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An Exasperated Geraldo Rivera Went On Fox News To Blast Trump’s ‘Reckless And Irresponsible’ Coup Shenanigans: ‘There’s No Way To Turn It Around’

Back during the early aughts, Geraldo Rivera was handing out U.S. troop coordinates on late-night cable news and getting kicked out of Iraq in disgrace. A lot of time has passed since then, but still, it’s sobering to see Geraldo stand as the voice of reason. He’s repeatedly attempted to talk some reason into his Fox News colleagues over Trump’s election loss, and some of them still aren’t accepting reality. On Monday night, Geraldo had pretty much had enough, and he came with metaphorical guns blazing on Fox News while talking with Charlie Kirk and Brian Kilmeade.

“The president is wrong. There is no avenue left. There was no legislative avenue, there’s no constitutional avenue, there is no judicial avenue,” he (accurately) declared. And Geraldo wasn’t thrilled to see a Mark Meadows tweet that described how Trump was meeting with GOP members of Congress and “preparing to fight back against mounting evidence of voter fraud.” Given that voting officials across the U.S. have found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and Joe Biden has been certified by the Electoral College, Geraldo blasted Trump’s maneuvers as “reckless and irresponsible.”

Charlie Kirk stayed pretty quiet, but Brian Kilmeade stood up for Trump, and Geraldo called him out: “That’s bogus! There’s no way to turn it around! It hurts to say but it is true.” He wasn’t gone yet: “And ‘mounting evidence’? Come on, Brian. There’s not mounting evidence.” Watch below.

Geraldo’s been on quite a mission lately, delivering a snow-bound rant about GOP “knuckleheads” who are still rooting for Trump as president, and then delivering another snowy reckoning (“are you sh*tting me?”) about the “lunatic fringe” who essentially wants Trump to start a civil war. And the Fox News personality is no longer afraid of offending Trump, who won’t take his calls anymore after Geraldo became one of the first prominent conservatives to declare that Trump lost the election. As Trump himself would have said back in the day, the president’s looking “sad!” while kicking and screaming his way out of the White House. That might actually be literal on January 20, but we’ll have to wait and see.