden’s victory. “CNN released an ad commanding its viewers to accept Joe Biden as their lawful president and holy savior.” Well, someone ate his Wheaties before broadcast time last night.